Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (3) – Upplev Xinjiangs service och kinesisk-svensk handel

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 26 augusti (Greenpost) – Programmen för kinesiska och utländska journalister är ganska fulla och utmärkta aktiviteter skedde en efter en. Men i ett ögonblick, du är ute av batteriet, vad kan du göra?

Så hade jag bråttom för att lämna hem och med misstag tog jag fel laddare. När jag verkligen ville ladda batteriet fungerade laddaren inte. Jag tog den gamla. Den nyinköpta var kvar hemma. Jag frågade alla kollegor som tog de stora kamerorna, men ingen av dem hade samma batteri som min, D7000 Nikon. De flesta av deras var kanon. Utan annat val, var jag tvungen att fråga den informationskollega som kunde se om hon kunde hjälpa mig att fråga någon butik att köpa eller låna en batteriladdare. Självklart, om det var i Peking eller Shanghai, skulle jag inte ha varit så orolig eftersom jag är säker på att det kommer att finnas en liknande laddare för mig att använda och det finns många olika typer av laddare. Men det här är i Xinjiang och vi ska gå till Changji på eftermiddagen, jag var verkligen misstänksam och kände mig hopplös. Men jag vill fortfarande försöka, så jag frågade Lyu Yan. Kanske det har!

Så frågade Lyu Yan flera butiker och mobiliserade många av sina resurser, men inget hopp. Hon sa att vi bara kan lägga på hopp på Changji. Ja, Changji har högteknologiska industripark. Vid klockan fyra när vi kom fram till vingården berättade hon för mig att en kollega i Changji hittade denna D 7000 batteriladdare i en Nikon-butik. Det var kamrat Yu Jian som hittade det och frågade mig om jag gillar att köpa det eftersom det inte är originaltyp. Jag sa så länge det fungerar, jag borde köpa det. Så jag sa, köp!

På kvällen när vi hade middag gav Yu Jian mig ett plastpaket. Det ser mycket mindre ut och smalare. Originalladdaren har fyra tänder, nu laddaren har bara två tänder, men den markerar positiv och negativ sida. Original har en lång tråd, den här har ingen tråd, istället kan den anslutas direkt till väggen. Jag var inte säker på om det fungerade. När jag slutade middag gick jag till bussen för att hämta mitt batteri och försökte det omedelbart i den närliggande affären. Det röda ljuset sken omedelbart. “Det fungerar!” Jag kunde inte hjälpa att gråta ut. “Rätt, Rätt, det fungerar!” Det räddade verkligen min dag. Än enbart kostar den kinesiska 80 yuan(100kr) medan den svenska kostar över 600 yuan(700kr).

På eftermiddagen besökte kinesiska och utländska journalister ett företag Maiquer som producerade mejeriprodukter och veteprodukt. Bolaget importerade en uppsättning svensk mjölkproduktionslinje med totalt 200 miljoner yuan. Produkterna är bra och sorten är många inklusive dumplings och kakor. Jag tycker att det här är ett bra exempel på kinesisk-svenskt samarbete och Kina kan lära av Sverige på många sätt.

Kineserna fick sin egen innovation efter att ha läst från väst. Kinas snabba tåg är ett sådant fall, det är också delade cyklar. Idéerna kom från väst, men senare förbättrade kineserna det och gjorde det ännu bättre. Mänsklig civilisation bör skapas i denna process genom att lära av varandra och göra framsteg. Och de tävlar också med varandra.

Dagens laddare är liknande. Kina laddad batteriladdare sparar material. Det här är en typ av innovation. Det är enkelt och praktiskt. Man måste naturligtvis fortsätta att göra ansträngningar i sin egen innovation och fortsätta att skapa nya produkter.

Foto och Text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (3)–Experiencing Xinjiang’s service and Sino-Swedish Trade

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost)—The programs for the Chinese and foreign journalists are quite full and excellent activities happened one after another. But at key moment, you are out of battery, what can you do?

So I was in a hurry to come out of home and by mistake, I took the wrong charger. When I really wanted to charge my battery, the charger didn’t work. I took the old one.The newly bought one was left at home. I asked all the colleagues who took the big cameras, but none of theirs had the same battery as mine, the D7000 Nikon. Most of theirs were Cannon. Without other choice, I had to ask the capable information colleague to see if she can help me ask any shop to buy or borrow a battery charger.

Of course, if it were in Beijing or Shanghai, I would not have been so worried because I am sure there will be similar charger for me to use and there are many different kinds of charger. But this is in Xinjiang and we are going to go to Changji in the afternoon, I was really suspicious and feel hopeless. But I still would like to give a try, so I asked Lyu Yan. What if it has!

So Lyu Yan asked several shops and mobilized many of her resources, but no hope. She said we can only put on hope on Changji. Right! Changji has high-tech Industrial park. By four o’clock, when we arrived in the grapeyard, she told me that a colleague in Changji found this D 7000 battery charger in a Nikon shop. It was Comrade Yu Jian who found it and asked me if I like to buy it because it is not original type. I said as long as it works, I should buy it. So I said, buy!

In the evening when we had dinner, Yu Jian gave me a plastic package. It looks much smaller and narrower. Original charger has four teeth, now the charger has only two teeth, but it marks positive and negative side. Original has a long wire, this one doesn’t have any wire, instead it can plug in directly to the wall. I was not sure if it worked.

When I finished dinner, I went to the bus to fetch my battery and immediately tried it in the nearby shop. The red light shone immediately. “It works!”I can’t help crying out. “Right, Right, It works!” It really saved my day.  Let alone, the Chinese one cost 80 yuan while the Swedish on cost over 600 yuan.

In the afternoon, Chinese and foreign journalists visited a company Maiquer which produced dairy products and wheat product. The company imported a set of Swedish milk production line with a total of 200 million yuan. The products are good and the variety is many including the dumplings and cakes. I think this is a good example of Sino-Swedish cooperation and China can learn from Sweden in many ways.

Chinese people got their own innovation after learning from the west. China’s fast train is such a case, so is the shared bikes. The ideas came from the west, but later, the Chinese improve it and make it even better. Human civilization should be created in this process by learning from each other and making progress. And they also compete with each other.

Today’s charger is similar. China made battery charger saves material. This is a kind of innovation. It is simple and practical. Of course, man still needs to continue to make efforts in its own innovation and continue to make new products.

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧绿色邮报网报道(驻芬兰报道员羊羊)– 金秋十月丹桂飘香,“2018熊猫走世界·美丽四川”芬兰推介会在赫尔辛基希尔顿酒店隆重举行。












视频 video:瑞典人5分钟之内把一个大会议室改成两个小会议室

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 在2018瑞典绿色建筑大会上,记者注意到,现场的主会场自动化不断,灵活多用也让人惊讶。




Building sustainability 2018 held in Stockholm 绿色建筑大会在斯京举行

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct.24(Greenpost) — Building sustainability 2018 opened in Stockholm on Wednesday with co hosts of Stockholm Stad and Sweden Green Building Council.

Jeanette Reuterskiöld, President of Sweden Green Building Council spoke at the opening.

Anna König Jerlmyr, Financeborgrarråd, Stockholms City also spoke at the opening.

Monica von Schmalensee, arkitect of White arkitects gave a presentation about the sustainable future cities.

Then Svante Axelsson, National Coordination Fossilfree Sweden, Agneta Wannerstrom, Group leader on sustainable business development, Malin Löfssjögård, VD Svensk Betong, Swedish cement sector and Helen Axelsson, energy and environment director of processing owners in steel sector talked about the future in fossilfree competitivity.

Emma Hult, Environment party official talk about housing policies.

And then in the housing sector, Anders Sjelgreen, general director of housing agency, Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd,  VD of Swedish building industry, Maria Pleiborn, from WSP, Robert Vangstad from Nyhem Bostad, Claudia Wörmann, SBAB and HEnrik Friman from Andelsowner company M2 talked about how they will help realize fossilfree society.

Building sustainability 2018 will last two days to 25th and then on 26 there will be study visits to see how to build green buildings.




Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (2)—Visiting Xinjiang Software Park

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25(Greenpost)— A group of 21 Chinese and 14 Foreign journalists visited Xinjiang Software Park on Aug. 25 after they had visited the Urumqi realignment center.

With a total of 410 thousand square meter of building area, and an area of 14 hectares, Xinjiang Software Park has been approved as a provincial level park. Xinjiang has tried its best to make the park a high land in software and information industry concentration, starting up, innovation and development.

Xinjiang Software Park insists on “cultivating and developing the software service industry as its mission”, giving full play to the unique advantages of Xinjiang’s location, language, talents and culture, and integrating the industrial advantages of Xinjiang.

Under the leadership of the autonomous region and the party committee and government of Urumqi, the software park will form a base for R&D, production and industrialisation of software outsourcing and information service industry, and to bring into full play of the industrial agglomeration effect and the benefits of scale.

The park uses cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet and Beidou navigation as the four leading industries to cultivate and strive to build “Xinjiang” as a software and information service industrial park featuring Xinjiang features, first-class in the west, and advanced China.

Two of the most impressive things  here are the 2025 program that President Xi Jinping proposed that China should move from a large technological nation  to a technological power. Under the guidance of such strategic objectives, all parts of the country are actively developing various advanced technologies such as smart technology, big data, and cloud computing.

The other is the language center here. People can choose their own language with a push of a button. There are Uyghur language, Chinese, French, English and many other languages. Any input, or voice, can be translated. In this way, one can deepen  understanding and avoid misunderstandings. For example, the Belgian journalist said i French, then it immediately translated into Chinese. The ability of languages is very important in Xinjiang where there are  multi-ethnic groups living and working.

Of course, there is also a smart technology that impresses the reporter, that is, the use of drones in medical care. If there is a patient in a community, the drone can sense it by remote sensing technology and then rescue the patient as soon as possible.

Important information data area for “Five Centers” on the Silk Road Economic Belt

Xinjiang Software Park has attracted more than 200 enterprises in the park, including more than 30 enterprises above designated size, including Xinjiang Broadcasting and Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information, and Puhui Information. The industrial clustering effect is beginning to appear. In the future, the park will establish Beidou series of industrial demonstration bases such as the Navigation Application Demonstration Base, the Cultural and Technology Integration Industry Demonstration Base, the Smart City and Smart Community Demonstration Base, and the Internet of Things Application Demonstration Base.

It will become the first-class software park and information service industry highland in the west. At the same time, the park will actively organize enterprises to go out through organizing exhibitions and public promotion meetings, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation between enterprises through the organization of summit forums and technical exchange meetings, and promote the upgrading and transformation of the entire industry.

Quality talent support

Xinjiang Software Park is located in Urumqi, the capital of the country. The outstanding talents in Xinjiang are gathered here. At the same time, the training base with an area of ​​12,000 square meters is built in the park. It passes through Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University and other countries’ well-known universities, as well as well-known enterprises at home and abroad such as Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., jointly to build a training base for the park, build a talented highland, and use the resources of the Higher Education Park in the development zone to build a highland for IT talents in the western region.

Multi-level policy support

Xinjiang Software Park is located in the national development zone. It is the only autonomous region-level software park in Xinjiang, which is jointly established by the Autonomous Region’s Economic and Information Committee and the Development Zone (Toutunhe District). The enterprises in the park can enjoy the national, autonomous region and Urumqi city level and even the Development Zone (Toutunhe District) relevant policies. They can also enjoy some preferential policies in Software Park, Technology Business Incubator and Liuchuang Park for returned overseas talented people to start up their business.

Convenient transportation

Xinjiang Software Park is adjacent to Wukui Expressway in the west, Suzhou Road in the north, and only 10 minutes drive from Urumqi International Airport in the north. It is 2.5 kilometers away from the high-speed rail district transportation hub in the east. It has high-speed rail, intercity railway, long-distance bus and rail transit. Comprehensive transportation such as city bus and convenient transportation. 5 km from the city center takes 15 minutes. A number of bus lines pass through the park.

Perfect business package

Xinjiang Software Park is located in the new center of Urumqi’s future city, close to Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Urumqi Logistics Hub. It is located in the core area of ​​high-speed rail zone and Bainiao Lake New District. It is backed by 246-acre cloud computing industrial park and faces 2.5 square kilometers of service outsourcing base. Adjacent to Wanda, Baoneng high-end commercial complex, the park will develop harmoniously with Urumqi westward new urban area, the center of the future city.

Intelligent park management

 The park has complete supporting facilities, equipped with dual-loop power supply, high-speed network and full coverage of WIFI. It uses cloud computing and Internet of Things technology to adopt intelligent management of the card. It has 5A landmark office buildings, business hotels, expert apartments and high-end business meetings. The center, financial center, display experience center, 5D cinema, coffee western restaurant, fitness center and other facilities can fully enhance the external image of the company and improve office efficiency.

Living environment

The Xinjiang Software Park sits on a 350,000-square-meter “Great Green Valley” ecological park, adjacent to the planned ecological residential area, and is surrounded by rich educational resources such as primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

Advanced technology platform support

Xinjiang Software Park has become a national platform for technology incubators and national software public service platforms. It uses the most advanced cloud computing technology to provide enterprises with a series of professional services such as incubation, software development, testing, application and release.

One-stop, diverse professional services

Xinjiang Software Park adheres to the concept of creating value for enterprises. The park has a one-stop service hall and intermediary service hall, and has a professional service team to provide one-stop services such as project declaration, patent application, project financing,  taxation and legal consultation. At the same time, the park actively undertakes the software and service outsourcing business of the autonomous region and even the Central and Western Asia, but gives priority to the park enterprises. By building a resource sharing platform, enterprises in the park are encouraged to realize business outsourcing, and government procurement projects are preferentially issued to the park enterprises.

Utländska Journalister Besöker Xinjiang-serien (8) – Maiquer, Impression Gobi Vin, Changji snacks och Xinjiang Theatre

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Okotober. 22(Greenpost)– På eftermiddagen den 26 augusti gick över 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister in i Xinjiangs Changji High-Tech Industrial Utveckling Zone, Maiquer Group Co. Ltd., Impressed Gobi Winery och Changji Snack Street, och tittade på “En tusen gånger kommer till Western Region “utförs på Xinjiang Grand Theatre.

