China doesn’t restrict forex sales to individuals: regulator

BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) — The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said Wednesday it does not limit foreign currency sales to individuals, although China faces dropping forex reserves.

SAFE denied media reports that Chinese banks put restrictions on foreign currency sales as many people are buying the U.S. dollar, which has been appreciating against the yuan.

As usual, everyone with an ID card can freely buy foreign currency worth 50,000 U.S. dollars every year from Chinese banks, according to SAFE, and those with proper reasons can buy more.

China’s foreign exchange reserves fell by 107.9 billion U.S. dollars in December to 3.33 trillion at year end, the lowest level in more than three years.

The December decline, the sharpest monthly fall on record, was partly due to an interest rate hike last month by the U.S. Federal Reserve and possible future rises as capital flowed out of China for higher returns.  Enditem

FDI rises 6.4 pct despite slowing economy


BEIJING, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) — Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland maintained steady growth in 2015 despite the economic slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy.

FDI, which excludes investment in the financial sector, rose 6.4 percent year on year to 126.27 billion U.S. dollars in 2015, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said on Thursday.

Investment in the country’s burgeoning service industry continued robust growth, accounting for 61.1 percent of total flows during the period.

FDI in the manufacturing sector came in at 39.54 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 31.4 percent of the total. Flow to high-tech manufacturing gained 9.5 percent to 9.41 billion U.S. dollars.

The MOC attributed the growth to the government cutting red tape around investment approvals and accelerating construction of free trade zones.

Foreign mergers and acquisitions in China increased sharply, with their share of total FDI surging from 6.3 percent in 2014 to 14.1 percent in 2015.

The Chinese economy expanded 6.9 percent in the first three quarters of 2015, the lowest reading since the second quarter of 2009.

China is due to release annual growth data next Tuesday.  Enditem




北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏) 据 欧洲《华人街》报道,114日晚九时许,位于罗马via dell’omo华商集中的仓库区中一家华商鞋业仓库发生严重火灾,火势猛烈,除该仓库新进的货物全部被烧外,还波及相邻的一家华商货架公司和一家意大利人办的修车行,过火面积约两千多平方,造成惨重损失。起火原因警方仍在调查,不排除人为纵火可能,这是这区域一年内发生的第四起华商仓库火灾恶性事件。

100623aphmbsck3hekzmsk      据说当时火灾现场意大利警方派了大量警察维持火灾现场秩序,几乎所有路口都停放多辆警车,并调用多地消防车参与救火,据现场目击者看到出现多辆配置云梯的大型消防车。


103140qtosff119hfvfdf5      一名不愿透露姓名的华商介绍近期该仓库周边经常出现一些外国族裔(半黑)的团伙,公然对来往的华商车辆的货物进行偷盗甚至明抢,非常猖獗。而华商许多人忍气吞声没有采取报警及其它措施,从而助长了这些人的嚣张气焰。事发当天有华商汽车在仓库区内被人烧毁。


      近期意大利多地也发生华商经营的商店发生火灾事件,起因蹊跷。为此呼吁,华商们不要只顾“自扫门前雪”,同为华人,血浓于水,要团结起来,相互帮助, 警惕一些事故苗头,发现情况及时报警和与警方沟通,防患于未然。

   另外,对于安全防范措施,一定不能掉以轻心。 这对整个欧洲的华商都有借鉴教训。



























人有时因为不了解而产生了感情,即使是朋友也是如此。而真正了解个透心凉以后,可能就没有那么大吸引力了。 因此,要想永远有魅力,就得有创新,有实力,有眼力,有魄力。这样才能拥抱青春,永保青春,对青春不太在乎。对失去的时光也能很大方地丢弃。对未来依然充满憧憬。








greenpost1 记者了解到,这已经是第八个年头了,使馆教育处的领导,瑞典的留学生们,专家学者们,记者在这里也向你们道一声辛苦了!一坚持都已经八年了!




greenpost2据已经策划斯京春晚4年的徐晓军教授透露,今年参加演出的演职人员有150人左右,观众大约1000多人。 最突出的一个改善就是演出场地。以前是在一个高中的大礼堂里搞演出,今年居然在卡罗林斯卡医学院新建的大讲堂里演出。这里也是中国著名药学家2015年诺贝尔医学奖得主屠呦呦教授12月7日进行她的诺贝尔讲座的地方。












