Category Archives: News

Substitute driver, a new type of job

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson


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30 year old Yu Qiao in Yinchuang, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is one of the 1300 substitute drivers who help driving. 

He works almost like a taxi, but he doesn’t have a car. He drove for those who has a car but got drunk and couldn’t drive.

He used to be as a migrant worker in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, but later he went back to hometown. But it was difficult to find a job.

Serving as a substitute driver is a new type of job, but he got 300 orders for the first months.  He used his mobile phone and computer to receive order.

Life is tough, but he hopes to find a better job in the future.  Meanwhile he is somewhat getting used to it because there are about 1300 these kind of drivers.

Sometimes it could be very dirty and the guest even couldn’t speak clearly where he lived.  The guest got drunk and even vomited.

However in service industry, any job can be a job.

(Translated from Xinhua news)




北欧绿色邮报网报道(特约记者丹妮  记者陈雪霏)--瑞典青田同乡会第十五届年会圣诞新年大联欢25日圣诞节之际在斯德哥尔摩隆重举行。


陈育明大使在青田同乡会年会上致词。                          陈雪霏拍摄





“我们还举办了第一届“青田杯”瑞典华人乒乓球队邀请赛,邀请了瑞典乒坛老将瓦尔德内尔前来指导。还举办了首届青田杯瑞典华人高尔夫球赛,丰富了大家的业余生活,提高了华人的生活品质,有助于更好地融入当地的环境。”  叶克雄说。



瑞典华人总会会长叶克清出席联欢会。         陈雪霏拍摄






DSC_5462Linda精彩的杂技表演。              陈雪霏拍摄

DSC_5470武术大师邢伟涛表演的武术令人瞠目结舌,纷纷叫好,热烈鼓掌。华人少年才俊夏俊杰再次登台演出,演唱了瑞典歌曲《Välkommen hem》(《欢迎回家》)。然后,袁一丹,德阳,覃枫乔和黄怡乐琪表演了民族乐器。DSC_5491最后,杨筱音老师演唱《阳光路上》为演出画上圆满句号。








陈育明大使在青田同乡会年后上致词。  陈雪霏拍摄




李佳老师演唱《中华大家园》。    陈雪霏拍摄


赵雨柔表演爵士舞。                陈雪霏拍摄




王淑瑜表演《中国结》。      陈雪霏拍摄


采蘑菇的小姑娘。              陈雪霏拍摄




杂技表演,琳达。  陈雪霏拍摄。

DSC_5466武术大师邢伟涛亮相新年大联欢。                 陈雪霏拍摄


华人才俊夏俊杰演唱《欢迎回家》(Välkommen Hem). 陈雪霏拍摄。












photo (28)


