
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 芬兰社会事务与健康部长马提拉在出席世界安全与健康大会时谈了芬兰预防工作相关癌症的经验。






北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 卫星导航是我们日常生活的一部分。除了导航,卫星定位是电子和通讯网络和交通服务必不可少的。但是,这些系统和服务在高纬度地区,尤其是北极地区却不能最大限度地发挥作用。


芬兰交通运输部长安娜.贝尔纳说,这是首次北极国家坐在一起解决北极地区定位的挑战。一个具体的问题是飞机着陆时的卫星导航。 在中欧地区卫星导航没有问题,但是在北极地区就不行。这是因为基地空间站聚焦的网络卫星信号不强。另一个导航系统不准确的原因是卫星飞行通道。



“在下一代伽利略卫星里,北极地区将得到更好地考虑,他们将提供在高纬度地区更精确的信息,” 芬兰地质空间研究所所长库斯涅米说。




Authorities and researchers to seek solutions to Arctic navigation

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, April 13(Stockholm)–Satellite navigation is part of our everyday life. In addition to navigation, satellite positioning is required in electric and communications networks and transport services, for example. However, these systems and services do not function optimally in high latitudes, especially in the Arctic areas.

On 16-18 April 2018, authorities, researchers and business representatives of European and Arctic countries will convene in Muonio, Finland, to seek solutions to these problems in a workshop called Challenges in Arctic Navigation. The event is part of Finland’s Chairmanship Programme for the Arctic Council. It is arranged by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) that operates under the National Land Survey of Finland. The Arctic countries have not previously met to work specifically on the feasibility of positioning systems in northern latitudes.

“I am pleased that the event will bring together, for the first time, all Arctic countries to address the challenges of positioning in northern areas,” says Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner.

A concrete example of an Arctic problem in satellite navigation is related to landing of airplanes. It is possible with satellite navigation in Central Europe but not in the Arctic region. This is because the network of base stations needed to focus the satellite signals is not dense enough in the northern areas. Another reason for the poorer accuracy of a navigation system are satellite flight paths.

“As accurate and reliable positioning is needed in the north as in Central Europe. Currently the systems are unable to completely serve the Arctic areas. Now we are trying to find answers to this,” says Minister Berner.

Satellite positioning is tightly related to the development of intelligent transport systems and services. The challenge in the Nordic areas is the uneven coverage of positioning. It unnecessarily slows down the development of autonomous transport in particular.

“In the next generation Galileo satellites, the northern dimension will be better taken into account and they will provide more accurate information in high latitudes,” says Heidi Kuusniemi, Director at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute.

Finland will chair the Arctic Council in 2017-2018. As the chair, Finland is paying particular attention to positioning and good communication connections, safety of maritime transport and development of meteorological cooperation. These are tightly connected to positioning and satellite technology.

The event in Muonio will be carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Geospatial Research Institute as part of the Arkki project financed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

The project’s international network includes, among others, the European Commission, the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The cooperation partners include authorities, businesses and universities.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)-- 日前,华人华侨批发商向本网反应,瑞典最大的连锁超市之一ICA集团4月10日向各大超市门店下发了停止向任何公司售卖有ICA标识的相关所有麦片品类如ICA 500g草莓酸奶口味麦片,ICA750g 50%坚果水果麦片等。

瑞典ICA 麦片风靡于2015年,以其丰富的材料,美味的口感和实惠的价格目前占有中国海外进口麦片的大片市场,在中国的电商如天猫,京东网站都可以看到ICA麦片的身影, 许多瑞典贸易公司抓住这个机会,利用当地的资源优势,向瑞典本地超市采购了大批的麦片并出口往中国,曾经一度供不应求。 在2017年初,甚至出现了超市断货的状况,可见其受欢迎的程度。目前中国线上线下贸易平台向瑞典几家出口公司采购的ICA 采购总量每个月达到了十五万袋左右。

但是,根据来自ICA市场部门负责人4月7日的证实,自2018年4月5日起,全瑞典境内的大小超市全面叫停ICA麦片的批发和预定,预示着到2018年夏季过后 中国市场将初步浮现瑞典ICA麦片的断货潮,有可能断货要维持很长一段时间,国内的ICA麦片粉丝将不得不和自己心爱的早餐说再见。




另外,瑞典ICA麦片的代工厂是来自于德国的吕贝克市的百年企业博根工厂品牌(Bruggen),其ICA系列麦片的口味为工厂原有百年工艺,ICA 的叫停为其自有品牌博根系列产品创造了良好的市场机会,其旗下博根500g草莓酸奶口味麦片, 博根750g 50%坚果水果口味麦片与ICA麦片为相同用料和生产线,在原料选材方面比ICA更为考究,质量更佳。因此博根麦片中国区负责人兴奋的表示,ICA的叫停在一定程度上会给博根麦片带来绝佳市场替代的机会,甚至会快速占据更多的市场份额。