统  筹:权学红、韩晶、熊梓屹、钟原




  1. 新闻简报《斯京2015》




  1. 嘉宾致辞
  2. 开场舞《金猴闹斯京》



  1. 戏曲联唱《行云流水》





  1. 抽奖:二等奖
  2. 民乐合奏《琵琶天涯醉江湖》


演奏:黄斯斯、吴晶、黄怡乐琪、覃枫乔、Dejan Buvac、袁一丹、梁婷


  1. 相声《月亮哪儿的圆?》



  1. 现代舞《花儿绽放》



  1. 抽奖:一等奖
  2. 中国古典舞《小城雨巷》




  1. 舞台剧《拯救大兵善林》






  1. 抽奖:特等奖
  2. 特别节目《岁月峥嵘》










舞蹈:赵雨柔、张如玥、王维肖、王维妙、邢伟涛、陈旭、李力、白诺、杨铭、韩煦、 田益源、丁恺杰、宁旭飞、党春辉、蒋怡婷、李琪

  1. 结束曲《我的祖国》

An Interview with Per-Erik Holmström

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 14 (Greenpost)– Sweden has over 100 years of history to play Ice Bandy and Ice Hockey.  Per-Erik Holmström, Chairman of Financial Hearing and Nordic Viking has tried to introduce Swedish players to go to China to play and help Chinese players to improve their standards with special Nordic team playing mentality. Green Post’s  Xuefei Chen Axelsson has an interview with him recently in Stockholm about his dream to participate in 2018 world championship and 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.


Per-Erik Holmström in Nordic Viking’s new clothes in his office. Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

From next week on, there will be a series of activities to be held in preparation for taking part in the winter olympics in Beijing and world championship.

Filmed by Anneli Larsson.









新华社记者 胡超 摄

Swedish Spring Film Premiere 2016 held in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, Jan 13. (Greenpost)–Swedish Spring Film Premiere 2016 was held on Monday in Stockholm.


Kristina Börjeson, Head of Film Support speaks at the opening.

IMG_9852Kristina Börjeson,  Head of Film Support said that since the beginning of the 1990s, Swedish government has decided to support film production in the country. The funding almost all comes from the Film Support. For example 12 of the 16 films are supported by Swedish Film Support.  Directors can apply for many kinds of subsidies to produce films. There has always been a great enthusiasm in making films in Sweden.


Erik Gandini directed The Swedish Theory of Love which was also screened in the International Film Festival in Stockholm in November.


Suzanne Osten directed The Girl, Mother and Demons describing a lonely and psycologically problematic mother with her daughter who is just 7 years old.  Esther Quigley is seen as a young star.


Linda Hambäck, director of Bajsfilmen-Dolores och Gunnellens värld said this was the first time she directed a film wholly by herself.  She was South Korean origin and adopted by Swedish parents.



“I have got some flavor of my own background in the film, it’s about friendship. When one of the two friends wants to go outside world, the other was almost mad,” said Linda Hambäck to Green Post.

IMG_9938In the film, she shows one girl with western face and the other with an Asian face.

Famous TV host Cecilia Nilsson was the MC of this premiere.




Another film aroused our attention was The last Generation. It is about Sami culture and Sami people.  Petri Storlöpare who directed the film told Green Post that he lived around many Samis.  He was born in Finland but lives in Sweden all his life.  He was luckily able to follow the main charactor in the film for a year to experience his life as a reindeer herdsman.

He wanted to show the sami people, sami culture and hope that they will not disappear so soon.

A  lot of funds were invested in promoting sami culture during the 2014 European Cultural Festival.



CREW of Rubbish Helicoptor were interviewed by Cecilia.



Similar documentary about Swedish famous singer and her colleague famous singer BABs  was also screened.IMG_9913




Cecilia Nilsson, Petri Storlöpare.

Another film aroused our attention was The last Generation. It is about Sami culture and Sami people.  Petri Storlöpare who directed the film told Green Post that he lived around many Samis.  He was born in Finland but lives in Sweden all his life.  He was luckily able to follow the main charactor in the film for a year to experience his life as a reindeer herdsman.

IMG_9960He wanted to show the sami people, sami culture and hope that they will not disappear so soon.


Henrik Andersson talks about his daily life as a sami.

A  lot of funds were invested in promoting sami culture during the 2014 European Cultural Festival.



This was a very heavy film describing relationship between father and daughter.IMG_9995Sixteen films were introduced during the spring film premiere.

Photo/text   by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Relationships between parents and small children

Stockholm, Jan.13(Greenpost)–Statistics show that 30 percent of all parents of young children in Sweden separate.

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have mapped the most important factors behind the separations and divorces – and offer five tips that can save the relationship. 

 According to 2012 statistics from Statistics Sweden, one out of three Swedish couples that have small children get separated. The average age of the first child at the time of the separation or divorce is 4 years and 8 years.

In a study at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg, 452 parents answered a scientific questionnaire that measures relationship quality in five different dimensions:

Consensus,  Cohesion, Satisfaction, Sensuality and Sexuality. The questionnaire was answered at three occasions, when the first child was 6 months old, 4 years and finally when the child was 8 years old.

Of the respondents, 23 couples had separated after four years, and after eight years, another 16 had separated. In the study, the researchers measured the separated parents’ relationships quality before they went separate ways, and compared the results with those who still lived together.

The study found certain similarities:

“When the child was 4 years old, both sexuality and sensuality were at constant low levels both among the couples who separated and those who had not,” says Malin Hansson, doctoral student at the Sahlgrenska Academy.

The largest statistically significant differences were seen in the dimensions of Satisfaction,  Consensus and  Cohesion: when the child was 6 months old, the separated respondents agreed less about different matters, they were less satisfied with the relationship, and felt less togetherness and lower quality in their sexual lives compared with those who did not separate.

The study showed that the risk of separating was twice as high among co-habitating partners as married spouses. A low level of education and unemployment were also risk factors (which agrees with Statistics Sweden’s statistics from 2012).

Using the parents’ answers to the question “What factors do you think contributed to your current situation (both positive and negative)?”, the Gothenburg researchers were able to formulate seven factors that contribute to separation. They were: strains from parenthood, stressful conditions,  lack of intimacy, insufficient communication, differing personalities and interests, no commitment (in the relationship), and negative effects of addiction.

“If you were to generalize, you coud say that the separated fathers wanted to have more time for themselves, while the mothers wanted more time together with both their partner and with their children,” says Malin Hansson:

“It is not always bad that parents separate. But there are “unnecessary divorces” that are a result of communication problems or a temporary downturn in the relationship, which could be avoided with more support. The healthcare system also has a responsibility here. Healthcare staff come into contact with most prospective and new parents, and should take on the task of supporting them in the relationship by for example emphasizing the importance of sharing responsibility for the home and the children, arranging relief and emphasizing the importance of maintaining sensuality and a shared sex life.”

The article Factors contributing to separation/divorce in parents of small children in Sweden was published online in Nordic Psychology in October.




在过去的半个世纪里,哥德堡大学进行了跟踪调查。第一次调查是在1963年。然后,他们分别在54岁,60岁,65岁,75岁,80岁和100岁的时候进行调查。结果显示: 232人,也就是27%的人活到了80岁,111人,也就是13%的人活到了90岁。10人或1.1%的人,活到了100岁。









“我曾希望也相信发生在科隆的事件不会在瑞典发生。当我得知在瑞典2014和2015年也有这种事情发生时,我深感惊讶。” 埃利亚松说。

















China Focus: China suspends stock market “circuit breaker”

BEIJING, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) — China announced Thursday night that it will from Friday suspend the stock market “circuit breaker” mechanism that has been implemented since the beginning of this year.

“Currently, the negative effects of the mechanism are greater than the positive effects. Thus, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) had decided to suspend the circuit breaker mechanism to maintain market stability,” CSRC spokesperson Deng Ke said in a statement.
Under the mechanism that became effective on Jan. 1 to tame the wildly fluctuating Chinese stock market, trading will be halted for 15 minutes if the Hushen 300 Index, which reflects the performance of bluechips listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen, moves up or down by 5 percent before 2:45 p.m. If the movement reaches 7 percent when trading is resumed, the market closes for the day.
The circuit breaker was triggered on both Monday and Thursday, as plunges in the Hushen 300 Index reached 7 percent in both trading days.
“The mechanism was introduced with the aim of providing a calm-down period for the market to avoid or reduce hasty trading decisions in the case of sharp fluctuations, protecting the interests of investors. It also provides time for dealing with technological and operational risks,” Deng said.
He said the mechanism “is not the major reason for the market plunge, but it failed to achieve the anticipated effects,” adding that the mechanism in effect accelerated the plunge as some investors decided to sell when the index’s drop neared 5 percent or 7 percent.
The CSRC decided to introduce the circuit breaker system and conducted a public consultation on the plan for its introduction in September 2015 to prevent further abnormal fluctuations.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index surged about 154 percent from July 2014 to as high as 5,178 points on June 12, 2015, but then plunged about 45 percent from the peak by Aug. 26, 2015. The sharp falls gave rise to calls of a “circuit breaker.”
The new mechanism would help prevent excessive reactions of investors and give them more time to confirm whether a stock’s price is reasonable, according to the plan.
With no precedent, the market has taken time to adapt. “Next, the CSRC will carefully sum up the experience and lessons, organize research on improving the mechanism and seek extensive public opinions,” Deng said.
Trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses stopped early on Thursday after shares tumbled 7 percent within the first 30 minutes of trading, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism. It was the shortest trading time in the history of China’s stock market.
At 9:42 a.m., trading was suspended for 15 minutes after the Hushen 300 dropped by over 5 percent. The index dived a further 2 percent in just 2 minutes after reopening at 9:57 a.m., and trading was ceased.
Following the trading suspension Thursday, the CSRC unveiled new rules to limit big shareholders from selling their stocks.
Big shareholders, the management and those who hold more than 5 percent of a company’s shares were asked not to sell more than 1 percent of the company’s shares within any three-month period, a notice said.
Those who want to reduce their holdings have to publicize their plans 15 trading days beforehand. The new rule will take effect on Jan. 9.
On Thursday, several state-owned enterprises, including China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Corporation, announced that they will not sell shares of listed companies they control in order to help maintain market stability.  Enditem

China Voice: Yuan’s substantial depreciation unlikely

BEIJING, Jan. 6 (Greenpost) — The continued depreciation of the yuan against the U.S. dollar since August should not be grounds for doom and gloom, as a multitude of factors underpin the Chinese currency in the medium and long term.This March 17, 2010 illustration in Beijing shows China's 100 Yuan, or Renminbi, notes, the largest denomination in Chinese currency. The World Bank has urged China to let its currency rise to contain inflation and stop the economy overheating, predicting that growth will gallop ahead at 9.5 percent this year. China is facing growing international pressure, particularly from the US, to let the yuan appreciate but Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's insisted over the weekend that Beijing would resist any foreign pressure for a stronger yuan, currently pegged within a narrow range at about 6.8 to the USD. AFP PHOTO/Frederic J. BROWN (Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images)   The yuan has been heading south since the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, revamped the foreign exchange mechanism in August to make the rate more market-based.

The onshore yuan (CNY), traded in the Chinese mainland, declined 4.05 percent against the greenback in 2015. During the first two trading days of 2016, the offshore yuan (CNH) traded in Hong Kong, has consistently gone down, losing as much as 1.3 percent at one point and putting pressure on the onshore yuan to sink lower.
Short-term volatility of the yuan is understandable as “hot money” makes an exit out of China, whose economy is heading for its slowest pace in a quarter century as industrial overcapacity and housing overhang still haunt. Meanwhile, the United States is seeing recovery and raised interest rates in December, with more rises expected in 2016.
However, there is no risk for the yuan to see substantial depreciation in the long term.
China has a mammoth foreign exchange reserve (3.4 trillion U.S. dollars), sound economic fundamentals, commendable growth in labor productivity and determination to carry out necessary reforms to unlock vitality.
The inclusion of the yuan by the International Monetary Fund in its elite basket of currencies, effective this October, will give the yuan a leg up toward internationalization.
Another favorable factor is the continued weakness of global commodity prices. Reduced costs help China, the world’s biggest commodity consumer, boost its current account surplus, thus offsetting capital outflows and the depletion of its foreign exchange reserve.
A drop of 10 dollars in average oil prices, for example, would reduce the costs by 25 billion dollars a year, according to Goldman Sachs’s estimate. Low crude prices may prop up the surplus to about 360 billion dollars this year, it added.
The authorities wouldn’t want or tolerate substantial declines in the yuan either. A typical goal is to keep the currency “basically stable.”
When the PBOC introduced the new foreign exchange rules in August, there were doubts that China was purposely devaluing the yuan to boost exports. That assumption was unfounded. The authorities have no intention to manipulate any drastic depreciation as the contribution of foreign trade to the country’s economic growth has declined to the level seen at the beginning of the century.
China is capable of keeping the yuan’s exchange rate at a “reasonable” level and sees no basis for continued depreciation, PBOC Vice Governor Yi Gang said at a recent press briefing.
“In the event of drastic fluctuation or abnormality in international balance of payments and cross-border capital flow, the central bank will not hesitate to intervene,” Yi added.
To reduce the market’s fixation on the yuan-dollar rate and better reflect the market, China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) began to release a yuan exchange rate composite index in December that measures the currency’s strength relative to a basket of 13 currencies, including the U.S. dollar, euro, and Japanese yen.
An update released on Monday showed that on the last day of 2015, the CFETS yuan index stood at 100.94, meaning the yuan appreciated 0.94 percent compared to the level at the end of 2014.  Enditem