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  3. 巴黎气候大会195个国家达成协议,协议将在2020年生效。协议要在2016年4月22日开始签署。如果有55个排放大国签署了,那就相当于全世界55%的排放量,因此,协议就可以生效。大国应该承担责任,尤其是中国,即使不是为了气候问题,但是污染和气候变化相互作用。污染使气候变暖,变暖了就没风了,或者风少了,这种温和性的气候,更容易使烟雾聚集,难以扩散。因此造成北方多次拉响红色警报。归根结底是人为行为导致气候变化,气候变化导致雾霾无法扩散。
  4. 巴黎恐怖袭击造成130人死亡。袭击事件始于欧洲中部时间11月13日21时20分,3名自杀式炸弹袭击者袭击了位于圣但尼的法兰西体育场附近,随后巴黎的咖啡馆、餐馆及音乐场所发生自杀式炸弹袭击和大规模枪击images网络图片
  5. 欧洲难民危机。5月27日,欧盟决定把4万名滞留意大利和希腊的难民按照配额制强行摊派给28个成员国。但阻力巨大。9月17日,有人把这个三岁小男孩的照片放到网上,德国总理默克尔提出可以接收难民。一时间难民潮涌入欧洲。瑞典更是接收难民的先锋。不久,德国宣布停止。11月24日,瑞典首相也宣布严格难民接收行动。在此过程中大约30万难民涌入欧洲。瑞典接收了一大半。IMG_8266网络图片
  6. 6月1日“东方之星”号客轮翻沉于湖北监利县长江大马洲水道,离赤壁县不远。新华网湖北监利6月13日(记者李鹏翔、梁建强)报道经有关各方反复核实、逐一确认,“东方之星”号客轮上共有454人,其中成功获救12人,遇难442人。公安部门依法依规、科学严谨对搜寻到的遗体DNA进行了比对,已确认442具为遇难人员遗体并移交给家属。至此,全部遇难者遗体均已找到。据此,决定自即日起搜救工作结束。本次搜救工作李克强总理亲自视察,搜救工作全部直播,在长江,很快把船打捞上来,史无前例。据了解,本次事故主要是对天气形势估计不足,由于成本低,客轮在恶劣的天气下继续前行,加上这里地势险要.
  7. CHINA-articleLarge 网络图片                                                                                                                            8月12日23时30分,天津发生大爆炸,两次爆炸当量之和相当于24吨TNT炸药(或53枚战斧导弹),现场出现蘑菇云。造成173人死亡。到底怎么回事,似乎一直没有公布原因。另外,这种事故造成的财产损失,环境损失,人文损失,实在是难以估量。历史教训应该及时吸取。事实真相及早公布,好让后人吸取教训,不要让悲剧再次重演。
  8. лªÉçÕÕƬ£¬±±¾©£¬2015Äê12ÔÂ22ÈÕ ±±¾©´ïµ½¿ÕÆøÖØÎÛȾ·åÖµ ÕâÊÇ12ÔÂ22ÈÕÅÄÉãµÄÎíö²ÁýÕÖϵı±¾©ÖÐÑëÉÌÎñÇø¡£ ¾Ý±±¾©Êл·±£¼à²âÖÐÐĽéÉÜ£¬12ÔÂ22ÈÕ±±¾©¿ÕÆøÖÊÁ¿¿É´ïµ½´ËÂÖÎÛȾ¹ý³ÌµÄ·åÖµ£¬PM2.5·åֵŨ¶È»ò½«³¬¹ý500΢¿Ë£¯Á¢·½Ãס£½ØÖÁÄ¿Ç°£¬±±¾©¡¢Ìì½ò¡¢ºÓ±±ÈýµØÆøÏǫ́¾ùÒÑ·¢²¼ö²ºìÉ«Ô¤¾¯¡£ лªÉç¼ÇÕß ÎäΡ Éã新华图片                                                                                                                          北京12月多次雾霾拉起红色预警。至少环保局有勇气告诉人们真实情况。下一步希望采取措施,例如,采用采用地热能取暖。避免烧煤。利用太阳能。想尽办法利用各种热能转换实现节能减排。
  9. cropped-DSC_3088.jpg陈雪霏拍摄                                                                                                                    中国海军舰艇编队环游世界访问瑞典等许多国家。让过往的华人华侨倍感骄傲和自豪,大大激发了人们的爱国热情。真心为祖国的强大感到自豪!DSC_3278陈雪霏拍摄
  10. 11月16日人民币加入国际货币基金组织的SDR特别提款权货币篮子证明人民币有望成为国际流通货币。这也是中国经济实力提高的标志。



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事故现场暂不会有再次滑坡危险 发现3处有生命迹象的地方
    新华社记者 吴鲁 摄

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    新华社记者 金良快 摄

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    新华社记者 毛思倩 摄


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    新华社记者 庞兴雷 摄

China Voice: China allows no compromise on cyberspace sovereignty

WUZHEN, Zhejiang, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — At the opening of the second World Internet Conference on Wednesday, China made sure its voice was heard: Every country has the right to create its own Internet governance model, and the cyber sovereignty of all nations should be respected.

China firmly opposes Internet hegemony, foreign interference in internal affairs, and incitement that could threaten national security, President Xi Jinping said during his opening remarks at the conference.

The Internet is not beyond law and it should be ruled in accordance with a country’s laws and regulations.

There are certain common principles in cyberspace that all countries should follow to assure win-win outcomes, however, each country is unique and its Internet governance models will reflect this.

Some countries have been preaching “absolute” freedom in cyberspace for years. Ironically, they exercise the strictest surveillance when national interests may be harmed.

China has about four million websites and 668 million Internet users. According to the Cyberspace Administration of China, 30 billion pieces of information are created every day.

The Chinese government and IT companies trawl the Internet looking for online rumors, pornography, gambling and other cyber crimes to protect the lawful interests of its citizens.

Although China has amassed the world’s largest Internet population since the Internet arrived in 1994, it remains a latecomer, and there is still much to fully tap the potential of the Internet.

Particularly, China is a major victim of cyber hacking as many deem it a rising threat.

There is no “absolute” freedom in either the physical world or cyberspace. Freedom and order must be upheld side by side. Freedom is the purpose and order is the means.

China applies rule of law to the Internet with the enacting of new laws and regulations regarding cyber security and other Internet areas.

These laws not only provide the legal basis for counter-cyber crime work, but also guarantee the lawful interests of Internet users and companies at home and abroad.

Economic opening up and effective governance of the Internet by law have played key roles in the growth of China’s Internet sector over the past two decades.

And China’s Internet regulators have repeatedly promised to give freedom to those who abide by the country’s laws and regulations and help them achieve bigger success. Enditem

Editor   Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China Voice: The world needs fresh rules for Internet governance

   BEIJING, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) — How and what to regulate on the Internet has been a concern throughout the world as booming Internet business continues connecting countries.

The quest for a solution reveals existing Internet governance is far from impeccable in reflecting the desires and interests of the majority of countries.

Like the real world, cyberspace, with about 3.2 billion users worldwide, should be a domain of freedom and order.

Rules, which are by no means set to harm the open and democratic nature of the Internet, should be in place to safeguard the users’ rights and interests including exchanging ideas and expressing their minds.

Addressing the second World Internet Conference, President Xi Jinping highlighted a number of principles for reforming how the Internet is governed globally, including respect for cyber sovereignty, maintenance of peace and security, promotion of openness and cooperation and cultivation of good order.

The president said the world has a desire to establish a governance system which is multilateral, democratic and transparent.

The speech has received favorable reviews from people at home and abroad, including World Economic Forum founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab, who said Xi’s remarks on open cyberspace reflected the need for global cooperation.

As globalization and cultural diversification further deepen, the role the Internet plays in boosting human progress will be greater. Meanwhile, concerns including the information gap between nations and the spread of terrorist messages and hacker attacks are growing more severe.

Only by pushing forward the reform of the existing Internet governance can the cyberspace grow to be an arena that will benefit the people instead of troubling them.

Since nations differ in size in cyberspace as in real world, the principle of sovereign equality must be upheld as a prerequisite for governance reforms and cooperation.

In this sense, the right of individual countries to independently choose their own path of cyber development and regulation while participating in international cyberspace governance on an equal footing should be respected, in addition to putting cyberspace under rule of law.

Confronted with pressure from economic downturn and the lingering global financial crisis, a stable and prosperous cyberspace means a lot to all the nations in the world.

Further regulations should be made to prevent it from degenerating into a battlefield or a hotbed for crime.

Indeed, with a vision of jointly building a community of shared future, cyberspace should be better governed so it can benefit more people and serve as an engine and catalyst for innovation and economic development. Enditem

 Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson


China Exclusive: China set for leading role in Industry 4.0: Klaus Schwab

  WUZHEN, Zhejiang, Dec. 17 (Xinhua)– China is going to play a leading role in the new wave of economic activities and technological innovation, World Economic Forum founder and executive chair Klaus Schwab told Xinhua in an exclusive interview during the ongoing Second World Internet Conference (WIC).

“The Internet is already part of culture and we should learn to use it to promote global cultural exchanges,” he said.

As a speaker at the opening ceremony of WIC, Schwab found that he shared many ideas of Internet development with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“The most important one is that we should keep the Internet open and we have to work together on the global level,” he said, noting it needs the dedication of governments, businesses and individuals to shape the Internet in such a way that everybody has access and that the Internet can really serve as an engine and catalyst for economic development.

In his observation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution featuring technology such as artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing and nanotechnology is coming our way at an overwhelming speed.

Schwab said China has already established a foothold in many areas and looks set to continue. However, China must ensure the transition from low-end manufacturing to modern industry is successful to sustain this path.

“The ‘Internet Plus’ and ‘Made in China 2015’ [strategies] show that China is going right toward that direction,” Schwab added.

Schwab pointed out that a big task will be ensuring equal assess to the Internet. The digital divide is a problem both across the world and it must be addressed on a global level.

“China has good preconditions to bridge the digital divide and help other countries enhance information infrastructure,” said Schwab citing China’s huge population with Internet access and the current developments regarding 5G.

