All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7


瑞典中欧智库 陈雪霏






























但是,现在的世界和以前不太一样。整个世界都是供给大于需求。人们对于金钱的需求却是相反的。这说明我们的经济发展是有问题的。 但问题究竟在哪里,还得具体问题具体分析。



























1、洞朗地区位于中国西藏自治区亚东县,西与印度锡金邦相邻,南与不丹王国相接。1890 年,中国和英国签订《中英会议藏印条约》,划定了中国西藏地方和锡金之间的边界。 根据该条约规定,洞朗地区位于边界线中国一侧,是无可争议的中国领土。长期以来,中国边防部队和牧民一直在该地区开展巡逻和放牧活动。目前,洞朗地区与锡金之间的边界是中印边界锡金段的一部分。

2、2017 年 6 月 16 日,中方在洞朗地区进行道路施工。6 月 18 日,印度边防部队 270 余人携带武器,连同 2 台推土机,在多卡拉山口越过锡金段边界线 100 多米,进入中国境内阻挠中方的修路活动,引发局势紧张。印度边防部队越界人数最多时达到 400 余人,连同 2 台推土机和 3 顶帐篷,越界纵深达到 180 多米。截至 7 月底,印度边防部队仍有 40多人和 1 台推土机在中国领土上非法滞留。

3、 事件发生后,中国边防部队在现地采取了紧急应对措施。6 月 19 日,中方通过外交途径紧急向印方提出严正交涉,对印方非法越界行为予以强烈抗议和谴责,要求印方立即将越界的印度边防部队撤回到边界线印度一侧。中国外交部、国防部、中国驻印度使馆在北京和新德里先后多次向印度提出严正交涉,强烈要求印度尊重中国的领土主权,立即撤回越界的边防部队。中国外交部、国防部发言人多次公开表态,说明事实真相,表明中方立场,并公布了印军越界的地图和现场照片(见附件 1)。

4、中印边界锡金段已由 1890 年《中英会议藏印条约》(以下简称“1890 年条约”,见附件 2)划定。该条约第一款规定:“藏、哲之界,以自布坦交界之支莫挚山起,至廓尔喀边界止,分哲属梯斯塔及近山南流诸小河,藏属莫竹及近山北流诸小河,分水流之一带山顶为界”(注:支莫挚山即今吉姆马珍山)。此段边界线走向条约叙述清晰准确,实地边界线沿分水岭而行,走向清晰可辨。

5、新中国成立和印度独立后,两国政府均继承了 1890年条约以及据此确定的中印边界锡金段已定界,这反映在印度总理尼赫鲁给中国总理周恩来的信件、印度驻华使馆给中国外交部的照会、中印边界问题特别代表会晤印方提交的文件中(见附件 3)。长期以来,中印两国按 1890 年条约确定的边界线实施管辖,对于边界线的具体走向没有异议。边界一经条约确定,即受国际法特别保护,不得侵犯。

6、6 月 18 日以来,印度边防部队非法越过中印锡金段边界进入了中国领土,这是不容否认的事实。此次事件发生在边界线清楚的已定界地区,与过去双方边防部队在未定界地区发生的摩擦有着本质区别。印度边防部队越过既定边界,侵犯了中国主权和领土完整,违反了 1890 年条约,违反了《联合国宪章》,是对国际法基本原则和国际关系基本准则的粗暴践踏,性质非常严重。



9、印度以中国修路活动带来“严重安全风险”为自己的非法越界行为辩护。联合国大会 1974 年 12 月 14 日通过的 3314 号决议规定,不得以任何理由,不论是政治性、经济性、军事性或其他性质理由,为一个国家的武装部队侵入或攻击另一国家的领土作辩解。以所谓的“安全关切”为由越过已定边界线进入邻国领土,无论从事任何活动,都违反国际法基本原则和国际关系基本准则,都不会为任何一个主权国家所容忍,更不是中印两个邻国正常的相处之道。


11、1890 年条约已确定,中印边界锡金段起自与不丹交界的吉姆马珍山,这是中印边界锡金段的东端点,也是中国、 印度、不丹的三国交界点。此次印度边防部队越界的地点位于中印边界锡金段的边界线上,距离吉姆马珍山约有2000多米之远。此次件与三国交界点问题并无关系。印度应尊重1890 年条约及其确定的中印边界锡金段东端点,无权单方面改变既定边界线及其东端点,更不得以此为由侵犯中国的领土主权。

12、边界在国际法上具有稳定性和不可侵犯性。由 1890年条约确定的中印边界锡金段持续有效,为中印双方一再确认。任何一方都须严格恪守,不得侵犯。中印双方正在边界问题特别代表会晤中探讨在锡金段边界实现解决边界问题的“早期收获”,这主要是考虑到锡金段边界已由 1890 年条约划定,且该条约由当时的中国和英国签署,中印应该以中国和印度的名义签订新的边界条约,以代替 1890 年条约。但这丝毫不影响中印边界锡金段的既定边界性质。

13、洞朗地区历来属于中国,一直在中国的有效管辖之下,不存在争议。中国和不丹都是主权独立国家,从上世纪80 年代开始通过谈判协商解决边界问题,迄今已进行了 24轮边界会谈,达成了广泛共识。两国虽未正式划界,但双方已对边境地区实施了联合勘察,对边境地区的实际情况和边界线走向存在基本共识。中不边界问题是中、不两国的事情, 与印度无关。印度作为第三方,无权介入并阻挠中不边界谈判进程,更无权为不丹主张领土。印度以不丹为借口侵入中国领土,不仅侵犯了中国的领土主权,而且是对不丹主权和独立的挑战。中国和不丹是友好邻邦,中国历来尊重不丹的主权和独立。在双方的共同努力下,中不两国边境地区一直保持和平安宁。中国愿继续同不丹一道,在不受外来干涉的情况下,通过谈判协商解决两国间的边界问题。

14、事件发生以来,中国本着最大善意,保持高度克制, 努力通过外交渠道与印度沟通解决此次事件。但任何国家都不应低估中国政府和人民捍卫领土主权的决心。中国将采取一切必要措施维护自己的正当合法权益。此次事件发生在已定边界线的中国一侧,印度应立即无条件将越界的边防部队撤回边界线印度一侧,这是解决此次事件的前提和基础。

15、中印是两个最大的发展中国家。中国政府一贯重视发展同印度的睦邻友好关系,致力于维护两国边境地区的和平与安宁。中方敦促印度政府从两国关系大局和两国人民的福祉出发,恪守 1890 年条约及其确定的中印既定边界,尊重中国的领土主权,遵守和平共处五项原则等国际法基本原则和国际关系基本准则,立即将越界的边防部队撤回边界线印度一侧,并彻底调查此次非法越界行为,尽快妥善解决此次事件,恢复两国边境地区的和平与安宁。这符合两国的根本利益,也是本地区国家和国际社会的共同期待。



附件 2


一八九〇年三月十七日,光绪十六年二月二十七日,加尔各答。兹因大清国大皇帝、大英国大君主五印度大后帝,实愿固敦两国睦谊,永远弗替;又因近来事故,两国情谊有所不协之处,彼此欲将哲孟雄、西藏边界事宜,明定界限,用昭久远,是以大清国大皇帝、大英国大君主拟将此事订立条款, 特派全权大臣议办,由大清国特派驻藏帮办大臣副都统衔升;由大英国特派总理五印度执政大臣第一等三式各宝星上议院侯爵兰;各将所奉全权便宜行事之上谕文凭公同校阅,俱属妥协,现经议定条约八款,胪列于后:

第一款 藏、哲之界,以自布坦交界之支莫挚山起,至廓尔喀边界止,分哲属梯斯塔及近山南流诸小河,藏属莫竹及近山北流诸小河,分水流之一带山顶为界。

第二款 哲孟雄由英国一国保护督理,即为依认其内政外交均应专由英国一国径办;该部长暨官员等,除由英国经理准行之事外,概不得与无论何国交涉来往。

第三款 中、英两国互允以第一款所定之界限为准,由两国遵守,并使两边各无犯越之事。

第四款 藏、哲通商,应如何增益便利一事,容后再议, 务期彼此均受其益。

第五款 哲孟雄界内游牧一事,彼此言明,俟查明情形后,再为议订。

第六款 印、藏官员因公交涉,如何文移往来,一切彼此言明,俟后再商另订。

第七款 自此条款批准互换之日为始,限以六个月,由中国驻藏大臣、英国印度执政大臣各派委员一人,将第四、第五、第六三款言明随后议订各节,兼同会商,以期妥协。

第八款 以上条款既定后,应送呈两国批准,随将条款原本在伦敦互换,彼此各执,以昭信守。


附件 3

一、1959 年 3 月 22 日印度总理尼赫鲁给中国总理周恩来的信“印度的保护国锡金同中国西藏地方的边界,是由 1890年的英中专约所确定,1895 年共同在地面上标定。”

二、1959 年 9 月 26 日印度总理尼赫鲁给中国总理周恩来的信“1890 年的这个条约也确定了锡金和西藏之间的边界;这条线后来在 1895 年加以标定。因此,关于锡金同西藏地方的边界,不存在任何纠纷。”

三、1960 年 2 月 12 日印度驻华使馆给中国外交部的照会“中国政府知道印度政府同不丹和锡金所有的特殊的条约关系。因此印度政府欢迎中国照会中对于锡金和不丹为一方和西藏为另一方之间的边界的解释。照会说,锡金和中国西藏地方之间的边界早经正式划定,在地图上既没有任何分歧,在实践中也没有任何争论。印度政府愿意补充说明,这条边界在地面上也已标定了。”

四、2006 年 5 月 10 日印方在中印边界问题特别代表工作组会议上提交的非文件。



北欧绿色邮报网和北欧中华网联合报道(记者陈雪霏)– 据中国外交部和国防部消息,印度武装人员越境进入中国领土已经一月有余。到8月3日为止,越境400多人中大部分退回,但还有48人没有退,还有两辆装甲车一样的机械停在中国边界境内。中国外交部已经发表17次回应,要求印度方面立即全部无条件撤回去。






























2. Visiting my parents in Beijing

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 8(Greenpost) — My parents came to Beijing just days before we arrived in Beijing on Thursday.

The first cry of Wang Xueting was broadcast at China Radio International on the New Year’s Eve of 2003. Gaowa, a beautiful civil servant, Annie and the little boy who loves the ball from Sweden. He also drank Swedish vanling to grow to two years. 

On Saturday we decided to go to my brother’s home to see my parents.  On the way, we informed Gao Wa to come too. Gao Wa was my cousin’s daughter. My cousin Yanqiu did me a great favor by encouraging me to go to Linghai or Jinxian Senior High School. She said to me that summer, “If you succeeded in entering the No.1 Senior High School, you will have one step into any university.”

I did, and that paved me the way from Dizangsi village to Linghai county, and from Linghai county to Shenyang City and from Shenyang to Beijing, and from Beijing to Sydney, Harare, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, Namibia, Mozambique, Canada, France, German, Spain, USA and New Zealand. Finally, Stockholm Sweden, my second hometown!

The wing of thoughts flew quickly. As the car arrived in Shiliju, we had to get off and embrace the heat again. For me, it was just wonderful to feel warmth. But my daughter kept on saying it is hot.

As we came into the 20th floor two room apartment, Ms Wang was cooking and my mother was planning what to cook.  The two and half year old boy was running around in the room and he began to talk a lot of words.

The room was filled with happy atmosphere.  Whenever you have a two to three year old child around, you will feel happy. That was the time with my niece and my daughter.  Children are the hope of our future and we feel happy to see them growing.

My mother’s back bent a little more seriously, but her spirit was high. Obviously she was happy to see us. She has been enduring all the lonely time over the year and now we came.

My father woke up since we came. He went out in the morning and in the evening as usual. He likes to dance as an exercise.  He got a few more white hair, but he still has a lot of black hair. His voice is still sonorous.  His memory is still very good and he still talks energetically.

Soon my brother came. He came with my second brother,  my sister in law and my nephew who is a driver.  They came from Tianjin, the second largest municipality in China, two hours drive from Beijing.

It was a surprise for me. I thought I would go to Tianjin to see them so that they don’t need to come here. But they came. I still feel very happy and moved.  My sister in law is still energetic.

Gao Wa came too. She also drove a car. She works as a village head assistant after graduating from university as a master degree graduate. That is called University student village official! Literal translation.  But it was a good intention.  She will become a civil servant after this service.

We took a lot of photos and we were happy together. Again, a lot of people under the wings of parents.  No matter how far away we have been, finally we have to come back to see my parents.

