《北欧绿色邮报网》据中新社 新德里消息:当地时间7日2时15分(北京时间4时45分)左右,印度空间研究组织(ISRO)宣布,印度“月船2号”着陆器“维克拉姆号”在距离月球表面2.1公里的时候失去了信号。该组织将分析现有数据,找出着陆器失联原因。
Daily Archives: 09/08/2019
《北欧绿色邮报网》据中新社洛杉矶电 (记者 张朔) 美国南加州爱国护港青年大联盟9月7日在洛杉矶成立。
《北欧绿色邮报网》据中新社开普敦电 (记者 王曦)南非日前爆发的大规模排外骚乱引发了周边关系紧张。
莫桑比克、马拉维、津巴布韦、莱索托、尼日利亚等周边国家移民南非的人数,目前已达到360万人左右,而他们也被部分南非当地人视为就业和社会服务业的竞争对手。 (责任编辑:陈雪霏)
《北欧绿色邮报网》据中新社电(记者 杨伏山) “在中国快速发展与变革之际,民众对新事物接受度高,这对创业者就意味着更多的市场机会。”在8日于厦门举行的“留学人才精品项目路演对接洽谈会”上,从澳大利亚回国创业的陈曦如是说。
同样是“80后”的留学回国人才李海洋,此次参与路演的项目是Easy Euro电子钱包。据李海洋介绍,这是一个基于云计算、大数据与人工智能等计算机技术实现多币种数字化钱包平台,今年4月已取得欧洲电子银行的牌照,可提供开户、发卡、全球资金清结算和换汇等服务;也已完成天使轮融资和PRE-A轮融资。
《北欧绿色邮报网》援引中新社厦门9月8日电 (记者闫旭) 以“创新、发展、合作、共赢”为主题的“一带一路”农产品农资投资合作高峰论坛,8日在厦门举行并发布倡议书,推动“一带一路”沿线国家和地区农业合作发展。
《北欧绿色邮报网》援引中新社(记者 唐贵江/索有为)报道:
近年来,吴杰庄一直呼吁应积极打造香港成为全球金融科技中心。“香港在生物科技、医疗等方面的科研有自己的优势,也有对接世界人才资源的便利。”吴杰庄表示,未来粤港澳在科技合作上有很大的空间,这也将为香港优秀的年轻人才提供发展的机会。(责任编辑 查正富 主编陈雪霏)
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 夏宾)报道: 中国经济的韧性在哪?在此间举行的2019年中国发展高层论坛专题研讨会上,与会人士给出了答案。
杨文钧表示,中国的基础设施在升级,技术同样在升级,除去制造业方面体现出的领先技术外,中国涌现一批非常了不起的公司,这些公司在人工智能、物联网、大数据等科技领域都在引领发展趋势,已超过很多西方公司。(责任编辑:查正富 主编陈雪霏)
德国总理默克尔到访武汉 参观长江大桥并与高校学子互动
北欧绿色邮报网据中新社(记者 梁婷)报道 德国总理默克尔7日到访武汉。途经武汉长江大桥时,默克尔下车停留片刻,远眺武汉长江沿岸风光。随后,她走进华中科技大学发表演讲,并与青年学子展开互动交流。
(责任编辑:查正富,主编 陈雪霏)
Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang visits Sweden Again
Ambassador Gui Congyou expresses to SVT China’s solemn positions of firmly opposing “Hong Kong independence” and related riots
On 5 September, during an interview with SVT journalist, Ambassador Gui Congyou expressed China’s solemn positions on the current situation in Hong Kong.

Ambassador Gui said, a “Hong Kong separatist came to Sweden yesterday to propagate “Hong Kong independence”, and a few Swedish people joined her in a gathering and provided platform and support for her propaganda, which we firmly oppose. “Hong Kong independence” severely violates the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, and challenges the red line of the “one country, two systems” principle, which the nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people, including Hong Kong residents, strongly oppose. The “Hong Kong independence” rioters stormed the Hong Kong Legislative Council building, desecrated the national flag and emblem of China, assaulted police officers, tourists and journalists. Their violent behaviors have gone far beyond the scope of free expression of opinions and are definitely intolerable by any country or society under the rule of law.
Ambassador Gui said, we hope that people in Sweden will see clearly the nature of “Hong Kong independence” activities, explicitly support the “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong, explicitly oppose “Hong Kong independence” and extreme violence of Hong Kong separatists, rather than echo and support Hong Kong separatists and their extreme violent behaviors. Safeguarding the “one country, two systems” principle and the social stability, development and prosperity of Hong Kong serve the interests of the whole international community including Sweden. It is hoped that SVT will relay the above serious positions of China to the wide Swedish society.
Ambassador Gui Congyou speaks Highly of China’s achievement over the past 70 years
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Sept. 9 (Greenpost) — Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou has made an opening remark at the 2019 China Economic Association (EU/UK) annual conference.

This annual conference coincides with the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past 70 years, especially the past 40 years of reform and opening up of China, we have been pursuing development based on our national conditions, improving people’s living standards and advancing mutual benefits through open cooperation, realizing a great miracle of development of human kind. China built itself from scratch into the world’s second largest economy, with its GDP exceeding 90 trillion RMB last year, which is 175 times of that of 1952, registering an average growth of 8.1% per year, and its share of global economy rose from 1.8% in 1978 to nearly 16% in 2018. Moreover, China has steadily lifted 800 million people out of poverty, established the world’s largest social security network, and is the first country to realize UN millennium development goals.
To study the Chinese economy, it is important to look at how China has contributed to the world. Over the past years, China has been the most important economic driver of the world, contributing 34% to global GDP growth from 2009 to 2018. China has opened itself to the world in an all-round manner, offering other countries a ride on the express train of China’s fast development. As a world factory with a complete industrial mix and a huge market for the rest of the world, China offers endless development opportunities to other countries. The Belt and Road initiative further opens new room for global economic growth.
Today, despite increasing internal and external risks, the Chinese Government has all the confidence, determination and ability to rise up to the challenge. The positive fundamentals of Chinese economy remain unchanged. China has 1.4 billion people, 900 million in the labor force, 170 million highly educated and skilled population and the world’s largest middle income group of 400 million people and over 100 million market entities. Domestic demand is now the main economic driver, and in 2018 final consumption contributed up to 76.2% to our economic growth. After 70 years of development, China is now home to all industrial categories of the UN industry classification system, and the annual output of over 200 industrial products tops the world. In the first half of this year, China’s GDP grew at 6.3%, still one of the highest among major economies. The significant potential, resilience and room for maneuver of Chinese economy will help it maintain a long-term stable growth momentum.
China adheres to the new development vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development to improve the quality of and upgrade its economy. Our innovation capacity continues to lift and new industries, new business types and models are thriving. China will remain firmly committed to prioritizing environmental protection and green development, and developing green industries and renewable energy. China will continue to open up wider, firmly defend the multilateral trading system, work with other parties to jointly promote the high quality development of the BRI, and contribute to an open and diverse world economy.

Ladies and gentlemen,
This annual conference focuses on China’s development and the global value chain. Indeed, in a deeply globalized world, interests of all countries are closely interconnected, freedom, openness, connectivity and inclusiveness have become universal values, and peace, development, cooperation and win-win are the consensus of the vast majority of countries. We must follow the trend of times and the objective laws, uphold justice and the interests of people, oppose all adverse currents that go against market principles, free competition and economic globalization.
China and the EU are two major economies in the world. We share a broad range of interests, and we both advocate and defend free trade and multilateralism. A world of peace, stability and openness is in the interests of the entire international community, including China and the EU. It is more important now than ever for China and the EU to join hands and counter the uncertainties brought by trade bullying and unilateralism through greater stability from cooperation. I believe that experts and scholars here will look at the bigger picture and think longer term, and bring more confidence and positive energy to China, the EU and the world.
Let me conclude by wishing every success for the annual conference! Thank you.
Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou Gives Exclusive Interview with SVT on Media Exchanges and the Case of Sayragul Sauytbay
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Sept. 8(Greenpost) — On 5 September, Ambassador Gui Congyou gave an exclusive interview with Mattias Dellert from SVT Culture News and answered questions on media exchanges and the case of Sayragul Sauytbay. Following is the full text of the interview:

Q: Yesterday, SVT Culture News reported on the increased criticism and comments on the Swedish media by the Chinese Embassy. What is your comment on this?
Gui Congyou: I have explained China’s position on this issue to many Swedish media on multiple occasions. The media is a bridge between our two countries and two peoples that helps to increase mutual understanding, enhance traditional friendship, and promote broad cooperation in various fields. For the Swedish media to play its due role in serving the fundamental interests of our two countries and two peoples, it is necessary that it reports China’s objectively and fairly. Recently, I met a Swedish friend who just came back from China. He said that what he saw in China was completely different from what was reported by some Swedish media, and that he felt like being fooled by the Swedish media. We are willing to communicate with friends from the Swedish media and introduce China to them from an objective and truthful perspective. As to comments that are not objective or fair, or even attack and smear China out of biases, we certainly have to criticize and refute such reports.
Q: What do you want to achieve by commenting on and criticizing the Swedish media? For example, regarding the situation in Hong Kong, the case of Gui Minhai, etc.
Gui Congyou: We refute and make clarifications on the Swedish media’s coverage of China so as to introduce to the Swedish people the situation in China objectively. The case of Gui Minhai is a simple matter. He has committed crimes in China, and the Chinese judicial authorities should of course deal with the case according to law. This is just the same with the case when a US rapper broke the law in Sweden and the Swedish judiciary handled it in accordance with Swedish law.
Q: You mean that your comments on and criticisms of the Swedish media are aimed at leading the Swedish media to look at China from a different perspective. Do you think your communication with the Swedish media and the public is successful?
Gui Congyou: In the past 2 years since I took office, I have visited nearly two-thirds of Sweden’s counties and had extensive contacts with Swedish people from all walks of life. Their opinions about China are completely different from those of the Swedish media. I don’t know if you have been to China. If not, I would like to invite you and your colleagues to China for an interview. I noticed that SVT interviewed Sayragul Sauytbay a few days ago. What she said in the interview are all lies. You have to first figure out what kind of person she is.
Q: How do you know that she is lying?
Gui Congyou: The local authorities in Xinjiang informed us of her situation. Sayragul Sauytbay claims to have worked in a vocational education and training center in Xinjiang, but in fact she only worked as a teacher in a kindergarten and a primary school in Xinjiang and has never worked in a vocational education and training center. She is suspected of credit fraud in Xinjiang and still owes about RMB400,000. In order to evade legal punishment, she illegally fled to Kazakhstan and violated the border control laws of both China and Kazakhstan. You interviewing her and broadcasting her false statements actually make you a shelter of her criminal offences.
Q: So you think SVT broadcast a wrong program?
Gui Congyou: Of course. It is the social responsibility of the media to introduce the real situation and not distribute fake news to the public. In order to escape legal punishment, Sayragul Sauytbay disguised herself as a victim of political persecution and dishonestly win some Swedish people’s sympathy. Those people were fooled into getting her to Sweden and providing her with shelter. We hope that the Swedish side will act in accordance with law and repatriate Sayragul Sauytbay to China.
Q: Let us put this case aside and come back to the increased criticism and comments on the Swedish media by the Chinese Embassy. Do you think that the Chinese Embassy has increased its attention to and comments on our China-related reporting?
Gui Congyou: I don’t think it is about “increase”. It’s only that whenever we find Swedish media’s reporting seriously inconsistent with the facts, we will have to make clarifications immediately. We must of course fight back immediately vicious attacks against China. If you follow China and want to know China, let me advise you to visit China yourself and do interviews there, instead of listening to the lies of criminals.
Q: I still want to ask what do you want to achieve by increasing comments and criticism on Swedish media.
