Top story: China-Sweden 2017 The Belt and Road Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Chinese Medicine Forum held in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM,  Nov. 25 (Greenpost) —  China-Sweden 2017 The Belt and Road Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Chinese Medicine Forum was held in Stockholm on Saturday.  Over 100 Chinese medicine and Acupuncuture-Moxibustion experts and practitioners participated in the forum.

Gui Congyou, Chinese Ambassador to Sweden spoke at the opening ceremony.  Photo by Lyu Cheng.

Gui said Chinese President Xi Jinping has pointed out in his 19th CPC National Congress report that China should insist on paying attention to both Chinese and western medicine, carrying forward Chinese Medicine. Xi stressed that people should take Belt and Road Initiative as a key starting point to introduce western expertise to China  and go out to discuss further cooperation with the west, consolidating innovation capability and opening up for cooperation to form an all dimension opening up pattern  along both land and sea routes.

Gui said Chinese Medicine is one of the finest parts of Chinese culture and an important part of  exchanges between China and countries along Belt and Road Initiative routes.  It is conducive to communicating with the people of those countries.

Chinese medicine is an important part of Chinese health cause and can be a good reference for people’s health demand. There is a great potential for Chinese medicine to develop.  He hopes that this forum will push forward Sino-Swedish Traditional Chinese Medicine  cooperation into a new stage.

Liu Baoyan, Chairman of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies said the forum today is particularly important when China actively advocates strengthening China-Nordic cooperation and promoting the development plan of “the Belt and Road“.

Today over 180 countries are beginning to use TCM. In recent years, we have established 16 overseas TCM centers along “the Belt and Road”.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government has also signed agreements about TCM with over 80 countries along “the Belt and Road”. More than 13,000 international students come to China each year to study TCM.

At present, there are over 200,000 acupuncturists working in the countries along “the Belt and Road”, and some of these them are local persons. Meanwhile, more than 30 countries now have hundreds of training institutes, centers, schools and so on.
Acupuncture-Moxibustion is the essence of core of TCM. In 2010, acupuncture-moxibustion was included in the list of representatives of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage and became the intangible cultural heritage of the world. Acupuncture-Moxibustion widely used in various countries, it can be said in more than 180 countries so-called TCM applications is mainly acupuncture-moxibustion. WFAS is an international joint organization for acupuncture-moxibustion in dozens of countries. Over 30 years ago, WFAS has include nearly 200 societies in more than 50 countries. There are already more than 90 societies that are along “the Belt and Road”.

“Last year, we held a conference in Sweden which is “the Belt and Road” promotion for Acupuncture-Moxibustion. We also made some exchanges and trainings on the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of TCM acupuncture–moxibustion. Now we will confirm that Young’s Acupuncture and TCM (Sweden) Research Institute, as the Swedish “the Belt and Road” TCM Acupuncture-Moxibustion Joint Education Base, works closely with Swedish medical research institutes such as Karolinska Institute. I believe they will make greater contribution at clinical practice, education and scientific research of acupuncture-moxibustion and TCM. The base will also research new medicine and develop new technology by combination of TCM and Western medicine. I believe the base will contribute powerful force for the Swedish people and the world people’s health, ” said Liu.
It is the common vision of all of us to inherit the venerable history and cultural traditions of TCM, to carry forward and improve TCM, and to make benefits to human health. Let us work together, to make greater contribution for the countries along “the Belt and Road” by acupuncture-moxibustion and TCM.

The Forum was presided over by Yang Chungui, Presient of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden .

Hanna Angerud, Chairwoman of Swedish Acupuncture Association talked about promotion of Acupuncture Legislation.

Professor Liao Fulong spoke at the opening ceremony. He marked that Chinese Nobel Winner in Medicine Tu Youyou is a good example of the combination between Chinese and western medicine.

Professor Liu Baoyan,  Yang Chungui, President of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden and Dean of Yangs Acupuncture and TCM Institute Sweden and Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou opens the Belt and Road Joint Education Base on Acupuncture-Moxibustion-Sweden.

Yang Chungui presented certificates to the experts of Yangs Acupuncture & TCM Institute Sweden.

Liu Baoyan present certificates to the experts of Joint Education Base in Sweden.

President Yang declared the establishment of the Assessment Board of International Acupuncture Doctor Test.

