President Niinistö in Arkhangelsk: If we lose the Arctic, we lose the whole world

STOCKHOLM, April. 4(Greenpost)–

Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland<br/>
Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö participated in the Arctic Forum and a panel discussion, held in Arkhangelsk in Russia on 30 March 2017, with Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia and Gudni Jóhannesson, the President of Iceland, according to office of the President of the Republic of Finland.

The discussion, held under the heading, “People and the Arctic,” highlighted the growing threat presented by climate change.

“Tackling this challenge is crucial if we want to ensure that the Arctic remains the place it is today. But the issue is of global significance: If we lose the Arctic, we lose the whole world.”

President Niinistö pointed out that, although the impacts are currently visible in the Arctic, they will ultimately affect each and every inhabitant of our planet. “There will be enormous consequences worldwide. As the ice melts, sea levels will rise. As the ice melts, solar radiation will not be reflected back – instead its energy will further warm the water and accelerate global warming.”

The President gave a separate mention to black carbon and its single largest source, gas flaring. Gas flaring accounts for a quarter of the rise in temperatures in the Arctic region. President Niinistö views this as being akin to burning money: “For a lay man that is almost impossible to understand. In 2015 flaring amounted to almost 150 billion cubic meters of wasted gas. To put this into a perspective: this is almost 40 times as much as Finland uses natural gas annually.”

Finland proposes an Arctic Council Summit

President Niinistö stated that the effects of climate change are not limited to the environment, but represent a major security threat. “It is a threat multiplier that aggravates many issues behind conflicts: famine, water scarcity, flooding, forced displacement, and so forth.”

The ratification of the Paris Climate Treaty was a big step in the right direction, but further steps are needed. “But the most important part – effective implementation – lies still ahead of us. Secondly, we need intensified co-operation across the borders to combat the challenges and to strengthen the resilience of Arctic residents”, said President Niinistö.

In addition, President Niinistö said that the Arctic must remain an area of co-operation. To ensure this, full advantage should be taken of mechanisms like the Arctic Council. Finland will begin its Presidency of the Council in May. “Also, we believe it is time to take the Arctic cooperation to a new level. Finland proposes the convening of an Arctic Summit to discuss a wide range of issues pertaining to the region and beyond. This would provide an opportunity to ensure that the Arctic indeed remains a territory of dialogue. It is our common responsibility to see that this promise and tradition is upheld in the North,” said President Niinistö.

The President has mentioned only an Arctic Council Summit. The holding of an Arctic Summit depends on whether the various parties are ready to do so and whether tangible results can be achieved.

During the Arctic Forum, President Niinistö also held bilateral meetings with President Putin and the Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende. In addition, President Putin hosted a joint lunch with President Niinistö and President of Iceland Jóhannesson.

President Niinistö and President Putin at a bilateral meeting in Arkhangelsk. Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
President Niinistö and President Putin at a bilateral meeting in Arkhangelsk. Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
'It is vital that we halt climate change, if want the Arctic region to remain as it is now. The issue is of global significance: If we lose the Arctic, we lose the entire world,' said President Niinistö. Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
‘It is vital that we halt climate change, if want the Arctic region to remain as it is now. The issue is of global significance: If we lose the Arctic, we lose the entire world,’ said President Niinistö. Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
In a bilateral meeting with Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende. Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
In a bilateral meeting with Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende. Photo: Katri Makkonen/Office of the President of the Republic of Finland

Finland eyes deeper cooperation with China on Xi’s visit: Finnish president

Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/4/4 13:39:55

Finland hopes to deepen cooperation with China in various areas when Chinese President Xi Jinping starts his state visit to it on April 4, Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said.

Niinisto has established his personal relationships with Xi during their meetings since 2013, when he visited China and reached an agreement with Xi to develop a future-oriented new type of partnership between the two countries.

“I am sure my friendship with President Xi will deepen. More importantly, we can find common views on how to further develop China-Finland relations as well as China-EU relations, and find solutions to myriad problems and headaches of the mankind,” Niinisto told Xinhua in an exclusive interview ahead of Xi’s tour to the nordic country.

The year of 2017 marks the centenary of Finland’s independence. Niinisto said it is “a great honor to receive President Xi this year, and the visit shows respect for our anniversary.”

Finland was one of the first Western nations which have established diplomatic ties with China. Niinisto appreciated the strategic partnership forged between the two nations since 2013, noting it has “advanced very well.”

“Although Finland and China are distinctively different in size, we have a lot in common. For example, both governments are devoted to improving their people’s livelihood,” said the Finnish president.

China has been Finland’s biggest trade partner in Asia, and China’s investment in Finland has increased significantly over the past few years. Hailing these as “positive trends,” Niinisto said the bilateral trade is “increasing all the time.”

As a country proud of its innovation tradition, Finland is now more concentrated on clean technology, information and communication technology, as well as solutions to problems of urbanization, in which the two nations can strengthen cooperation, according to Niinisto.

“The mankind is faced with many serious problems, such as a more worrying environment, migration in huge numbers and climate change which has made living conditions rather difficult in some areas,” he said.

“It is very significant for everyone in the world to understand that we share a common destiny,” Niinisto said, referring to the Xi-proposed concept of building “a community of common destiny for mankind.”

As a member since 1995, Finland has been a strong believer of the European Union (EU) and a steadfast supporter of integration, even though the EU is facing great difficulties after Brexit and general elections in some member countries, said Niinisto.

“Maybe it’s time for the EU to concentrate on the most important issues and that is why we build up integration,” he said, trying to remind European nations that the EU was founded for peace, common security and prosperity for Europe.

Niinisto said China has obviously been a “supporter of European integration,” and there is still room for strengthening the China-EU cooperation.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is of great significance in promoting global connectivity, Niinisto said. “The more we are connected to each other, the better we understand each other.”

“The initiative will also help promote economic growth of the EU, by boosting connections within the organization and economic links between the EU and other countries,” he added.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2016诺贝尔文学奖得主美国著名吟游诗人鲍勃.迪伦4月1日愚人节那天领取了诺贝尔文学奖。不知道是故意的开这种玩笑还是就是这样安排巡演的结果。






Bob Dylan has received the Nobel medal and diploma

Earlier today the Swedish Academy met with Bob Dylan for a private ceremony in Stockholm, during which Dylan received his gold medal and diploma. Twelve members of the Academy were present. Spirits were high. Champagne was had. Quite a bit of time was spent looking closely at the gold medal, in particular the beautifully crafted back, an image of a young man sitting under a laurel tree who listens to the Muse. Taken from Virgil’s Aeneid, the inscription reads: Inventas vitam iuvat excoluisse per artes, loosely translated as ”And they who bettered life on earth by their newly found mastery.” The day came to an end with Dylan’s extraordinary performance at the Waterfront concert house.



2017-04-04 阿卡 时尚旅游


古徽州在安徽省的东南部,统“一府 六县”(徽州府:歙县、休宁、婺源、祁门、黟县、绩溪),除婺源在近代划归江西省外,其余都在安徽省境内。烟雨朦胧中的粉墙黛瓦是徽派建筑的标志,黑、白、灰的交错极具中式韵味和设计感。

但徽州的颜色不是纯粹的黑、 白、灰,风烟掩映下冷暖相交错的多元色彩,偷偷告诉了我粉墙黛瓦的秘密。











徽州有民谣“前世不修,生在徽州;十二三 岁,往外一丢”之说,生活在这种艰苦环境中的徽州人深知创业的艰辛,养成了节衣缩食勤俭持家的良好风范,把它写进族规家训,世代教育着徽州子民,因此建筑风格较为简约没有雕梁画栋,更没有描金画彩,而是借着最普通的材料借自然的美景打造家园。








2017-04-04 冉文娟 中国侨网



















在芬兰的中国伐木工,摄于1916年。(图片来自 Vantaan kaupunginmuseo)
















华裔族群融入主流 当地媒体“零差评”











