Long Yuxiang and Zhang Qiaozhen unveiled the Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park

Translated and edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 1(Greenpost)–On October 26th, the Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park was officially unveiled. Chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Center Long Yuxiang, President of the Swiss-Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Chairman of the Nordic Innovation Center, Ms. Zhang Qiaozhen attended the ceremony and unveiled the ceremony.

Relevant leaders from the National Foreign Cultural Trade Base, Beijing Shunyi District, Beijing Tianzhu Comprehensive Bonded Zone Management Committee, Beijing State-owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office, Beijing Tianzhu Customs, Beijing Municipal Party Committee Information Department, and Cultural and Tourism Department External Relations Bureau attended the unveiling ceremony.

On October 26th, the opening ceremony of the “One Belt, One Road” Cultural Trade Exhibition Branch of China Beijing International Cultural and Creative Industry Expo in 2018 was held in the Tianyi Free Trade Zone of the Beijing Cultural and Trade Base. The Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park was unveiled at the grand opening ceremony. At the unveiling ceremony, Chairman of the China International Cultural Communication Center, Mr. Long Yuxiang, fully affirmed the extensive work done by the Nordic Innovation Center in the practice of the “Belt and Road” and expressed high hopes for the future development of the Nordic Innovation Center.

Ms. Zhang Qiaozhen, President of the Swedish-Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Chairman of the Nordic Innovation Center, said at the opening ceremony that since the establishment of the Nordic Innovation Center, more than 100 innovations projects have been established in Northern Europe and China. In 2018, the Nordic Innovation Center established Shenzhen Headquarters and Shantou Sub-center in Shenzhen and Shantou, China respectively.

She said that today the Nordic Innovation Center officially settled in the national foreign cultural trade base (Beijing), the frontier position of the Chinese culture “bringing in and going out”, and grandly listed in the political, cultural and economic center of the motherland, is a milestone of the Nordic Innovation Center. The big event marks the Nordic Innovation Center will enter a new stage.

In the future, the Nordic Innovation Center Beijing Park will become a new operation center in Greater China and even in the Asia Pacific region. It will better serve innovative entrepreneurial organization and individuals in need around the world. This time, the Nordic Innovation Center is able to establish a far-reaching cooperative relationship with the National Foreign Cultural Trade Base and Beijing Wentou Group, and join hands to create an innovative international cultural platform. She is very happy and confident.

 The Nordic Innovation Center was established in August 2017 and the Nordic headquarters was established at the World Trade Center in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nordic Innovation Center, as a professional and innovative project integrated operation platform, focuses on the latest technological innovation companies in Northern Europe and the world.

The Nordic Innovation Center enters China through a Nordic project or enterprise that is optimally adapted to China’s capital and industry positioning, and through its established project management mechanism, provides project introduction and evaluation and China’s industrial policy for domestic and overseas projects seeking Chinese funds and the Chinese market。The center also provides consulting, innovative R&D support, project planning, financing and guidance, industrial parks and capital docking, market-oriented counseling, such as the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, corporate listing incubation, IPO counseling, exhibitions and other solutions.
It is reported that those who were present at the opening ceremony include Peter, chairman of the Haskoll International Architecture Design Company in the United Kingdom, Henry, General Manager of Greater China, Aaron Sun Bin, CEO of Peacock Greater China, and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Overseas Chinese Experimental Zone in Shantou, China. Wu Xianxian, Director of the Management Committee, Chen Yizhong, Secretary of the Working Committee of the Commission, and Lu Qunhua, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of China Haining High-tech Park, Chen Yang, Deputy General Manager of Shantou East Coast Investment Construction Company, Song Shutao, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, and Guangdong Overseas Chinese Big Data Co., Ltd. Manager Ren Tao.
Source: NetEase










据悉,出席此次揭幕仪式的还有英国Haskoll赫斯科国际建筑设计公司董事长Peter、大中华区总经理Henry、欧洲沛垠大中华区CEO Aaron 孙斌、中国汕头华侨试验区党工委书记、管委会主任吴先宪、纪工委书记陈馥忠一行、及中国海宁高新园区管委会副主任陆群华、汕头东海岸投资建设公司副总经理陈阳、监事会主席宋树涛,以及广东华侨大数据有限公司总经理任涛等。


Utländska journalister Besök Xinjiang-serien (7) – Nationell enhetsfamilj, stor festlunch med tre etniska grupper

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm den 17 oktober (GreenPost) – Den 26 augusti gick över 30 kinesiska och utländska mediereporter i Urumqi Qidaowan distriktsförvaltningskommitténs kommande grannar kommittee för att delta i de nationella familjeaktiviteterna.

Reportrarna intervjuade gemenskapschefen och folket i olika etniska grupper, besökte samhället och etniska familjer och åt lunch med folket i alla etniska grupper. De bevittnade folkets skratt och tull i den nationella sammansättningen och smakade den goda maten med etniska egenskaper i Xinjiang.

När vi lämnade bussen såg reportern lyktorna här, och det fanns flera stora bord på gatan på gården. Människor från alla samhällsskikt satt ihop. Bordet är fullt av mat, handplockat ris, stekt nudlar, vattenmelon, Honung, druvor och andra livsmedel. Vattenmelonen här är riktigt stor och söt.

Turistguiden sa att det fanns en sann historia om Adi Aisha. Adi Aisha var en arbetare vid Urumqi Chemical Plant, huvudsakligen verksamt inom transport av råvaror för tillverkning av svavelsyra. Oavsett om det var blåsigt eller regnigt, regn eller snö, året runt var han oavbruten och uppgiften överfulgades varje månad. Han hade blivit värderad som modellarbetare på fabriken många gånger, och han hade blivit ett exempel för ungdomar i den kemiska anläggningen vid den tiden. Före sin död donerade han sina livslånga besparingar på 1000 yuan (uppskattad till den nuvarande 120 amerikanska dollar) till fabriken för att belöna bra kamrater som är aktiva i arbete och nationell enhet. Adi Aisha var inte bara en vanlig person, men hade en sorts ande. Under de senaste 32 åren sedan hans död har han blivit en andlig symbol för att överföra syftet med nationell enhet. Han gjorde “Adi Aisha” nationell enhetsblomma i Shuimogou-området och vidarebefordrades från generation till generation. Detta var också det bästa exemplet som en gammal parti medlem satte till att skapa en nationell enhetsfamilj.

För att fira Adi Aisha har folk byggt upp sin staty här.

Enligt medlemmen av CPPCC: s nationella kommitté och den första sekreteraren Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi grundades gemenskapen på 1980-talet. Inhabited av tre etniska grupper, Uygur, Han och Hui, partiorganisationerna spelar en viktig roll här och nära förenar de olika nationaliteterna. De tar den lokala festorganisationen som kärna, engagerar sig i olika aktiviteter eller lärande, och främjar enighet för alla. De inrättade också kooperativ. På kooperativet väver alla hantverk tillsammans. Genom aktiviteter är människor nära förenade. En annan viktig del är National Unity Courtyard. “Vi måste vidarebefordra Adi Aishas ande”, sade Tiemuer Niyazi.

Varför är denna enhet särskilt viktig? Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi sade att Xinjiang är ett multietniskt område, och enheten för alla etniska grupper i Xinjiang är vår livsnivå. Från historia till nutid måste alla etniska grupper leva tillsammans och göra framsteg tillsammans. Utan nationell enhet kommer det inte att finnas någon stabilitet i Xinjiang, och nationell enhet är vad vi måste göra. Utan nationell enhet finns det inget harmoniskt samhälle i Xinjiang. Alla etniska grupper är lika, bor tillsammans och förenas ihop. Det betyder inte att Xinjiang inte var förenat tidigare, vi har alltid varit eniga. Juli 2009-incidenten 2009 var en sådan händelse att de “tre krafterna” utanför landet ansträngde sig för att undergräva vår enhet och fred. Denna händelse var den som folket i alla etniska grupper i Xinjiang motsatte sig.

Den 26 augusti var det den sista dagen på Nationalfestivalen “Kurban festival” i Xinjiang. Folk i samhället tycktes födda musikaliska, sjunga och dansa, gamla och unga, de var alla väldigt glada att fira festivalen på det här sättet .

De sjunger inte bara traditionella sånger, barn dansar också modern dansdans.

Mier Guli. Anne sjöng en vacker “Sjungande en sång till partiet”. Den här sången har sjungits i årtionden, och nu är den fortfarande så vacker, särskilt sången av Mier Guli, mycket rörlig.

“Hulunbeier Prairie”, en mongolisk sång får fler människor att känna oändlig glädje, harmoni och fred. Singing kan förmedla starka känslor och kärlek. Detta var Xinjiang-folkets liv. De är lika fria och säkra som de kan. Vad reportern känner här är att upprätthålla partiledningen. Samtidigt går partiledarna djupt in i gräsrots och massorna. Festmedlemmarna och massorna är alla väldigt glada. Speciellt för äldre, när reportrar intervjuade dem, sa de alla att livet är väldigt nöjd nu. Under de senare åren var de väl omhändertagna av partiet och regeringen.


Lunchmat är från alla familjer som tar med maträtt här. Det kan också vara att alla kan ta med ett program om möjligt. Kortfattat är den här typen av kulturell aktivitet på gemenskapens friluftsplats faktiskt vad som har hänt i Kina sedan befrielsen. Det är en kulturell underhållning som många tycker om eftersom det är överkomligt. Du behöver inte gå till teatern för att uppleva kulturen. Som en kulturell aktivitet är denna kulturella atmosfär djupt rotad i människornas hjärtan.

I själva verket har Xinjiang för att stärka den nationella enheten under de senaste åren formulerat och genomfört en rad nya politiska åtgärder för att främja nationell enhet. En av dem är politiken för nationell enhet och familj. Till exempel har regionala enheter nyligen skickat människor till bönderna och boskapsbolagen i södra Xinjiang för att ge presenter, till exempel att ge barnleksaker, duschar, bord och stolar etc. för att besöka det fem eller sex gånger om året. För att förbättra ömsesidig förståelse, som de östra regionen hjälper den västra regionen, vill de provinsiella huvudstäderna hjälpa bröder och systrar i andra regioner. Denna typ av deltagande, kommunikation och utbyte är en form av demokrati, nationalitet och för människors försörjning. Det förkroppsligar ömsesidig hjälp, men inte ömsesidig avveckling.

Smaka på Xinjiangs handplockade ris, Hamimelon och stor vattenmelon, du kan känna solskenet här är sött, frukten är söt och folket lever lyckligt. Denna intervju var en fältintervju utförd av kinesiska och utländska medier organiserad av Statens informationsbyrå i kärnområdet i Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt. Det är underförstått att Xinjiang täcker ett område på mer än 1,66 miljoner kvadratkilometer, med fyra av Sveriges landområde. Den totala befolkningen som bor i detta område är 22 miljoner, vilket motsvarar den totala befolkningen i två sverige. Det finns 56 etniska grupper som bor i det stora landet Xinjiang. Bland dem finns 13 etniska grupper som lever här i generationer. De är Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Xibo, Manchurian, Tadzjik, Uzbek, Daur, Tatar och Ryska.

Sedan antiken har Xinjiang varit ett multietniskt område och en region med kulturella resurser. Xinjiang är känt som västra regionen. Det är en lång korridor av etnisk migration och historia. Det är en helig plats för mångkulturella utbyten, en integrerad del av den kinesiska kulturen, och en hel natt plats för den gamla Silk Road. Under 60 f.Kr. förenade västra Han-dynastin västra regionen och etablerade de västra regionerna, som markerade Xinjiangregionens officiella inträde på det kinesiska territoriet. År 1884 etablerade staten provinsen i Xinjiang och tog betydelsen av det nyinvesterade hemlandet. Xinjiang ersatte officiellt det gamla namnet “Western Region”.

Under tusentals år har folket i alla etniska grupper i Xinjiang arbetat tillsammans på detta land för att skapa en fantastisk civilisation. Historiska och kulturella platser, kulturella reliker speglar kulturella egenskaper hos olika etniska grupper och bevittnade utvecklingen av Xinjiangs historia och förändringar av olika nationella kulturer. Buddism, islam, kristendom, katolicism, ortodoxism, taoism och många andra religioner sameksisterar här. Östra och västra kulturer blandar här. De fyra forntida civilisationerna konvergerar här. Den kinesiska nationella mästaren Ji Xianlin sade att i världens långa historia och vidsträckta inflytande finns det bara fyra kulturella system: antika Grekland, Kina, Indien och Islam. Det finns ingen femte, och den plats där dessa fyra kulturer träffas är bara i Xinjiang i Kina. Det finns ingen sekund. Därför är Xinjiang en unik plats i världen.

Xinjiang har 18 nationella förstklassiga hamnar, inte bara beroende av Kinas inhemska stora marknad med en befolkning på 1,3 miljarder men också inför den stora kanalen av materialcirkulation, personalutbyte och kulturell integration som också har 1,3 miljarder Central- och Sydvästasiatiska marknader. Xinjiang är kärnområdet i “Silk Road” ekonomiska bältet. Genom det kinesiska-europeiska godståget förväntas det bli ett transportcentrum som förbinder Central- och Sydvästra Asien och även Europa. Framtiden kommer att spela en viktigare roll och fortsätter att skriva en ny era av Silk Road civilisationen. De utländska medier som deltar i denna intervju inkluderar NHK från Japan, Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency i Kirgizistan, Förenade Arabemiraten i Bangladesh, NET TV i Indonesien Indien, de vanligaste medierna av Indien och Egypten, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkiet och Uzbekistan media. De är journalister från länder längs Silk Road Economic Belt och kommer att utforska mysterierna kring kärnområdet i Sidenväg ekonomiska bältet.

Foto /text    Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (7) – National unity family, big party lunch with three ethnic groups

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 17(GreenPost)  — On August 26th, over 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Urumqi Qidaowan District Management Committee‘s Emerging Community National Unity Courtyard to participate in the national unity family activities.

The reporters interviewed the community head and people of various ethnic groups, visited the community and ethnic families, and had lunch with the people of all ethnic groups. They witnessed the laughter and customs of the people in the national compound and tasted the delicious food with ethnic characteristics in Xinjiang.

When we got off the bus, the reporter saw the lanterns here, and there were several large tables on the street in the yard. People from all walks of life sat together. The table is full of food, hand-picked rice, fried noodles, watermelon, Honung, grapes and other foods. The watermelon here is really big and sweet.

The tour guide said that there was a true story of Adi Aisha. Adi Aisha was a worker at the Urumqi Chemical Plant, mainly engaged in the transportation of raw materials for the manufacturing of sulfuric acid. No matter it was windy or rainy, rain or snow, all the year round, he was uninterrupted, and the task was overfulfilled every month. He had been appraised as a model worker in the factory many times, and he had become an example for young people in the chemical plant at that time. Before his death, he donated his lifelong savings of 1,000 yuan (estimated to the current 120 US dollars) to the factory to reward good comrades who are active in work and national unity. Adi Aisha was not just an ordinary person, but carrying a kind of spirit. Over the past 32 years since his death, he has become a spiritual symbol for carrying forward the purpose of national unity. He made the “Adi Aisha” national unity flower blossom in Shuimogou area and passed on from generation to generation. This was also the best example set by an old party member to establish a national unity family.

In order to commemorate Adi Aisha, people have erected his statue here.

According to the member of the CPPCC National Committee and the first secretary, Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi, the community was established in the 1980s. Inhabited by three ethnic groups, the Uygur, the Han and the Hui, the party organizations play an important role here, and closely unite the various nationalities. They take the local party organization as the core, engage in various activities or learning, and promote the unity of everyone. They also set up cooperatives. At the cooperative, everyone weave handicrafts together. Through activities, people are closely united. Another important part is the National Unity Courtyard. “We must pass on the spirit of Adi Aisha,” said Tiemuer Niyazi.

Why is this unity particularly important? Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi said that Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic area, and the unity of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang is our lifeline. From the history to the present, all ethnic groups must live together and make progress together. Without national unity, there will be no stability in Xinjiang, and national unity is what we must do. Without national unity, there is no harmonious society in Xinjiang. All ethnic groups are equal, living together and united together. It doesn’t mean that Xinjiang was not united before, we have always been united. The July.5 incident in 2009 was such an event that the “three forces” outside the country incited to undermine our unity and peace. This incident was the one that the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang were opposed to.

On August 26th, it was the last day of the National Festival “Kurban festival” in Xinjiang. The folks in the community seemed to be born musical, singing and dancing, old and young, they were all very  happy to celebrate the festival this way.

Not only do they sing traditional songs,  children also dance modern tap dancing.

Mier Guli. Anne sang a beautiful “Singing a Song to the Party”. This song has been sung for decades, and now it is still so beautiful, especially the singing of Mier Guli, very moving.

“Hulunbeier Prairie”, a Mongolian song makes more people feel endless joy, harmony and peace. Singing can convey strong feelings and love. This was the life of the Xinjiang people. They are as free and secure as they can. What the reporter feels here is to uphold the leadership of the party. At the same time, the party members go deep into the grassroots and the masses. The party members  and masses are all very happy. Especially for the elderly, when reporters interviewed them, they all said that life is very happy now. In their later years, they were well cared for by the party and the government.

The lunch food is from every family that brings a dish to eat here. It may also be that everyone can bring a program if possible. In short, this kind of cultural activity in the open-air plaza of the community is actually what has been going on in China since the liberation. It is a cultural entertainment that many people like because it is affordable. You don’t need to go to the theater to experience the culture. As one style of culture activity, this cultural atmosphere is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In fact, in order to strengthen national unity, in recent years, Xinjiang has formulated and implemented a series of new policies to promote national unity. One of them is the policy of national unity and family. For example, regional units have recently sent people to the farmers and herdsmen’s homes in southern Xinjiang to give gifts, such as giving children’s toys, showers, tables and chairs, etc., to visit there five or six times a year. To enhance mutual understanding, just as the eastern region helps the western region, the provincial capitals want to help brothers and sisters in other regions. This kind of participation, communication and exchange is a form of democracy, nationality, and for people’s livelihood. It embodies mutual help, but not mutual dismantling.

Tasting Xinjiang’s hand-picked rice, Hamimelon and large watermelon, you can feel the sunshine here is sweet, the fruit is sweet, and the people live happily.

This interview was a field interview conducted by the Chinese and foreign media organized by the State Council Information Office into the core area of ​​the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt.

It is understood that Xinjiang covers an area of ​​more than 1.66 million square kilometers, with four of Sweden’s land area. The total population living in this area is 22 million, which is equivalent to the total population of two Sweden. There are 56 ethnic groups living in the vast land of Xinjiang. Among them, there are 13 ethnic groups living here for generations. They are Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Xibo, Manchurian, Tajik, Uzbek, Daur, Tatar and Russian.

Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic area and a region of cultural resources. Xinjiang is known as the Western Region. It is a long corridor of ethnic migration and history. It is a holy place for multicultural exchanges, an integral part of Chinese culture, and an all-night place for the ancient Silk Road. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty unified the Western Region and established the Western Regions, which marked the official entry of the Xinjiang region into the Chinese territory. In 1884, the central government established the province in Xinjiang, and took the meaning of newly recovered homeland. Xinjiang officially replaced the ancient name of “Western Region”. For thousands of years, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have worked together on this land to create a splendid civilization. Historical and cultural sites, cultural relics reflect the cultural characteristics of different ethnic groups  and witnessed  the development of Xinjiang’s history and the changes of various national cultures. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodoxism, Taoism and many other religions coexist here. Eastern and Western cultures blend here. The four ancient civilizations converge here. The Chinese national master, Ji Xianlin, said that in the world’s long history and far-reaching influence, there are only four cultural systems: ancient Greece, China, India, and Islam. There is no fifth, and the place where these four cultures meet is only in Xinjiang in China. There is no second. Therefore, Xinjiang is a unique place in the world.

Xinjiang has 18 national first-class ports, not only relying on China’s domestic large market with a population of 1.3 billion, but also facing the large channel of material circulation, personnel exchanges and cultural integration that also has 1.3 billion Central and South-West Asian markets. Xinjiang is the core area of ​​the “Silk Road” economic belt. Through the China-European freight train, it is expected to become a transportation hub connecting Central and South-West Asia and even Europe. The future will play a more important role and continue to write a new era of Silk Road civilization. The foreign media participating in this interview include NHK from Japan,Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency of Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates of Bangladesh, NET TV of Indonesia India, the mainstream media of India and Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan media. They are journalists from countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and come to explore the mysteries of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Photo /text    Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (6) -Skydda klassisk skatt Tolv Muqam från Xinjiang

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 26 augusti (Greenpost) – I Xinjiang Uygurs autonoma region finns en så stor oral kulturskatt “Twelve Muqam”. Vilken typ av klassiskt arbete är det och hur går det vidare? Den 26 augusti gick mer än 30 kinesiska och utländska media reporter in i Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre för att intervjua Muqams skydd och arv.

Teaterbyggnaden med sina starka konstnärliga egenskaper är vackrare mot blå himmel och vita moln. Gå in på gården kan du se en skulptur. Det var skulpturen av Tolv Muqams arv, Turdi Ahong (1881-1956).

Qiao Siming, sekreterare för partiutskottet i Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre, sa att i den tidiga befrielsens tidsåld var en gammal man i Xinjiang, kallad Turdi Ahong (1881-1956), den enda som kunde spela tolv Muqam helt. Muqam är väldigt stor, med tolv uppsättningar, en uppsättning i två timmar, alla spelade ner, det tar en dag och en natt. Dessa tolv uppsättningar spår är alla muntliga.

På den tiden, med speciell omsorg av Premier Zhou Enlai, skickades experter till rekord, att spela in och översätta med den bästa inspelningsutrustningen. Qiao Siming förklarade att Muqam härstammar från fem eller sex hundra år sedan, och Muqam betyder en uppsättning låtar. Tolv Muqam, som är relativt stor, är huvudsakligen spridd i södra Xinjiang. Förutom tolv Muqam finns det Yili Muqam i Dongjiang och Turpan Muqam i norra Xinjiang. De flesta ord i dikterna och filosofierna, folketolden och vissa kärleksområden och scener i socialt arbete. Efter tio år var det inte förrän 1961 att det var helt klart, och det har publicerats hittills, och det har publicerats böcker och audiovisuella produkter. För att fira den gamla människans bidrag till tolv Muqams arv skapade vi speciellt en staty för honom. UNESCO har bedömt det som ett immateriellt kulturarv och refererar till alla Muqam. Enligt forskningen sjöngs den tidigaste Muqam i det uråldriga mongolska språket Chaer, uråldriga Uyghur. Senare översattes den till Uyghur och översattes sedan från Uyghur till Mandarin. Detta är en komplicerad process.

1989, för att skydda och vidarebefordra tolv Muqam, finansierade centralregeringen etableringen av Xinjiang Muqam konstteater. Under 2005 namngavs Muqam som ett världsintegrerbart kulturarv av UNESCO. Intensiteten av skydd, forskning och arv har ökat ytterligare.

Han sa att Xinjiang Muqam Art Troupe är en statlig enhet, statsbudgeten och går ofta utomlands. De har besökt mer än 100 länder och regioner. Samtidigt går de ofta till städerna och landsbygden för att utföra för folket.

Tolv Muqam började med en solo mansångare, åtföljd av olika instrument, med musik, poesi, kör, ensemble och solo för att återspegla livet och kärleken hos Xinjiang Uygur-folket. Samordning och samarbete av olika musikinstrument låter som den västerländska klassiska orkestern. . Det är magnifik och vacker. Melodin är glad med både snabb melodi och lyrisk, och det är mycket rörande.

De är alla professionella spelare med totalt 200 medlemmar.

Yi Mingjia. Saiyiding har arbetat med instrumentet i 18 år och är expert på räddningsinstrumentet. . Han sa att de ofta går ut för att utföra och erbjuda tolv Muqam till folket.

Dessutom har Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre också en dansföreställningsavdelning. Dansarna höll en prestation till kinesiska och utländska journalister.

Tolv Muqam är ett stort bidrag från det uyghuriska folket till den kinesiska nationens fantastiska kultur. Den använder musik, litteratur, dans, drama och andra språk och konstformer för att uttrycka Uyghurets vackra liv och ädla känslor och reflekterar deras idealer och sysslor, liksom de glädje och sorger som produceras under de historiska förhållandena i tid.

Den kombinerar traditionell musik, musik, litteratur, konst, drama och dans. Den kombinerar lyricism och berättelse. Denna form av musik är unik i världshistoriens konsthistoria.

Tolv Muqams ursprung har två huvudpunkter när det gäller tider och geografiska faktorer. En är uppsättningen låtar och sånger som utvecklats på grundval av traditionell musik som har delats ner från antiken. Den andra är lokalmusik, nämligen Kuche, Kasgar, Turpan, Hami och Hetian musik och Daolang musik. Denna epok och regionala faktorer är sammanflätade i varandra och bildar en nationell karaktäristisk egenskap som härrörde från Uyghur folks livsstil, nationella egenskaper, moraliska värderingar och psykologiska egenskaper.

Kina lägger stor vikt vid skyddet av det immateriella kulturarvet. Den 20 maj 2005 godkändes tolv Muqam av statsrådet att ingå i den första gruppen av nationella immateriella kulturarv.

Varje gång Muqam spelade var Qiongnaiheman-delen så djup och rik, Dastan var jämn och glad och lyrisk; Maixilaipu sjöng och dansade och föreställningen drevs till klimaxen.

Efter grundandet av Folkrepubliken Kina fäster parterna och regeringarna på alla nivåer stor betydelse för insamling och arrangemang av traditionell kinesisk musik. De organiserade speciella människor att spela in, skriva anteckningar och publicera musiken “Twelve Muqam” och spela in, organisera och publicera texterna. Å ena sidan var det tolv Muqams utmärkta kulturarv arvt, och å andra sidan har det förbättrats. “Larke Song and Dance” anpassad från Muqam är uppfriskande; “Ai Lipu och Sainaim” sjungit med Muqam musik är känd som Uygurs “Dream of Red Mansions”; den transplanterade operaen “Red Lantern” “, producerade ett stort svar i Kina, men ändrade också till en film. I början av 2000-talet hade den autonoma regionen en institution som specialiserat sig på studien av tolv Muqam. på personalen öppnade en ny väg för sin undersökning och forskning till världen.

Den 24 oktober 2007, klockan 18:05, var “Chang’e I”, som framgångsrikt lanserades, utrustad med 31 låtar. “Twelve Muqam” -valet ingick.

Foto och text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson (En del av innehållet översattes från webbplatsen för Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre)

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (6)—Protecting classical treasure Twelve Muqam of Xinjiang

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost) – In Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, there is such a grand oral culture treasure”Twelve Muqam”. What kind of  classic work it is  and how is it passed on? On August 26, more than 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theater to interview about the protection and inheritance of Muqam.

The theatre building with its strong artistic features is more beautiful against the blue sky and white clouds. Going into the yard, you can see a sculpture. It was the sculpture of Twelve Muqam’s inheritor, Turdi Ahong (1881-1956).

Qiao Siming, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre, said that in the early days of liberation, an old man in Xinjiang called Turdi Ahong (1881-1956),  was the only one who could play Twelve Muqam completely. Muqam is very large, with twelve sets, one set for two hours, all played down,  it will take one day and one night. These twelve sets of tracks are all oral.

At that time, with the special care of Premier Zhou Enlai, experts were sent to record, to record and translate with the best recording equipment. Qiao Siming explained that Muqam originated  from five or six hundred years ago, and Muqam means a set of songs. Twelve Muqam, which is relatively large, is mainly spread in southern Xinjiang. In addition to Twelve Muqam, there are Yili Muqam in Dongjiang and Turpan Muqam in Northern Xinjiang. Most of the words in the poems and philosophies, folk customs, and some love themes and scenes in social labor. After ten years, it was not until 1961 that it was all sorted out, and it has been published to date, and there have been published books and audio-visual products. In order to commemorate the old man’s contribution to the inheritance of Twelve Muqam, we specially created a statue for him. UNESCO has rated it as an intangible cultural heritage and refers to all Muqam. According to research, the earliest Muqam was sung in the ancient Mongolian language of Chaer, ancient Uyghur. Later, it was translated into Uyghur and then translated from Uyghur into Mandarin. This is a complicated process.

In 1989, in order to protect and pass on Twelve Muqam, the Central Government funded the establishment of the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre. In 2005, Muqam was named as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The intensity of protection, research and inheritance has been further increased.

He said that the Xinjiang Muqam Art Troupe is a state-owned unit, the government budget, and often goes abroad. They have visited more than 100 countries and regions. At the same time, they often go to the towns and countryside to perform for the people .

Twelve Muqam began with a solo male singer, accompanied by various instruments, using music, poetry, chorus, ensemble and solo to reflect the life and love of the Xinjiang Uygur people. The coordination and cooperation of various musical instruments sounds like the western classical orchestra.  . It is magnificent and beautiful. The melody is cheerful with both fast melody and lyrical, and it is very touching.

They are all professional players with a total of 200 members.

Yi Mingjia. Saiyiding has been working on the  rewap instrument for 18 years and is an expert in the  rewap instrument. . He said that they often go out to perform and offer twelve Muqam to the people.

In addition, the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre also has a dance performance department. The dancers dedicated a performance to Chinese and foreign journalists.

Twelve Muqam is a major contribution of the Uyghur people to the splendid culture of the Chinese nation. It uses music, literature, dance, drama and other languages ​​and art forms to express the beautiful life and noble sentiments of the Uyghur people and reflects their ideals and pursuits, as well as the joys and sorrows produced under the historical conditions of the time.

It combines traditional music, music, literature, art, drama and dance. It combines lyricism and narrative. This form of music is unique in the art history of all nations of the world.

The origin of Twelve Muqam has two main points in terms of times and geographical factors. One is the set of songs and songs developed on the basis of traditional music that has been handed down from ancient times. The second is local music, namely Kuche, Kasgar, Turpan, Hami and Hetian music and Daolang music. This era and regional factors are intertwined into one another, forming a national-style characteristic that originated from the Uyghur people’s way of life, national characteristics, moral values ​​and psychological qualities.

China attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage. On May 20, 2005, Twelve Muqam was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

Every time Muqam played, Qiongnaiheman part was so deep and rich, Dastan was smooth and cheerful, and lyrical; Maixilaipu was singing and dancing, and the performance was pushed to the climax.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the parties and governments at all levels attached great importance to the collection and arrangement of traditional Chinese music. They organized special people to record, take notes and publish the music of “Twelve Muqam”, and recorded, organized and published the lyrics. On the one hand, the excellent cultural heritage of Twelve Muqam was inherited, and on the other hand, it has been enhanced.   “Larke Song and Dance” adapted from Muqam is refreshing; “Ai Lipu and Sainaim” sung with Muqam music is known as the Uygur’s “Dream of Red Mansions”; the transplanted opera “Red Lantern” “, produced a huge response in China, but also changed into a movie. At the beginning of the 21st century, the autonomous region had an institution specializing in the study of Twelve Muqam. The Twelve Muqam, published on the staff, opened up a new path for its exploration and research to the world.

On October 24, 2007, at 18:05, the “Chang’e I”, which was successfully launched, was equipped with 31 songs. The “Twelve Muqam” selection was included.


Photo and Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson (Part of the content was translated from the website of the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre)

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (5) Urumqi International Grand Bazaar

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 25 augusti (Greenpost) – På kvällen den 24 augusti besökte reportern Storbazaren med en vän för att se hur Grand Bazaars nattscen ser ut. Grand Bazaar ligger i centrum av Urumqi. Det framstående tornet var mycket vackert under natten med det vackra ljuset. Att gå in, det är så livligt, det är redan så fullt. Människor från hela staden eller landet kommer hit för att ha en Xinjiang-snacks typ av middag. Med andra ord, typisk traditional mat.

Det var verkligen väldigt trångt. Det råkade vara Curban Festival. Och folk samlas här för att njuta av Grand Bazar Atmosphere. Jag tycker att det var för upptagen och föreslå att en sådan Bazar borde byggas!

Nästa dag den 25 augusti, under dagen, en solig eftermiddag kom över 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister här. Det fanns en Ugyor-dans på scenen och det var fortfarande mycket trångt.

Wushiku.Yunus, generaldirektör för Xinjiang International Grand Bazar Culture and Tourism Industry Co. Ltd berättade för journalister att det nu är den mest framgångsrika tiden sedan starten 2003. Det finns 100 tusen turister på besök varje dag. Ibland kan det nå 150 till 200 tusen turister. För närvarande finns det 3300 säljare som tillhandahåller jobb för 10 tusen personer. Både den ekonomiska och sociala effektiviteten har uppnåtts, sade Wushiku.Yunus.

Journalister gick genom säljarna som är en så vacker scen. De säljer instrument, kinesisk medicin örter, siden och nästan allt. Vissa produkter tillverkas i Kina och vissa importeras. Det ser ut som om en internationell mässa.

Bazaren slutfördes den 26 juni 2003, med en total byggyta på 100 tusen kvadratmeter och ett område på 40 tusen kvadratmeter. Det är en landmärkebyggnadskonglomering med viktiga kulturella egenskaper.

Dess rika turism och kulturindustri sträcker sig från sång och dans stad, mat stad, etnisk grupp konst hantverk stad, sidenväg slott byggande och alla slags folklore tullar och kulturer, bildar den vackra huvudstaden. Det känns berömd att man kan se hela Xinjiangs historia, humanistiska och kulturella, kommersiella och kommersiella industripark genom bara den här staden. Det kallas också mötesrummet för Urumqi, Xinjiangs huvudstad.

Den här unga Uygor-pojken Zikereya började sälja musikinstrument direkt efter att han tog examen från gymnasiet. Han älskar att spela den här trumman och han gillar att jobba här för att han kan träffa människor från hela Kina. Han arbetar tillsammans med sin svärbror.

Detta är faktiskt en animering.

Den här mannen älskar att spela så mycket, så han spelar för turisterna medan hans vän säljer instrumenten.

Aimaierjiang.Tuohuti sa att han började öppna sin verksamhet här sedan 2003 när bazaren först öppnade. Nu är det vackrare än någonsin, fler och fler turister kommer hit nu tack vare byggandet av Grand Bazar byggd av Xinjiang-regeringen. Deras inkomst ökning ökar också tillsammans med ökningen av antalet turister. Han är mycket nöjd med arbetet och livet och han är väldigt glad. Det fanns våld innan, det var inte så bra. Vissa människor var hjärntvättade. Det här är vad Xinjiang-folk inte gillar. Han sa att det kände livet nu är mycket bra och väldigt säkert och stabilt. Människor kan gärna leva och arbeta.

Detta ligger på sjätte våningen och en café med uppenbara Xinjiang Ugyors egenskaper.

Maimaiti var en gammal affärsman som har öppnat sin verksamhet här i många år. Han sa att hans verksamhet blir bättre och bättre. Med turismens utveckling finns det fler och fler turister här och hans inkomst ökade också. Han tycker att Xinjiang är ett bra ställe med många olika etniska grupper som bor tillsammans.

Jiawulan sa att han brukade arbeta i Peking. Senare hittade han något bra musikinstrument och han kände att han kunde sälja den i Xinjiang. Så han kom tillbaka till Xinjiang och hyra en plats i Grand Bazar att göra affärer.

Grand Bazar är som en stor familj värd många olika etniska grupper, inklusive Han Kinesiska, Ugyors och Khazaks som bor tillsammans i samma område. De njuter av en ny runda med ökad inkomst, eftersom regeringen har föreslagit en politik för att stärka turistnäringen. Den autonoma regionen Xinjiang Ugyor har prioriterat turism och hoppas utnyttja de lokala resurserna och öka lokalbefolkningens inkomst. Grand Bazar är ett bra exempel.

Detta har varit den första dagen då över 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister besökte Xinjiang. Vänligen håll dig uppdaterad för Greenposts rapport.

Foto och text, Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series  (5) Urumqi International Grand Bazaar

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25(Greenpost) – On the evening of the 24th of August, the reporter visited the Grand Bazaar with a friend to see how the night scene of the Grand Bazaar looks. The Grand Bazaar is located in the center of Urumqi. The prominent tower was very beautiful during the night with the beautiful light. Going inside, it’s so lively, it’s already so full. People from all over the city or country  come here to have a Xinjiang snacks type of dinner. In other words, typical local food.

It was really  very crowded. It happened to be Curban Festival. And people are gathering here to enjoy the Grand Bazar Atmosphere. I think it was too busy and suggest more such Barzar should be built!

The next day on Aug. 25, during day time, a sunny afternoon, over 30 Chinese and foreign journalists came here again. There was a Ugyor dance on stage performing and it was still very crowded.

Wushiku.Yunus,executive general manager of Xinjiang International Grand Barzar Culture and Tourism Industry Co. Ltd told journalists that now it is the most prosperous time since its establishment in 2003. Everyday, there are 100 thousand tourists visiting here. Sometimes, it can reach 150 to 200 thousand tourist.  Currently there are 3300 sellors providing jobs for 10 thousand people. Both the economic and social efficiency have been achieved, said Wushiku.Yunus.

Journalists went through the stands of the sellors which are such a beautiful scene. They are selling instruments, Chinese medicine herbs, silk and almost everything. Some products are produced in China and some are imported. It looks as if an international fair.

The Bazar was completed on June 26, 2003, with a total construction area of 100 thousand square meters and an area of 40 thousand square meters. It is a landmark construction conglomeration with important cultural characteristics.

Its rich tourism and cultural industry ranges from singing and dancing city, food city, ethnic group arts crafts city, silk road castle construction and all kinds of folklore customs and cultures, forming the beautiful capital. It enjoys the fame that one can see the whole Xinjiang’s history, humanistic and cultural, commercial and trade industrial park through just this one city. It is also called the meeting room for Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital.

This young Uygor whose name is Zikereya  began to sell musical instrument right after he graduated from middle school. He is 23  years old and has been a seller for six years. He loves playing this hand drum and he likes to work here because he can meet people from all over China. He works together with his brother in law. He said his could earn 20 thousand yuan per year.

This is actually an animation.

This man loves to play so much, so he plays for the tourists while his friend is selling the instruments.

Aimaierjiang.Tuohuti said he began to open his business here since 2003 when the Barzar first opened. Now it is more beautiful than ever, more and more tourists come here now thanks to the construction of the Grand Bazar built by Xinjiang government. Their income also increases along with the increase of the number of tourists. He is very satisfied with the work and life and he is very happy. There were violence before, it was not very good. Some people were brainwashed. This is what the Xinjiang people don’t like. He said the felt the life now is very good and very safe and stable. People can happily live and work.

This is on the sixth floor and a cafée with obvious Xinjiang Ugyor’s characteristics.

Maimaiti has been working here since 2004. He has two children and one is reading for master degree. The other is singing and dancing. He is one of the best sellers in the Bazar.

“The environment here is very good, the leaders are good and the business is very good because more and more tourists come here after the renovation of the walking street. ”

He said his business is getting better and better. With the development of tourism, there are more and more tourists here and his income also increased. He thinks Xinjiang is a good place with many different ethnic groups living together.

This young man is called Jiawulan. He said he used to work in Beijing. Later he found copper ware from an expo produced in Iran which is also similar to Beijing’s cloisonne.  He felt he could sell it in Xinjiang. So he came back to Xinjiang and rent a place in the Grand Bazar to do business. He also said his goods are all produced along the silk road countries.

Grand Bazar is like a big family hosting many different ethnic groups including Han Chinese, Ugyors and Khazaks living together in the same area. They are enjoying a new round of increasing income as the government has proposed the policy of strengthening tourism industry.  Xinjiang Ugyor Autonomous Region has prioritized tourism and hopes to utilize the local resources and increase the local people’s income. Grand Bazar is a good example.

This has been the first day when the over 30 Chinese and foreign journalists visited Xinjiang. Please stay tuned for Greenpost’s report.

Photo and text, Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧绿色邮报网报道(报道员羊羊、编辑陈雪霏)25日上午, 四川省重大项目签署仪式在芬兰首都赫尔辛基市希尔顿酒店成功举办。四川省委副书记邓小刚一行以及芬兰罗瓦涅米市市长艾斯科·罗特沃宁一行出席会议。








北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典沃尔沃环境奖基金会30日宣布,澳大利亚华人白雪梅教授荣获2018沃尔沃环境奖。





Professor Xuemei Bai is one of the most active global thought leaders in urban sustainability research, working across scales and tackling both theoretical and applied challenges with a focus on urban development in East Asia. Her pioneering inter- and trans-disciplinary research focuses on understanding the complexity of the social, ecological and economic drivers and impacts of urbanization, and the science and policy of urban sustainability transitions. She and co-authors introduced the concept of urban sustainability experiments – novel practices with significant potential to change the status quo. Most of Professor Bai’s research has clear policy implications, spanning from identifying and testing local solutions to addressing broader national and global policy challenges. Direct impacts of her research include the proliferation of solar energy use in Rizhao City, as well as the development of sustainable urbanization strategies in the western region of China and the regeneration of forests using native tree species at mining sites in Japan. She has contributed to regional and international science initiatives including the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, IPCC and Future Earth, in particular leading the development of the Urban-Knowledge Action Network.

Professor Bai’s work is an outstanding example of the application of research to policy and practice. She is a most deserving recipient of the Volvo Environment Prize in 2018.

Australian Xuemei Bai wins 2018 Volvo Environment Prize laureate

Australian Xuemei Bai wins 2018 Volvo Environment Prize laureate

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 30(Greenpost) –Australian Xuemei Bai has won 2018 Volvo Environment Prize, announced Volvo Environment Prize Foundation on Tuesday in Stockholm.

“Sustainability will be won or lost in cities”

Professor Xuemei Bai, a leading expert and thought leader on urbanization and sustainability, receives the Volvo Environment Prize 2018. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities, and the trend keeps growing at an unprecedented rate. In future we will need drastically different ways of planning, building and governing cities, says Xuemei Bai.

Cities have been the cradles and powerhouses of new ideas and movements from time immemorial. They still are – from the industrial revolution in Birmingham in the 18th century to the breakneck speed of economic growth in Bangalore, India, today.

The lure of a better life attracts millions of people to the cities of the world. For the first time in history more people are living in cities than in rural areas. And this way of living is set to continue: by 2050 more than two thirds of the world population will live in urban areas.

– Urbanization is arguably one of the biggest social transformations of our time says Xuemei Bai, professor in Urban Environment and Human Ecology at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University in Canberra.

Born and raised in China, living in Japan for many years and now an Australian citizen, she is a leading expert on how to make rapidly growing cities more liveable, sustainable and resilient. Her focus is on Asia and the global South. For while cities in the North try – and sometimes succeed – in becoming smart, green and carbon-neutral, cities such as Lagos, Nigeria, have grown 100-fold and are environmental nightmares. In just two generations, Lagos went from a population of 200,000 to nearly 20 million. It is wealthy in parts, but largely chaotic and with many residents living in slums not connected to water or sanitation systems, and with momentous traffic congestion and air full of fumes. Projections show that if Nigeria’s population continues to grow, Lagos could become the world’s largest metropolis, home to perhaps 85 million people, with drastic environmental consequences.

Xuemei -Bai -picture -3-MF_1039_1800px

But other megacities are growing at an even faster rate, such as Guangzhou and Beijing in China and Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of the Congo. In fact all of the top 10 fastest growing megacities are in Asia or Africa. Says Xuemei Bai:

– It is sometimes said that sustainability will be won or lost in cities. I would go one step further and say that sustainability will be won or lost in cities in the Global South.

Nowhere in the world has the scale and speed of urbanization been more overwhelming than in China, with possibly the fastest and largest migration of a human population in history. In just 30 years, nearly 500 million people have moved from rural areas into China’s major cities. This is how China grew its economy at a stunning pace, but it has also resulted in polluted air and contaminated rivers and soil. The Chinese authorities are trying to rectify some of the mistakes but the task will probably take generations.

At the core of Xuemei Bai’s research is how to do the right things when new urban areas are built. Cities have a huge impact, with about 75 % of CO2-emissions from energy use traceable back to cities. Making cities sustainable will mean aiming for processes similar to those in natural ecosystems, reducing input and output and making material and energy use more circular.

– We need to approach cities as a human-dominant complex ecosystem and manage them as such. If we do that I believe there is a bright future for humans and their cities.

 Cities play a critical role in both causing and potentially solving many of today’s sustainability challenges. Professor Xuemei Bai is one of the most active global thought leaders in urban sustainability research, working across scales and tackling both theoretical and applied challenges with a focus on urban development in East Asia. Her pioneering inter- and trans-disciplinary research focuses on understanding the complexity of the social, ecological and economic drivers and impacts of urbanization, and the science and policy of urban sustainability transitions. She and co-authors introduced the concept of urban sustainability experiments – novel practices with significant potential to change the status quo. Most of Professor Bai’s research has clear policy implications, spanning from identifying and testing local solutions to addressing broader national and global policy challenges. Direct impacts of her research include the proliferation of solar energy use in Rizhao City, as well as the development of sustainable urbanization strategies in the western region of China and the regeneration of forests using native tree species at mining sites in Japan. She has contributed to regional and international science initiatives including the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, IPCC and Future Earth, in particular leading the development of the Urban-Knowledge Action Network.

Professor Bai’s work is an outstanding example of the application of research to policy and practice. She is a most deserving recipient of the Volvo Environment Prize in 2018.

今日头条:王晓达医生为中欧文化协会会员做中医讲座:秋冬要保暖 要适度锻炼

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 28日应中欧文化协会邀请,瑞典中医王晓达医生为中欧文化协会会员上了一次精彩的中医保健课。







王医生说,在北欧,由于离北极圈比较近,所以,最重要的一件事情就是要注意保暖。因为身体一旦着凉,就很容易降低免疫力,比如感冒,英文中感冒说成get a cold, or catch a cold, 瑞典语也说Förkyld,也是着凉的意思。因此,秋冬春季节保暖十分重要。另一个就是要适当增加日照,补充维生素D。





出席讲座的有中欧文化协会副会长赵丽杰,瑞京中文学校创始人前校长杨丽然,中欧文化协会会员黄炳旺,赵晓纯(屯加耳刀),傅敏,意雅,淑霞,文霞,李慧敏和周虹。讲座之后,大家一边Fika, 一边继续交流,度过了愉快的一天。部分会员还决定参加下周日同一时间的唱歌活动。




Visiting address:
kliniken i Vasastan:
Rödabergsgatan 8, 
113 33, Stockholm
(T: St Eriksplan)

kliniken i Östermalm:
Grevgatan 56, 
114 58, Stockholm
(T: Karlaplan)

王医生周一,四在Rödabergsgatan 8,二,三和五在Grevgatan的诊所上班。

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (4): Xinjiang Museum Exhibits Dried Corpse from 3800 Years Ago Very Unique

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25 (Greenpost ) — On the afternoon of the 25th of August, more than 30 Chinese and foreign journalists including the one from Green Post  visited the unique Xinjiang Museum in the world. Here, because of the rich historical data, detailed introductions and unique exhibitions, the mummy that died 3,800 years ago is kept intact. This is very unique in the world.

The Xinjiang Museum is not only a provincial-level comprehensive historical museum in China, but also the largest cultural relics and specimen collection protection, scientific research and publicity and education institutions in Xinjiang. Here are the attractions that everyone who travels to Xinjiang must visit. The Xinjiang Museum is now open to the public and the exhibitions include “Recovering the glory of Western Regions in the past – Xinjiang Historical Relics Exhibition”, “Xinjiang Ethnic Customs Exhibition” two basic exhibitions and “The Immortality of the World – Xinjiang Ancient Corpse Exhibition”, “Historical Monument —Xinjiang Revolutionary Historical Materials Exhibition” two medium-sized exhibitions.

How did the people here look like 3800 years ago?  How tall and how big, you can come to the Xinjiang Museum, see their bodies and see the living conditions at that time.

In fact, Xinjiang Museum shows the history of Xinjiang. Through these history, people have learned that Xinjiang had become a region of the Western Han Dynasty in  60  B.C., named the Western Region, and established the governing house.

The first governor was Zheng Ji ( 60 B.C. –  48 B.C. ). Almost all the governors names were listed here.

The second governor:  Han Xuan (48 B.C.-45 B.C.)

The Third ( 45 B.C- 42 B.C.)

Fourth (42 B.C. – 39 B.C.)

Fifth ( 39 B.C.- 36 B.C.)

Gan Yanshou (36 B.C. –  33 B.C.)

Duan Huizong (33 B.C.- 30B.C.)

Lian Bao (30 B.C. – 27 B.C.)

Ninth (27 B.C. – 24 B.C.)

Han Li (24 B.C. – 21 B.C.)

Duan Huizong (21 B.C. – 18 B.C.)

Twelfth (18 B.C. – 15 B.C.)

Guo Wei (15 B.C. – 12 B.C.)

Sun Jian (12 B.C. – 9 B.C.)

The fifteenth (9 B.C. – 6B.C.)

Sixteenth (6 B.C.- 3 B.C.)

Seventeenth (3 B.C. – 1B.C.)

Dan Qin (1 A.D.  – 13 A.D.)

Li Chong (13 A.D.- 23 A.D.)

Chen Yu (74A.D-75 AD)

Ban Chao (91A.D-102A.D.)
Ren Shang (102A.D.-106 A.D.)

Duan Wei (106 A. D.-107A.D.)


This photo shows how Xinjiang people lived in ancient times. This can vividly explained people’s lives in the past and young people can have a good historical education by visiting the museum. It can be a good patriotic and historical education base.

In 1965, the Fuxi Nyuwa Painting from Tang Dynasty was unearthed at the Tomb of the Astana Cemetery in Turpan, Xinjiang. In the picture, the two figures are the ancestors of the legendary human beings – Fuxi and Nyuwa, the image of the human bodies with snaketails tangling together. Through this artifact, we can understand how our ancestors imagined their origins and how to look at earlier history and civilization before modern science was born. This is also one of the most important treasures in the museum.


All the picture descriptions are explained in Chinese, Uyghur and English, highlighting the international thinking of Xinjiang and the practice of bilingual or trilingual education and application.

The Chinese-style painted hibiscus reflects the prosperity of Loulan culture. However, it has since declined and even disappeared. This was the most obvious example of climate change.


People in the Western Region have mastered smelting technology very early. There were many ethnic groups living here, and it was a multi-ethnic area.

The Chinese-style painted koffin reflects the prosperity of Loulan culture. However, it has since declined and even disappeared. This was the most obvious example of climate change.

Cultural treature along the silk road.

There are tens of thousands of precious cultural relics in the ancient tombs of Astana in Turpan. Among them, a large number of painted plaques have been unearthed. Most of the unearthed warriors have high nose and deep eyes and have the characteristics of Westerners. The painted clay figure is swaying and listening to the sound, and kneeling on the ground to listen to the sound far away through a wooden tube.

Unearthed in 1973 from the ancient tomb of the Astana in Turpan, Xinjiang, the painted king of the heaven stepped on a wooden devil figure. The appearance of the image comes from the Buddhist statues in the protection of the king of heaven like the king of the king. People can see strong influence of the Central Plains culture on Xinjiang. The dress of the Central Plains military commander clearly demonstrated the integration of Western culture and Central Plains culture.

The Eternal and Immortal World – Xinjiang Ancient Corpse Exhibition” covers an area of ​​about 700 square meters. It is the most interesting pavilion for many tourists. In the past, we only watched the dead bodies through the TV, and to witness the state of the dead bodies under natural conditions is likely a dream for many people.

The dry corpse display area displays a number of famous ancient corpses at home and abroad. A large number of burial artifacts are displayed here together, enriching the sensory experience of tourists with various forms such as graphic, video and multimedia touch screens, showing the tourists a  truely mysterious region. The whole exhibition is divided into Loulan residents of Lop Nur, Xiaohe – cemetery where thousands of coffins were unearthed, Yingpan people wearing golden masks, painted faces of Luke people, masters of the country of Astana Palace, Altay Stone figure in Stone coffins. In total there are 7 units for exhibition.

The most striking thing is that the museum has kept the well-preserved corpses of people more than 3,000 years ago. The narrator said that the dried corpses here are not the same as the Egyptian mummies. These dried corpses are naturally dried due to dehydration. Therefore, the corpse is mostly well preserved. People only need to cover natural buckskin, silk or other local things. More than 3,000 years ago, people here can live fifty to sixty years old. The above corpse should be considered ordinary people because she only used a deer skin or wool fabric as a cover at the funeral.


The female corpse in the Xiaohe cemetery was well-known around the world after being unearthed. The female corpse from 3800 years ago was 158 cm long, the skin was grayish white, the chest was drooping, and the head and face were well preserved.

The hair of the Luke male corpse is still well preserved. From the overall form, the eyebrows and beards are relatively developed. Before the death, they maintain the posture of bending their legs on their backs, and their hands are placed on the chest for peace. The long dark color of the body is also covered with a long red coat with a fine red edge. It is also a rare handicraft. By scientific identification, the adult male was an ancient European Roman.

A general riding on a horse was shown here. His sternum is very protruding, his legs are a bit of a circle, the guide said, it shows that the general had always been very strong. And he was very good at riding and shooting during his lifetime.

The name of the corpse displayed in the museum was Zhang Xiong. Before his death, he was a famous general in Western Region . The epitaph was written with the words “Very capable and confident in both strategic leadership and battlefields”. According to historical records, Zhang Xiong was a general who lived in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty and whole heartedly wanted to be part of the Tang Dynasty and helped to achieve national unity.

Beside the corpse, a restored original appearance is also shown. This technique, in the Stockholm Vasa Museum was also used to resume the dead soldiers faces from skeleton to real face based on their bone shape to show how it was like when they were alive five hundred years ago.

The body here is almost intact. According to the narrator, the general’s wife was 30 years younger than him, which meant that  the general was in his 50s and she was in her 20s. After the general died, she lived for another 50 years, but at that time, the body of the general was already dried and preserved. There had been silk fabric on the body. But his wife did not leave any traces. These bodies reflected the living conditions at that time.

The museum exhibition showed that the Western Han Dynasty in Central China area in 60 BC had  already had administrative jurisdiction over Xinjiang, and the names of all the governors were announced.

The Xinjiang Museum attracts more and more tourists, in particular, many elementary school students come here to visit the dead bodies and conduct history education in order to learn history as early as possible. This is a good living textbook. It gives people a vivid and also in-depth understanding of historical knowledge.

In Sweden, children start from kindergarten to learn from various museums. On the one hand, they are patriotic education. On the other hand, the way to learn is to go to the museums to see something, so it is easy to remember. The Xinjiang Museum can play such a role as a patriotic education base and the role of scientific research. By watching history, it is easy to understand that Xinjiang is the place where the Eastern and Western cultures meet and the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have been living here, absorbing the essence of the east and west and creating a splendid culture.

Photo and Text  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (4): Xinjiang Museum mycket unikt

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, 19 oktober (Greenpost) – På eftermiddagen den 25 augusti besökte mer än 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister, inklusive den från Green Post, det unika Xinjiang-museet i världen. På grund av de rika historiska uppgifterna, detaljerade introduktioner och unika utställningar hålls mumman som dött för 3.800 år sedan hållen intakt. Detta är mycket unikt i världen.

Xinjiang-museet är inte bara en provinsiell nivå omfattande historiska museum i Kina, men också den största kulturella reliker och provinsamling skydd, vetenskaplig forskning och publicitet och utbildningsinstitutioner i Xinjiang. Här är de sevärdheter som alla som reser till Xinjiang måste besöka. Xinjiang-museet är nu öppet för allmänheten och utställningarna inkluderar “Återvinning av västra regioner i det förflutna – Utställningen Xinjiang Historical Relics”, “Xinjiang etniska tullutställningen”, två grundläggande utställningar och “Immortality of the World – Xinjiang Ancient Corpse Utställning “,” Historiska Monument -Xinjiang Revolutionerande Historiska Material Utställning “två medelstora utställningar. Hur såg folket här ut för 3800 år sedan? Hur lång och så stor kan du komma till Xinjiang Museum, se deras kroppar och se levnadsvillkoren vid den tiden.

Faktum är att Xinjiang Museum visar Xinjiangs historia. Genom denna historia har människor lärt sig att Xinjiang hade blivit en region i västra Han-dynastin i 60 B.C., som heter Western Region, och inrättat det styrande huset.

Den första guvernören var Zheng Ji (60 B.C. – 48 B.C.). Den andra guvernören: Han Xuan (48 B.C.-45 B.C.)

The Third ( 45 B.C- 42 B.C.)

Fourth (42 B.C. – 39 B.C.)

Fifth ( 39 B.C.- 36 B.C.)

Gan Yanshou (36 B.C. –  33 B.C.)

Duan Huizong (33 B.C.- 30B.C.)

Lian Bao (30 B.C. – 27 B.C.)

Ninth (27 B.C. – 24 B.C.)

Han Li (24 B.C. – 21 B.C.)

Duan Huizong (21 B.C. – 18 B.C.)

Twelfth (18 B.C. – 15 B.C.)

Guo Wei (15 B.C. – 12 B.C.)

Sun Jian (12 B.C. – 9 B.C.)

The fifteenth (9 B.C. – 6B.C.)

Sixteenth (6 B.C.- 3 B.C.)

Seventeenth (3 B.C. – 1B.C.)

Dan Qin (1 A.D.  – 13 A.D.)

Li Chong (13 A.D.- 23 A.D.)

Chen Yu (74A.D-75 AD)

Ban Chao (91A.D-102A.D.)
Ren Shang (102A.D.-106 A.D.)

Duan Wei (106 A. D.-107A.D.)

Detta foto visar hur Xinjiang människor bodde i antiken. Detta kan livligt förklara människors liv tidigare och ungdomar kan ha en bra historisk utbildning genom att besöka museet. Det kan vara en bra patriotisk och historisk utbildningsbas.

1965 blev Fuxi Nyuwa-målningen från Tang-dynastin uppgjord vid Astana-kyrkans grav i Turpan, Xinjiang. På bilden är de två figurerna för de legendariska människorna – Fuxi och Nyuwa, bilden av människokroppen med ormsvans som sammanfaller. Genom denna artefakt kan vi förstå hur våra förfäder föreställde sitt ursprung och hur man tittar på tidigare historia och civilisation innan modern vetenskap föddes. Detta är också en av de viktigaste skatterna i museet.

Samtliga bildbeskrivningar förklaras på kinesiska, uyghur och engelska, och belyser det internationella tänkandet på Xinjiang och praktiken av tvåspråkig eller trespråkig utbildning och tillämpning.

Människor i västra regionen har mästat smältteknik mycket tidigt. Det fanns många etniska grupper som bodde här, och det var ett multietniskt område.

Kinesisk stil målade koffin speglar Loulan-kulturens välstånd. Men det har sedan minskat och till och med försvunnit. Detta var det mest uppenbara exemplet av klimatförändringar.

Kulturföreställning längs silkesvägen.

Det finns tiotusentals dyrbara kulturella reliker i de gamla gravarna Astana i Turpan. Bland dem har ett stort antal målade plack blivit uppgraderade. De flesta av de ojordade krigarena har höga näsor och djupa ögon och har västerländarnas egenskaper. Den målade lerfiguren svävar och lyssnar på ljudet och knäböjer på marken för att lyssna på ljudet långt bort genom ett trärör.

Unearthed 1973 från Astana’s antika grav i Turpan, Xinjiang, gick den målade kungen av himlen på en trädjursfigur. Utseendet av bilden kommer från de buddhistiska statyerna i skyddet av himlens kung som kungen av kungen. Människor kan se starkt inflytande från Central Plains-kulturen på Xinjiang. Klänningen till Central Plains militära befälhavare visade tydligt integrationen av västerländsk kultur och Central Plains kultur. Den målade keramik av Han-dynastin var färgad av naturliga färgämnen.

“Den eviga och odödliga världen – Xinjiang Ancient Corpse Exhibition” täcker ett område på cirka 700 kvadratmeter. Det är den mest intressanta paviljongen för många turister. Tidigare såg vi bara de döda kropparna genom TV: n, och för att bevittna tillståndet för de döda kropparna under naturliga förhållanden är det sannolikt otrolig för många människor.

Den torra kroppens visningsområde visar ett antal kända gamla lik i hemlandet och utomlands. Ett stort antal begravningsartiklar visas här tillsammans, vilket berikar den sensoriska upplevelsen av turister med olika former som grafiska, video- och multimediaskärmar, vilket visar turisterna en riktigt mystisk region. Hela utställningen är uppdelad i Loulan-invånare i Lop Nur, Xiaohe-kyrkogården där tusentals kistor uppgraderades, Yingpan-personer som bär gyllene masker, målade ansikten av Luke-folk, mästare i Astana-palatset, Altay Stone-figur i stenkistor. Totalt finns det 7 enheter för utställning.

Det mest slående är att museet har behållit de välbevarade likena för människor för mer än 3000 år sedan. Berättaren sa att de torkade likena här inte är samma som de egyptiska mumierna. Dessa torkade lik torkas naturligtvis på grund av uttorkning. Därför är liket mest välbevarat. Människor behöver bara täcka naturlig buckskin, siden eller andra lokala saker. För mer än 3000 år sedan kan människor här leva femtio till sextio år gammal. Ovanstående lik bör betraktas som vanligt folk eftersom hon bara använde en hjorthud eller ullduk som skydd vid begravningen.

Den kvinnliga liket på Xiaohe-kyrkogården var känd runt om i världen efter att ha blivit körd. Det kvinnliga liket från 3800 år sedan var 158 cm långt, huden var gråvit, bröstet hängde och huvudet och ansiktet var välbevarade.

Man Lukeshåret  är fortfarande välbevarat. Från den övergripande formen är ögonbrynen och skägget relativt utvecklade. Innan döden bibehåller de hållningen att böja benen på ryggen och händerna placeras på bröstet för fred. Den långa mörka färgen på kroppen är också täckt med en lång röd kappa med en fin röd kant. Det är också ett sällsynt hantverk. Genom vetenskaplig identifiering var den vuxna hanen en gammal europeisk romersk.

En General ridning på en häst visades här. Hans sternum är väldigt utskjutande, benen är lite av en cirkel, sade guiden, det visar att generalen alltid varit mycket stark. Och han var väldigt bra på ridning och skytte under hans livstid. Namnet på liket som visas i museet var Zhang Xiong. Före sin död var han en känd general i västra regionen. Epitafen skrevs med orden “Mycket skicklig och säker i både strategiskt ledarskap och slagfält”. Enligt historiska uppgifter var Zhang Xiong en general som bodde i Zhenguan-perioden av Tang-dynastin och ville hela hjärtat vara en del av Tang-dynastin och hjälpte till att uppnå en nationell enhet. Vid sidan av liket visas också ett återställt originalutseende. Denna teknik i Stockholms Vasamuseum användes också för att återuppta de döda soldaternas ansikten från skelett till verkligt ansikte baserat på benformen för att visa hur det var när de levde för femhundra år sedan.

Kroppen här är nästan intakt. Enligt berättaren var generals hustru 30 år yngre än honom, vilket innebar att generalen var på 50-talet och hon var på 20-talet. Efter det att den allmänna dog, bodde hon i ytterligare 50 år, men den tiden hade generalkroppen redan torkat och bevarats. Det hade varit silke tyg på kroppen. Men hans fru lämnade inte några spår. Dessa kroppar återspeglade levnadsvillkoren vid den tiden. Museutställningen visade att den västra Han-dynastin i centrala Kina-området i 60 f.Kr. redan hade administrativ jurisdiktion över Xinjiang, och namnen på alla guvernörerna meddelades. Xinjiang-museet lockar fler och fler turister, särskilt många grundskolestudenter kommer hit för att besöka de döda kropparna och genomföra historisk utbildning för att lära sig historien så tidigt som möjligt. Detta är en bra levande lärobok. Det ger människor en levande och djupgående förståelse av historisk kunskap.

I Sverige börjar barn från dagis och lära av olika museer. Å ena sidan är de patriotiska utbildning. Å andra sidan är sättet att lära sig gå till museerna för att se något, så det är lätt att komma ihåg. Xinjiang-museet kan spela en sådan roll som en patriotisk utbildningsbas och rollen som vetenskaplig forskning. Genom att titta på historia är det lätt att förstå att Xinjiang är den plats där östra och västra kulturer möts och folket i alla etniska grupper i Xinjiang har bott här och absorberar öst och västens väsen och skapar en fantastisk kultur.

Foto & Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson


“Silk Road on China Tales of Beijing” Exhibition of Paintings of Peking Opera Figures and Opera China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 29(Greenpost) –In response to President Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and to further strengthen international cultural exchange,  “ Silk Road on China • Tales of Beijing ” – the Swedish Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Characters and Calligraphy Paintings was exhibited at the Stockholm City Convention Center on the 26th.

Supported by the Beijing Culture and Art Fund, supervised by the China Culture Media Group, sponsored by the “Art Market” magazine, and the “Art Market” art gallery and art market, the large-scale foreign exchange project was co-organized by Huifeng Painting and Calligraphy Institute.

This exhibition featured works of Ma Haifang, a famous old Beijing style painter, Zheng Shanlu, deputy dean of the National Academy of Ethnic Paintings, dean of the Art School of Jinan University, and vice chairman of the International Calligraphers Association,  famous actor Professor Zhang Tielin, member of the Chinese Artists Association, Lu Tianning, deputy director of the Capital Museum of Painting, deputy dean of the Art Market Magazine Co., Ltd., director of the Chinese Artists Association, and Cultural Ambassador awarded by China Europe Cultural Association (Sweden) Li Chengxiu and Li Xuewei, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association.

Zheng Shanlu, deputy dean of the National Painting Institute, said at the opening ceremony that the exhibition aims to showcase traditional Chinese art and tell the story of Beijing. With the original art and innovative model as the highlight, the selection of famous Chinese painting and calligraphy artists, ceramic artists and famous opera figures.

Painters, actors, and Chinese Silk Road research scholars combine Chinese traditional ink art with ceramic art, using exhibits, ink and wash, joint research to explore and explain the most important nodes of the Silk Road in Sweden. “Beijing Story” is the main theme of the painting and calligraphy ceramic arts.

Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, Pu Zhengdong, Director of the Stockholm Chinese Cultural Center attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He first conveyed the congratulations of the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Mr. Gui Congyou, on this exhibition and wished the exhibition a success. He said that Sino-Swedish cultural exchanges have a long history and current exchanges are also frequent. Not long ago, the delegation of the National Peking Opera Theatre visited and performed in Sweden, which is very popular. Today’s art exhibition is a continuation of Sino-Swedish cultural exchange activities. In particular, the delegation also includes Professor Zhang Tielin, a famous actor in China. Since the film “Below the Bridge” in the 1980s, we have been watching his movies and TV series. In this delegation there are professional artists who are also  versatile painters and calligraphers.  Counselor Pu  also invited artists to exhibit their works at China Cultural Center in Stockholm in the future.

Professor Zhang Tielin said that he had known STOCKHOLM for a long time, but this is his first visit to Sweden. He came with a task and responsibility and felt the mission was glorious.

“I am making movies, but I like calligraphy since I was a child. So, I have been here today and I am very proud to be part of this painting and calligraphy group, because these artists are very famous artists in the capital area, so I also feel honoured to be with them. I hope that I will have the opportunity to come to Sweden again in the future and bring out my other specialties.” said Zhang.

Eva-Sofi Ernstell,  Director of the Swedish Dance Museum also spoke at the opening ceremony.

“When I see these Beijing opera figures, I immediately recognized many words in the paintings. I realized this is a Chinese tradition that children can read from the paintings. I think such kind of exhibition should last one month to four month. After communication, I know that they can paint larger ones too. This size was due to the limitation of transportation.  We have exchanges with museums. We will be exhibiting silk and ceramics later. These silks came in from Russia, and Russia imported or obtained from China. I think it is amazing that these silks can still be preserved very well. The Silk Road exchange between Sweden and China has never stopped.” said Ernstell.

After the opening ceremony, everyone enjoyed the works of the masters. Ma Haifang’s “The Matchmaker”, “No Bone Freehand”, “Five Rats in Tokyo” and “Wu Song Beat the Tiger” are deeply impressed.

In an interview with the Green Post reporter, Ma Haifang said: “I am painting Beijing style. This time I mainly painted opera characters. I grew up in the suburbs of Beijing and lived in poor conditions. However, I like to paint. And the opportunity was very good, I was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, I worked as an art editor for 30 years after graduation, and contacted many outstanding painters across the country. I have always insisted on painting.” said Ma.

Ma said that he used wet ink to paint.

“I took the color first, then draw the structure. Such a line is different from dry painting. This method is the  characteristics of my painting, but it is difficult to grasp. This painting is brightly colored and different from traditional methods. This is also an innovation in painting techniques.”  said Ma.

Ma  said that the main purpose of this visit to Sweden is to exchange. After China’s reform and opening up, it’s  hoped to let overseas Chinese and Swedish friends understand the content and characteristics of Chinese culture. Learn about the characteristics of old Beijing and Chinese Peking Opera, treasure of China.

Li Chengxiu’s paintings are Dayushajia,  or “Asking for Fishing  Tax”, “Sanchakou” which shows Chinese Kungfo and “The Beautiful  Spring “.

In an interview with reporter, he said that this exhibition is based on the Beijing opera, and draws paintings around Beijing opera characters. The Belt and Road initiative provides a great opportunity for our artists. Through the Belt and Road, artists from different countries along the silk road can be  connected and exchange ideas and arts.

Li Chengxiu said that due to different cultural backgrounds of different countries, artistic exchanges are also difficult. However, it can be very beneficial to cultural exchanges and even the exchanges between countries. Through continuous exchanges, constant experience, continuous polishing, we can make fine arts by learning from each other.

The film star Zhang Tielin exhibited his calligraphy. He said that calligraphy is actually an important foundation for all his roles and careers.

Zhang Tielin said in an interview with reporters that Stockholm is a very mysterious city for him and he hopes to come again.

“I have involved a lot of fields in the art industry. All my achievements if any  are worthy of my calligraphy capability. To put it simply, I want to speak Chinese well, write Chinese characters well, and tell good Chinese stories.” said Zhang.

When asked about his feelings about the emperor, he said,

“I didn’t think that it made me greater to have played an emperor, However, I felt I learned a lot by playing more emperors or talented people. It helps me to know more about history. Especially to play them, I have  more personal experience of history. Then, when I use my own point of view to interpret and perform them,  I was influenced by historical heritage. On the other hand, it can be said that everything I have done has actually been  benefited from my calligraphy. I can hardly imagine that I can play so many characters without writing calligraphy. Different types of roles with such a large span.” said Zhang.

It is understood that Zhang Tielin is actually not only good at playing, he was originally a film major, but he has always insisted on writing calligraphy, singing Beijing opera, and he sings very professionally.

Before the opening ceremony, Chinese and Swedish artists held a seminar to introduce and showcase the blue-and-white porcelain from Jingdezhen with the Beijing opera and calligraphy elements, which is also an artistic innovation.

Swedish Chinese Peking Opera  artist Wu Jiangyan and calligraphy teacher Wan Juan, Ewa Rudling, Swedish photographer and writer, Anders Welander, Swedish senior specialist in art,  print and works of Art, Maria Lindskog Krasznai , Stockholm University, Bachelor of Chinese Studies, Stockholm Master of Fine Arts Education at the Academy of Arts and Crafts and Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Editor-in-Chief of the Green Post, President of  China-Europe Cultural Association, attended the seminar.

The two sides discussed the theme of the exhibition, the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative for cultural exchanges and the prospects for future artistic exchanges. The artists also briefly introduced their respective experiences and successful experiences on their childhood. In general, successful people start from strong interest, and then constantly explore and pursue, diligently, tirelessly, conscientiously do what they want to do best.

This exhibition has been warmly welcomed by many Chinese and overseas Chinese. They were very happy to have the opportunity to see the superstar painters and calligraphers. In such an autumn day in Stockholm, one can appreciate the wonderful masterpieces. The work makes people feel the warmth from the motherland China. The essence of Chinese culture brought by the artists is very welcomed.

Zheng Shanlu’s works include elements such as “Male”, “Female”, “Young Man” and “White face”.

Lu Tianning’s works include “The Drunken Concubine”, ” Concubine Yu Ji Dance  with Sword” and “Spring River”. In fact, he also has a lot of works about Tibet.

The works of the artists are elegant and the style is warm and inviting;  the picture is simple and succinct, and the style is unique; the title is unique and interesting;  the simplicity and exquisiteness are displayed. From the works, we can see the artist’s great efforts in the innovation of traditional forms. I can see the artist’s peace of mind and the sincere attitude towards art. One can feel their respect for tradition, their respect for craftsmanship, and their cultural consciousness that is close to contemporary life.

The guests attending the opening ceremony included Zhu Jinchuan, General Manager of Air China’s Stockholm Department, Wang Yuli, President of the Swedish Federation of Chinese Companies, Swedish Chinese soprano singer Zou Rongmei, Swedish Chinese Peking Opera  Kunqu singer, Hao Jingxia, Swedish Chinese Soprano singer Li Jia, Zhu Yingying, president of the Swedish Chinese Artists Association and other Chinese and foreign artists and literary enthusiasts.

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson