每当被问到这个学校有什么亮点或特别之处时,我们总会提及以下两方面。首先,这是一所拥 有八百年悠久历史和光荣传统的学校,全体师生都以能成为其中一份子而感到骄傲。我们这一 届毕业生以优异的学习成果,丰富的课外活动以及突出的竞赛成绩,进一步为母校的历史传承 添砖加瓦。今年,我校将有四名同学代表挪威参加各类国际奥林匹克竞赛,其中也包括 IB 学 制的 Victoria 和我。我们学校是挪威所有学校中参赛选手最多的。
Secondly, we are proud of the diversity of students, accepting social environment and personal engagement in issues outside of the academic. The IB fits these descriptors exactly. Our class is made up of multiple nationalities from many continents, has a wide range of personalities and interests, and is omnipresent in the various extracurricular activities of our school. In every committee, club or other activity, such as the school paper and Hugin, IB students can always be found. This may of course, to some extent be due to our CAS requirement, but I do believe similar levels of engagement would be present regardless.
其次,多样的学生背景,包容的人文环境,以及学生们对课余活动的积极参与同样令我们自豪。 IB 项目的课程恰好与我前面所说的这些相吻合。我所在班级的同学们来自各个大洲多个国家; 他们风格各异,兴趣广泛,积极参与学校的各种课外活动。IB 的学生们活跃在学校的各个学生 组织中,各个兴趣社团里,例如校刊和 Hugin 学生会。当然,这在一定程度上也是由于我们的 课程中 CAS 部分的要求,但我确信, 即非如此,我们也同样会积极地参与这些活动。
It is also important to mention the academics. Though the Extended Essays and Individual Investigations was a headache for many and often resulted in some trivial, uninteresting investigations, it taught us important skills that other school systems do not provide. I therefore think it is important that we personally thank those who have guided us throughout these two years.
For me personally, I would like to thank all my teachers, including Per Kristian, Tor Edvard, and Åshild.
• I would especially like to thank Jens-Petter and Øystein for giving me the freedom to learn and develop independently, whilst also providing guidance when needed.
• I would also like to thank Christa, the platonic ideal of teachers, who corrected every past paper we wrote leading up to the exams, provided us with a wide range of resources to improve our writing, and gave exceptional guidance with outstanding personal engagement during our two years in English class.
• Lastly, but most importantly, I would like to thank Erik Holst, who provided me with inspiration, challenges, support and guidance in maths for three years, making maths my favourite subject.