Tag Archives: 燕房线,无人驾驶,轨道交通

The First Complete Automatic Control Subway Line Opens to trial operation in Beijing

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 4(Greenpost)– The first Chinese Sutomatic Control Subway  line between Yanjiao and  Fangshan opened to trial operation  in Beijing on Dec. 30, 2017.

This is the first complete Chinese owned intellectual property rights system which covers 14.4 kilometers with 9 stations and a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

So far Beijing has 22 rail track line with a total of 608 kilometers and 370 stations.

12月30日,北京地铁燕房线开通试运行,这是中国第一条具有完全自主知识产权的轨道交通全自动运行系统,燕房线位于北京房山区,本次开通线路包括14.4公里高架线路、9座车站,设计时速为80公里。当日,北京轨道交通燕房线、S1线、西郊线开通试运行。目前,北京轨道交通运营线路共22条、总里程608公里、车站370座。图为列车在运行中。(中新社记者 张宇 摄)