All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7

World Water Week in Stockholm focuses on water and waste to reduce and reuse

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Aug. 28,  (Greenpost) – World leaders, water experts, development professionals, policy-makers and students have gathered in Stockholm for a week-long meeting focused on finding ways to better use, and reuse, the world’s increasingly scarce fresh water.

The opening plenary of the water week began with Swedish Astronaut Christer Fulgesang telling about his stories in the spaceship.

Fuglesang said there is a very sophosticated water reuse system in the space which can treat their urin into drinking water.  Grapes can be grown there and many advanced technologies can be used to make water use more efficiently.

During this year’s water week, people talk more about the term “water scarcity” . As more countries, and cities, experience the effects of high population pressure and less available freshwater, the interest among policy-makers, businesses, and citizens grows. The realization is there. We need to become more efficient water users. We need to make some drastic changes.

“World Water Week is a key meeting place for the water and development community; it is here that we come together and make sure that the very best ideas are brought forward,” said SIWI’s Executive Director, Torgny Holmgren.

Holmgren said water is not a sector, it is a connecter linking all sectors in our daily life.

World Water Week is the world’s biggest global annual meeting focusing on water and development. It is organized by SIWI, Stockholm International Water Institute. The Week draws over 3,000 participants from nearly 130 countries, who come to Stockholm to learn about new research results, share experiences, discuss progress in the implementation of the Global Goals, and together try to find new ways to meet the world’s growing water challenges.

The President of the United Nations General Assembly, Peter Thomson, called the world’s climate and water resources the “fundament of our existence”, and said that “Without proper stewardship of that fundament the 2030 sustainable development agenda obviously goes nowhere. Because without the fundament we can’t exist.”

“Together with the Paris Climate Agreement, implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals represents the best chance our species has to achieve a sustainable way of life on Planet Earth before it is too late”, he said adding that we must take inclusive and integrated approach to involve all kinds of people and expertise together.

Sweden’s Minister for Environment, Karolina Skog said that “Sustainable and efficient management of our water and wastewater has a profound effect on all aspects of human life; economic growth, sustainable development, sustainable city planning, circular thinking in industry and in production, energy saving, good quality of our water and, last but not least, it is crucial for health and for a sustainable environment.”

Another central aspect of efficient water use, is to use less. In his welcoming speech Holmgren pointed out that it will be challenging but necessary to change large-scale water consumption patterns:

“The Week’s theme, Water and waste: Reduce and reuse, really touches the very core of our daily lives. To reduce, some drastic changes will be necessary – especially by the main water users, including industries, energy producers and the agriculture sector.”

He added that changes are also needed in how we think about reuse of water: “I think that it is very important to try and change the mind-set around waste. Rather than presenting us with a problem, we can view waste as an asset also becoming a business opportunity.”

Stephen McCaffrey, 2017 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate and a Professor in water law, spoke of the need for water cooperation and water diplomacy. He told participants that although the ingredients for potential water conflicts exist, such as higher population pressure, climate change, and much of the world’s fresh water being shared by two or more countries, studies show that water sharing is much more likely to lead to cooperation than conflict.

The grand opening plenary ends with Kevin Rudd led panel discussion on how to prioritize and financing water issue with participation of Swedish, Danish, Malaysian, World Bank, Ecuador and Ethiopian leaders.

Beginning from 1990, SIWI is a water institute, working to improve the way freshwater resources are governed. By combining its areas of expertise with its unique convening power, SIWI influences decision-makers, facilitates dialogue and builds knowledge in water issues, thereby contributing to a just, prosperous and sustainable future for all.

SIWI organizes the world’s most important annual water and development meeting, World Water Week, and it awards the Stockholm Water Prize and Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

About World Water Week: World Water Week is the largest annual meeting for water and development issues, organized by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). The Week brings together more than 3,000 participants from nearly 130 countries representing actors from governments, private sector, multilateral organizations, civil society and academia to shape joint solutions to global water challenges. The Week strives for equal gender participation. At this year’s Week, 46 per cent of participants are female, and 54 per cent are male.