To cope with the challenges to governance brought about by the current technological shift, Schwab suggested a more agile approach to government-private-expert cooperation to create the optimal conditions for smart technology and service orientated design, both hallmarks of Industry 4.0, as the Fourth Industrial Revolution is also known.

Looking ahead, Schwab pictures a future where a sensor implanted in our body will help us control objects around us. Industry 4.0 will change the way we work, too, as we will no longer be held back by geographical limitations, the world will be our office.

“We will have richer social lives […] and most importantly a greener environment where we can breathe fresh air every day. It’s not fiction and its not far away,” Schwab said. Enditem

 Editor   Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China, Kyrgyzstan ink deals to cement pragmatic cooperation

   BEIJING, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — China and Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday signed a number of cooperative documents in finance, culture and energy after talks between the prime ministers of the two countries.

“China is willing to discuss industrial capacity and investment cooperation with Kyrgyzstan,” said Premier Li Keqiang during talks with his Kyrgyz counterpart Temir Sariyev in Beijing.

Sariyev is paying an official visit to China. He just attended the two-day 14th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) prime ministers’ meeting in the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou.

He said Kyrgyzstan is ready to align its development strategy with China and actively promote cooperation on industrial capacity.

Li voiced the willingness of providing technology and production equipment to Kyrgyzstan, in a bid to help the country speed up its industrialization and independent development.

He urged the two sides to push forward cooperation in infrastructure construction and called for early resumption of the working group meeting on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway project.

He hoped the two sides to advance the construction of big cooperative projects, including the north-south highway in Kyrgyzstan and a highway around the Lake Issyk Kul.

The premier also supported the two countries to speed up construction on cross-border transportation passageway and set up port cooperation mechanism.

In the context of complicated international and regional security situation, Li said China and Kyrgyzstan should strengthen law-enforcement and security cooperation to cope with the threat of terrorism.

As Kyrgyzstan will host the 15th SCO prime ministers’ meeting, Li said China will work with Kyrgyzstan to bolster the organizing matters of the SCO and the pragmatic cooperation among SCO members.

Sariyev welcomed China’s investment in transportation, energy and social infrastructure.

He said Kyrgyzstan is willing to work with China to push forward infrastructure construction cooperation and carry out the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway project as soon as possible.

After their talks, the two prime ministers signed a joint communique between their governments.

In the communique, the two sides agreed to promote pragmatic cooperation within the framework of joint construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

The two sides decided to enhance financial cooperation and accelerate settlement in local currency.

The two sides will strengthen cooperation on expanding the export of Kyrgyz agricultural products to China and will hold consultation on Chinese market access of Kyrgyz meat products.

In the document, the two countries vowed to enhance information sharing and jointly fight the “Three Evil Forces” of terrorism, separatism, and extremism, including the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

The two countries also agreed to enhance coordination within the framework of United Nations, the SCO and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). Enditem



China, Thailand step up railway, economic cooperation

BANGKOK, Dec. 20 (Xinhua) — Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong concluded a visit to Thailand on Sunday, during which he co-chaired a bilateral meeting on economic cooperation, and attended the launching ceremony of a China-Thailand railway project.

During his five-day stay in Thailand, Wang met with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and presented to him a congratulatory message from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on the commencement of the China-Thai railway project.

The launch of the railway project, which has been pushed forward by Chinese and Thai leaders, is not only a gift for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, but also a new landmark for their strategic cooperation, Wang said.

On Thursday, Wang co-chaired the 4th Meeting of the China-Thailand Joint Committee on Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation with Thai Deputy Prime Minister Somkit Chatusiphithak.

During the meeting, both sides exchanged views on strengthening the alignment of the two countries’ development strategies, and expanding cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, industrial capacity, infrastructure, tourism, finance, information and communication, as well as space technology.

On Saturday afternoon, the Chinese state councilor attended the launching ceremony of the China-Thailand railway cooperation project with Thai Deputy Prime Minister Prajin Jantong in central Thailand’s Ayutthaya province.

The ceremony was held at Chiang Rak Noi Station in Ayutthaya, where the future Operations Control Center of the railway project will be located.

The two countries are collaborating in building Thailand’s first standard-gauge double-track railway line, which uses 1.435-meter standard gauge with trains operating at top speeds of 160-180 kph.

