






半个世纪前,社会民主党的领袖Palm, 生前每年夏季放假就到这个童话般的小城,站在一辆货车上,面对草坪上栖息、晒太阳的人们练习演讲,他后来成了瑞典首相,到了1968年,别的政界人士也加入演讲队列,慢慢地,瑞典各政党、各种各样的组织和公司的代表齐聚云集于此,讨论政治和社会问题。
今年预计约有1500个大小不同的研讨会本周在这里进行,真是盛况空前、如火如荼。有的研讨会是高校、科研机构、政界人士、企业首领共同进行,来自不同领域的思想、信息、看法,在这里自由地发生碰撞,产生有利于未来的火花。大多情况下,你会带着被击发的灵感从会场离开,但据说也有带给人一肚子气的研讨会,离开时脑子里会闪着一个念头:以后再也不来了,又累又饿,还气死人,会上讲的东西牛头不对马嘴,不如在家休憩的好。也有的研讨会,场地很好,但主持人长时间背对观众,完全忽视观众的感受,观众也就不在乎他们说什么,各自看书、看报纸、上网聊天、睡觉等等,看上去很安静,却一点效果没有,等于有个地方坐坐,休息一小时。 还有一种是,台上讨论,台下的观众也自动地形成讨论组,五花八门,大家七嘴八舌,闹烘烘,讲啥也听不清。所以,精心选择一个有驾驭语言、驾驭会场能力的主持人很重要,他/她对研讨的领域相当了解,比较了解听众关注什么,才能提出令人感兴趣的问题, 话筒、声效在会前就应该测试,否则会产生让人哭笑不得的效果。
这个海滨小城Visby及附近的城市绝大多数是中世纪的建筑,至今保存完好,房屋玲珑小巧,色彩艳丽,但没想到也曾一度人烟稀少,当地人都渐渐到大城市谋生、发展,1968年后,因每年一度的政治周,小城被带动,渐渐兴旺起来,房屋、地皮变得珍贵,每到这个时节,预订宾馆难上加难,如不提前,往往没有住的呐,就是提前订也可能是住vandrarhem,一种简易的旅馆, 而且距离Visby很远,来回需要做公共汽车。


Swedish economy on the way up amid uncertainty

Swedish economy on the way up amid uncertainty

 By  Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, July 5(Greenpost)–The Swedish economy is on the way up and, according to the forecast, growth will gradually strengthen in the coming years. However, the situation is uncertain, not least because of developments in Greece. This is the message from Minister for Finance Magdalena Andersson, presenting the Ministry of Finance’s latest economic forecast at Almedalen on June 30.

“Looking around the world, we have seen increasing growth since 2013. Many factors indicate a further strengthening of growth next year. The US economy is expected to continue to grow strongly this year, despite a weak first quarter.” said Andersson.

” In the euro area, we saw clear growth in all the four largest economies in the first quarter, for the first time in a long time, and conditions are in place for continued recovery. Having said that, somewhat weaker growth in China and other fast growing economies means that the global economy is gaining strength rather more slowly than we thought earlier this year,” continued the Minister for Finance.

Growth in the Swedish economy in 2015 is expected to derive mainly from domestic demand, while demand from abroad remains weak. However, in connection with the expected strengthening of the international economy from 2016 onwards, net exports are expected to increase and contribute to stronger GDP growth.

The Minister for Finance particularly underlines the impact of the crisis in Greece on the Swedish economy and trends in Swedish exports and industrial production. Commentators have long been expecting a clear strengthening of industrial production, but this upswing has still not materialised. The risk of weaker international demand continues to delay the upswing.

The forecast was made at the beginning of June, when developments in Greece were included as a risk in the assessment of the future economic outlook. In light of developments in the Greek crisis in recent days, this risk has increased. However, the impact on the Swedish economy is difficult to assess.

The forecast for the public finances is somewhat lower than the assessment made in the Spring Fiscal Policy Bill. Central government expenditures are growing more slowly than in the previous forecast. However, weaker tax revenues, larger investments in the local government sector and weaker saving in the old-age pension system result overall in a rather slower rate of growth in general government net lending than forecast in the Spring Fiscal Policy Bill. Net lending/borrowing is not expected to reach balance until 2019.

“We are moving towards stronger public finances. This year we expect to reduce the deficit by more than SEK 20 billion and it will continue to shrink in the years ahead. At the same time, a delicate balance needs to be struck between ensuring the sustainability of the public finances and protecting the recovery,” says the Minister for Finance.

国能电动汽车瑞典有限公司任命Stefan Tilk先生为公司副董事

北欧绿色邮报报道(记者陈雪霏)国能电动汽车瑞典有限公司任命Stefan Tilk先生为公司副董事。

Stefan Tilk先生近日获得股东会批准, 正式加入国能电动汽车瑞典有限公司(NEVS)出任公司副董事。Tilk 先生在汽车领域工作将近20多年,代表多家全球大型企业在不同国家轮职,对企业国际化管理具备丰富经验。


随着NEVS业务步入正轨,公司股东会也同时任命来自Unionen(瑞典白领工会)的NEVS员工代表Ronnie Hermansson及IF Metall(瑞典蓝领工会)的NEVS员工代表Stefan Larsson为董事会成员。

“我和Stefan Tilk 先生认识有一段时间了,对他的加入表示热烈欢迎。相信他会和现有NEVS管理团队一起推动公司未来的全球事业发展。” Nevs 董事长蒋大龙说道。

“十分荣幸可以加入Nevs董事会并在可持续发展的道路上贡献自己的力量。 Nevs新股东架构和即将迎来的合作听起来非常激动人心。我很期待能带领公司迎接未来的机遇和挑战。” Stefan Tilk先生说。

Xinhua Insight: China adopts new law on national security

Xinhua Insight: China adopts new law on national security

BEIJING, July 1 (Greenpost) — China’s top legislature on Wednesday adopted a new national security law highlighting cyber security and demanding the establishment of a coordinated, efficient crisis management system.

Of the 155 lawmakers present at a bimonthly session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, 154 voted for the legislation. One abstained.

The new law, which will be signed into force by President Xi Jinping later Wednesday, covers a wide spectrum of areas including defense, finance, science and technology, culture and religion.

Outer space activities and assets, as well as those at ocean depths and in polar regions, were also brought under the national security umbrella.

A national security review and regulatory system and relevant mechanisms would be set up to censor items that have or may have an impact on national security, including foreign investment, particular materials and key technologies, network and information technology products and services, projects involving national security, it said.

Security is a top issue in China. A National Security Commission headed by Xi was established in 2013. An overall national security outlook put forward by Xi was also incorporated in the new law.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference, Zheng Shuna with the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee said the law was crucial in the face of “ever-growing security challenges”.

“We are under dual pressures […] Externally speaking, the country must defend its sovereignty, security and development interests, and internally speaking, it must also maintain political security and social stability,” Zheng said.

Thus, overarching legislation is needed to guide responses to national security threats and risks, she said.

Ma Huaide, vice president of China University of Political Science and Law, also said the law could provide a sound framework for future legislation on national security.

The first national security law took effect in 1993 and primarily regulated the work of national security agencies, whose major duty is counterespionage. It was renamed the Counterespionage Law in November.

The new law, meanwhile, said national security means that “the country’s state power, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity; its people’s wellbeing; its sustainable economic and social development; and other major interests are comparatively in a state of being in no danger and free of any threat from both within and without, and that the aforementioned state can be constantly guaranteed.”

Zheng rejected the notion that the definition was “too broad”.

“The definition does not cover broader areas compared with other countries,” she said.

“Any government will stand firm and ensure that there is no room for dispute, compromise or interference when it comes to protecting their core interests,” she said. “China is no exception.”

When asked to comment on the inclusion of activities and assets in space, deep sea and in polar regions in the new law, Zheng pointed to similar legislation in the United States, Japan, Russia and Europe.

China’s explorations and development in outer space, the international sea bed and polar regions have contributed to better understanding and utilization of resources, and was “conducive to the common interests of mankind,” she said, adding that China had the right to protect its activities, assets and personnel in these “new frontiers”.

One key element of the new law is a clause on cyberspace sovereignty. China will make Internet and information technology, infrastructure,information systems and data in key sectors “secure and controllable”, it read.

The country will strengthen its capability to protect cyber and information security, and enhance Internet and IT research, development and application.

Zheng said cyberspace sovereignty was the embodiment and extension of national sovereignty, adding that the Internet is an important aspect of the nation’s infrastructure.

“Internet space within the People’s Republic of China is subject to the country’s sovereignty,” she said.

China is willing to cooperate with other countries in safeguarding cyber security, building a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyberspace, and establishing a multilateral, democratic and transparent international Internet management system, Zheng said.

The new law also vowed that an Internet and information security system would be established to ensure cyberspace security, enhance innovation, speed up development of “strategic” technology and beef up intellectual property protection and application.

A coordinated, efficient crisis management system under a centralized leadership will be set up, it said, adding that national security crises-related information must be published in a timely manner.

Chinese citizens are obliged to report anything that undermines national security, and protect national secrets in line with the Constitution and laws, it read. Enditem





Commentary: Cooperation in production capacity to benefit China, Europe

Commentary: Cooperation in production capacity to benefit China, Europe

BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) — International cooperation in production capacity offers huge opportunities for participating in a country’s economy. China and Europe, at different stages of development and with their respective strengths and demands, have a lot to share in this regard.

The world economy is undergoing a profound readjustment, and expansive monetary policies such as the quantitative easing (QE) measures applied in certain parts of the world offer no effective way out of sluggish growth.

Many developing countries including China find themselves in the process of industrialization and urbanization, while the rich nations are confronted with the challenge of re-industrialization.

“It is the right time to push for international cooperation in production capacity,” said Chinese Premier Li Keqiang while addressing a China-EU business summit in Brussels on Monday.

China has hoped to match its advantages in production capacity with demands in infrastructure updates in the rest of the world.

The European Union last week reached a deal to create a 315-billion-euro (345-billion-U.S. dollar) fund to upgrade infrastructure, stimulate the EU’s sluggish economies and ignite job growth.

China has a full-fledged construction material production capacity and relevant made-in-China equipment is widely adaptable, which make China a qualified candidate to be part of this ambitious plan.

Europe, meanwhile, boasts the most advanced and valuable technologies urgently needed by China to update its equipment and manufacturing capacities.

China encourages its best enterprises to participate in infrastructure construction projects such as the Trans-European Transport Networks, China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line and New Euro-Asian Continental Bridge.

European enterprises are also encouraged to join the “Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” initiatives proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 with the aim to revive the ancient trade route between Asia and Europe.

Cooperation between China and Europe would also facilitate their expansion into the third-party market and lead to better performance both at home and abroad.

China will have to buy some of Europe’s advanced equipment while giving full play to its manufacturing and assembly capacities in its cooperative projects with other developing nations and in the regions of Central and Eastern Europe.

China-Europe cooperation involving third-party markets is destined to be an all-win situation, as excessive production capacity in China will be used to galvanize developing countries’ real economies while pressing for industry updates back home in China.

Europe is in the position to provide China with the elements it needs to grow, and in turn be rewarded with China’s strengths to realize its re-industrialization.

Financial cooperation is also indispensable. China has announced plans to expand its purchase of bonds issued by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and improve the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) system.

In addition, China encouraged bigger roles of other investment and financing arrangements in the revitalization of the European economy, including the China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

Under the “Belt and Road” initiative, a Silk Road Fund has been set up by China to improve infrastructure connectivity between Asia and Europe.

The fund, according to Chinese Premier Li, will be used for cooperating with Europe in hi-tech development, infrastructure construction and financial services.

To promote their cooperation, China and Europe also need to further liberalize trade and investment and properly handle trade frictions.

All these measures would ensure a continued leap forward in their bilateral trade. It’s highly feasible that China-Europe bilateral trade will exceed one trillion U.S. dollars by 2020, as Premier Li said he hoped it would during his ongoing European tour. Enditem


China continues to see deficit in foreign service trade

China continues to see deficit in foreign service trade

BEIJING, June 30 (Greenpost) — China continued to see a deficit in foreign service trade in May, data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) showed on Tuesday.

The country’s service trade deficit reached 111.7 billion yuan (18.3 billion U.S. dollars) in May, enlarging from 106.1 billion yuan in April, according to SAFE.

Last month, the country spent a total of 224 billion yuan in international service trade, double the 112.3 billion yuan it gained during the period.

Distinct from merchandise trade, trade in services refers to the sale and delivery of intangible products such as transportation, tourism, telecommunications, construction, advertising, computing and accounting.

The State Council has pledged measures to accelerate the development of trade in services, including gradually opening up the finance, education, culture and medical treatment sectors.

SAFE began issuing monthly data on service trade in January 2014 to improve the transparency of balance of payments statistics. Beginning in 2015, it added monthly data on merchandise trade to the report.

In May, China saw a surplus of 359.8 billion yuan in foreign merchandise trade, data showed. Enditem

Source Xinhua

Editor   Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China, France prioritize partnership in industry, energy, third-party markets

China, France prioritize partnership in industry, energy, third-party markets

PARIS, June 30 (Greenpost) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday agreed here with his French counterpart Manuel Valls on expanding cooperation in industry, energy and third party markets.

Li, who is on a four-day official visit to France, said China is willing to advance practical cooperation and cement mutual trust with France.

Li suggested that the two sides should deepen industrial cooperation in fields including aviation and space, high-speed railway, steel, nuclear, oil and hydro power while increasing added value and jointly exploring third-party markets.

The Chinese premier also noted China and France should step up their cooperation in such areas as agriculture, food, health, digital economy, ocean and polar region development as well as energy efficiency.

Meanwhile, Li called for more favorable conditions to facilitate trade and investment so as to push for a dynamic balance in bilateral trade. “China backs domestic enterprises to invest in France and welcomes French businesses to expand Chinese market with their leading technology.”

Li said the two countries should deepen financial cooperation to provide support for exploring third party markets and enhance exchanges and cooperation in supervising their banking sectors.

France is a core member of the European Union and a partner of special importance for China within the organization, Li noted. “A healthy growth of China-France ties will be exemplary for China-Europe relations.”

He urged France to continue to play an active role in this regard so as to inject new vigor into China-Europe relations.

For his part, Valls said the two countries enjoy fruitful practical cooperation and a broad prospect.

He expressed his hope that France and China could strengthen their economic dialogue and deepen their cooperation in traditional areas including nuclear energy, aviation and space, agriculture and food production while speeding up interaction in such new areas as trilateral cooperation and eco-city building.

Valls called for more two-way investment and exchanges in sectors of culture and tourism.

The French side, he said, appreciated China’s actions in tackling climate change and is grateful for its efforts in working with France to prepare for the 2015 Paris climate change conference.

Li, who arrived here from Belgium after meeting with Belgian leaders and attending the 17th China-EU leaders’ meeting, is now on an official visit to France.

During his stay, he will also pay a visit to the headquarters of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. Enditem

Source Xinhua

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China, Africa to strengthen industrial cooperation

China, Africa to strengthen industrial cooperation

ADDIS ABABA, June 30 (Greenpost) — Officials from China, Africa, and the World Bank (WB) on Tuesday pledged efforts to strengthen industrial cooperation between China and Africa to boost the continent’s economic development at a two-day investment forum held in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

Chinese Deputy Minister of Finance Liu Jianhua said as Chinese businesses are investing abroad and African countries are attracting foreign capital, technology, and development experience, there is huge room for cooperation.

She said China is willing to help Africa build infrastructure network, achieve industrialization by scaling up financial, technological, and human resources support to Africa.

Liu also said China will increase its cooperation with multi- lateral institutions like the WB in its engagement with Africa. She revealed that China is planning to set up a 50-million-U.S.- dollar trust fund with the WB to support infrastructure development in developing regions including Africa.

According to official statistics, China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for six consecutive years, with trade in 2014 reaching 222 billion U.S. dollars. Chinese invested a record high of 4 billion U.S. dollars in Africa last year, up 14 percent from a year earlier. At least 2,500 big and medium Chinese companies have registered to be operating in Africa, across a broad variety of sectors.

A WB report shows that Chinese investment in Africa is increasingly shifting towards the manufacturing sector as the Asian nation diversifies out of primary sectors such as agriculture and mining. Manufacturing is key to Africa’s future development, the report notes.

In his opening remarks, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn of Ethiopia noted that his government sees the forum embodying three important themes, including Africa’s commitment to economic transformation, strong partnership between Africa and China, and the power of industrialization to deliver development results.

The Premier said China-Africa partnership, which has mutually beneficial results across Africa, has expanded rapidly and taken new momentum.

“As China-Africa trade cooperation moves into its next phase, there will be significant scope for diversification of our economies and exports, particularly into agriculture and manufacturing,” he said. “Chinese investment can be instrumental in addressing structural and logistical constraints that impact the competitiveness of African exports.”

Makthar Diop, WB Vice President for Africa, highlighted China’s experience of dedication, long-term planning, and pragmatism as three major lessons for Africa to learn in order to industrialize. He said Africa’s economy has been growing averagely 5 percent over the past decade and proved itself resilient during the 2008-2009 global economic crisis. However, the negative impacts on the economy brought by recent months’ drop of commodity prices signifies the need for Africa to diversify its economy, Diop said.

One of the key issues discussed at the forum was the role industrial parks and special economic zones play in the process of industrialization.

Since 2007, the Chinese government has been supporting six Chinese company-initiated industrial zones in Africa, located in Egypt, Zambia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Mauritius. Economists including WB former chief economist Justin Lin highlighted the success of this innovation especially the Eastern Industrial Park in Ethiopia for facilitating the relocation of China’s labor- intensive light manufacturing.

He said Africa, with 1.1 billion population and low labor costs, is an ideal place to relocate the light manufacturing sector of China as the trend of global value chain moves. Lin urged the governments of China and African countries to seize this opportunity that can help both China and Africa move a step up the global value chain.

Source Xinhua

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Cuba, China wrap up session on biotech cooperation

Cuba, China wrap up session on biotech cooperation

HAVANA, June 30 (Greenpost) — Cuba and China Tuesday wrapped up a two-day meeting to expand cooperation in the field of biotechnology.

Participants of the 8th meeting of the Cuba-China Joint Working Group on Biotechnology reviewed progress made on existing agreements and outlined bilateral cooperation for the coming two years.

About 100 representatives from biotech and pharmaceutical companies and research institutes from both countries attended the event, which was expected to conclude with the signing of agreements between Cuban state biotech group BioCubaFarma and China’s National Development and Reform Commission (CNDR).

Cuban Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel attended the first day of the session, where participants discussed biotech applications in five key areas: industry, sanitary regulations, health, science and neurotechnology and agriculture.

The president of BioCubaFarma, Dr. Carlos Gutierrez, addressed the opening of the session, saying cooperation in biotechnology has become one of the driving engines of the relationship between Havana and Beijing given its “great outlook.”

The deputy director of the CNDR, Lin Nianxiu, concurred, saying collaboration in the field has been mutually beneficial in the past decade.

Chinese firms, said Lin, are interested in establishing themselves in Cuba, investing in the country’s new Mariel Port development, a deep-water shipping port and industrial park taking shape near Havana.

China has spent some 500 billion yuan (about 82 billion U.S. dollars) in recent years on the production and sale of biotech products.

The two countries began to cooperate in the field starting in 2004, during a visit to Cuba by then Chinese president Hu Jintao.

Today, about a score of Chinese biotech or pharmaceutical companies are involved in more than 30 joint projects with their Cuban counterparts. Enditem

Source Xinhua

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China’s Jan-May grain import jump to 50 percent

China’s Jan-May grain import jump to exert limited effect on domestic market


BEIJING, July 1 (Greenpost) — China’s grain imports in the first five months jumped by around 50 percent year on year, but that has limited effects on the domestic market, say analysts.

In the first five months of the year, China’s grain imports amounted to 12.5 million metric tons (tonnes), up 47.3 percent year on year, according to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA).

In a breakdown, the country’s corn imports in January-May increased by 31.69 percent year on year to 1.778 million tonnes, while its wheat imports in the period fell 60.47 percent year on year to 966,000 tonnes. In May, the country’s wheat imports jumped by 63.01 percent year on year, the data showed.

Despite the rapid increase in grain imports, compared to the domestic output, the import amount was small. For example, China’s corn imports in 2014 accounted for only a hundredth of the homegrown corn output, which stood at 215.67 million tonnes last year. In addition, the tariff quota management system implemented for grain imports also limited the space for import increases, said analysts.

In 2014, China’s grain imports amounted to 19.516 million tonnes, nearly nine times those in 2003.

Chinese cabinet posts guidelines on using big data to better serve, regulate market

Chinese cabinet posts guidelines on using big data to better serve, regulate market


BEIJING, July 1 (Greenpost) – Chinese cabinet, the State Council, released guidelines to strengthen services and supervision on market entities through big data, according to a circular on governmental portal www.gov.cn Wednesday.

Under the drive, the Chinese regulator aimed to improve governmental services and supervision efficiency, advance administrative rights reduction, and develop socialized credit information services.

China’s top securities regulator – China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) – is required to support financial institutions including banks, securities firms, trusts management companies, finance leasing operators, guarantee firms, and insurers, industry associations and commercial chambers to use big data to serve enterprises.

CSRC is also required to guide credit information institutions to widen application of credit reporting in administration, public services, banking, securities and insurance sectors as well as optimizing fiscal, taxation, industrial and talents policies to expedite development of the big data industry.

Source Xinhua

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China ratifies int’l pact against tax avoidance

China ratifies int’l pact against tax avoidance


BEIJING, July 1 (Greenpost) — China’s top legislature has ratified an international convention combating tax avoidance.

The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters was submitted by the State Council, China’s cabinet, to a bimonthly meeting of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee for review. It was ratified before the meeting closed on Wednesday.

The pact will enable China to participate in global initiatives against tax avoidance and evasion by cooperating with other states in the assessment and collection of taxes.

Wang Jun, administrator of the State Administration of Taxation, signed the convention on behalf of the Chinese government in 2013 in Paris.

The State Council hopes the convention will help China meet its commitments to the international community as well as squeeze shelter for Chinese tax dodgers.

It will not be applied to Hong Kong and Macao for the time being, according to the agreement.

The convention was developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Council of Europe in 1988 and updated in 2010, when it was opened to all countries.

Seventy had signed it as of March. Enditem

Source Xinhua

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson


China unveils plan to implement environmental protection pacemaker program

China unveils plan to implement environmental protection pacemaker program


BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) – China’s four ministries and commission jointly publicized a plan to implement the environmental protection pacemaker program, according to an announcement posted on the website of Ministry of Finance (MOF) Wednesday.

According to the plan, environmental protection pacemakers are required to have their products meet the technical requirements on environmental protection-labeled products and also lead comparable products of their kinds in terms of environmental performances, to implement management of green supply chain environment with environmental-friendly designing, efficient clean production technologies and low emission of pollutants in the whole lifecycle of products, to have no bad records for its products in the state’s random inspections on product quality in the recent year, to be independent legal entities in the Chinese mainland with complete quality control system, perfect supply systems and fine after-sale services, promising normal supply of products via the mainstream marketing channel.

The Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Environmental Protection promised in the plan to release on a regular basis the name list of environmental protection pacemakers and catalogues of their products give them appropriate policy supports.


Balancing reforms, growth remains China’s priority: World Bank

Balancing reforms, growth remains China’s priority: World Bank


BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) — China’s growth slowdown is not unexpected. In fact, it is desirable in the short and medium-term perspective, as the country prioritizes balancing reforms and managing short-term demand, the World Bank said on Wednesday.

In the short term, China’s economic moderation reflects policies to slow rapid credit growth, contain shadow banking, limit borrowing by local governments and reduce excess capacity in industry, which address the vulnerabilities that built up after the 2008 global financial crisis, the World Bank said in its latest China Economic Update released in Beijing.

“Over the medium term, lower growth is consistent with a gradual shift in China’s growth model, from manufacturing to services, from investment to consumption, and from exports to domestic spending,” it said.

Balancing reforms and short-term demand management remains a priority in 2015 as large-scale and broad-based measures aimed at supporting short-term growth may conflict with efforts to increase the sustainability of medium-term growth.

“Engineering a gradual shift to a more sustainable growth path poses challenges for policy makers, given real-sector weaknesses and financial-system vulnerabilities,” noted the report.

Efforts to cut excess capacity in heavy industry, dampen unproductive risk taking in shadow banking, and solidify budget constraints on local governments will help make investment more efficient and realign growth over the medium term. However, such reforms will depress economic activity in the short term, it added.

The World Bank predicted China’s economy would expand 7.1 percent in 2015 and 7 percent in 2016.

China’s economy grew 7.4 percent in 2014, the slowest rate for 24 years, albeit with more focus on higher-quality and innovation-driven growth. Enditem


China’s top legislature ratifies BRICS bank agreement


China’s top legislature ratifies BRICS bank agreement

BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) — China’s top legislature ratified an agreement on the founding of BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), which will fund infrastructure projects in the bloc and other developing economies, on Wednesday.

The approval was given at the bimonthly-session of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, which runs until July 1.

The agreement was signed by the bloc’s five members — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — on July 15 last year during the sixth BRICS summit.

It will enter into force only when all BRICS countries have submitted documents of acceptance, ratification or approval.

The Shanghai-based NDB will have initial authorized capital of 100 billion U.S. dollars, and its initial subscribed capital of 50 billion U.S. dollars will be equally shared among the founding members.

It will have a three-tier governance structure — a board of governors, a board of directors, a president and vice presidents.

As agreed by the five countries, the first chair of the board of governors will be nominated by Russia, the first chair of the board of directors by Brazil, and the first president by India.

They also agreed to set up a NDB African regional center in South Africa.

The board of governors is expected to hold the first meeting on July 7 in Russia to appoint members of the board of directors and the management led by the president, according to the Ministry of Finance.

Rules regarding procedures will be made and the bank’s five-year development strategy discussed at the meeting.

The inaugural management team will take their posts in Shanghai in middle July, according to the ministry.

The NDB is expected to launch late this year or early next year.

The bank’s establishment will be an important achievement for financial cooperation among BRICS members, said Finance Minister Lou Jiwei.

It will promote infrastructure construction and sustainable development of the emerging and developing economies, he said.

The bank also helps promote reform of global economic governance, he said.

Once the agreement is approve by the NPC Standing Committee, the Chinese government will provide 10 billion U.S. dollars on time as prescribed, Shi said while elaborating on the deal at the NPC Standing Committee session on June 24.

For the time being, the agreement will not apply to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, according to the top legislature’s decision. Enditem