Note to Editors:


北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(记者陈雪霏)–  一年一度的斯德哥尔摩国际水周又开始了。今年水周的主题是“水和垃圾,减量和再利用。”










“到瑞典来,主要是向大家学习,看回去是否可以继续改进。我对电子和IT比较感兴趣。” 王泽凯说。







“这些人(聋哑人)通过自己的行动感染了很多人。” 朱老师说。




他说: “他要用实际行动保护水资源。在广东比赛的时候,没想到能拿到特等奖,感觉很高兴。”




Top story: Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre and Representative Office of Zhong Guancun Yonghe Hangxing Science Park established in Sweden

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 26(Greenpost)– Sino-Swedish Innovation &entrepreneurship Centre and Respresentative Office of Zhongguancun Yonghe Hangxing Science Park has been established in Sweden. The unveiling ceremony was held on Friday.

Anna Lindstedt, Swedish Ambassador to China spoke at the unveiling ceremony.

“Sino-Swedish Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is a great example of such cooperation when Chinese and Swedish professionals come together with government agencies to create this platform and as Swedish Ambassador in China, I welcome such initiative in motion. We should all welcome, encourage and support the multitude platforms and initiatives taken by several levels but with different stakeholders.”

Lindstedt said more accessible and cooperative platforms are needed to fulfil the compatibility that existed between our two countries.  Last year, she also unveiled the plaque in Zhouguancun in Beijing.

Han Xiaodong, Counsellor of Commerce at the Chinese Embassy in Sweden also spoke at the ceremony.

“Innovation is one of the five development concepts in China and the Chinese government is encouraging the young people to do business creatively and driving innovation. And Sweden is very strong in innovation, so I would say we have a lot of common interest to further collaborate.”

Han hopes that the innovation centre will make more efforts to help Swedish companies to go to China and more Chinese companies to Sweden.  Last year, China imported more goods from Sweden than exported to Sweden.

Sun Shaoming said their centre will actively promote bilateral cooperation through an interpreter.

“SSIEC is the first platform built for creating exchange and cooperation in science and the technology, culture, innovation and entrepreneurship between our two countries, the center will provide efficient, convenient and high quality services for the Swedish enterprises in China and will actively promote business cooperation between the two countries.”

Lindstedt and Sun Shaoming jointly unveiled the plaque for the centre.

Several companies including China and European Entrepreneur Association signed agreements or MOUs during the conference.

Zhang Ling gave an introduction about the new centre.

Björn Elmqvist, Managing Partner, ELMSQUARED AB, Gao YONGJIE, CFO, Project Manager of Gudinna Investment Consulting, Ms. Jane Jeppsson, CEO of In-Nordic AB and Wang Kaihong were the panellists  discussing the chances and difficulties as well as cultural shocks in Sino-Swedish cooperation.

Wang Kaihong(second from right) was appointed to be the first representative of the Zhongguancun Yonghe Hangxing Science Park in Sweden.

Photo and text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson









瑞典驻中国大使林戴安(Anna Lindstedt),中国驻瑞典大使馆商务赞韩晓东和中关村雍和航星科技园董事长孙绍明出席揭牌仪式并讲话。

林戴安大使说,首先祝贺中国瑞典创新创业基地暨中关村雍和航星科技园斯德哥尔摩代表处的成立。本次活动的主要目的就是要进一步促进中瑞之间的合作。中国瑞典创新创业基地是中瑞合作的一个最好例证,这是一个由中瑞专业人事和政府有关部门携手建立的平台。作为亲身见证这个平台的大使,我非常支持这样的创意。我们都应该鼓励和支持多边合作平台,有多层次的不同利益相关者的合作。我们需要更多可以接触的合作平台来实现我们两国间可以多层面合作的领域,无论是在经济方面还是在市场方面。 因此,我们非常欢迎这样的平台建立。我相信这也是中瑞大合作的一部分,也是多方合作趋势的一部分。最近,就在六月下旬,我们组织了一次非常成功的访问。那就是瑞典首相勒文率领一个庞大的部长级代表团到中国访问,出席达沃斯论坛,寻求中瑞双方的进一步合作。创新中心和代表处的建立符合世界发展潮流也符合中瑞之间的发展潮流。“我在中国当了一年大使,我对中国人的“大众创业,万众创新”精神印象非常深刻。而这种创新精神也是我们瑞典人一直保持着的良好传统。因此,我热烈祝贺今天创新中心和代表处的设立。

中国驻瑞典大使馆商务参赞韩晓东在揭牌仪式上说,去年瑞典中国商会成立,今年五月份召开了中瑞绿色合作大会。去年中国对瑞典的进口大于出口,这说明中国消费者喜欢瑞典的产品和技术。瑞典在中国有500多家公司,中国有26家公司在瑞典。 中国政府鼓励并支持“大众创业,万众创新”。瑞典正是一个创新国家。因此,我们希望有更多瑞典公司到中国开公司,我衷心祝愿中关村雍和航星科技公司有一个美好的未来。

中关村雍和航星科技园董事长孙绍明在揭幕仪式上说,中关村雍和航星科技园(简称航星园)位于“首都文化中心区、世界城市窗口区”的北京市东城区,地处北京市北二环东段, 拥有优越的区位优势。



李克强来到航星园,考察航天科工、中航工业、中国电科、中国电信、中国移动、中国电子、招商局、中国普天8家央企“双创”工作并主持召开现场会。航天科工集团公司负责人汇报了“双创”最新成果,并引导“创客”们与总理近距离交流。 李克强表示,现在央企通过“双创”催生出新的组织分配方式和资本结构模式,这有利于探索一条混合所有制新路。访问结束前,总理大声地鼓励年轻的航天“创客”们:“这里的‘双创’氛围非常好,你们抓紧努力往前冲!”


2016年11月21日,第一届中国-瑞典创新创业论坛在中关村雍和航星科技园举行。论坛上,中国-瑞典创新创业基地正式揭牌并签署了中国-瑞典创新创业基地合作备忘录。揭牌仪式也是由瑞典驻中国大使Anna Lindstedt女士和中关村管委会及雍和航星园领导共同主持。双创基地致力于打造瑞典中外校友及瑞典青年企业家来华创业的最有力平台。

为促使航星科技园与北欧创新企业的合作更加紧密,并在多方面帮助瑞典创新项目落地中国, 中关村雍和航星科技园在中关村管委会和东城区人民政府的支持下决定在瑞典斯德哥尔摩成立代表处,落户SensLink Innov AB并任命公司总经理王凯虹女士为中关村雍和航星科技园斯德哥尔摩办事处代表。



2017年6月26日国家主席习近平26日在人民大会堂会见瑞典首相勒文, 欢迎勒文来华出席夏季达沃斯论坛。习近平指出,瑞典是首个同新中国建交的西方国家。塑造健康、稳定、可持续的中瑞关系,不仅符合我们各自国家利益,而且有利于推动中国-北欧合作和中欧关系全面发展。新形势下,希望双方继续以长远眼光看待中瑞关系,以创新思维开展两国各领域合作,推动中瑞关系不断迈向新台阶 。要将中国“十三五”规划、创新驱动发展战略、“中国制造2025”同瑞典“智慧工业”战略对接,加强在清洁能源、智慧城市、生命科学、绿色金融、高铁、航天等领域合作。要增进文化交流和旅游、冬季运动等领域合作。中方愿同瑞方加强在联合国和北极理事会框架内的沟通与协调。




紧接着中瑞企业家Bjorn Elmqvist, Gao Yongjie, Jane Jeppsson 和王凯红代表一起就中瑞之间如何做买卖的问题进行了经验交流。

瑞典企业部的Annika Holmberg, 瑞典创新署国际事务合作主管:Dr. Ciro Vasquez Soares de Freytas瑞典区域发展署:Johan Gråberg瑞中贸易委员会秘书长Elisabet Söderström,国航斯德哥尔摩营业部总经理朱津川,瑞京华人协会会长柳少惠和瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍等各界人士出席揭牌仪式。

中关村雍和航星科技园代表团成员孙志强 总经理,周孟飞 副总经理和任少鹏 办公室主任也出席了揭牌仪式。


Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 6

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held in Musikaliska on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会8月20日在斯京圆满落下帷幕。视频如下:

Section 6: Yellow River Cantata

23. Piano solo: Ode to the Yellow River (Yellow River piano concerto), performed by Yan Shuang Lindblom

24. Song: Wrath of the Yellow River, soloist: Zou Rongmei, accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

25. Song: Defend the Yellow River, performed by all the artists, accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

Closing song

Chorus Beethoven Ninth Symphony “Ode to Joy” performed by all the artists,

accompanists: Anders Delin(guitar), Jing Wu (flute), Shiyu Thang(piano)

The concert ended with Prize awarding ceremony & group photo.

Filmed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson. Text: Åsa Wretman.

Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 5

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held in Musikaliska on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会8月20日在斯京圆满落下帷幕。视频如下:

Section 5: The Most Dazzling Folk Style

17. Songs: good people good dreams, the dream of the field, performed by Stockholm Chinese Choir

18. Chinese cheongsam show performed by Winnet Tang Cultural Exchange Association

19. Vineyard song, performed by Anhui Rainbow Choir, conductor: Jian Zhang

20. Jasmine flower, song soloist: Rongmei Zou, conductor: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang

performed by Anhui Rainbow Choir and Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir


21. Song solo: bright future, performer: Jia Li

22. Indian dance, From Layali Orientaliska Dansakademi

Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 4

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 4: Nordic Fellings

13. Piano solo: The Witch (Tchaikovsky), performer: Leo Long Lindblom, the winner of Stockholm International Music Competition

Piano solo: Dream, performer: Annes Fewiy, this is a song he produced by himself

Piano solo: Sonata, performer: Amy-Louise Hohnsson

14. Bach sonata in C major 2nd movement for flute and piano, performer: Jing Wu

15. Guitar solo: Vivaldi guitar concerto second movement, performer: Anders Delin, from Royal Swedish Academy of Music

16. Scheidler sonata in D major, piano: Yan Shuang Lindblom, flute: Jing Wu, guitar: Anders Delin

Video:The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 3

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 3: European and Chinese Charm

Seven-person dance: Chinese calligraphy and painting, performed by Xuanjiang Shi,

dancers: Weibing Hui, Jinping Chen, Meng Jin, Haiwa Liu, Wei Guo, Xuemei Lin, Cuiling Lu.

From Norwegian Chinese Music and Song Dance Troupe

Song solo: Father’s grassland and mother’ river, performer: Xiaoyin Yang

Qipao Show

“Bai Yulan” Cheongsam Fashion Show: Songs from a secret garden, performers: Hong Zhou, Tao Wen, Ping Xia and so on. From Sweden Shanghai Association

Sing sing So Performers: Ruiling Jin, Fuyang Kuang, Xinrui Jin, Chengyin Li, Zhuangli, From Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

Video: Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 2

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 2: Poems of the West

Semi chorus: Moscow Nights and Katyusha, performed by Inga Hägstöm and so on, from Russia Vesna Choir

Song: Hawthorn tree, performed by Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir.

conductor: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang

Chorus Nanping night bell, performed by Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

conducter: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang


Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 1: Elegance of the East

Three-person classical dance: Myth of the Star and Moon.

Artists: Jinping Chen, Hui Weibing, Meng Jin, from Norwegian Chinese Music Song and Dance Troupe

Chinese zither solo: Regret and Hate of Linan, artist: Jin Xinrui

Peking opera: Stopping the horse, artist: Timothy Pilotti

Piano and dance: Spring Flowers in a moonlit Night on the River,

Piano: Yan Shuang Lindblom

  1. Wuxi opera: Bird on the branch artist: Yingying Zhu




