
北欧绿色邮报网 时评 陈雪霏





例如冯小刚,王朔或者是王朔的朋友就曾经说过,冯小刚当面背后一直都吹捧王朔,连刘震云都试探地吹捧王三次,最后王朔中计,有点儿飘飘然。其实,估计王朔也是不好意思说。 总之,人都有感情,义气等等,但是,如果不顾别人的感情,只顾自己博眼球,赚大钱,在江湖上混,走的不对头,迟早要还。











北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 刚刚看到一篇报道说重庆一公交车因与一顾客争吵而松方向盘,最后导致坠江悲剧。












现在,总的来说,人们好像心态有些不对劲,焦躁,脾气暴躁,点火就着的情况较多。希望应该反思一下,遇到紧急情况,深呼吸一下,稍微为大家着想一下,嘴不要象刀子一样。因为如果你嘴象刀子,即使你是豆腐心也来不及了。 不如从一开始就豆腐嘴得了。




Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang “-serien (9) – Xinjiangs Altay – Turism blir en pelareindustri

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 23 oktober (Greenpost) – Det tar mer än en timme från Urumqi till Kanas flygplats i Altay-regionen. Den 27 augusti tog över 30 journalister från Kina och utomlands chansen att komma till Altay-området. När vi kom från planet kände jag att temperaturen sjönk omedelbart. Molnigt och regnigt, 14-27 grader, temperaturskillnaden var relativt stor. Ändå fann din reporter att väderprognosen var ganska korrekt.

Därefter bytte vi till mindre bussar på grund av vägförhållandena. För att komma till toppen av berget behöver vi köra en zigzagging bergsväg. Naturligtvis är det bara robust och marken är fortfarande platt. Eftersom detta är bara några år efter att staten investerat 2000 miljarder yuan eller cirka 330 miljarder dollar.  Jag trodde för mig själv att endast det kinesiska kommunistpartiet verkligen har förändrat sitt land med stor entusiasm. Eftersom hon har ett stort antal partimedlemmar och kadrer som kan bestå i skogsplantering i årtionden. Det sägs att överlevnaden av ett träd kostar nästan 10.000 yuan, plantering, bevattning, skydd, och många trädslag är också mycket värdefulla. Man tror att det i det långa loppet finns ett stort ekonomiskt, socialt och ekologiskt värde. På denna nästan omöjliga plats är det svårt att vända de karga kullarna till en oas. När vi nådde toppen av berget såg vi detta stenmonument, General Mountain. Varför heter det General Mountain? Det är inte känt. Enligt undersökningen fanns det ett allmänt berg i Nanjing under Song Dynasty Yue Fei era. Men här kallas också General Mountain, det måste vara den heroiska andan, meningen med det oövervinnliga landet.

Från det allmänna berget kan du se en modern grön stad byggd av floden. Det är underförstått att Altay-regionen ligger i norra delen av Xinjiang, gränsar till Ryssland, Kazakstan och Mongoliet. Gränsen är 1,197 kilometer lång, med en total yta på 118.000 kvadratkilometer. De sex länen och en stad under jurisdiktionen är gränsregioner. I slutet av 2017 är den totala befolkningen i Altay 671 600, bestående av 36 nationaliteter. Altay har rykte Gold Mountain och Silver River. Turismresurserna är unika, med 25 natursköna platser ovanför grad A, 3 nationella 5A natursköna platser, 1 World Geopark och 4 National Forest Parks, njut av rykte One Thousand Miles Gallery.

Is- och snöresurser är unikt begåvade. Det ligger i världens skidåtergivning, snökvaliteten är väldigt hög, snö temperatur, torrhet, fuktighet och andra skidförhållanden är världsklass, is och snökultur har en lång historia, känd som människans skidor. Altay har också en geografisk och ekologisk fördel. Hon är den enda regionen i nordvästra Kina som gränsar till Ryssland.

Det är den nordliga kanalen på Silk Road Economic Belt och en viktig nodstad för byggandet av den ekonomiska korridoren Kina-Mongoliet och Ryssland. Det finns fyra statliga landhamnar, av vilka Jiklimin hamn är öppen för Ryssland, och har ingått i den autonoma regionens plan.

Altay har en överlägsen ekologisk miljö med ett gyllene tecken på ren luft, rent land och rent vatten. Luftkvaliteten året runt når nationell nivå 1 standard, som kallas “naturlig syre bar”. Marken är av god kvalitet, oförorenad och organisk. Det är en relativt vattenrik region i Xinjiang, känd som “vattentornet” i norra Xinjiang, med en årlig avrinning på 12,3 miljarder kubikmeter, vilket motsvarar 13,6 procent av hela Xinjiang. Det är ett av de sex skogsregionerna i Kina och den största naturliga skogsregionen i Xinjiang, med en skogstäckningsgrad på 22,65 procent. Det överlägsna ekologiska systemet har identifierats av statsrådet som ett vattenbevarande berg och gräsmark ekologiskt funktionellt område.

Altays regionala regering strävar efter att bygga ett “rent land” Kanas, Snow Altay, och bli en plats av stor skönhet i Xinjiang, en harmoni och ett lyckosätt, och är den mest bebodda platsen. Det finns mer än 200 högkvalitativa turistresurser som glaciala floder, skogsgräsmarker, sjövattenområden, geologiska underverk och öken Gobi, som är nationella och till och med världsklassade ekologiska områden. Is- och snöresurser är unika och skidförhållandena är världsklass. Luftkvaliteten har uppnått nationell förstklassig standard året runt och är erkänd som sommarort för fritid och hälsa. Efter mer än 20 års hårt arbete har mottagningskapaciteten förbättrats avsevärt. Det finns redan 26 resebyråer, 11 filialer, 40 stjärnklassiga hotell och 90 stjärnklassiga bondgårdar.

Den ansvariga regeringen förklarade att det kommer att fortsätta att främja byggandet av viktiga projekt som Altai Mountain Wild Snow Park, General Mountain Ski Resort, Kanas Hemu Snow Township, utveckling av skidläger, räddningsstationer, flygbaser och andra vinterturismrelaterade projekt. Att ta Altay International Ice and Snow Festival som bärare, kommer festivalen att fortsätta hållas, Burqin County Haze Festival, Fuhai Winter Festival, Car Ice Rally, Kanas Ice and Snow Festival och Hemu Spring Festival Grand Celebration kommer att hållas för att locka turister . Altay-regionen har också för avsikt att främja utvecklingen av fastighetsbranschen, självkörningstur, flygresor (bygga tre regionala flygplatser, 15 helikopterlandingspunkter), med utgångspunkt i hamnen, den nationella porten och kårets man och fru mötesstation till bygga en röd turism och patriotism utbildning bas, speciella turer inklusive öknen Base Surf Tour och mer. Kort sagt, de kommer att göra stora ansträngningar inom flyg-, järnvägs- och motorvägskonstruktion. Staten investerade 2000 miljarder yuan i Xinjiang för att utveckla turismen. Altay-regionen har varit avantgarde.

Reportrarna åkte till toppen av General Mountain genom den robusta vägen, med utsikt över hela Burqin County. En klar flod passerar genom staden. Länsstaden är omgiven av berg och floder flyter mitt i staden.

Enligt rapporter var det inte så många träd i bergen här, men under de senaste tio åren har partiledamöter och kadrer tagit ledningen i att plantera ett stort antal träd. Bland dem har havtornträd en stor effekt på vind och sandfixering, och frukterna kan också göras till drycker. Gobi-öknen har förändrats mycket. Lokala människor använder droppbevattningsteknik för att bevattna nya träd, vilket garanterar överlevnad.

Den lokala tjänstemannen sade att de aktivt genomför general sekreterare Xi Jinping “Green Mountain och rena floder är guld berg och silver berg”. Sedan 2008 har Altay genomfört storskogsbruk på olika områden som General Mountain, Camel Peak och Altay City under våren och hösten. Genom kadrernas och massornas gemensamma ansträngningar i 10 år har totalt 28 000 hektar, gran, björk, skotskgris och andra träd av 27 slag av mer än 2 miljoner växter planterats. Det urbana grönområdet uppnådde 38,7%, och luftkvalitetsindexet för urbana var 100%. Medelvärdet av PM2.5 är bara 14. Det rankas först bland 29 städer i Xinjiang. General Mountain Forest Park, Camel Peak Forest Park och National Garden City byggdes. Boendemiljön har förbättrats markant och människorna känner att livet blir bättre och bättre.  Det kan hjälpa till till kinas stor klimat politiker också.

Foto och text  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang” Series (9)- Xinjiang’s Altay – Tourism Becomes A Pillar Industry

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 23(Greenpost) — It takes more than an hour from Urumqi to Kanas Airport in the Altay region. On August 27th, more than 30 reporters from China and abroad took the opportunity to come to the Altay area. When we got off the plane, I felt that the temperature dropped immediately. Cloudy and drizzle, 14-27 degrees, the temperature difference was relatively large. Yet, your reporter found that the weather forecast was quite accurate.

At this time, we changed the bus, because when we arrived in Altay, we came to the real mountain area. To get to the top of the mountain, we need to drive a rugged mountain road. Of course, it is just rugged and the ground is still flat. Because this is just a few years after the central government invested 200 billion yuan or about 33 billion US dollars. The slope is like a terraced field. I thought to myself that only the Chinese Communist Party has truly changed its land with great enthusiasm. Because he has a large number of party members and cadres who can persist in afforestation for decades. It is said that the survival of a tree here costs almost 10,000 yuan, planting, watering, protection, and many tree species are also very valuable. It is believed that in the long run, there is great economic, social and ecological benefit.

In this almost impossible place, it is hard to turn the barren hills into an oasis. When we reached the top of the mountain, we saw this stone monument, General Mountain. Why is it called General Mountain? It is not known. According to the investigation, there was a general mountain in Nanjing during the Song Dynasty Yue Fei era. However, here is also called General Mountain, it must be the heroic spirit, the meaning of the invincible land.

From the General mountain, you can see a modern green city built by the river. It is understood that the Altay region is located in the northern part of Xinjiang, bordering Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.

The border line is 1,197 kilometers long, with a total area of ​​118,000 square kilometers. The six counties and one city under the jurisdiction are border counties. By the end of 2017, the total population in Altay is 671,600, consisting of 36 ethnic groups.

Altay has the reputation of Gold Mountain and Silver River. The tourism resources are unique, with 25 scenic spots above Grade A, 3 national 5A scenic spots, 1 World Geopark and 4 National Forest Parks, enjoying the reputation of One Thousand Miles Gallery.

Ice and snow resources are uniquely endowed. It is located in the world’s skiing gold latitude, snow quality is very high, snow temperature, dryness, humidity and other ski conditions are world-class, ice and snow culture has a long history, known as the origin of human skiing.

Altay also has a geographical and ecological advantage. She is the only region in northwest China that borders Russia. It is the northern channel of the Silk Road Economic Belt and an important node city for the construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor. There are four state-class land ports, of which Jiklimin port is open to Russia, and has been included in the autonomous region’s plan.

Altay has a superior ecological environment, featuring a golden sign of clean air,  land and water. The air quality all year round reaches the national level 1 standard, which is known as “natural oxygen bar”. The soil  is of good quality, unpolluted and organic. It is a relatively water-rich region in Xinjiang, known as the “water tower” of northern Xinjiang, with an annual runoff of 12.3 billion cubic meters, accounting for 13.6 percent of the whole Xinjiang. It is one of the six forest regions in China and the largest natural forest region in Xinjiang, with a forest coverage rate of 22.65 percent. The superior ecological system has been identified by the state council as a water-conserving mountain and grassland ecological functional area.

The Altay regional government is striving to build a ‘pure land’ Kanas, Snow Altay, and become a place of great beauty, harmony and happiness in Xinjiang, and is the most inhabitable place. There are more than 200 high-quality tourism resources such as glacial rivers, forest grasslands, lake wetlands, geological wonders, and desert Gobi, which are national and even world-class ecological areas. Ice and snow resources are unique and the skiing conditions are world class. The air quality has reached the national first-class standard throughout the year and is recognised as the summer resort of leisure and health.

After more than 20 years of hard work, the reception capacity has been greatly improved. There are already 26 travel agencies, 11 branches, 40 star-rated hotels and 90 star-rated farmhouses.

The person in charge of the district government said that it will continue to promote the construction of key projects such as Altay Mountain Wild Snow Park, the General  Mountain Ski Resort, Kanas Hemu Snow Township, development of ski camps, rescue supply stations, flight bases and other winter tourism related projects. Taking Altay International Ice and Snow Festival as a carrier, the festival will continue to be held, Burqin County Haze Festival, Fuhai Winter Festival, Car Ice Rally, Kanas Ice and Snow Festival and Hemu Spring Festival Celebration will be held to attract tourists.

The Altay region also intends to promote the development of the property industry, self-driving tour, air travel (building three regional airports, 15 helicopter landing points), relying on the port, the national gate and the Corps husband and wife  meeting station to build a red tourism and patriotism education base, special tours including the desert Base surfing tour and more. In short, they will make great efforts in aviation, railway and highway construction. The state invested 200 billion yuan in Xinjiang to develop tourism. The Altay region has been the vanguard.

The reporters went to the top of General Mountain through the rugged  Road, overlooking the entire Burqin County. A clear river passes through the city. The county town is surrounded by mountains and the river  flows in the middle of the town.

According to reports, there were not so many trees in the mountains here, but in the past ten years, party members and cadres here have taken the lead in planting a large number of trees. Among them, seabuckthorn trees have a great effect on wind and sand fixation, and the fruits can be made into beverages. The Gobi Desert has changed a lot. Local people use drip irrigation technology to water new trees, which ensures survival.