På mitten av höstfestivalen äter kinesiska alltid månkaka, inte bara för gott skull, utan även fortsätter kultur och tradition.

När vi kom in i företaget kan man lukta den goda lukten av månkakan och uppskatta olika vackra förpackningar av kakor.

Så många månkakor producerades faktiskt här. Kinesiska gillar att skicka vänner och släktingar månkakor som presenter. Inte konstigt! Eftersom Xinjiang har bra solsken och vetekvaliteten är mycket bra. Således är olika produkter gjorda av mjöl av Xinjiang också mycket bra.

Maiquer importerade en hel uppsättning mjölkproduktionslinje från Sverige med totalt 200 miljoner yuan (eller 33 miljoner US-dollar). Shaliyef, vice direktör för Xinjiang Information Office sa i Xinjiang, människor är väldigt ärliga och pålitliga. Det har aldrig varit en falsk livsmedelsproduktrapport.

Titta på dessa vackra bilder av olika mejeriprodukter, det är verkligen så attraktivt.

Prata om mat, man måste nämna att Xinjiang också producerar vin. Journalister kom till ett tusen tunnland druvplantage och besökte Impression Gobi Winery.

Fuqiang, chef för vingården sa att han namngav sitt företag Impression Gobi och tog ödla som hans företags totem är för att han tycker att ödla har en oupphörlig ansträngning. Han arbetade själv på detta område i tio år och ackumulerade sitt “första fat guld” och investerade cirka 20 miljoner yuan (3,3 miljoner dollar) i denna vingård.

Naturligtvis gav vingården inte bara arbetstillfällen för de lokala lantarbetarna, men också försäljningsmöjligheten för de lokala småskaliga druvkultivarna. Därför gjorde han ett bra bidrag till den lokala ekonomiska utvecklingen.

Han sa att hans vingård var mycket speciell eftersom han använde APP sofeware för att låta sina kunder se hur druvan växer och vet att dessa druvor är rena organiska druvor.

Efter att ha smakat rött och vitt vin i Yinxiang Gobi eller Impression Gobi gick journalister vidare till Changji matstad.

Det första intrycket är att byggnaden här är mycket konstnärlig och full av kultur.

Den gråfärgen och den levande skulpturen innebär en konstnärlig atmosfär.

I denna matgata kan man smaka på alla typer av mat och kultur. Arkitekturen i sig är en konst och kultur.

Chefen för matgatan sa att de har ett strikt förvaltningssystem med bonus för att uppmuntra den goda restaurangen och de som gjorde ett dåligt jobb kommer att vara kostsamma också. Och de diskuterar också och har en bedömning så att en bra arbetsstil bildas.

För att välkomna journalister bad ledningen i matgatan också olika restauranger att ta med sig specialrätt så att journalisterna kan smaka på dem. På grund av efterfrågan från min läsare tog jag en hel del bilder av Xinjiang-mat.


Stekt Geda, en sorts nudlar, köttbullar, handplockat ris med nötkött, stekt motton, Jiasha och handplockad fårkött är alla specialiteter för Xinjiang och det sprider sig nästan över hela Kina.


På kvällen åkte vi till Xinjiang Grand Theatre och tittade på den enorma prestationen En tusen gånger att gå till Västra Regionen. Det känns som att gå tillbaka till antiken då husvagnen gick i Gobi-öknen. Plus VR, tider går fram och tillbaka. Det är verkligen magnifikt och underbart!

I Xinjiang finns god ekologisk mat och gott vatten, med vacker konst, sång och dans. Den autonoma regionen Xinjiang Uygor gillar att knacka på potentialen i kärnområdet i Silk Road Economic Belt genom att främja turism och locka turister från hela Kina och även världen.

Det är också en slags grön ekonomi. Jag måste säga att teaterns uppträdande En tusen gånger att gå till västra regionen har samlat historia, kultur, kärlek och folklore allt på scenen. Så publiken kan njuta av det väldigt mycket. Föreställningen kombinerad med VR och moderna ljud- och videoeffekter bildar ett starkt intryck på människor. Det är bara bra!

Foto och text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 由杨峥副主任率领的上海政协办公厅代表团21日抵达瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩并于当天下午与瑞典华人工商联合总会各侨领举行座谈会。









图文 陈雪霏


《李克强总理正式访问荷兰》 ——两国共同跨上大台阶续写合作伙伴关系新篇章

北欧绿色邮报网报道(驻荷兰特约记者张卓辉 编辑陈雪霏)–中国国务院总理李克强总理偕夫人程虹率领中国政府代表团于2018年10月14日乘专机抵达阿姆斯特丹,开始对荷兰进行正式访问。











10月16日在海牙(Den Haag)举办“2018 中国–荷兰经贸论坛”,中荷双方能达成更多的合作,为中荷企业加强交流提供了良好的机会,250家荷兰企业和此次与李克强总理随行的中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)为首的大型经贸团涉及金融、园艺、家居、建筑、医药、食品等行业的150家中国企业逾500多人共济一堂进行交流,签署了多项协议。


“你们看今天我们在这样一个会场,召开经贸论坛。很透明啊,太阳光直接照在我的脸上。(热烈掌声)中荷双方的主办者,都愿意在一个公开透明的环境下召开这个论坛,表明我们愿意在公开透明的环境下进行贸易。” 利用演讲场地的透明天花板,李克强再次强调在公开透明的前提下,发展自由贸易的重要性。



荷兰国家电视台NOS称,中荷企业在两国总理的见证下举行了一场“激动人心”的签字仪式。双方企业签署8项合作协议,涉及能源、金融、航空、农业科技等领域,总金额约80亿欧元。习近平主席曾提到过,荷兰是中国农业转型的真正伙伴。作为中荷企业签订的首个协议,浙江省嘉善经济技术开发区与荷兰著名锂能沃克斯公司(Lithium Werks B.V.)价值16亿欧元(18.5亿美元)的大项目将落户浙江中荷(嘉善)产业合作园。在长江三角洲地区设立新能源锂电池超级工程项目并设立中国研发基地。荷兰《共同日报》(AD)称,李克强访华期间,荷兰企业“争相与中国总理握手”,因为“赢得中国就相当于赢得了世界”。




“李克强总理在繁忙的访荷工作中间抽时间与大家交流,让人感动。” 荷兰华人总会会长孔海峰说,“中国与荷兰关系处在历史最好时期,我们作为旅荷华侨华人中的一员,感到非常荣幸。祖国的强大,也是我们华侨华人的强大,我们的腰杆也挺得更直了。希望祖国全面进步,经济、科技、文化、社会发展越来越好。”



    而李克强总理在繁忙的行程中,还特别旋风式地访问了莱顿大学,和校长Carel Stolker以及汉学系的师生见面,交谈。







据悉,今年年初,Lithium Werks首席执行官就宣布,未来将投资16亿欧在中国建设电池厂。Lithium Werks是全球知名的锂离子电池公司,近几年通过加快收购步伐,成为世界上最先进的磷酸铁锂储能系统集团。其实,Lithium Werks在中国已设有工厂,但中国近年来电池需求一直在增长。比起其他国家,中国的发展速度很快,且效率很高。新建电池厂的产量每年预计能达到8兆瓦时,相当于为16万轿车同时提供动力。且将在2021年初投入生产。

【附件1 】

李克强总理访荷之际,发表署名文章:《故友新知 共创未来》


故友新知 共创未来

A time to renew friendship and embrace a brighter future


中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强

Li Keqiang

Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China



It is a great pleasure for me to visit the beautiful country of the Netherlands for the first time as Chinese Premier. To me, this country is by no means a strange, faraway land, but a familiar place. About 20 years ago when I was working in a Chinese province, I visited the Netherlands and was deeply impressed by its modern agriculture and thriving tourism, ports and logistics, to name just a few. So this is like a visit with old friends.


Although I haven’t had many chances to come back, I have been following the development of this country and that of China-Netherlands relations. I am glad to see continued progress in our bilateral ties and cooperation in recent years, most notably the establishment of an open and pragmatic partnership for comprehensive cooperation during President Xi Jinping’s successful state visit here in 2014. Another milestone was recorded in the history of our relations earlier this year when King Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister Mark Rutte paid visits to China within two months.


There is a proverb in both Chinese and Dutch which urges people to strike while the iron is hot. I hope my upcoming visit will do the same and promote further progress of the interactions and cooperation between our two countries.


The Netherlands has been associated with many achievements. To historians and economists, it is the birthplace of the world’s first share-holding company, first stock exchange and first modern bank. To business leaders, it is home to many renowned multinationals. Humanities scholars admire your country for its contribution to arts and philosophy. In the travelogues of tourists, the Netherlands is the picturesque Garden of Europe and Land of Windmills.


On the Chinese side, silk and porcelain made in China arrived in this country as early as centuries ago. The Netherlands was among the first western countries to recognize the People’s Republic and enter into long-term cooperation on scientific research with us. If we compare our histories and national journeys, we can find similarities in national traits between the Chinese story and the Dutch story.


In the long fight against natural disasters, the Dutch people have built dams and dikes and reclaimed land from the sea to overcome the constraints imposed by the natural environment and make the most of its somewhat limited resources. Through centuries of hard work, your country has accomplished a great transformation from fighting the sea, to harnessing the sea, and to thriving and prospering by the sea. Such an enterprising, pioneering, open and pragmatic spirit is best captured by the motto on your coat of arms — Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain).


For the Chinese nation, it has faced many turmoil and challenges both internal and imposed from the outside through the centuries. But the Chinese people have always emerged stronger by overcoming the difficulties and obstacles and forged a national character of industry, courage and perseverance. Similarly, in the past four decades of reform and opening-up, we have encountered unprecedented risks and challenges; but we stayed the course and never flinched. A long journey is made through taking small steps. If there is one thing that we have learned along the way, it is that we shall always maintain.


Today, facing the headwinds of unilateralism and protectionism as well as the challenges of climate change and terrorism, we need to be clear about the direction where we are going. We should ask ourselves the question: do we opt for openness or stay behind closed doors,go forward or backward?


The Netherlands is a trading nation and China has been pursuing development through opening-up. As beneficiaries of the rules-based multilateral order, our two countries are likely to give similar answers to the above question. We would agree that the answer lies in making a stronger commitment to uphold multilateralism, free trade, economic globalization and an open world economy, and striving to sustain the hard-won global recovery with concrete and concerted efforts. Let’s join hands to maintain the Dutch story and the Chinese story and promote world peace and development.


We need to build on our friendship and further enhance it. This is because we need to rise up to new challenges in the global context. Moreover, the development driven by a new round of reform and opening-up has created new space for cooperation between our countries. As a Dutch saying goes, happiness doubles when you share it. Likewise, opportunities will multiply when we share them.


China and the Netherlands, at different development stages, have much to offer each other economically. Efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative will provide more opportunities to leverage the advantageous location of the Netherlands as the gateway to Europe and facilitate connectivity between China and Europe by making full use of the convenient land, sea and air transportation in this country. The boom of new growth drivers and upgrading of the industrial structure in China will cultivate new areas of technological cooperation. Chinese people’s pursuit of a better life with higher household spending promises a new market for quality Dutch products. China’s innovation-driven development strategy being implemented in full swing will offer new impetus for creative industries in the Netherlands to join in the development of the innovation economy in China. With a host of measures in place to deepen reform and expand opening-up, especially to widen market access for foreign investment in services sectors, the financial sector included, China will generate more promising business opportunities for Dutch companies and investors.


China will make greater efforts and take faster steps to improve its business environment, expand market access for foreign investors, and protect intellectual property rights. This is a commitment China has made not just to the world but more so to serve China’s own development. We will stay committed to these goals. The process of reform and opening-up will see China further align its domestic rules with international practices and seek development synergy with the rest of the world. The Netherlands and other countries are welcome to share in China’s development opportunities. Together, through friendly competition and cooperation, we will prevail over difficulties and challenges and open up new vistas for common progress.


I have come to the Netherlands to renew and enhance a long-running friendship. A bright future dawns only when we maintain. I trust that the Netherlands known for its pioneering spirit will be an early bird in China’s new round of reform and opening-up. With joint efforts, China, the Netherlands and Europe as a whole will all embrace a brighter future.





中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强

Keynote Speech by H.E. Li Keqiang

Premier of the State Council of

The People’s Republic of China

At the China-Netherlands Business Forum

The Hague, 16 October 2018





Prime Minister Mark Rutte,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my great pleasure to join you at the China-Netherlands Business Forum in this beautiful city of The Hague. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to offer warm congratulations on the opening of the Forum and extend sincere thanks to people of all walks of life who have long been committed to the friendship and cooperation between China and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


This year has seen many highlights in China-Netherlands relations. In February, President Xi Jinping met with His Majesty the King who visited China. The meeting provided further guidance to and boosted the growth of our bilateral ties. With the official visit to China by Prime Minister Mark Rutte in April and my visit to the Netherlands this time, we made an exchange of visits at the head-of-government level within a year. Such frequent high-level interactions have lent fresh impetus to our relations defined as an open and pragmatic partnership for comprehensive cooperation.


Being one of the earliest achievers of modernization, the Netherlands can be rightly proud of its accomplishments in many areas. It is the birthplace of the world’s first share-holding company, first stock exchange and first modern bank. It boasts one of the world’s highest per capita GDPs, and ranks as the fifth, the sixth, and the second largest exporter of goods, services and agriculture produce and food respectively. It is home to a great many well-known companies and brands, with half of its companies actively engaged in innovation. Just now I was given a presentation of some of the leading hi-tech products of this country, which left me deeply impressed by the scientific and technological prowess and industrial capabilities of the Netherlands.


Although our countries are far apart geographically, friendly interactions between our peoples go back centuries. As early as in the 17th century, Dutch merchants brought Chinese porcelain, tea and silk to Europe. Our cooperation has come a long way since the establishment of diplomatic ties, especially in recent years. The Netherlands has been among China’s top three trading partners in the EU since the year 2000, with two-way trade projected to approach US$90 billion this year. We each have about US$20 billion of investment stock in the other’s market. Eleven out of the 15 Dutch Fortune 500 companies have invested in China, and the Netherlands is now China’s second largest investment destination in the EU.

We owe such fruitful economic ties to our shared adherence to the principles of mutual respect and equality, to our commitment to openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit, and to our tireless pursuit of pragmatism, enterprise and innovation. With so many business leaders present, let me say the growth of trade and economic cooperation between our two countries is, to a large measure, down to the hard work and wisdom of our business communities.


Yesterday, I had productive talks with Prime Minister Rutte. We reached important common understanding in wide-ranging areas. Given the strong foundation, enormous potential and great prospect of our cooperation, there is every reason that we should redouble our efforts to further broaden, deepen and elevate China-Netherlands cooperation.


We need to make the pie of our trade bigger. As China-Netherlands trade only accounts for 1.5 percent of the combined trade volume of our two countries, there is considerable space for further expansion. China is keen to import more manufactured industrial products, advanced equipment and quality agricultural produce from the Netherlands. This will better meet the needs of Chinese consumers and be conducive to industrial upgrading in China. The first-ever China International Import Expo will open soon. We look forward to the active participation of Dutch companies to showcase your capabilities and I wish you hefty orders in advance. Chinese products offer good value for money; over 70 percent of Chinese exports to this country are through entrepôt trade. I hope Dutch companies will fully capitalize on your strength as a transshipment hub to bring more Chinese products to the Dutch and the wider European markets. In view of the rapid growth in our trans-border e-commerce, it is high time we create better conditions, both in hardware facilities and the softer aspects, to give Chinese and Dutch consumers more choices and greater convenience.


We need to open up more space for two-way investment cooperation. China is ready to work with the Netherlands in creating a fair, non-discriminatory and transparent business environment for each other’s investors. Dutch companies are welcome to expand their investment in China by leveraging the synergy between their leading-edge capabilities and China’s huge market potential. In particular, I would encourage you to explore opportunities in China’s central and western provinces as well as traditional industrial bases in the northeast, which hold enormous development potential. You are also welcome to invest in development zones, pilot free trade zones or free trade ports in China which offer enabling conditions. On our part, we hope the Netherlands, a nation long committed to a free and open investment policy, will give fair and equitable treatment to Chinese companies who make investments in this country according to market principles and commercial rules.


We need to strengthen cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Having a long history of maritime trade has made the Netherlands a gateway to Europe. China is ready to work closely with the Netherlands in ports, logistics, customs and other fields to help build an efficient and smooth passageway between Asia and Europe. Companies of our two countries have been engaged in third-party cooperation on equipment supply, design and consulting. We need to further expand the areas and scope of such cooperation to deliver greater benefits to the local communities.

The BRI is an initiative for economic cooperation, not a tool of geopolitics. In carrying out BRI and third-party cooperation, we should follow market principles and prevailing international rules, and leverage the role of regional and international institutions. We should proceed from the national conditions of countries concerned and ensure transparency in project operation in order to keep the debt risks under control.


We need to cultivate new growth drivers in our cooperation on innovation. The people of our two countries are both known for being bold innovators. While the Netherlands has been a top-tier innovative country in the world, China has also implemented an innovation strategy in recent years to drive growth and fostered a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation across society. As the new round of industrial revolution gathers momentum, global industrial and innovation chains are becoming closely entwined. All countries are involved, to varying degrees, in this process, each contributing its share and drawing benefits in return.

The Chinese and Dutch governments have implemented three major cooperation programs on science, technology and innovation. We are ready to build on the existing foundation to upgrade cooperation in this field. We should enhance cooperation in human resource development, joint research and commercialization of research results, particularly in areas such as smart shipping, agriculture, water management, aviation and space, life sciences, electronic information, new materials, chemistry and environmental protection. Such cooperation, which draws on our complementarity, will generate more benefits than if we act alone.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


China-Netherlands cooperation is a fine example of China-Europe cooperation. The world today is undergoing profound changes. Yet no matter how the situation may evolve, China will always see Europe as an important pole in the world and the EU as a comprehensive strategic partner. China hopes to see the EU staying united, stable, open and prosperous. Given the growing uncertainties and destabilizing factors in the world economy, there is every reason for China and the EU, as two major economies, to enhance strategic communication and coordination, and respond to the challenges together.

We hope the EU will ease restrictions and increase the export of high-end equipment and high-tech products to China. We need to build on the progress in the negotiations of a bilateral investment agreement to push for substantive outcomes. A possible China-EU FTA would give a big boost to the growth of our economic and trade relations. We are ready to work with the EU to lay a solid foundation for the FTA by launching a joint feasibility study as early as possible.


To deepen China-Netherlands and China-EU cooperation, a free and open environment is indispensable. Yet, the rise of unilateralism and protectionism has dealt a blow to the multilateral trading regime. The rules-based multilateral trading regime, represented by the WTO, was built with long and hard efforts by all parties on the basis of learning the lessons of history. It has played an irreplaceable role in the global trading system. Trade among WTO members now accounts for more than 98 percent of global trade. China and the EU are both beneficiaries of the multilateral trading regime and advocates for upholding the authority and effectiveness of the WTO.

That being said, some of the WTO rules do need to be reformed and improved. China and the EU have established a joint working group for this purpose, which held its first dialogue not long ago. China maintains that the fundamental principles of the WTO, such as openness, transparency, inclusiveness and non-discrimination, should not be compromised. The direction of trade liberalization should continue to be followed. Reforms should accommodate the concerns of the majority of the membership, uphold the development rights and interests as well as the special and differential treatment of the developing members, and serve to narrow the gap between the North and the South. China supports fair trade as well as free trade. Without free trade, there will be no fair trade; trade that is unfair is simply unsustainable; be it free trade or fair trade, all trade should be based on universally recognized WTO rules.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Through four decades of reform and opening-up, China has made significant economic progress. With China becoming the second largest economy in the world, some foreign friends started to wonder: is China still a developing country? To identify the development stage of a country, one needs to take a comprehensive and multi-dimensional view. China does have a huge economic aggregate, but its per capita GDP stands just above US$8,800, only a quarter of that of the EU. More than 40 percent of Chinese live in the rural areas. Among them, over 30 million, equivalent to the population of a medium-sized country, are living in poverty with a per capita annual income of less than 3,000 RMB yuan. A large number of villages and some remote areas are still struggling with primitive infrastructure. Some of them have only just had access to roads, electricity and the internet. China ranks 86th on the UN list of Human Development Index, 76 places behind the Netherlands. All these speak to the fact that China remains a developing country, and there is still a long way to go before China becomes a high-income country and achieves all-round modernization.


On the other hand, the significant gap between China and developed countries can be turned into huge potential for development. The Chinese economy grew by 6.8 percent in the first half of this year. Growth in the third quarter is projected to moderate somewhat due to factors such as changes in the external environment. Yet we expect the steady momentum of growth to continue and overall economic performance to be maintained within the proper range. Employment, in particular, has remained solid, with over 11 million new urban jobs created in the first three quarters of this year. This has helped to keep surveyed urban unemployment rate at a relatively low level of around 5 percent. Structural adjustments have continued to make headway: consumption has kept growing by over 9 percent; the services sector accounts for a growing share of the economy, consolidating its role as the main engine for growth. High-tech sectors, strategic emerging industries and equipment manufacturing expanded notably faster than general industries. Agricultural production remains strong, with main agricultural products in abundant supply.

What’s more, new growth drivers such as new forms and models of business have been thriving. The number of newly registered enterprises reached five million in the first three quarters of this year, or 18,000 for an average day, bringing the total number of market entities in China to over 100 million. These new growth drivers now contribute over one third to economic growth and more than two thirds to urban job creation. The quality and performance of the Chinese economy has been improving: profits of large industrial companies and service providers maintained double-digit growth, and household income rose largely in tandem with GDP growth.

This being said, we are deeply conscious of the many uncertainties and destabilizing factors confronting the Chinese economy in the context of a complex and fast-changing international environment. Downward pressure on the economy has notably increased, so have the difficulties and challenges facing us. Nevertheless, the Chinese economy enjoys strong resilience and broad space for maneuver, and thanks to years of development and innovation, we have at our disposal a fairly substantial toolkit for macro-control. All these will fully equip us to meet the main targets of development for this year and, through continued unrelenting efforts, to sustain medium-high growth for a long time to come and move to a medium-high level of development.


China will stay committed to advancing reform. Reform is the fundamental driver of China’s development. China will only speed up its market-oriented reforms. We will not slow down the pace of reform, let alone turn back. The Chinese government will continue to streamline administrative approval procedures, provide more efficient services, and slash the time required to start a business, get a permit or go through customs clearance. We will introduce tax cuts on a bigger scale and meaningfully lower fees, including the social security contribution rate. The reform to transform state-owned enterprises (SOEs) into standard companies and joint-stock companies has been basically completed. China’s SOEs, many of which are publicly listed, run their operations in an open and transparent manner. It is entirely up to them to make their own business decisions, and they are responsible for any profits or losses. They do not enjoy any special subsidies.

Continued efforts will be made to deepen the reform of SOEs and state-owned assets, including mixed-ownership reform in a tiered and category-based manner. Foreign investors are welcome to participate in the reforming and restructuring of Chinese SOEs. We will work for greater transparency in government regulations, ordinances and standards at all levels and higher consistency and predictability in policy execution. A level-playing field will be resolutely enforced. All companies registered in China will receive fair and equal treatment.


China will stay committed to greater opening-up. China has comprehensively fulfilled, in some cases outperformed, the commitments it made upon accession to the WTO. A foreign investment management model of pre-establishment national treatment and a negative list has been rolled out. China’s trade in goods now accounts for more than one third of its GDP. And foreign-invested enterprises have contributed about 40 percent to China’s export and 20 percent to tax revenue. China’s economy has deeply integrated into the world economy. Pursuing greater opening-up is a sure choice based on its own development needs. Since early this year, we have introduced an array of new measures in pursuit of greater opening-up, including lowering tariffs for some goods and widening market access in the manufacturing and services industries.

Starting from next month, we will cut import tariffs for more than 1,500 industrial goods, which will bring our overall tariff rate down to 7.5 percent, a lower-middle level by international standards. China will further open its financial services sector. Just as we have lifted foreign ownership caps in the banking sector, we will take similar steps in the insurance and securities sectors in the next three years. By then there will be foreign ventures qualified for full-license, full-ownership operation in the financial sector. China’s pursuit of opening-up in greater breadth and depth will provide more cooperation opportunities to the business communities around the world. In the first eight months of this year, total paid-in foreign direct investment in China grew by over 6 percent. A new round of investment by some multinationals is in the pipelines. Companies from the Netherlands and other European countries are welcome to get a head start in seizing business opportunities in China.


China will stay committed to boosting innovation. Much can be accomplished in China given its huge market, strong supporting industries and abundant human resources. We will foster a more enabling eco-system to spur innovation, intensify support for basic research and applied basic research, encourage corporate R&D spending, and improve incentives for researchers and policies for the commercialization of innovation outcomes. We will facilitate integrated innovation and synergized development of companies of different sizes, industries, universities, research institutes and end users in both online and offline activities.

Stringent IPR protection meets China’s needs for high-quality development and closer cooperation with the rest of the world. In recent years, China has revised nearly 20 IPR-related laws and regulations, handled over 1.4 million cases of IPR infringement, and set up special IPR tribunals. Intellectual property royalty payments by Chinese companies to overseas proprietors have increased by a big margin to reach US$28.6 billion last year, of which one third was made to the EU. China will never allow forced technology transfer or make technology transfer a precondition for foreign investment approval. Mutually beneficial technology transfer and cooperation between business partners in joint ventures and other forms of cooperation will be respected by the government. We will introduce a more rigorous mechanism of punitive compensation for IPR infringements to deter violations, improve judicial services and align China’s innovation protection system with international business rules.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


There is a proverb in the Netherlands that says, “A ship is as strong as its crew.” If we compare China-Netherlands cooperation to a giant ship, business leaders present today would be sailors whose work is vital to the voyage ahead. I trust that all of you “sailors” will brave the waves hand-in-hand and forge ahead to set new records and score greater success in our cooperation.


Thank you.

















Finland’s Arctic expertise in the Arctic Circle Assembly

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, The Arctic Circle is a major international gathering on Arctic matters. It is organised once a year in Reykjavik. This year it will take place from 19 to 21 October. It brings together around 2,000 participants from 60 countries. Finland is well-represented in the Assembly.

Our fields of expertise in digitalisation, artificial intelligence and smart technologies are all part of Finland’s success story. Information transmitted via satellites can be harnessed in meteorological services, flood forecast systems, ice services and maritime transport, for example. Black carbon is one of the main short-lived climate forcers. These topics will be discussed on Saturday 20 October in Finland’s breakout session, which focuses on Finland and new elements in Arctic cooperation.

State Secretary and Chair of Finland’s Arctic Advisory Board Paula Lehtomäki from the Prime Minister’s Office will open Finland’s breakout session. Other representatives from Finland include Johanna Ekman, Project Manager at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Kimmo Kanto, Director at Business Finland and Jaakko Henttonen, Special Adviser at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.  Ambassador Harri Mäki-Reinikka from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will moderate the discussion.

In addition, the Finnish Border Guard will organise an international session on air and maritime search and rescue as part of its chairmanship of the Arctic Coast Guard Forum.


据瑞典通讯社10月17日报道,瑞典人第一次占据了人均无现金支付数量的头把交椅。 2016年,瑞典人人均进行了461.5次无现金交易,比上一年增长了13%。其主要原因包括瑞典人技术熟练并且能够很好地获得Swish和Bank-ID等技术解决方案。 凯捷咨询的支付和电子商务专家Pascal Olin说:“在瑞典,银行间的合作非常通畅,其他国家很少拥有这些共同的解决方案。”

《瑞典日报》10月17日报道,英国首相Theresa May 当晚在布鲁塞尔召开的欧盟27国领导人会议上发表讲话,并在晚宴上就英国脱欧下一步措施进行了讨论。欧盟首席英国脱欧谈判代表Michel Barrier表示需要更多的时间才能达成一致。瑞典欧盟事务大臣林德(Ann Linde)目前正在卢森堡会见她的部长同事,她对媒体表示“英国面临技术困境和极敏感的政治问题”,然而她相信最终会找到一个解决方案。林德和欧洲理事会主席Donald Tusk一样担心,因为硬脱欧的代价对于英国和欧盟来说都非常高昂,英国脱欧达不成一致的可能性比以往任何时候都大,她对达成协议仍报希望。与此同时,奥地利联邦大臣Gernot BlüMel在参加会议的路上对《瑞典日报》表示,谈判正在向着正确的方向进行,但不幸的是,“目前还不足以达成妥协”。

据瑞典每日新闻网10月18日报道,Stefan Löfven希望社会民主党与中央党和自由党联合组成政府,但是双方在很多关键政治领域上存在差异,其中包括创造就业机会、移民、住房、税收、社会保护和福利部门的利润。
中间党领导人Annie Lööf依赖其在议会中享有的31个席位,可能会对瑞典新一届政府组阁产生重要影响。相比之下,自由党领袖Jan Björklund选择淡化自己的角色。
瑞典工会联合会主席Karl-Petter Thorwasldsson认为 ,关于社会福利部门利润的分歧是最为棘手的问题。中间党和自由党主张教育、医疗和养老方面等方面自由选择,完全反对利润上限,而社会民主党则站在左翼党一边,表示需要上限。双方因此陷入僵局。

据《瑞典日报》10月15日报道,在公布了9月令人惊讶的利率数据之后,瑞典四大银行中的三家银行均预测利率将在新年之前首次上调。SEB的宏观经济学家Elisabeth Kopelman表示,这样的形势不太可能出现戏剧性的变化。相反,她预测央行将朝这个方向谨慎地迈出一步。唯一尚未揭示其预测的瑞典大银行是商业银行(Handelsbanken)。

据瑞典农民联合会(LRF)10月15日报道,该会专家Christina Furustam称,美国 - 墨西哥 - 加拿大协议(USMCA)可能对瑞典乳制品出口产生影响。 根据协议,美国允许加拿大对用于婴儿食品中的脱脂奶粉,乳蛋白浓缩物和即食配方奶征税。Furustam表示,美国可能希望牛奶留在加拿大,因此美国可以提高其出口量。 她认为此举将使美国有机会获得市场份额并在新市场上占有一席之地,同时这也导致瑞典未来可能面临更大的竞争。Arla乳品集团目前正在分析USMCA可能对其业务产生的影响,暂时不愿发表评论。

据斯德哥尔摩港口10月16日报道,今年夏季,斯德哥尔摩港口接待来自国际游轮的游客数量创历史新高,达到61.9万人次。这一数字比去年增加了2万,也是有史以来最高点。据统计,5月至10月期间,共计268艘国际游轮驶入到斯德哥尔摩港口,而2017年为263艘。其中,67艘船只称为“转向船只”,即旅游公司将斯德哥尔摩作为游船的始发地或到达地,这意味着游客要额外在斯德哥尔摩度过白天或夜晚,并在咖啡厅、餐馆、商店和旅游景点消费。斯德哥尔摩港口的 Stefan Scheja说:“游客中大多数来自美国和德国,其次是英国。”

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (2) – Besök Xinjiang Software Park

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 25 augusti (Greenpost) – En grupp av 21 kinesiska och 14 utländska journalister besökte Xinjiang Software Park den 25 augusti efter att de hade besökt Urumqis Kina Järnväg Express anpassningscentret. Syftet av besöket är en del av reportage om Xinjiang som kärnområde av siden väg ekonomiska bältet som länkar kina och Asien och europa.

Med totalt 410 tusen kvadratmeter byggnad, och ett område på 14 hektar, har Xinjiang Software Park godkänts som en provinsnivåpark. Xinjiang har försökt sitt bästa för att göra parken till ett högt mark inom mjukvaru- och informationsindustrins koncentration, uppstart, innovation och utveckling.

Xinjiang Software Park insisterar på att “odla och utveckla software tjänsten som sitt uppdrag”, vilket ger full uppmärksamhet åt de unika fördelarna med Xinjiangs läge, språk, talanger och kultur och integrerar de industriella fördelarna med Xinjiang. Under ledning av den autonoma regionen och Urumqis partiutskott och regering, kommer software parken att ligga till grund för FoU, produktion och industrialisering av outsourcing av programvara och informationstjänstindustrin, och för att föra full uppspelning av den industriella agglomerationseffekten och fördelar med skalan. Parken använder cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet och Beidou-navigering som de fyra ledande industrier att odla och sträva efter att bygga “Xinjiang” som en software- och informationsservice industripark med Xinjiang-funktioner, förstklassigt i västra område och avancerat Kina .

Två av de mest imponerande sakerna här är 2025-programmet som President Xi Jinping föreslog att Kina skulle flytta från en stor teknologisk nation till en teknologisk kraft. Under ledning av sådana strategiska mål utvecklar alla delar av landet aktivt olika avancerade teknologier som smart teknologi, stora data och cloud computing.

Den andra är språkcentret här. Människor kan välja sitt eget språk med ett tryck på en knapp. Det finns Uyghur-språk, kinesiska, franska, engelska och många andra språk. Varje inmatning eller röst kan översättas. På så sätt kan man fördjupa förståelsen och undvika missförstånd. Språkkunskaper är mycket viktiga i Xinjiang där det finns flera etniska grupper som bor och arbetar där.

Självklart finns det också en smart teknik som imponerar reportern, det vill säga användningen av droner i vården. Om det finns en patient i ett samhälle kan dronen känna av det med fjärranalys och sedan rädda patienten så snart som möjligt.

Viktigt informationsområde för “Fem Centers” på Siden Vägen  Ekonomiska Bältet

Xinjiang Software Park har lockat mer än 200 företag i parken, inklusive mer än 30 företag över utsetts storlek, inklusive Xinjiang Broadcasting och Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information och Puhui Information. Den industriella klustringseffekten börjar dyka upp. I framtiden kommer parken att etablera Beidou-serien av industriella demonstrationsbaser, såsom demonstrationsbasen för navigeringsapplikation, demonstrationsbasen för kultur och teknikintegreringsindustrin, Smart City och Smart Community Demonstration Base, och Dells Internet Application Demonstration Base.

Det kommer att bli förstklassig software park och informationstjänstindustrin högland i västra region. Samtidigt kommer parken aktivt organisera företag att gå ut genom att organisera utställningar och offentliga kampanjer och stärka utbytet och samarbetet mellan företagen genom organisationen av toppmötet och tekniska utbytesmöten och främja uppgraderingen och omvandlingen av hela industrin .


Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqi, huvudstaden i regionen. De utestående talangerna i Xinjiang samlas här. Samtidigt byggs träningsbasen med en yta på 12.000 kvadratmeter i parken. Det passerar genom Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance och Ekonomi, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University och andra länders välkända universitet, såväl som välkända företag i hemlandet och utomlands, som Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., att bygga tillsammans en träningsbas för parken, bygga ett begåvat högland och använda resurserna i högutbildning Park i utvecklingszonen för att bygga ett högland för IT-talenter i västra regionen.

Politiskt stöd på flera nivåer

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i den nationella utvecklingszonen. Det är den enda autonoma programvaruparken i regionen på Xinjiang, som är gemensamt inrättad av den autonoma regionens ekonomiska och informationskommitté och utvecklingszonen (Toutunhe-distriktet). Företagen i parken kan njuta av den nationella, autonoma regionen och Urumqi-stadsnivån och till och med utvecklingsområdet (Toutunhe District) relevant politik. De kan också njuta av vissa preferenspolitiker i Software Park, Technology Business Incubator och Liuchuang Park för de studenter som kom tillbaka från utlanderna  börgar deras startup företagen. 

Bekvämt transport

Xinjiang Software Park ligger intill Wukui Expressway i väst, Suzhou Road i norr, och bara 10 minuters bilresa från Urumqi International Airport i norr. Det ligger 2,5 kilometer från höghastighetstågets transportcentrum i öster. Det har höghastighetståg, linjetrafik, långdistansbuss och järnvägstransitering. Omfattande transporter som stadsbuss och bekvämt transport. 5 km från stadens centrum tar 15 minuter. Ett antal busslinjer passerar genom parken.

Perfekt affärspaket

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqis nya centrum, nära Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone och Urumqi Logistics Hub. Det ligger i kärnområdet av höghastighetståg och Bainiao(Hundra fåglar) Lake New District. Det stöds av 246 tunnland cloud computing industripark och står inför 2,5 kvadratkilometer service outsourcing bas. Intill Wanda, Baoneng avancerade kommersiella komplex, kommer parken att utvecklas harmoniskt med Urumqi västerut nya stadsområde, centrum av den framtida staden.

Intelligent parkförvaltning Parken har kompletta stödmöjligheter, utrustade med dual-loop strömförsörjning, höghastighetsnät och full täckning av WIFI. Det använder cloud computing och Internet of Things teknik för att anta intelligent hantering av kortet. Det har 5A landmärke kontorsbyggnader, affärshotell, expert lägenheter och avancerade affärsmöten. Centret, finanscentret, presentationscentret, 5D-biografen, den västerländska restaurangen, fitnesscentret och andra faciliteter kan förbättra företagets externa image och förbättra kontorets effektivitet.


Xinjiang Software Park sitter på en ekologisk park på 350 000 kvadratmeter stor grön dal, intill det planerade ekologiska bostadsområdet och är omgiven av rika pedagogiska resurser som grundskolor och gymnasieskolor och daghem.

Avancerat tekniskt plattformsstöd

Xinjiang Software Park har blivit en nationell plattform för teknik inkubatorer och nationella programvaror public service plattformar. Den använder den mest avancerade cloud computing-tekniken för att ge företagen en rad professionella tjänster som inkubation, mjukvaruutveckling, testning, applikation och släpp.

One-stop, diverse professionella tjänster

Xinjiang Software Park följer konceptet att skapa värde för företagen. Parken har en one-stop servicehall och förmedlingshallen och har ett professionellt serviceteam för att tillhandahålla engångstjänster som projektdeklaration, patentansökan, projektfinansiering, beskattning och juridiskt samråd. Samtidigt åtar sig parken aktivt programvaran och tjänsten outsourcing verksamhet i den autonoma regionen och även Central- och västra Asien, men prioriterar parkföretagen. Genom att bygga en resursdelningsplattform uppmuntras företagen i parken att genomföra affärskontrakt, och offentliga upphandlingsprojekt ges företrädesrätt till parkföretag.

Xinjiang har 1.66 million kvarkilometer och 21 million folk med rika resurer  i rytum, råvaru och energi. Det är kommunikation centrum mellan kina inland och Asien och Europa.  En bra framtid väntar.

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (1) -Kina-Europe Express Länkar Dig och Mig

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 19. Okt(Greenpost) — Tro det eller inte, det är mycket troligt att en flaska tomatketchep på bordet av en Neapel-familj transporteras av Kina-Europe Express via Urumqi-anpassningscentret, huvudstaden i Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Som journalist från Greenpost from Sweden, tillsammans med 14 journalister från 14 länder i Asien och Europa, har jag varit i Urumqi-inriktningscentralen och bevittnat att Harmony Freight Train sätter sig härifrån till Horgos Port och går vidare till Europa med full frakt i 41 europeiska standardhytter. Det var den 25, augusti, 2018.

Nan Jun, vice generaldirektör för Xinjiang Järnvägs internationella transport Co Ltd sa att “tåget som ska börja nu är 1486-tåget sedan 26 maj 2016 och 654: e sedan 1 januari 2018”.

-Sedan Kinas Järnväg Express började har vi blivit välkomna av våra kunder eftersom vi har ökat vår transportkapacitet väsentligt från en gång i veckan till en gång om dagen och nu tre gånger om dagen. Så våra järnvägslinjer ökar också från 4 linjer till 19 linjer som täcker 23 platser. Hastigheten ökar ytterligare genom att optimera den inhemska transporttiden och genom aktivt samarbete med våra partners utomlands. Vi har förkortat tiden från 66 timmar till 44 timmar och nu tar det bara 40 timmar att anlända till Almaty. Tiden till Tyskland har också förkortats från 16 dagar till 13,5 dagar. Kostnaden minskar också. -sade Nan.

Nan Jun sade att tåget kan nå så långt som Neapel i Italien via Ryssland, Belorus, Polen, Tyskland och Italien. När tåget kom tillbaka kom det med massa från Finland och transporterades till Korla i Xinjiang för att producera gröna produkter. Samtidigt transporterades även andra europeiska produkter tillbaka.

Han sa att årets mål är att nå 1400 gånger och 80 procent av dem kommer att vara från punkt till punkt. De produkter som de skickade ut är inte bara att vara Xinjiang Products, utan även containrar från Yiwu, östra Kinas Zhejiang-provins. Det tar bara en dag att komma hit. Och då kommer det att transporteras till London. Tåget är i internationell standard eftersom tåget som går till Storbritannien, kommer att ändra spåret eftersom det använder olika spår. Urumqi-omgruppering centret gör att de brådskande produkterna går först och andra produkter går efter. Det är här att de kommer att byta spår och byta container först. Kostnaden minskade och effektiviteten ökade.

Kina Railway Express i Urumqi gör Xinjiang till ett kommunikationscentrum för bält- och väg initiativ som förbinder Kina och Centralasien och Europa och blir kärnzonen när det gäller att främja ekonomi och handel med relevanta länder. Detta har varit Xinjiangs bidrag, vilket till och med väsentligt bidrar till världshandeln. Hittills har det funnits 19 järnvägslinjer som förbinder Kina och omvärlden och ungefär hälften av dem via Xinjiang Uygor Autonom Region Nordvästra Kina och hälften av dem via Heilongjiang-provinsen, Nordöstra Kina.

Vissa människor i västvärlden tvivlar på Kinas syfte att bältet och väginitiativet, men för att göra lasttransporter lättare, göra världsaffären lättare att göra och gynna alla involverade, viktigare att tillhandahålla goda varor till alla kunder är det verkliga syftet och detta är bara ett bra exempel på bältet och väginitiativet.

Detta var det första stoppet som kinesiska och utländska journalister har stoppat. Det andra stoppet kommer att vara Xinjiang Software Park. Vänligen håll dig stillad. Följa oss!

Bild och Text  av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.