
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 虽然瑞典大选在9月9日已经举行,20天过去,现在已经选出了瑞典议会议长,并把社民党政府首相勒文选下。但在新政府组阁之前,勒文依然领导现在的政府,直到新政府出现。




北欧绿色邮报网报道(驻荷兰特派记者张卓辉)– 中国驻荷兰特命全权大使兼常驻禁化武组织代表吴恳携夫人郭金秋参赞于2018年9月26日在海牙(Den Haag)的中国大使馆举行招待会,热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立69周年。











Finland to send abroad four ambassadors of education and research

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, SEPT. 29(Greenpost) — The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are working together to increase the visibility of Finnish competence at four destinations abroad. The first ambassadors of Finnish education and research, or Team Finland Knowledge experts, have been appointed to Buenos Aires, Beijing, Singapore and Washington.

The Team Finland Knowledge experts will promote Finnish educational and research cooperation and the exports of Finnish knowledge, expertise and educational innovation. The experts will be working at Finnish Embassies as part of the Team Finland country teams as of 1 October. First, they will undergo training in Finland.

“The aim is a more open and international Finland. The first four ambassadors of education, research and education export will boost internationalisation and exports and reinforce Finland’s reputation as a leading country in education, science and innovation,” says Minister of Education Sanni Grahn-Laasonen.

“Next year the Team Finland Knowledge network will expand as we will be sending our representatives to Pretoria, Moscow and New Delhi. Other postings will be discussed later on,” the Minister says.

Emilia Ahvenjärvi was appointed to Buenos Aires from the post of an expert of education export at the University of Lapland. She has also worked at EduCluster Finland and the University of Jyväskylä in Finland and as an education expert in Latin America.

Mari-Anna Suurmunne, who was selected to represent the network in Beijing, was Head of International Relations at Aalto University. She has also worked as Director of International Relations at Helsinki School of Economics and as an expert at the Embassy of Canada to Finland.

Anna Korpi, who will be heading out to Singapore, worked as a Director at EduCluster Finland. She was in charge of EduCluster’s East and Southeast Asia operations in 2014–2017. She has also worked for Jyväskylä Joint Authority for Education as Development Coordinator and for UniServices Ltd.

Ilkka Turunen was appointed to Washington from the post of Senior Ministerial Adviser to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Culture. He has also served as Secretary-General of the Research and Innovation Council and worked at the Department for Higher Education and Science Policy where he was responsible for international cooperation in higher education, among other tasks. Turunen has worked as Counsellor in Finland’s embassies in Paris and Brussels.

The Team Finland Knowledge experts are appointed for a three-year term, with the option of two additional years. They will be posted at Finnish Embassies.

The Team Finland Knowledge network will implement Finland’s policies to promote the internationalisation of higher education and research. The policy aims to build up the quality of Finnish higher education and research, reach a globally acknowledged pioneering position by 2025 and boost the exports of Finnish knowledge, expertise and educational innovation

瑞典电视台新闻节目的 “道歉”让人感觉并不真诚

“我们注意到,当地时间9月28日夜间瑞典电视台辱华节目主持人又作了所谓的“道歉”。该节目组从拒绝道歉,到“向感到被冒犯的个人道歉”,再到 “向在中国和瑞典的感到被伤害的个人道歉”。这些“道歉”都是极不严肃、极不真诚的,始终回避种族主义的本质,始终回避排华辱华的本质,始终回避伤害中国民族感情和国家尊严的本质。” 使馆发言人评论说。
“现在又恶毒攻击中国政府,妄图把中国人民和中国政府对立起来,用心极其险恶。中国政府是受到近14亿中国人民衷心拥戴的政府,是坚决捍卫国家主权、尊严和中国人民合法权益的政府,任何把中国政府和人民对立起来的企图都是徒劳的。我们坚决反对这种用心险恶的“道歉”。” 文章说。

“中国有句古话,“知错能改,善莫大焉”。我们再次强烈敦促瑞典电视台和有关节目组正视中方的严正抗议,不要在错误的道路上越走越远,立即严肃、真诚地向中国和中国人民道歉。” 声明说。