2017 China trip- landing in Beijing 1

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7(Greenpost)– Seven or 7 seems to be my lucky number this year.  My husband, my daughter and I finished our China trip on 2017-07-27. And I like to have a review from today.  Please stay tuned.

London visit paves the way to China

I am a Chinese and I love China no doubt about it. But sometimes I was tired of China. That is why I can live in Sweden for 11 years now and still not too tired yet. Except the first three years, I almost went back to China every year or even twice a year for some years.

Last year, I told my daughter that we all should go to China this summer because it had been three years since they went to China last time.

She said she didn’t want to go simply because Chinese people are too warm to her. They always said she is beautiful, Pretty, Piaoliang.  Since the first time she went to China, she was like a little angel and people queued the long queue to see her.

She is a good mix of Chinese and Swedish. When I was in Harare, Zimbabwe, my German teacher married with a native Zimbabwan and their mixed child was claimed to be the best.  When I was a child, when thinking of having a mixed child, it was almost a curse. But as China opens up and we are more and more in favor of the western culture, my child is very well accepted in China.

However,  she has become a little picky about China. For example, in Beijing in winter it was actually very hot inside the room. Chinese people talked too loud compared with Swedish people and so on.  Although in my eyes it was obvious that we should go to China this summer, they had to discuss it many times. My daughter said she wanted to go to London first in stead of America or China.

I said ok, then you must go to China in the summer! I booked the tickets right after we came back from London.  To be honest, we didn’t visit too much of London. Except Crystal Palace and Queens Hotel, we didn’t go to London Tower or Big Ben. But that turned out to be good.

My daughter always mentioned her London trip and wanted to go again because she lived in Queens Hotel!

Visiting China will use the same strategy. Not visit famous tourist sites, but just stay in hotels or at home to relax. Take a walk in the park nearby and doing nothing normal.

Coming back from Shanghai, my brother in law asked whether we had been to the tallest building in Shanghai, I said please don’t ask us about the most popular place!

Eight hours flight didn’t seem to be too long because we not only ate two Chinese meals with just right amount for our stomach, but also watched films.

Jackie Chan played a professor and found a gold treasure in India.  With the shuttle of time and the beauty of actresses, especially the part when Jackie Chan was driving with the big lion, it killed all our sleepiness!

Air China is very comfortable and just after a couple of times of travelling, I decided to fix Air China as my flight because I don’t like to save some money but to travel through Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Helsinki to spend at least three or four extra hours. Once I and my daughter travelled via Amsterdam, we had to stay one night at the airport and the next day we had to travel to Heathrow Airport in order to go to Stockholm! Enough is enough.  I’d rather spend a little more money to fly direct than go round about.

Chinese girls are beautiful and nice and it is very good that they both speak English and Chinese.  As time goes by, I like to save my energy as much as possible.

Beijing Airport is the same as before.  It is large, broad and bright. It was due to the 2008 Olympics, Beijing Airport was improved. Immediately you can feel the water saving facilities in the toilet.  All the water tap used sensing devices.  Without sensing, no water comes out!

It was easy because I put a smaller suitcase inside the big suitcase just in order to use them when we went back to Stockholm.  There were so little things we could take from Sweden to China.  When coming back, we have a lot to take.

As we came out of the customs, my sister and brother in law showed up to receive us.  She just bought a BMW last summer after she came back from Indonesia where she worked for two years.  I suggested she buy Volvo, but she chose the landrover BMW in the end. She wanted to drive in the countryside or tourist sites in suburban Beijing.

I felt privileged to have them receive us.  If I were alone, I would like to take the fast train or subway to go home.

It was my brother in law who drove the car. He drove a car in Namibia when we were both working in Africa.  Later he turned out to become my brother in law.  The world was actually not big.  After going around the globe for  a whole round, I came to Sweden from New Zealand.

Arriving at home, I felt hungry. My brother in law cooked dumplings for us and we ate a lot together with dried Toffo salad.  Then we had a sleep which can be counted as 24 hours because we slept almost in a stretch to next day and next day. The room was hot and it felt like a free sauna! Sweat streams out easily out of forehead and neck.

Beijing, a warm Beijing warmly welcomed us!

A far more cleaner Beijing is waiting for us!

I feel very glad because I look forward to seeing many of my friends, classmates and most importantly my parents, my father, 84 and my mother 74! PLUS THEIR GRANDSON, 2.5 years old!

China is willing to work with all parties in the Arctic

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7(Greenpost)–China is willing to facilitate maritime transport and work with all parties in the Arctic. Exchanges and coordination with relevant countries are encouraged in this area. Closer cooperation will be carried out to improve the market environment for international transportation and to facilitate maritime transportation. China is willing to enhance customs cooperation with countries along the Road, and to promote information exchange, mutual recognition of customs regulations,and mutual assistance in law enforcement, according to a vision issued by China’s NDRC on June 20, 2017.

Strengthening the connectivity of information infrastructure and networks. Information networks will be improved in countries along the Road by jointly building a system with broad coverage for information transmission, processing, management and application, a system for information standards and specifications, and a network security system, thus providing public platforms for information sharing.

Participating in Arctic affairs. China is willing to work with all parties in conducting scientific surveys of navigational routes, setting up land-based monitoring stations, carrying out research on climatic and environmental changes in the Arctic, as well as providing navigational forecasting services. China supports efforts by countries bordering the Arctic in improving marine transportation conditions, and encourages Chinese enterprises to take part in the commercial use of the Arctic route. China is willing to carry out surveys on potential resources in the Arctic region in collaboration with relevant countries, and to strengthen cooperation in clean energy with Arctic countries. Chinese enterprises are encouraged to join in sustainable exploration of Arctic resources in a responsible way. China will actively participate in the events organized by Arctic-related international organizations.

Source: Xinhuanet

Full text: Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7(Greenpost) –BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) — China on Tuesday released a document titled Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, to synchronize development plans and promote joint actions among countries along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

The following is the full text of the document.

Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the

Belt and Road Initiative

In 2013, President Xi Jinping raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (hereinafter referred to as the Belt and Road Initiative). In 2015, China issued The Vision and Actions on Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which suggests promoting policy coordination, connectivity of infrastructure and facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds, adhering to the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration in propelling the Belt and Road construction. This proposal has garnered widespread attention and support from the international community.