The local official said that they actively implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s motto “Green Mountains and clean rivers are gold mountain and silver mountains “. Since 2008, Altay has carried out large-scale afforestation activities in various areas such as General Mountain, Camel Peak, and Altay City in the spring and autumn. Through the joint efforts of the cadres and the masses in the city for 10 years, a total of 28,000 mu of spruce, birch, scotch pine and other trees of 27 kinds of more than 2 million plants have been planted. The urban green area reached 38.7%, and the urban air quality index is 100%. The average value of PM2.5 is only 14. It ranks first among 29 cities in Xinjiang. The General Mountain Forest Park, Camel Peak Forest Park and National Garden City were built. The living environment has improved markedly and the people feel the life is getting better and better.

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson


























































































































Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (8) – Maiquer, Impression Gobi Wine, Changji snacks and Xinjiang Theatre

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

On the afternoon of August 26, more than 30 Chinese and foreign journalists visited Changji High-tech Industrial Development Zone, an hour drive from Urumqi.  We visited Maiquer Group Co. Ltd., Impressed Gobi Winery, Changji Snack Street, and watched the “Going to Western Region for a Thousand Times.” performed at the Xinjiang Grand Theatre.

Upon Mid autumn festival, Chinese always eat moon cake, not just for fun, but also carry on the culture and tradition.

As we entered the company, one can smell the good smell of moon cake and appreciate various beautiful packaging of cakes.

So many moon cakes were actually produced here. Chinese like to send friends and relatives moon cakes as presents.  No wonder! Because Xinjiang has good sunshine and the wheat quality is very good. Thus various products made of flour of Xinjiang are also very good.

Maiquer imported a whole set of milk production line from Sweden with a total of 200 million yuan (or 33 million US dollars).  Shaliyef, vice director of Xinjiang Information Office said in Xinjiang people are very honest and trustworthy. There has never been fake food product report.

Looking at these beautiful photos of various dairy products, it is really so attractive.

Talking about food, one has to mention that Xinjiang also produces wine. Journalists came to the One thousand acre grape plantation field and visited the Impression Gobi Winery.

Fuqiang, General Manager of the Winery said the reason he named his company Impression Gobi and took lizard as his company’s totem is because he thinks that lizard has an unremitting effort. He himself worked in this field for ten more years and accumulate his “first barrel of gold “ and invested about 20 million yuan (3.3 million US dollars) into this winery.

Of course, the winery  provided not only job opportunities for the local farm workers, but also the sales opportunity for the local small scale grape growing farmers. Therefore he made a good contribution to the local economic development.

He said his winery was very special because he used APP sofeware to let his customers see how the grape is growing and know that these grape is pure organic grapes.

Having tasted the red and white wine in Yinxiang Gobi or Impression Gobi, journalists went on to Changji food city.

The first impression is that the building here is very artistic and full of culture.

The grey color and the vivid sculpture implies the artistic atmosphere.

In this food street, one can taste all kinds of food and culture. The architecture itself is an art and culture.

The manager of the food street said they have strict management system with bonus to encourage the good restaurant and those who did a bad job will be costly too.  And they also discuss and have an appraisal so that a good working style is formed.

To welcome journalists, the management in the food street also asked various restaurants to bring their special dish so that the journalists can taste them. Due to the demand from my reader, I took a lot of photos of Xinjiang food.


Fried Geda, a kind of pasta,  meat balls, hand-picked rice with beef, fried motton, Jiasha and hand-picked mutton are all  specialties for Xinjiang and it is almost spread all over China.

In the evening we went to the Xinjiang Grand Theatre and watched the huge performance  Going to Western Region for A Thousand Times. It felt going back to the ancient times when the caravan was walking in the Gobi desert. Plus VR, time  goes back and forth. It is really magnificent and wonderful!

In Xinjiang, there is good organic food and good water, with beautiful art, singing and dancing. Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region likes to tap the potential of the core area of Silk Road Economic Belt by promoting tourism and attracting tourisms from all over China and even the world. It is also a kind of green economy.

I have to say that the performance at the theatre Going to Western Region for a Thousand Times has gathered history, culture,  love, and folklore all on the stage. So the audience can enjoy it very much. The performance combined with VR and modern audio and video effects forming a strong impression on people. It is really world high level and unforgettable!

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

今日头条:北欧绿色邮报网访问量过百万 感谢大家的支持

北欧绿色邮报网主编 陈雪霏

其实,如果是在国内,过百万真没什么了不起,随便一个公众号就过百万千万了,一个大 v也会很厉害。但是,在瑞典,一个一千万人口的国家,能够靠辛勤耕耘不曾热点,不煽情,一直坚持客观冷静真实报道的原则能走到这个地步,我还是有一点儿小激动!







Viola Cao 老师留言:祝贺!一分耕耘,一分收获。其实我想说,这里也有你的功劳,没有你一次一次地纠正错别字,这里的文章就不会那么完美。






Long Yuxiang and Zhang Qiaozhen unveiled the Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park

Translated and edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 1(Greenpost)–On October 26th, the Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park was officially unveiled. Chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Center Long Yuxiang, President of the Swiss-Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Chairman of the Nordic Innovation Center, Ms. Zhang Qiaozhen attended the ceremony and unveiled the ceremony.

Relevant leaders from the National Foreign Cultural Trade Base, Beijing Shunyi District, Beijing Tianzhu Comprehensive Bonded Zone Management Committee, Beijing State-owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office, Beijing Tianzhu Customs, Beijing Municipal Party Committee Information Department, and Cultural and Tourism Department External Relations Bureau attended the unveiling ceremony.

On October 26th, the opening ceremony of the “One Belt, One Road” Cultural Trade Exhibition Branch of China Beijing International Cultural and Creative Industry Expo in 2018 was held in the Tianyi Free Trade Zone of the Beijing Cultural and Trade Base. The Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park was unveiled at the grand opening ceremony. At the unveiling ceremony, Chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Center, Mr. Long Yuxiang, fully affirmed the extensive work done by the Nordic Innovation Center in the practice of the “Belt and Road” and expressed high hopes for the future development of the Nordic Innovation Center.

Ms. Zhang Qiaozhen, President of the Swedish-Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Chairman of the Nordic Innovation Center, said at the opening ceremony that since the establishment of the Nordic Innovation Center, more than 100 innovations projects have been established in Northern Europe and China. In 2018, the Nordic Innovation Center established Shenzhen Headquarters and Shantou Sub-center in Shenzhen and Shantou, China respectively.

She said that today the Nordic Innovation Center officially settled in the national foreign cultural trade base (Beijing), the frontier position of the Chinese culture “bringing in and going out”, and grandly listed in the political, cultural and economic center of the motherland, is a milestone of the Nordic Innovation Center. The big event marks the Nordic Innovation Center will enter a new stage.

In the future, the Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park will become a new operation center in Greater China and even in the Asia Pacific region. It will better serve innovative entrepreneurial organization and individuals in need around the world. This time, the Nordic Innovation Center is able to establish a far-reaching cooperative relationship with the National Foreign Cultural Trade Base and Beijing Wentou Group, and join hands to create an innovative international cultural platform. She is very happy and confident.

 The Nordic Innovation Center was established in August 2017 and the Nordic headquarters was established at the World Trade Center in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nordic Innovation Center, as a professional and innovative project integrated operation platform, focuses on the latest technological innovation companies in Northern Europe and the world.

The Nordic Innovation Center enters China through a Nordic project or enterprise that is optimally adapted to China’s capital and industry positioning, and through its established project management mechanism, provides project introduction and evaluation and China’s industrial policy for domestic and overseas projects seeking Chinese funds and the Chinese market。The center also provides consulting, innovative R&D support, project planning, financing and guidance, industrial parks and capital docking, market-oriented counseling, such as the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, corporate listing incubation, IPO counseling, exhibitions and other solutions.
It is reported that those who were present at the opening ceremony include Peter, chairman of the Haskoll International Architecture Design Company in the United Kingdom, Henry, General Manager of Greater China, Aaron Sun Bin, CEO of Peacock Greater China, and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Overseas Chinese Experimental Zone in Shantou, China. Wu Xianxian, Director of the Management Committee, Chen Yizhong, Secretary of the Working Committee of the Commission, and Lu Qunhua, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of China Haining High-tech Park, Chen Yang, Deputy General Manager of Shantou East Coast Investment Construction Company, Song Shutao, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, and Guangdong Overseas Chinese Big Data Co., Ltd. Manager Ren Tao.
Source: NetEase










据悉,出席此次揭幕仪式的还有英国Haskoll赫斯科国际建筑设计公司董事长Peter、大中华区总经理Henry、欧洲沛垠大中华区CEO Aaron 孙斌、中国汕头华侨试验区党工委书记、管委会主任吴先宪、纪工委书记陈馥忠一行、及中国海宁高新园区管委会副主任陆群华、汕头东海岸投资建设公司副总经理陈阳、监事会主席宋树涛,以及广东华侨大数据有限公司总经理任涛等。