Gui Congyou: Like I said in the beginning, the aim is to maintain the friendship and strengthen cooperation between China and Sweden, as we hope the Swedish public will know China in a complete, truthful and objective way. With some reporting on China by Swedish media that is not true and hinders friendly cooperation between the two countries, of course we need to clarify and refute. The Sayragul Sauytbay case and Gui Minhai case are two such examples. Swedish friends believe Sweden is a country of rule of law, and a country of rule of law is not supposed to do things that are against the law. A Swedish friend that lived in China for over 30 years told me that those that criticize China on Swedish media do not really know about China. Once again, I would like to invite you and your colleagues to visit China. If you truly care about Xinjiang, then go to China, and see for your own eyes the development in China and Xinjiang. Seeing is believing.
Q: I want to ask again, have you achieved the aim with the comments and questioning on Swedish media?
Gui Congyou: We are working towards this goal. It is hoped that friends from Swedish media will work with us towards the same goal and communicate with us candidly and openly. It is also hoped that those that comment on China will go to China to see the situation there, and use what they see with their own eyes to answer the questions in their minds. Let me take another example. Since 2012 China has started to implement a new development vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We put environmental protection on top of our agenda and made hard effort to develop wind, hydro, nuclear and solar energy, reducing the share of coal-fired power to less than 60% from 80%, and the air quality in major cities like Beijing has been significantly improved. However, it is hard to believe that some Swedish media recently criticized China for “large increase of share of coal-fired power”. We are shocked to see such fake news.
Q: Do you think more criticisms on Swedish media will make them listen to you more?
Gui Congyou: Some Swedish journalists have never been to China, and we are willing to invite them to visit China. My colleagues and I are also willing to communicate with them, and introduce the objective reality of China to them. It is hoped that they will abandon their outdated view or even bias on China. China has achieved a remarkable transformation. China’s development is so fast that one will not get an objective picture of China if he or she does not follow its development everyday.
Q: Do you think the increased comments and criticisms are working?
Gui Congyou: I was told by a Swedish journalist that covers China objectively that objective coverage on China on Swedish media is increasing. We hope those from Swedish media that put themselves on the opposition of China will visit China more, and answer the questions in their minds with the real situation in China. This way, your question can be answered.
Q: Why was there an increase of comments and criticisms by the Chinese side on Swedish media in the last couple of years? Is it a new strategy? What is the reason?
Gui Congyou: Since taking office, I saw a lot of stories on China that are not factual. As ambassador, I must present China to the Swedish public in an objective, truthful and complete manner, so that Swedish public will not be deceived by the reports that distort and smear China, as it does not help Sweden to correctly understand China. As ambassador, my mission is to advance friendship and cooperation between our two countries and two peoples. I hope friends from Swedish media will join us in promoting mutual knowledge and understanding between the Chinese and Swedish people, and promoting cooperation. Frankly, some Swedish journalists have never been to China and do not know about the real situation in China, and they listen to the lies by liars like Sayragul Sauytbay. My impression of such Swedish media is that their understanding on China is “they are completely cut off from the world that they have not even heard of the Han dynasty, not to speak of Wei and Jin”, as an ancient Chinese prose describes. Last summer, a friend from Swedish media told me after returning from China that his views on China took a U turn. This is the fact.
Q: So you believe Swedish media including SVT are publishing lies?
Gui Congyou: Of course. The reports that triggered our clarification and refutation are all lies. Otherwise we would not have reacted.
Journalist: I have finished my questions. Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.
北欧绿色邮报网被授权发布两个通知,一个是瑞典华人华侨将在9月9日下午17:00-19:00举行“反港独 爱国护港” 和平集会,地点是Sergel Torg.
另一个通知是9月9日下午18:00 到19:00, 瑞典的华侨留学生和广大学生举行”爱国爱港 反对暴力“的自觉和平集会,地点是 Mynttorget. 就是在王宫门前。
爱国爱港 反对暴力集会通知
活动时间:9.9 下午6-7点
经在瑞典各大华人社团研究决定,举行“反港独,爱国护港” 和平集会。
时间: 2019年9月9日,下午17:00-19:00。
地点: 斯德哥尔摩,Sergels torg
Supporting One Country, Two Systems, Resolutely Opposing Hong Kong Separatists Peaceful Demonstration
Place: Sergels Torg
Time: 17:00- 19:00 on September 9, 2019.