With a view to synchronizing development plans and promoting joint actions amongst countries along the Maritime Silk Road, setting up the all-dimensional, multi-tiered and broad-scoped Blue Partnership, jointly protecting and sustainably utilizing marine resources to achieve harmony between man and the ocean for common development and enhancement of marine welfare, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) hereby issue The Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the Vision) to build a peaceful and prosperous 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.


The oceans comprise the largest ecosystem on earth, contributing valuable assets for human survival and a common arena for sustainable development. As globalization and regional economic integration progress, oceans have become a foundation and bridge for market and technological cooperation and for information sharing. Developing the blue economy has become an international consensus, ushering in a new era of increased focus and dependence upon maritime cooperation and development. As the saying goes, “Alone, we go faster; together, we go further.” Conforming with the prevailing trend of development, openness and cooperation, strengthening maritime cooperation contributes to closer links between world economies, deeper mutually beneficial cooperation, and broader space for development. Enhancing maritime cooperation also enables various countries to jointly tackle challenges and crises, thus promoting regional peace and stability.

China advocates the Silk Road Spirit – “peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit”, and exerts efforts to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the field of coasts and oceans. China is willing to work closely with countries along the Road, engage in all-dimensional and broad-scoped maritime cooperation and build open and inclusive cooperation platforms, and establish a constructive and pragmatic Blue Partnership to forge a “blue engine” for sustainable development.

II. Principles

Shelving differences and building consensus. We call for efforts to uphold the existing international ocean order, and to respect diversified concepts of ocean development in the countries along the Road. Concerns of all parties involved will be accommodated, differences bridged, common ground sought and consensus achieved.

Openness, cooperation and inclusive development. We advocate further opening up the market, improving the investment environment, eliminating trade barriers and facilitating trade and investment. Mutual political trust will be sought, inter-civilizational dialogue strengthened, and inclusive development and harmonious coexistence promoted.

Market-based operation and multi-stakeholder participation. We abide by market rules and international norms, giving play to the primary role of enterprises. We encourage the creation of stakeholder partnerships and promote the broad participation of governments, international organizations, civil society, and industrial and commercial sectors in ocean cooperation.

Joint development and benefits sharing. We respect the will of the countries along the Road, take into account the interests of all parties and give play to the comparative strengths of each. We will plan together, develop together and share the fruits of cooperation. Together, we will help developing countries eradicate poverty and foster a community of shared interests.


Leveraging the ocean as the basis for enhancing common welfare, with the theme of sharing a blue space and developing the blue economy, China encourages countries along the Road to align their strategies, further all-around and pragmatic cooperation, and to jointly build unobstructed, safe and efficient maritime transport channels. Together we will build platforms for maritime cooperation and develop the Blue Partnership, pursuing a path of harmony between man and the ocean, characterized by green development, ocean-based prosperity, maritime security, innovative growth and collaborative governance.

In line with the priorities of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, China will deepen ocean cooperation by fostering closer ties with countries along the Road, supported by the coastal economic belt in China. Ocean cooperation will focus on building the China-Indian Ocean-Africa- Mediterranean Sea Blue Economic Passage, by linking the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor, running westward from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean, and connecting the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor (BCIM-EC). Efforts will also be made to jointly build the blue economic passage of China-Oceania-South Pacific, travelling southward from the South China Sea into the Pacific Ocean. Another blue economic passage is also envisioned leading up to Europe via the Arctic Ocean.

IV. Cooperation Priorities

Based on priorities to build a mutually-beneficial Blue Partnership, efforts will be made to innovate our approaches for cooperation, set up new cooperative platforms, jointly develop action plans, and implement demonstrative and inspiring cooperative projects. Together, we will embark on a path of green development, ocean-based prosperity, maritime security,innovative growth and collaborative governance.

4.1 Green development

Ensuring the health of the ocean contributes to improving human well-being for present and future generations. China proposes that countries along the Road jointly undertake marine ecological conservation and provide high quality marine ecological services, thus safeguarding global marine ecological security.

Safeguarding marine ecosystem health and biodiversity. Pragmatic cooperation will be strengthened to protect and restore the marine ecosystems and to conserve rare and endangered species. Mechanisms for long-term cooperation will be promoted and cross-border marine ecological corridors built. Efforts will be undertaken to jointly monitor, evaluate, preserve and restore the health of mangroves, sea-grass beds, coral reefs, island ecosystems and coastal wetlands. International forums on coastal wetlands will also be held.

Promoting the protection of regional marine environment. Cooperation will be enhanced in addressing marine pollution, marine litter and ocean acidification, and in red tide monitoring and pollution emergency responses. Mechanisms will be set up for cooperation in relevant areas, collaborative assessments of the marine environment carried out, and status reports of the marine environment jointly issued. A China-ASEAN cooperation mechanism for marine environmental protection will be established, and cooperation implemented under the framework of the China-ASEAN Environment Cooperation Strategy and Action Plan. Countries along the Road are encouraged to jointly launch and implement the Plan of Green Silk Road Envoys.

Strengthening cooperation in addressing climate change. Demonstration projects for recycling and low carbon development in maritime sectors will be encouraged. China is willing to support small island states in adapting to climate change, and to provide technical assistance in response to marine disasters, sea level rise, coastal erosion and marine ecosystem deterioration. Support will also be provided to the countries along the Road in conducting island and coastal surveys and assessments.

Strengthening international blue carbon cooperation. China proposes the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Blue Carbon Program to monitor coastal and ocean blue carbon ecosystems, develop technical standards and promote research on carbon sinks, launch the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Blue Carbon Report, and to establish an international Blue Carbon forum and cooperation mechanism.

4.2 Ocean-based prosperity

Promoting development and eradicating poverty are the common aspirations of the people along the Road. Countries along the Road are encouraged to give full play to their comparative advantages in sustainably utilizing marine resources, enhancing interconnectivity and promoting the blue economy for a shared future.

Enhancing cooperation on marine resource utilization. China is willing to work with countries along the Road to jointly survey and develop inventories and banks for marine resources. China is prepared to provide technical assistance to countries along the Road in drafting plans for sustainably utilizing marine resources. Enterprises are encouraged to participate in marine resource utilization in a responsible way.Participation is also encouraged in the surveys and assessments of marine resources organized by the international organizations.

Upgrading marine industry cooperation. China will join in efforts by countries along the Road in establishing industrial parks for maritime sectors and economic and trade cooperation zones, and promote the participation of Chinese enterprises in such endeavors. Demonstration projects for developing the blue economy will be implemented, and developing countries along the Road will be supported in mariculture to improve livelihoods and alleviate poverty. China will also work with countries along the Road in developing marine tourism routes and high-quality tourism products, and in setting up mechanisms for tourism information sharing.

Promoting maritime connectivity. Efforts are needed to strengthen international maritime cooperation, improve shipping service networks among countries along the Road, and to jointly establish international and regional shipping centers. Countries along the Road are encouraged to enhance cooperation through pairing sister ports and forging port alliances. Chinese enterprises will be guided to participate in the construction and operation of ports. Projects for the planning and construction of submarine cables will be jointly advanced to improve connectivity in international communications.

Facilitating maritime transport. Exchanges and coordination with relevant countries are encouraged in this area. Closer cooperation will be carried out to improve the market environment for international transportation and to facilitate maritime transportation. China is willing to enhance customs cooperation with countries along the Road, and to promote information exchange, mutual recognition of customs regulations,and mutual assistance in law enforcement.

Strengthening the connectivity of information infrastructure and networks. Information networks will be improved in countries along the Road by jointly building a system with broad coverage for information transmission, processing, management and application, a system for information standards and specifications, and a network security system, thus providing public platforms for information sharing.

Participating in Arctic affairs. China is willing to work with all parties in conducting scientific surveys of navigational routes, setting up land-based monitoring stations, carrying out research on climatic and environmental changes in the Arctic, as well as providing navigational forecasting services. China supports efforts by countries bordering the Arctic in improving marine transportation conditions, and encourages Chinese enterprises to take part in the commercial use of the Arctic route. China is willing to carry out surveys on potential resources in the Arctic region in collaboration with relevant countries, and to strengthen cooperation in clean energy with Arctic countries. Chinese enterprises are encouraged to join in sustainable exploration of Arctic resources in a responsible way. China will actively participate in the events organized by Arctic-related international organizations.

4.3 Maritime security

Maritime security is a key assurance for developing the blue economy. Efforts will be made to promote the concept of common maritime security for mutual benefits. Cooperation in maritime public services, marine management, maritime search and rescue, marine disaster prevention and mitigation and maritime law enforcement will be strengthened in order to enhance capacities for minimizing risks and safeguarding maritime security. [ Strengthening cooperation in maritime public services. China proposes an initiative for jointly developing and sharing maritime public services along the Road, encouraging countries to jointly build ocean observation and monitoring networks, sharing the results of marine environmental surveys, and providing assistance to developing countries in this area. China is willing to strengthen cooperation in the application of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and remote sensing satellite system to provide satellite positioning and information services.

Cooperation on maritime navigation security. China will shoulder its due international obligations, participate in bilateral and multilateral maritime navigation security and crisis-control mechanisms, and work with all parties to combat non-traditional security issues such as crimes on the sea.

Conducting joint maritime search and rescue missions. Under the frameworks of international conventions, China will shoulder its due international obligations, and strengthen information exchange and collaboration in joint search and rescue missions with countries along the Road. Countries are encouraged to expand cooperation in exchange visits, information sharing, personnel training and joint drills in order to enhance capacities in dealing with emergencies at sea including major disasters and security threats to tourists.

Jointly enhancing capabilities to prevent and mitigate marine disasters. We propose jointly setting up marine disaster warning systems in the South China Sea, the Bengal Sea, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and suggest jointly developing marine disaster warning products for transportation, escort, disaster prevention and mitigation. The IOC South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Center(SCSTAC) will play an active role in providing services to neighboring countries. Efforts will be made to work with countries along the Road to build cooperative mechanisms, set up training centers, conduct joint research and applications in marine disaster prevention and catastrophe response, and to provide technical assistance for countries along the Road.

Strengthening cooperation in maritime law enforcement. Dialogue with countries along the Road will be intensified and differences managed. Maritime law enforcement will be boosted under bilateral and multilateral frameworks. Cooperative mechanisms for joint maritime law enforcement, fishery law enforcement, and anti-terrorism and anti-violence on the sea will be developed and improved. Liaison networks for maritime law enforcement will be established and emergency plans developed through collective efforts. Exchanges and cooperation among the maritime law enforcement agencies of countries along the Road will be promoted, and necessary assistance provided for training.

4.4 Innovative growth

Innovation is one of the main drivers for the sustainable development of ocean-based economies. Efforts will be undertaken to improve cooperation in the fields of marine scientific research, education and training, and cultural communications, in order to enhance understanding of the ocean, facilitate the application of scientific and technological innovations, and to garner public support for intensifying ocean cooperation.

Furthering cooperation in marine scientific research and technological development. Together with countries along the Road, China will launch a Marine Science and Technology Cooperation Partnership Initiative, jointly survey and research the key waters and passages along the Road, forecast anomalies and assess impacts by researching the interactions between monsoons and the ocean, and by conducting geoscience surveys of the continental margin of the Indian Ocean. Further efforts will be undertaken to intensify cooperation in the fields of marine survey, observation technologies, renewable energy, seawater desalination, marine bio-pharmacy, seafood technology, drones and unmanned vessels. Cooperation in mutual recognition of marine technological standards and technology transfer will also be boosted. Scientific research institutions are encouraged to develop partnerships with enterprises in establishing oversea bases for the demonstration and promotion of marine technology.

Building platforms for marine technology cooperation. Together with countries along the Road, China will build platforms for the sharing of marine research infrastructure, data and technic resources, and marine technological cooperation parks. Efforts will be undertaken to facilitate the development of the APEC Marine Sustainable Development Center, the East Asia Marine Cooperation Platform, the China-ASEAN Marine Cooperation Center, the China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences, the China-PEMSEA Sustainable Coastal Management Cooperation Center, the China-Malaysia Joint Marine Research Center, the China-Indonesia Center for Ocean and Climate, the China-Thailand Joint Laboratory for Climate and Marine Ecosystem, the China-Pakistan Joint Marine Scientific Research Center, and the China-Israel Seawater Desalination Joint Research Center, so as to improve our capacity to achieve innovation in marine technology.

Jointly building smart ocean application platforms. Marine data and information sharing among different countries will be heightened and cooperative mechanisms and networks set up among marine databases. Countries are encouraged to work together on marine data re-analysis and application, to build the Center for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data, and jointly develop marine big data and cloud platform technologies so as to launch public information sharing platforms serving socio-economic development.

Conducting marine education and cultural exchange. The Marine Scholarship Program will enjoy continued funding from China, and more individuals from the countries along the Road will come to China for research and training. Efforts will be undertaken to implement marine knowledge and cultural exchange and integration programs. Coastal cities in China are encouraged to launch sister city partnerships with counterparts in the countries along the Road. Efforts will be undertaken to enhance exchange and cooperation with non-profit marine organizations and science education organizations. The Matsu folk culture will be promoted and the world Matsu marine culture center set up. Cooperation in marine cultural heritage protection and underwater archaeology and excavation will be promoted. The Ocean Culture Year and the Ocean Arts Festival will be held in countries along the Road to celebrate the Maritime Silk Road’s spirit of friendly cooperation throughout the ages.

Joint promotion of ocean related culture. Media cooperation will be enhanced via cross border interviews and other efforts, in order to develop a media “circle of friends”. We will collaborate on maritime art creation to present the local customs and lifestyles of countries along the Road, thus laying a solid foundation of public support.

4.5 Collaborative governance

The Blue Partnership is an effective way for promoting ocean cooperation. Efforts will be undertaken to promote policy coordination, deepen common understanding, enhance mutual political trust, build bilateral and multilateral cooperative mechanisms and to jointly participate in ocean governance, in order to provide the institutional framework for ocean cooperation.

Developing high-level dialogue mechanisms for marine affairs. China will work with countries along the Road to set up coordination and dialogue mechanisms at different levels and through multiple channels to formulate instruments for inter-governmental and inter-departmental cooperative, including action plans and roadmaps, and to promote major cooperative programs. Joint efforts will be undertaken towards developing high-level dialogue mechanisms among countries along the Road with the mission of implementing action plans and addressing major issues. The China-Small Island States Ocean-related Ministerial Round Table Meeting and the China-South Europe Marine Cooperation Forum will be held as planned.

Developing mechanisms for cooperation in blue economy. The Global Blue Economy Partnership Forum will be launched to promote new concepts and best practices of the blue economy, and to boost marine industrial integration and capacity cooperation. Efforts will also be undertaken to jointly develop international blue economy classification standards, and to release reports on blue economy development. Ocean-related public finance products will be explored to support the development of the blue economy.

Jointly conducting marine spatial planning and application. Cross-border marine spatial planning for blue growth will be promoted, common principles and technical standards implemented, and best practices and evaluation methods shared. China is willing to provide technical assistance in marine spatial planning for countries along the Road, and to jointly build an international forum on marine spatial planning.

Strengthening cooperation through multilateral mechanisms. The Chinese government supports the development of mechanisms for ocean cooperation and the formulation of policies and rules under the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the East Asia Leaders’ Meetings, the China-Africa Cooperation Forum and the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum. China will boost cooperation with multilateral cooperative organizations and support the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO), the Partnership in Environment Management of Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), the Indian Ocean Rim Association, and the International Ocean Institute in jointly organizing and promoting major programs and projects.

Enhancing cooperation among think tanks. Dialogue and exchange among the think-tanks of the countries along the Road will be encouraged, joint research on the alignment of strategies and policies undertaken, and major initiatives launched, in order to provide intellectual support for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. China supports domestic think-tanks in developing strategic partnerships with counterparts along the Road and relevant international organizations in efforts to set up a 21st Century maritime Silk Road think-tank alliance.

Strengthening cooperation among non-governmental organizations. Ocean-related public services, academic workshops, cultural exchanges, technological cooperation and knowledge dissemination are encouraged among NGOs along the Road as a complement to intergovernmental efforts, in order to enhance global ocean governance.

V. China in Action

Since the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative three years ago, the Chinese government has been actively seeking ocean cooperation with countries along the Road and has achieved steady progress.

High-level guidance and facilitation. With the leaders of relevant states bearing witness, China has signed intergovernmental agreements, MOUs and joint statements for ocean cooperation with countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, the Maldives and South Africa. We have made efforts in synching strategies and building extensive partnerships with countries along the Road.

Boosting the role of cooperation platforms. Under mechanisms such as APEC, the East Asian Leaders’ Meetings, and the China-ASEAN Cooperation Framework, we have launched consultations on maritime affairs and established dialogue and cooperation platforms including the Blue Economy Forum, the Seminar on Marine Environmental Protection, the Ocean Cooperation Forum, the China-ASEAN Marine Cooperation Center, and the East Asian Ocean Cooperation Platform. A series of Maritime Silk Road related activities, including the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Expo, the Maritime Silk Road International Art Festival and the Global Matsu Maritime Culture Forum, have been held in succession, thereby promoting understanding, building consensus and enhancing ocean cooperation.

Increasing financial investment. The Chinese government has mobilized domestic resources and set up the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund and the China-Indonesia Maritime Cooperation Fund. We have also implemented The Framework Plan for International Cooperation for the South China Sea and its Adjacent Oceans. Meanwhile, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund have provided capital support for major ocean cooperation programs.

China’s regions promoting opening-up. In the spirit of enhancing pragmatic cooperation with countries along the Road, the Chinese government has encouraged economic zones such as the Bohai Rim, the Yangtze River Delta, the west coast of the Taiwan Straits, the Pearl River Delta and coastal port cities, to leverage local advantages and further open up. The Chinese government has supported the Fujian Province in becoming a core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and promoted the development of the Zhejiang Marine Economy Development Demonstration Zone, the Fujian Marine Economic Pilot Zone and the Zhoushan Archipelago New Area. Efforts have also been made to promote Hainan Province as an international tourism island, and to establish demonstration zones for marine economic development and demonstration cities for ocean-based innovative growth.

Projects being implemented. Progress has been achieved in implementing a series of programs and projects, including the Malaysia Malacca Seaside Industrial Park, the Pakistan Gwadar Port, the port+industrial park+city mode of integrated development of the Kyaukpyu port in Myanmar, the Colombo Port City and the Phase II Hambantota Port Project in Sri Lanka,the railway linking Ethiopia and Djibouti, the railway between Mombasa and Nairobi in Kenya, and the Piraeus port in Greece. China is collaborating with the Netherlands in developing offshore wind power generation and with Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Iran in implementing seawater desalination projects. The connectivity of submarine communication has been remarkably enhanced and the Asia-Pacific Gateway (APG) submarine optical fiber cable is officially up and running. The industrial parks in China’s Qinzhou and Malaysia’s Kuantan, the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone in Cambodia and the Suez Economic and Trade Cooperative Zone in Egypt, are currently under construction, and have achieved remarkable progress.

Looking ahead, the Chinese government will work in good faith and with the utmost sincerity to promote ocean cooperation with countries along the Road. We look forward to creating opportunities, meeting challenges, and seeking common development. Let us cherish our ocean, work together to protect our blue home, and collectively draw up the blueprint for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

Source : Xinhuanet

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧中华网北欧绿色邮报网专访(记者陈雪霏)– 第一次见到北欧集团董事长曹侃先生是2014年8月16日在斯德哥尔摩召开的欧华联会第18届大会上。当时,他为大会作了主题为((北欧房地产市场))的演讲并介绍了他在挪威的房地产开发状况。因为当时精彩的节目太多了,加上他演讲完就离开了,我也有其他任务,所以没有再追踪采访。那天同台演讲的还有长江商学院的项兵院长和斯德哥尔摩大学的房晓辉教授。最近在斯德哥尔摩再次有机会见到曹侃董事长,我说,这次可不能放过你了,必须来个专访。


学业  曹侃说,他16岁就离开父母自费到挪威读书,那是1981年,在我们北方似乎是不可想象的。曹侃解释说,因为他出生在福建的侨乡,父辈有很多人都到印尼等海外去发展。同时也受到 ”万事皆下品, 惟有读书高”,”读千卷书、行万里路”的中国传统文化的影响,他自己出来读书也是再不过自然的事。只能说,中国的南方开放得早,人们对于出国这件事情也考虑得早。


万事开头难 曹侃先给自己家购买小楼,也可以说是从事房地产的起始。 那是1993年,他做得非常艰难,主要是什么都缺,缺资金,缺人脉、缺技术工人、缺行业知识、缺法律知识。曹侃坦言,在后来的几年里感觉压力很大,有两三次都想放弃了。在这期间停止了一、二年,使身心得以休整,迈出困境,走上了成功之路。

谈到在海外创业的经验时,他说,”我们该吃的苦头都吃过了,成功的经验和失败的教训都非常重要,那是一笔需要时间积累的难得财富。我们善于不断地进修,不断地学习。现在的社会变化很快,一定要了解专业发展趋势。”  他希望能以自己点滴的经历和经验与读者们分享共勉,尤其是青年人不要轻易放弃自己的理想与追求。

事业 北欧集团在挪威多个城市黄金地段有3000套住房在设计、规划、开发中。虽然现在的项目比20多年前大了几百倍,但他反而感觉轻松了许多,因为具备了专业知识、专业团队,有资金、有人脉网络、有创新、有品牌。他的企业在挪威属于大型房地产企业之一,开发总价值约100亿挪威克朗。在北欧,房地产企业是资金密集型、知识密集型企业。



引领社会发展  北欧集团在首都奥斯陆南边城市有一个1000多套公寓的社区发展项目,在当地堪称是百年以来最大的项目。我们的目标是将它打造成欧洲最佳居住社区之一。为实现它,我们制定了三个分目标。其一,美观实用的建筑群设计。为实现这一目标我们聘请了挪威建筑设计界泰斗,设计效果轰动主流社会和政府。强强联合、借用他人的品牌,这是成功的第一步。其二,低碳排放。包含生态环境、环保材料、节能、再生能源、太阳能等。其三,居住舒适度。包含平面图、广场、公众空间、半公众空间、私人空间、半私人空间、阳光、风景、视线等。这三个分目标如果实现了,我们的总目标就实现了。曹先生说,这不是北欧集团单独所能实现的大目标,因此我们联合了当地社会、政府、居民、学术界等来共同实现。

再次拿到大项目  曹先生说,令人欣慰的是,北欧集团联合挪威生命科学大学等10多家欧洲的大学和科研机构等向欧盟申请并于2017年6月23日获得了700万欧元项目科研经费。挪威生命科学大学在世界一万多家大学排名榜中居一百余位,能获如此之大的科研经费在北欧和欧洲实属罕见。这显示了欧盟对北欧集团项目及其科研团队的认可和信任,科研成果将向全欧洲推广。曹侃先生说,这是项目成功的第二大步。由于人力物力资源的投入,使目标的实现接近了一大步。





家庭 曹先生说,正如俗话所说,每个成功的男人背后,都有一个优秀的女人。曹夫人的专业是宏观经济,为公司的发展和小孩的培养起了决定性作用。她对小孩的培养严格宽松有度。

他们有三个孩子,一个女儿、两个儿子。女儿已企业管理学士毕业,在读硕士。二儿子在大学读土木工程三年级。三儿子读高中三年级。他(她)们学习成绩好、实践能力、综合能力强,从小就锻炼能吃苦耐劳。三儿子今年夏天高二IB (International Baccalaureate)专业毕业时,6门学科全部满分。如果高三保持同一成绩,将可考入剑桥大学等世界任何名校。曹先生说,三儿子的最可贵之处还不在于考试成绩,而更在于能将多学科综合、交叉应用于实践; 对父母、姐兄感情深厚,将家庭成员的的需求置高于个人需要。


庆祝中国人解放军建军90周年 老兵回忆!


董雪昌  (广州)  文/图

         上世纪60年代末, 我高中毕业那年,被分配到广州市标准件维修厂当上了一名电工,每天屁颠屁颠地跟着师傅在上下九路的车间里跑来跑去巡视线路,日子过得也蛮潇洒。
        第二天清早,我哥哥坐火车汽车赶到广州市第一人民医院门口同我汇合。我对我哥哥说:“你只管往医院里面走,如果有人叫董雪昌,你就马上答应他。” 果真,厂团委书记没有认出来,把我哥哥带去检查身体。就这样,我蒙蔽过关,近视眼也当上了一名中国人民解放军。
         过了几个月,第二训练的射击打靶开始训练了。二百米的靶10发子弾能打60环就是及格,否则就不及格。到了训练场,我爬在地上端枪一看就傻了,二百的靶子模模糊糊根本看不清楚,如何瞄得准,我装模作样也要爬在地上端枪瞄呀。班长陈田来在检查镜里指挥我瞄准:“往左,往右,你怎么把枪摆动这么大呢?”,“笨得要命,连农村兵都不如……”班长气得直骂我,我哑巴吃黄莲有苦说不出,副班长过来指挥也同样。检查了几天,副班长似乎发现了什么问题:“你是不是眼睛有毛病。” 我心想到部队已经三四个月了,估计不会退我回去了。我急忙说:“是的,我是近视眼,看不清靶子。” “那你怎么来当兵的?” 我只好撒了个谎说,我把视力表背得滚瓜烂熟蒙过来的。我紧跟着说:“我有眼镜,戴眼镜练习可不可以?” 副班长连声说,“行,行!” 我从口袋里摸出眼镜一戴上,端枪瞄准,眼前的靶子清清楚楚。副班长在检查镜里一检查,枪瞄得准准的,枪端得稳稳的。副班长连声说:“好!好!” 就这样,我戴着眼镜打完了第二练习,成绩绝对优秀。
有一天,我们正在训练,团长刘江亭过来检查工作。他突然发现我就说:“这个兵怎么戴眼镜训练?”陪同的连长郭贵端说:“别看他戴眼镜,枪打得特别准。” 刘团长一听兴趣来了,马上说:“赏他三发子弹打。” 正在旁边的班长马上给我装了三发子弹,我端起枪停止呼吸瞄准靶子,嘭嘭嘭……三发子弹全打在地球上了,气得郭连长扭头就走,好在刘团长还有点素养,连声说:“小家伙好好练!” 我连连点头,恨不得地上有条缝马上钻进去。是啊,关健时刻没给连长争口气呀!



2017年05月20日 09:35:12 中国工商银行


























北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)–  2017年7月27日,中国驻瑞典大使馆陆海空军武官徐俊大校在使馆举行招待会,隆重庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年。驻瑞典大使陈育明、瑞典国防装备署韦林少将等瑞军政官员、驻瑞武官团,旅瑞华人华侨及中资机构和留学生代表等出席了招待会。







北欧绿色邮报网报道(驻荷兰特约记者张卓辉)–    一架荷兰军方的直升机随后低空飞行至靠驻西德边境的荷兰东部阿纳姆市(Arnhem)附近的第11空中突击旅营军营上空并悬停。 世界大战名城   纪念胜利。



陷入绝地反击   卫冕成功 


每年一度的军事五项世锦赛五项比赛分别是200米大口径步枪射击、500米障碍赛跑、50米障碍游泳、手榴弹投准 投远和越野跑(男子8000米、女子4000米)。直接从战场移植而来此五项目,集中了陆军单兵实战训练的基础要素,是对军人意志品质的严酷挑战,也是和平时期各国展示军队战斗力的舞台,主办单位国际军事体育理事会将其称之为“捍卫军旗之战”。 



中国队连续第十五次获得军事五项世界锦标赛男子团体冠军!因此,中国队再以绝对优势包揽第57届军事五项世界锦标赛男子和女子团体冠军,成功实现赛前制定的男子团体“十五连冠”和女子团体“十连冠”目标。而女队队员刘坤发挥出色,获得女子个人冠军。比赛过后,几乎所有的欧洲强队都派代表来到中国队的帐篷,祝贺中国队的胜利,更感叹于中国队无可匹敌的拼劲,军人生来为战胜,这是古今中外任何一支军队亘古不变的价值追求。最后,他们留下这样一句话:“中国军人是最棒的! 其实,你们才是无冕之王!” 

持恒卅年铸剑   克敌法宝 




 为祖国和人民   赢得荣誉 








重演盟军空降  “市场花园” 


强大的盟军重型运输机群随着多批次的战斗机护卫,于同年9月18日早晨掠过邻近阿纳姆市的海尔德兰省艾德(Ede)的Ginkelse Heide上空,机腹下即刻跳出一串串,一个个……数百名伞兵从天而降。 

当天,风和日丽。由来自荷兰、英国、法国、波兰、德国等多个欧洲国家空降部队为再现65年前盟军发动了代号为“市场花园行动”(Operation Market Garden ),它是最大规模的空降作战,配合地面装甲部队快速移动的协同作战。试图解放荷兰北部地区并进入德国,其是史上最大规模的空降作战,举行了隆重的纪念表演。数万名群众参与了纪念活动。与此同时,被称为“欧洲的后花园”荷兰的奈美根( Nijmegen )、 阿纳姆( Arnhem )、和阿拍顿(Apeldoorn )等地也举行盟军地面部队集结待命和配合作战的演练。此外,“Jan Hilgers先生纪念空展”同在是日拉开序幕,首日便吸引了35.000人的目光。有数十架老爷机和新型战机陈列其中。该空展是为了纪念荷兰的百年航空史。早在1910年6月29日,Jan Hilgers成为了第一个驾驶飞机,遨游在艾德上空的荷兰人。从而着实地为上述军事五项世界锦标赛锦上添花,增放异彩。 

















多年来,军事五项队代表中国军队征战世界军事比武赛场,夺金牌、破纪录、升国旗、奏国歌,敢打必胜,不辱使命,取得了“八个首创”的特殊战绩:首次代表中国军队打入由北约主宰的国际军事五项比武赛场,把八一军旗插在了世界冠军席上;首次打破西方军事强国垄断,使在欧美国家流动了33年的“戴布鲁斯杯”落入亚洲和中国;首次把女子团体冠军”挑战者杯“永久留在了中国;首次实现了男子团体“十五连冠”和女子个人 “十连冠”,把中国士兵的名字刻在了由西方军队命名的世界冠军奖杯上;首次用中国高级将领的命名取代了西方军队创设的军事五项女子团体世界冠军杯;首次取得了在世界锦标赛上包揽男子个人前6名和女子个人前4名的“大满贯纪录”;首次在世界锦标赛中连续打破5项世界纪录;首次因推动世界军事体育发展的突出贡献而荣获国际奥委会颁发的萨马兰奇特殊荣誉奖杯。 









北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏) — 7月20日,驻瑞典大使陈育明和夫人白晓梅在中国驻瑞典大使馆举行离任招待会。瑞典工商与创新大臣丹贝里、首相府国务秘书达尔格伦和外交部国务秘书薛德分别代表瑞典政府、勒文首相和瑞典外交部出席了招待会,瑞典议会、政府各部门、工商、教育、文化、科技等各界人士、外国驻瑞使节、在瑞华侨华人、留学生、中资机构和媒体代表200余人出席。

