In the afternoon, Gustav Foghammar, Consultant Psychiatrist of Karolinska Hospital talked about etablising a new medical platform of integrated Western & Traditional Chinese Medicine for Treatment of Pain and Fatigue. Foghammar said he knew TCM many years ago when he was sent to participate in a TCM meeting and had access to Chinese Medicine. Since then he even use TCM in his psychiatrist field and he himself often experiences the acupuncture.

DoctorZhang Hongxia presented what she is studying about– the Application of Medical Information in Clinic Medicine and Research.

Wang Jingjing presented Acupuncture Treatment on Pain and Psychosomatic Disease.

Professor Liao Fulong presented his discovery in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine Investigated from the Angle of Microcirculation and Biomechanopharmacology.

Professor Wu Hanqing presented TCM Triangular Needling Method for Soft Tissue and Bone Disorders.

Professor Wu Hanqing also did treatment for some patients while teaching some young doctors.

TCM Doctor Zhang Dongqing presented his clinic experience of Acupuncture agaisnt irritable Bowel Syndrome in Sweden.  TCM Doctor Yang Chungui presented his exploration and practice of Yangs Yi Gong Acupuncture in Chinese and Western Medicine.

Lin Defeng talked about Burning Acupuncture against pain and Li Jian presented his application of modern medicine and TCM on the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

About 100 TCM doctors, experts and practitioners from China, Sweden, US and other European countries participated in the world-level forum. Han Xiaodong, Counselor of Commerce and Pu Zhengdong, Counselor of Culture from the Chinese Embassy also attended the opening ceremony.

Text/Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Photo/ Li Yanan, Lyu Cheng.



今日头条:中瑞2017“一带一路”针灸中医药高峰论坛在斯京成功召开 桂从友大使致开幕词

 北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中瑞2017“一带一路”针灸中医药高峰论坛25日在斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心隆重举行。中国驻瑞典大使馆桂从友致开幕词。












廖福龙教授从理论上阐述了中医中药的科学性。 李亚男拍摄

开幕式以后举行了瑞典“一带一路”中医针灸联合教育基地揭牌仪式。桂从友大使,世针联主席刘保延教授和瑞典针灸学术研究学会会长杨春贵为教育基地揭牌。 李亚男拍摄。
















今日头条:中国乒乓健儿瑞典夺冠 桂从友大使邀其使馆做客

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国乒乓球健儿日前在瑞典乒乓球公开赛中,分别获得男单,女单,男双三个冠军和女双亚军的佳绩。








北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 据瑞典每日新闻DN今日报道,每年评审诺贝尔文学奖的瑞典文学院目前已经就其评委是否与最近披露的性丑闻有关展开调查。










北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 为了弥补那些因天气和工作原因不能参加11月22日的中国华文教育北欧巡讲团在斯德哥尔摩精彩讲座的缺憾,本网特将课程录像,供大家学习参考。敬请收看:












今日头条:2017 中国华文教育基金会名师北欧巡讲团瑞典演讲精彩纷呈

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017中国华文教育基金会名师北欧巡讲团瑞典演讲精彩纷呈,让当地华人华侨教师受益匪浅。















钱玉清说同时追赶两只兔子,可能一个都追不到。 陈雪霏录制。

北欧视频: 江南墨韵:钱玉清 丁亚忠书画精品展在斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心举行



First Sweden-China Entrepreneur Conference held in Shenzhen fruitful

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 20(Greenpost)—The first Sweden-China Entrepreneurs Match Making seminar held in Shen Zhen on Nov. 17 was very fruitful.


Many Swedish companies including Nordic Innovation Center,  Bayn Europe AB and Highlands Uptown AB and Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association have presented their companies, met their Chinese counterparts and signed agreements with them for future cooperation.

At the forum focusing on belt and road initiative, Gao Sinuo, Shenzhen Investment Promotion Agency said that Shenzhen is an innovative and open city and the bridge in connection to the outside world. Shenzhen is a cosmopolitan with greatest potential to invest.

Patrik Edström from Bayn Europe AB said his company is engaged in studying sugar reduction solutions at various chain. It was established in 2009 and was in public listing in Nasdaq in 2014.

Anders Berg, CEO of Highlander Uptown AB said they are going to build a financial IT platform and can help financial institutions to lower their cost by 90 percent and give good returns for private savings.

Agreements signed during the conference

Three agreements have been signed during the Swedan China Entrepreneur meeting.

Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Zhang Kao, Secretary of Huaya Center signed MOU, Patrik Edström of Bayn Europe AB signed agreement with Zhang Luping, General Manager of Kongwah Real Estate Group on studying of sugar reduction.

Leif Anders Berg signed agreement with Zhang Shenhua, President  of Shenzhen Xinyu Fund Management

Zhang Qiaozhen thinks this signing of agreements between Swedish and Chinese enterprises is due to  a two year efforts. Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Bayn Europe AB signed agreement to cooperate in lowering sugar for good health. Karolinska Cancer research project and Finteck Financial management project have been a sign that the two projects have been in contact and cooperation with their Chinese counterparts.

Trade talks between the two sides

Ai Xuefeng, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen led his colleagues Qiu Xuan, Gao Lin, Sun Huaizhong, Wang Youming and Chen Guangwen from Shenzhen government came to talk with the Swedish companies led by Olle Zetterberg, Director of Business Sweden, Ulf Borbos of North European Innovation Center, Leif Anders from Highlander Uptown AB, Zhang Qiaozhen , President of  Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Zhang Luping, General Manager of Kongwah Real Estate Group.

Ai Xuefeng made an introduction about Shenzhen’s economic development and its strategic role in belt and road initiative.

He welcome Swedish entrepreneurs to invest in Shenzhen.

Olle Zetterberg said he was very  glad to come to beautiful Shenzhen and willing to cooperate with China. Sweden has a lot of high tech which can have great potential in China. Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association gave us a good beginning in bringing Swedish technology into China.

Zhang Qiaozhen held that although Sweden is the first country that established diplomatic relations with China, due to historical and cultural differences, there is still lack of understanding between the two sides. That is why Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association came into being. Its headquarter is in Stockholm. Over the past two years, the association is engaged in projects in high-tech, environmental protection, energy saving, clean energy and electronics. So far it has helped 105 high-tech enterprises and provided incubation platform for dozens of companies.

Thanks to the Chinese government’s free booth of High-Tech fair, Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association help many enterprises to attend this exhibition. Her association will continue to  exert an important role in providing good bridge for the two sides.


On Nov.18, Zetterberg and other Nordic Entrepreneurs were invited to visit the headquarters of the Kongwah Real Estate Group which covers a total of 30 thousand square meters in 16 storeys. The two sides discussed the establishment of Shenzhen Nordic Innovation Center and Incubator.

Zhang Luping also presented the company’s development plan and structure,hoping more European High-Tech enterprises can end up in Shenzhen.

Translated and edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.  Photo by Mao Zhiliang .


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 11月18日面向东方–60年代中国当代艺术展,瑞典艺术家邀请展和江南墨韵书画展同时在斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心展出。本网记者陈雪霏有幸视频采访斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心主任文化参赞浦正东先生,中国当代艺术代表人物之一张方白教授和瑞典艺术世家阿斯特里艺术中心艺术总监,瑞典策展人安德斯.女林先生,就中国当代艺术的发展和中瑞艺术交流的关系以及中瑞艺术交流的前景进行了探讨。



今日头条:首届瑞中企业家对接峰会在深圳召开 两国企业高交会结硕果

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)11月17日,首届瑞中企业家对接峰会在深圳举行。此次峰会是本届高交会“优化创新环境,推进科技成果产业化”系列交易活动的重要部分。深圳市投资推广署高思诺部长、斯德哥尔摩投资署署长Olle Zetterberg、瑞典斯德哥尔摩投资署部长Jenny女士、中国北欧创新中心负责人Ulf Borbos、瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍、海澜德中心公司专家Anders Berg、欧洲沛垠总运营官Patrik Edström等出席活动并作了精彩演讲。


欧洲沛垠(Bayn Europe AB)公司总运营官Patrik EdstrÖm介绍,欧洲沛垠是独立的降糖研发和市场推动领导者,专为食品和饮料行业提供健康降糖解决方案。欧洲沛垠2009年成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,2014年在斯德哥尔摩纳斯达克北欧交易所上市。沛垠推出的集数据知识库、E-计划、E-研发、电商平台四大功能为一体的云降糖电子平台,解决了加工食品中过量添加高卡糖问题,通过云端技术衔接电子知识库、电子感官系统、电商渠道等系统,优化采购成本。它通过独立的降糖社区,链接各利益相关体,以消费者和公众利益为核心,用大众真正的需求与期望影响生产企业的供应,从而让降糖成为社会可持续发展的一个重要环节。

瑞典海澜德(Highlander Uptown AB)中心公司专家Anders Berg介绍, 瑞典海澜德中心将于2017年内推出一个金融IT平台,可以将金融机构的管理成本降低90%以上,从而给个人储蓄者更好的回报。该产品有望在全球范围内彻底改变机构资产管理方式,为资产管理公司提供充分满足政府日益严苛的监管要求的具体措施。该平台所有的信息都是实时的,有望带来更好的决策,从而带来更好的盈利能力。同时,该平台提供更安全的管理环境。


活动当天,瑞典中国企业在高交会现场签署了三项战略合作协议,包括瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍与华亚中心秘书长张考代表双方签订了战略合作备忘录,欧洲沛垠公司(中国沛垠筹建)公司总运营官Patrik EdstrÖm与港华房地产集团有限公司总经理张露萍代表双方就健康降糖项目签订了合作协议,瑞典海澜德中心董事长Lelf Anders Berg与深圳信钰基金管理有限公司董事长张深华代表双方就金融管理系统项目签订了合作协议。

瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍认为此次瑞中企业的成功签约,是瑞中企业家协会与瑞中双方企业经过两年努力结出的丰硕果实。瑞中协会和欧洲沛垠(Bayn Europe AB)签订协议,拓展以大健康产业(降糖核心技术)为主的项目合作。卡罗林斯卡癌症治疗功效测试项目及瑞典的海澜德中心公司Fintech金融管理系统项目的签约,不仅标志着两个项目的成功落地,更意味着瑞中两国在科技、金融产业上的又一次紧密合作。


活动当晚,深圳市副市长艾学峰、深圳市科技创新委员会副主任、党组书记邱宣、深圳市经信委副主任高林、深圳市外办副主任孙怀忠、深圳市投资推广署署长王有明、深圳市龙岗区副区长陈广文等领导分别接见了前来参会的瑞典投资署署长Olle Zetterberg 、瑞典投资署部长Jenny、北欧创新负责人Ulf Borbos、瑞典海德兰金融董事长Leif Anders、瑞典海德兰金融董事Anders Johan Leideman、瑞典海德兰金融董事Anders Stefan Karlsson、瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍、港华房地产集团有限公司总经理张露萍、深圳信钰基金管理有限公司董事长张深华等就瑞典与深圳之间的合作进行了深入的探讨与交流。艾学峰向瑞典企业家简要介绍了深圳经济发展特点和在“一带一路”发展战略中所发挥的重要作用,深圳作为全球产业创新中心,欢迎瑞典企业家带来北欧的技术和人才,在深圳投资兴业,踏上中国快车,必将获得丰厚的回报。瑞典投资署署长Olle Zetterberg表示,很高兴来到美丽的深圳,深圳是具有创新代表性的城市,我们很愿意把瑞典的技术和科技引进中国,能进行更多的合作,瑞中企业家协会给我们开了一个很好的头,搭建沟通的桥梁。深圳投资署署长王有明也发表讲话,欢迎瑞典投资署署长Olle Zetterberg及嘉宾的到来,希望能引进瑞典更多的高科技技术及项目落地深圳。深圳外办的代表给来自北欧的嘉宾和瑞典投资署署长Olle Zetterberg展示了city plus。瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍发言,表示很高兴与大家共聚一堂,希望能为深圳引进更多的高新技术,为瑞典和中国企业建立最佳的交流与投资平台。






18日,瑞典投资署署长Olle Zetterberg和北欧企业及专家来到港华集团公司总部,参观了港华16层30000 平米的新大楼,双方就成立深圳北欧创新中心和孵化器进行了友好的交流。




北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 11月16日在深圳,瑞中企业家协会——北欧展馆在第十九届中国国际高新技术成果交易会(以下简称“高交会”)“一带一路”专馆精彩亮相,引人瞩目。“一带一路”专馆是搭建“一带一路”沿线国家科技文化和经贸展示的平台,重点展示国际先进技术与产品。有来自德国、俄罗斯、加拿大、英国、法国、奥地利、芬兰、匈牙利、比利时、意大利、西班牙、瑞典等30多个国家的政府机构和国际组织组团参展。其中,北欧的瑞典是首次来参加本届高交会。

深圳市副市长艾学峰一行专程莅临高交会北欧展区参观指导,与前来参会的中国北欧孵化中心、北欧创新中心负责人Ulf Borbos先生,欧洲沛垠总运营官Patrik Edstrom先生,瑞典海澜德中心公司金融—创新高科技公司董事会主席安德斯·莱德曼(Anders Leideman),海澜德中心公司CEO、创始人Anders Berg,FHW房地产公司Anders Karlsson以及北欧各国专家、企业家亲切握手,并对瑞中企业家协会以及瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍女士在本届高交会瑞中企业间的相互促进所发挥的重要作用,给予了充分肯定和高度赞扬。





Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association shows up at the 19th China High-Tech Fair in Shenzhen

Translated and edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Nov. 20(Greenpost)–It was the first time that Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association attended the Nordic Exhibition in Belt and Road Zone at the 19th China High-Tech  Fair which is underway in Shenzhen between Nov. 16-21, 2017.

Belt and Road Zone has been set as a platform for all those countries along the belt and road route to meet. Government institutions, international organisations and companies from over 30 countries and regions including Germany, Russia, Canada, Britain, France, Austria, Finland, Hungry, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden attended the fair.

  Ai Xuefeng, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen met exhibitors

 Ai Xuefeng, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen paid a visit to the Nordic gallery and met the exhibitors from Sweden. The exhibitors are Ulf Borbos from Nordic Innovation Center, Patrik Edström from Bayn Europe AB, Anders Leideman CEO of Highlander Uptown AB  in Sweden, Anders Berg and FHW Real Estate, Anders Karlsson and Zhang Qiaozhen from Sweden-China Entrepreneurs Association.

Ai Xuefeng commended Zhang Qiaozhen’s role in helping Swedish companies to attend the fair and mutual exchange.

Zhang Qiaozhen was interviewed by media

Zhang Qiaozhen said during this fair, Swedish companies would like to explore chances of deep cooperation with Chinese counterparts in health, finance, energy-saving and environmental protection, clean energy and biotechnology.

During the fair, Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Chinese-Asian Center will sign a MOU. Bayn Europe AB and Kongwah Real Estate Group’s health project in lowering blood sugar will sign a cooperation agreement.  Swedish Highlander Uptown AB will sign a cooperation agreement with Shenzhen Xinyu Fund Management Company. Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association will also help deal with  China’s affairs for Nordic Incubator Center.

Zhang Qiaozhen commented that China High-Tech Fair is a good platform for Chinese enterprises to go abroad and foreign companies to go to China. Since its establishment two years ago, Sweden-China Entrepreneurs Association has devoted itself to providing good services for enterprises from both sides. Swedish Sci-tech and innovation capability is well-known around the world, and Swedish government pays great attention to newly emerging countries in the world, especially the Chinese market.

“China can learn from Sweden about sustainable development, design and innovation, fashion and environmental protection. ” said Zhang.

She hopes to provide new development opportunities for bilateral economic development and bilateral cooperation and inject new vitality for both sides.

Nordic Exhibition Gallery arouse a lot of attention

Nordic Exhibition is sponsored by Sweden-China Entrepreneurs Association. Business Sweden led 15 globally known enterprises to attend the Chinese High-tech fair for the first time, thus aroused a lot of attention.

The exhibition got a lot of help from Shenzhen government, Shenzhen Investment Agency, Business Sweden, Shenzhen United Front, Shenzhen’s Reform and Development Commission, Shenzhen Economic and Information Commission, Science and Innovation Commission, Foreign Affairs office, quality control commission and commission for  health industry promotion in Shen Zhen.

Sweden-China Enterpreneurs Association is a membership association for  information exchange. It is engaged in high-tech innovation, green environment, energy-saving, electronics etc.

China High-Tech Fair started in 1999. Since then, every year, CHTF is co-hosted in Shenzhen by Ministries and Commissions of the national government and Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. Up to now, 16 CHTFs have been successfully held in succession. For each CHTF, the toal exhibition area exceeded 100000square meters, nealy 3000 exhibitiors from more than 50 countries and 500000visitors attended. Currently it is the largest and the most influential scientific and technological fair in China and is renowned as the No. 1 Technology Show in China.


China Cultural Center in Stockholm holds the largest exhibition in its history

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 19(Greenpost)– China Cultural Center in Stockholm is holding the largest exhibitions since its establishment in September 2016.

Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou spoke at the opening of the three exhibitions. One is Born in the 60’s China Contemporary Art Exhibition & Invitational Exhibition for Swedish Artists. The third is Qian Yuqing’s Chinese calligraphy and Ding Yazhong’s  landscape ink Paintings.

“Art is a language that all the people can appreciate. Although China’s contemporary art has a short history, it has become an important art form in China and even in the world. China’s rapid development and great changes have become an inspiration and a source for artists.”  said Ambassador Gui.

“By learning from the western art, Chinese artists have explored deeply about Chinese traditional culture in recent years, by holding this exhibition, I am sure it will promote bilateral cultural exchanges through art works from both China and Sweden.” said Ambassador Gui.

Director of the China Cultural Center In Stockholm and Cultural Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Stockholm, Pu Zhengdong said he is proud to present these three kinds of exhibitions which he believed to have been historic and plays an important role in promoting bilateral understanding and exchange of cultures.  This has been the main purpose of the center and now it really meets the goal.

Anders Nyhlen, planner of the exhibition said he was very glad to attend this exhibition.

“I have held exhibitions relation to China for six times. Many Swedish artists like to know about China since China develops so fast. This time we have eight Swedish artists participating in the exhibition and I think we welcome the Chinese artists to come to Sweden. ” said Nyhlen.

Professor Zhang Fangbai who is also artist and one of the focal persons for the exhibition said he is very grateful to have a chance to exhibit Chinese contemporary art again in Sweden because this has been very conducive for the Chinese contemporary arts development. These kinds of exhibitions in Stockholm affect Chinese artists a lot and Chinese artists were inspired by Swedish artists.

Artist Han Zhongren said by looking at the Swedish artists works, he felt he could understand what those artists are seeking for and he felt that they are seeking for similar goals and shoulder similar responsibilities.  Han’s works are mainly about environmental protection theme.

Qian Yuqing used to be a policeman. But he loved Chinese calligraphy since childhood and calligraphy has always been his hobby. Now he treats the hobby as his main task and quitted the police job.  He loved calligraphy and if he couldn’t get both, he quitted the police job and keeps the calligraphy job.  He said Chinese and western artists actually can learn from each other.  These exhibitions are just the way for them to exchange ideas. He got inspiration from the Swedish artists and he hopes Swedish artists can get some inspiration from him.

Ding Yazhong has his own art gallery, Jia Ji Art Gallery, and has his own art school. He also loves art since childhood.  His specialty is to use special red ink color to paint the landscape. His works show  people a beautiful feeling of autumn symbolising good harvest and beautiful autumn.  China is indeed experiencing the good harvest in many aspects.

The exhibitions opening attracted many audiences.  It will last till 28th of November.

There is also a digital exhibition during the whole exhibitions.

Text/Photo  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心18日举办成立以来最大规模的中瑞艺术展,即面向东方,“60年代”中国当代艺术展暨瑞典艺术家邀请展和江南墨韵书画展。中国驻瑞典大使桂从友出席开幕仪式并致辞。









在接受本网记者采访时,瑞典策展人安德斯(Anders Nyhlen)说,他非常高兴能参加这次展览。他说他知道,瑞典很多艺术家都喜欢中国文化,尤其是中国发展非常迅速,所以,他们想亲眼看看中国的变化,因此,他们愿意去中国。同时,有中国画家来展,他也感到非常高兴能够参与其中。非常感谢斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心能够邀请瑞典艺术家一起展览。







参加展出的瑞典艺术家有布.拉尔松,Bo Larsson,瑞典皇家艺术院成员,是1989-2003年间诺贝尔奖证书的创作者。凯撒.赫尔姆斯丹, Cajsa Holmstrand,瑞典皇家艺术院成员,其作品在斯德哥尔摩现代博物馆,哥德堡艺术博物馆和诺雪平艺术博物馆等收藏。其他艺术家还有Eva Zettervall, Lars Nyberg, Lena Cronqvist, Lina Nordenström和Ulf Gripenholm. 参加画展的中国画家有王家增,张立,艾安,冯放,黄勇,邱志杰,缪晓春,苏新平,唐辉,祝延存和左筱榛。