During his visit, Wang also held talks with Thai Deputy Premier Prawit Wongsuwan, attended and addressed the Thai-Chinese Business Forum with Somkit, and inspected the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone, which is located in east Thailand’s Rayong province. Enditem

 Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson


China shipbuilding industry’s five-year plan focuses on high-end manufacturing

      BEIJING, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — China has set the target of significantly strengthening its manufacturing capacity of high-tech ships, oceanic engineering equipment and key supporting equipment by 2020, the Xinhua-run Economic Information Daily reported on Wednesday, quoting the first draft of the shipbuilding industry’s five-year development plan (2016-2020) just completed by the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry.

According to the draft, China will edge itself up into world advanced countries in marine engineering equipment manufacturing and become a major supporting equipment manufacturer in the world by 2020.

The “Made in China 2025” technology roadmap also sets the goal that China’s self-made marine engineering equipment and high-tech ships will take an international market share of 35 percent and 40 percent respectively by 2020.

The government’s supportive policy for the shipbuilding industry is likely to benefit the listed companies including China CSSC Holdings (600150.SH) and China International Marine Containers Group (000039.SZ). Enditem

China’s online retail transaction leads the world

   BEIJING, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese Academy of Cyberspace released on Tuesday a report titled “Internet Development of China over the Last Two Decades” in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, saying that China’s online retail transaction has taken the lead in the world with the number of mobile shoppers totaling 270 million.

According to the report, the market value of Chinese Internet firms increased rapidly and there were about 328 listed companies in the field, including 61 listed in the U.S. market, 209 listed in China’s A-share market, 55 listed in Hong Kong stock market, and their total market value was about 7.85 trillion yuan, equivalent to 25.6 percent of the total of China’s stock market value.

Currently, listed Chinese Internet companies including Alibaba Group (BABA.NYSE), Tencent Inc. (00700.HK), Baidu, Inc. (BIDU.NASDAQ) and Inc. (JD.NASDAQ) are among the world’s top 10 largest Internet companies, and Huawei Technologies, Ant Financial, Xiaomi Technology which haven’t gone public are among the world’s top 20.

China Business News quoted Wang Yukai, a member of the Advisory Committee for State Information and professor at Chinese Academy of Governance, as saying that the essence of “Internet+” is “Internet 2.0+Innovation 2.0,” and new business patterns and economic growth models will be created by the integration of “Internet+” with any other industry. Enditem

Editor: Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China keeps 6.5-pct growth, no problem: Justin Yifu Lin

   BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) — Chinese economy can grow at 6.5 percent a year during the 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020) period, according to Justin Yifu Lin, of the Peking University’s national school of development and a former World Bank chief economist.

By 2020, China’s GDP per capita could reach 12,615 U.S. dollars, a substantial increase on the current level of 7,800 U.S. dollars, Economic Information Daily quoted Lin as saying Monday.

Lin attributed his forecast to domestic demand rather than exports, noting that consumption and investment will be key to realizing these goals.

In his logic, consumption growth is based on increased revenue, and revenue relies on labor efficiency, which requires technological renovation and industrial upgrading, both of which depend on investment.

China is rich in investment resources given the Chinese government’s debt ratio stands at 56 percent of GDP, much lower than developed countries, whose debt ratio usually well higher than 100 percent, Lin said.

“China’s private savings are as high as 50 percent of national GDP,” said Lin, adding that the country also has foreign exchange reserves of 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars.   Enditem

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson 


China targets double exports of equipment in major fields by 2020, report

   BEIJING, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — China has short-listed 45 countries as targets for its equipment “going out” projects and aims to double exports of equipment in major fields by 2020, the Xinhua-run Economic Information Daily reported on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, major capacity cooperation projects will make significant progresses with several overseas demonstration bases to be established and a batch of internationally competitive enterprises to be fostered, said the report.

According to the report, the National Development and Reform Commission, China’s top economic planner, made surveys on more than 60 countries and finally fixed the 45 countries for production capacity cooperation with China’s surrounding countries as “main axle”, Africa, the Middle East and the Central and Eastern European countries as “west wing” and Latin American countries as “east wing”.

The equipment “going out” projects will be promoted in electric power, railway, iron and steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, chemical, textile, automobile, telecommunications, engineering machinery, aerospace, shipbuilding and marine engineering fields. Enditem

 Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson