Tag Archives: 瑞典首相,关于广岛和长崎





Statement by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

It is now 70 years since the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima. The human race was then faced with a new weapon of mass destruction that had wiped out two cities, killed hundreds of thousands of people and maimed many more.

There was a false belief that these weapons would make us safe. This belief still exists. The threat of nuclear weapons around the world remains. This is why the fight for disarmament and non-proliferation of these diabolical weapons must be intensified. Security is created through people feeling safe, not scared. It relies on cooperation for our common survival, not threats of mutual destruction.

This anniversary is an occasion to pause and reflect. We are remembering so that we can continue to work tirelessly for a world free of nuclear weapons. We honour the victims by doing our utmost to ensure that the suffering that came in the wake of the atomic bomb is never repeated. We must never forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki.