All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7





251221626_8 近期,长白山进入冬季冰雪旅游旺季。长白山管委会聘请国内专业团队以“雪的梦想”为主题打造雪雕观赏群,用雪量近10万立方米,吸引了众多中外游客前来游玩。
新华社记者 许畅 摄




文章说,瑞典计划到2025年新建70万套房。 目的也是要创造更多就业机会,改善学校质量,进而提高住房条件。




Swedish PM debates on more housing policy

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 16(Greenpost) –After the twice press conference on housing crisis in Sweden held by Swedish Housing Crisis committee led by Klas Eklund, SEB senior economist, the government began to pay attention to this issue.

On Wednesday Swedish Prime Minister Stefen Löfven  and Financial Minister Andersson and Housing and IT Minister Kaplan jointly wrote a debate article on DN to suggest more housing to be built in Sweden.

Their goal is to build 700 thousand houses or apartments by 2025.

Their suggestions include simplifying permission rules, having more building capacity and increasing circulation.

This means the housing crisis report has been taken seriously now by the government after the second press conference in Dec. 15, 2015.

Economist Eklund argued that Sweden has a housing crisis because there are new immigrants and refugees who are urgently needing place to live.

Nya reformer för fler bostäder

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 16(Greenpost)–Statsminister Stefan Löfven, finansminister Magdalena Andersson och bostads-, stadsutvecklings- och IT-minister Mehmet Kaplan, debattartikel, DN Debatt, den 13 januari 2016

Regeringen kommer att under 2016 prioritera investeringar och reformer för fler jobb, förbättrade skolresultat och ökat bostadsbyggande. I dag presenterar vi inriktningen för att öka takten i bostadsbyggandet.

Vi har påbörjat ett nytt samhällsbygge. Vi investerar kraftigt i Sveriges nya jobbagenda – med infrastruktursatsningar, en ny exportstrategi och bättre tillgång till riskkapital för små och medelstora företag.

På skolområdet investerar vi i ett nytt kunskapslyft med över 50 000 nya utbildningsplatser så att fler kan ta de jobb som växer fram. I år förverkligas också vår satsning på höjda lärarlöner, mindre klasser i lågstadiet och ökat stöd till de skolor som behöver det mest.

Regeringen har tagit en rad beslut för att göra det snabbare, enklare och billigare att bygga bostäder. Vi har förkortat överklagandeprocessen, lagt fram en ny bullerförordning, satsat på energieffektiva och klimatsmarta byggnader och har inlett den största bostadssatsningen på över 20 år. Redan i år förväntas bostadsbyggandet vara det högsta sedan början av 1990-talet.

Sverige har även fortsatt behov av investeringar och strukturreformer, för att fler ska arbeta, skolresultat ska höjas och bostadsbyggandet ska öka. Det akuta krisläget i flyktingmottagandet som uppstod under hösten 2015 fotsätter att kräva stora ansträngningar av det svenska samhället. Regeringen gör det som krävs för att få till stånd en bättre fördelning av antalet flyktingar i Europa. Det kommer framöver att ställa stora krav på politiken för att de som kommit till Sverige snabbt ska komma in i samhället, kunna bidra och göra sin plikt.

Vi ska ta vara på att vi nu har ett gott ekonomiskt läge med den fjärde högsta tillväxttakten i Europa. Sedan regeringen tillträdde förra hösten har antalet människor som har ett arbete att gå till ökat med nästan 70 000. Både långtidsarbetslösheten och ungdomsarbetslösheten sjunker. Under 2015 har vi halverat budgetunderskottet. Det gör oss bättre rustade att ta itu med de utmaningar och möjligheter som nu ligger framför oss.

Boverket uppskattar behovet av nya bostäder år 2025 till över 700 000. Med den byggtakt vi har i dag kommer inte samhället att klara det behovet. I stället för att kämpa om vilken regering som står med problemen om nio år bör alla ansvarstagande partier redan nu hitta innovativa och realistiska sätt att öka människors möjlighet att flytta till ett boende som passar jobb- och familjesituation i hela landet. För att klara det behöver vi lägga politiska låsningar och konflikter åt sidan. Låt oss debattera de enskilda förslagen men vara överens om att målet är att tillgodose behovet av nya bostäder. I det arbetet är regeringen beredd att göra det som krävs.

Det finns en stor potential i ett ökat bostadsbyggande och ökad rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden både för samhället och individer. Det är en möjlighet att öka antalet jobb och minska arbetslösheten genom att fler utbildas till byggbranschen och får jobb. Det är en möjlighet för ökad tillväxt och bättre matchning med växande företag som kan rekrytera personal utanför sin egen region. Skenande bostadspriser motverkas. Samtidigt som unga kan flytta hemifrån, barnfamiljer flytta till större och äldre till ett mer anpassade boende.

Regeringen tar därför i dag initiativ till breda politiska samtal om hur vi ökar byggtakten med Moderaterna, Centerpartiet, Liberalerna, Kristdemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet. Samtalen kommer att ledas av finansminister Magdalena Andersson och bostads- och stadsutvecklingsminister Mehmet Kaplan. Regeringen ser att det inom tre områden krävs reformer och nytänkande för att öka byggandet.

1 Förenkla regelverken: korta tiden från idé till färdigt hem

Ska vi öka byggandet tillräckligt måste staten och kommunerna arbeta tillsammans. Regeringen kommer att fortsätta arbetet med att förändra plan- och byggreglerna i syfte att förenkla, främja konkurrens och korta tiden från idé till färdigt hem. Exempelvis se över om det skulle kunna gå att bygga med bara översiktsplan som grund och att ha samma överklagandemöjligheter för bygg- och rivningslov som för detaljplaner.

Regeringen är beredd att se över krav på bostadsbyggande för kommunerna. Om inte varje kommun tar ansvar för att det byggs tillräckligt för regionens och nationens behov skulle dessa krav kunna göras bindande.

2 Öka byggkapaciteten

För att avsevärt kunna öka byggtakten i Sverige behöver kapaciteten att bygga fler bostäder utökas. Regeringen vill kraftigt öka antalet utbildningar som kan ge arbetslösa möjligheter att arbeta i byggbranschen. Den svenska marknaden behöver även i större utsträckning än i dag öppnas för utländska byggbolag. Dessa ska dock självfallet arbeta under svenska villkor och svenska kollektivavtal.

En modell med typgodkända hustyper eller certifierade entreprenörer skulle kunna snabba upp och förenkla plan- och byggprocessen och samtidigt leda till en industriell utveckling av prefabhus.

Som ett komplement till de större insatserna att få fram fler bostäder vill regeringen se över om statliga bolag kan ges större möjligheter att se till att det byggs nya bostäder. Akademiska Hus bygger i dag studentbostäder och bör vara en aktuell aktör. Specialfastigheter kan vara en annan sådan aktör. Syftet skulle vara att få fram fler bostäder åt studenter, ungdomar och övriga grupper som har svårt att etablera sig på bostadsmarknaden.

Vi behöver möjliggöra bostadsbyggande på statligt ägda fastigheter genom en modell för avyttring eller upplåtelse av statligt ägda fastigheter. Regeringen är också beredd att ta ytterligare steg för att se över hur lokal infrastruktur kan planeras och finansieras i syfte att skapa attraktiv bostadsmark genom effektiva transportlösningar.

3 Finansiering och ökad rörlighet

Regeringen har infört ett investeringsstöd för hyresrätter och ekonomisk stimulans till kommuner för ökat byggande. Regeringen vill se över behovet av att komplettera investeringsstödet med nya former av hyresgarantier. Samtidigt behöver kapitalförsörjningen till mindre aktörer ses över. Om behov finns är regeringen beredd att tillföra medel till SBAB för utlåning till allmännytta, byggföretag och kommuner för nybyggnation av både hyresrätter och bostadsrätter.

Det befintliga bostadsbeståndet behöver också användas mer effektivt. Regeringen vill inom ramen för dagens samlade beskattning av bostadssektorn se över skatternas utformning för att främja ökad rörlighet på bostadsmarknaden.

För att investeringarna och strukturreformerna ska vara möjliga i dagens svåra parlamentariska läge krävs samarbetsvilja och samförstånd. Vi är beredda att fortsätta utveckla bostadspolitiken tills byggtakten möter behoven på bostadsmarknaden. Utmaningarna måste antas tillsammans – i bred samverkan med näringsliv, fackförbund, civilsamhälle, forskare och politiker på alla nivåer.

Ett hållbart samhällsbygge kräver samarbete. Därför vill vi samla Sverige för att bygga ett starkare land tillsammans.











Commentary: Time for EU to grant China market economy status

by Xinhua writer Chen Jipeng

BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) — It is high time for European Union (EU) member states to grant full market economy status to China, the second largest trading partner of the 28-nation bloc.

The market economy status is relevant for Chinese exporters because it determines the way in which dumping is assessed in EU’s trade remedy cases against imports from China. With market economies, the assessment of dumping is based on a comparison of the export price and the domestic price of the product in question.

However, China’s non-market economy status is often cited so that the domestic price in China is not considered a suitable benchmark. The export price is compared with domestic price of a surrogate country.

In one of such cases, the United States was chosen as a surrogate country to assess the price levels of stainless steel from China. This is obviously unfair given the much higher labor cost in the United States and the tendency of the producers in the United States — who compete against Chinese companies — to inflate price estimates.

Fortunately, the legal basis for such an obviously unfair practice will no longer exist starting from Dec. 11 this year, under the provisions of the World Trade Organization accession protocol signed by China.

Commissioners from the EU’s 28 members will on Wednesday debate for the first time the issue of granting China full market economy status from December.

Legal experts are of the opinion that the European Union should grant China full market economy status, according to European media reports.

The non-market economy status of China, however, has often become a convenient weapon for trade protectionists. Some of the EU members have continued to be swaying over the issue to retain an unfair advantage.

Nevertheless, the undoubtedly protectionist practice is obviously out of time. Despite its existence, bilateral trade between China and the EU have been growing quickly. China is now the EU’s second largest trading partner and one of the biggest markets for the 28-member bloc. The idea of free trade and comparative advantage has been the driving force behind the phenomenal growth. Sticking to a weapon of protectionism would only increase frictions rather than help the gigantic bilateral trade.

It is known that China has built an efficient market economy to achieve remarkable growth over the decades and it is duly recognized by more than 80 countries, including Russia, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia.

A quick look at the list of the countries that the EU has recognized as market economy tells us that China deserves the market status, too.

It is advisable for some of the EU members to dump the idea of resolving to labelling one of their top trading partners as a non-market economy for a bit of protection. If history tells, it is much wiser to continue opening up and practise free trade.  Enditem


China financial system “largely stable”: forex regulator

BEIJING, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) — China’s financial system is “largely stable” and foreign exchange reserves are “relatively abundant”, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said Saturday.

The official remarks came after the Chinese yuan, under persistent depreciation pressure, dipped to a five-year low against the U.S. dollar this week.

The SAFE said in an online statement that it will further facilitate cross-border trade and investment, and continue to promote the yuan’s convertibility under the capital account in an orderly manner.

The administration will strengthen the monitoring of China’s balance of payments, and improve the management of foreign debt and cross-border capital flows.

The SAFE will also try to better operate and manage the country’s foreign exchange reserves.  Enditem


China’s textile industry starts to make overseas layout in line with B&R drive

BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) — China’s textile industry has entered a new development phase by making overseas layout, according to the National Textile Industry Transfer Work Conference held last Friday.

“The Belt and Road Initiative has provided an unprecedented opportunity for China’s textile industry,” said Xia Lingmin, vice president of the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), adding that China’s acceleration of overseas layout was the result of market option and efficiency priority.

“On the one hand, China’s textile enterprises have built processing bases overseas in a bid to reduce labor costs. On the other hand, some enterprises seek to establish multinational groups with global competitive edge by settling different links of the industrial chain in different countries,” explained Xia.

According to statistics released by the CNTAC, by the end of 2014, Chinese enterprises had set up over 2,600 textile manufacturing, trading and design enterprises in at least 100 countries and regions. In 2015, Chinese textile enterprises have accelerated its pace to “go out.”

China has been a big textile exporter for a long time. However, its textile industry has been dampened by the sluggish economic situation worldwide in recent years. Xia noted that “going out” was an important selection for the textile industry during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020).  Enditem


China’s economy likely to bottom up in 2016, economist

BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) — China’s economic growth is likely to touch the bottom and recover to 6.8 percent in 2016, said Li Daokui, director at of the Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE) at Tsinghua University.

Li said at the 26th quarterly forum of the CCWE that domestic consumption in China has started to recover in the second quarter of 2015 from around 10 percent to 11.2 percent. He expected the trend will continue in 2016 and help drive up overall China’s economy.

Li estimated China’s domestic consumption grew 10.7 percent in 2015 and the growth rate would reach 11 percent in 2016.

As China’s efforts to reduce production capacity and inventory gradually take effect, real estate investment is expected to bottom up. Moreover, stabilized commodity prices and recover in major world’s economies would help stable China’s export.

China’s fixed-assets investment may stand at 10 percent in 2016, taking predictions of investment in infrastructure, manufacturing industry and real estate into consideration, said Li.  Enditem



China financial system “largely stable”: forex regulator


BEIJING, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) — China’s financial system is “largely stable” and foreign exchange reserves are “relatively abundant”, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said Saturday.

The official remarks came after the Chinese yuan, under persistent depreciation pressure, dipped to a five-year low against the U.S. dollar this week.

The SAFE said in an online statement that it will further facilitate cross-border trade and investment, and continue to promote the yuan’s convertibility under the capital account in an orderly manner.

The administration will strengthen the monitoring of China’s balance of payments, and improve the management of foreign debt and cross-border capital flows.

The SAFE will also try to better operate and manage the country’s foreign exchange reserves.  Enditem





China’s textile industry starts to make overseas layout in line with B&R drive

BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) — China’s textile industry has entered a new development phase by making overseas layout, according to the National Textile Industry Transfer Work Conference held last Friday.

“The Belt and Road Initiative has provided an unprecedented opportunity for China’s textile industry,” said Xia Lingmin, vice president of the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), adding that China’s acceleration of overseas layout was the result of market option and efficiency priority.

“On the one hand, China’s textile enterprises have built processing bases overseas in a bid to reduce labor costs. On the other hand, some enterprises seek to establish multinational groups with global competitive edge by settling different links of the industrial chain in different countries,” explained Xia.

According to statistics released by the CNTAC, by the end of 2014, Chinese enterprises had set up over 2,600 textile manufacturing, trading and design enterprises in at least 100 countries and regions. In 2015, Chinese textile enterprises have accelerated its pace to “go out.”

China has been a big textile exporter for a long time. However, its textile industry has been dampened by the sluggish economic situation worldwide in recent years. Xia noted that “going out” was an important selection for the textile industry during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020).  Enditem


RMB rate to depend more on basket of currencies: PBOC economist

   BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) — The Chinese yuan’s exchange rate will be determined with more reference to a basket of currencies, as it faces persistent depreciation pressure against the U.S. dollar, according to a senior economist with the central bank on Monday.

“Giving more consideration to a basket of currencies means the RMB’s value will be kept basically stable against the whole basket,” said Ma Jun, chief economist of the People’s Bank of China’s research bureau.

“That will be the keynote of the yuan’s exchange rate formation mechanism in the foreseeable future,” he said.

China will guide the market to form a yuan/dollar rate, so as to help stabilize the yuan’s value against the currency basket, said Ma.

“The central bank will ask market makers to consider the yuan’s stability against the currency basket when reporting their central parity quotes to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System,” he said.

The yuan’s value will be increasingly stable against the currency basket, while the yuan/dollar rate will fluctuate wider in a two-way manner, rather than in a single direction, Ma predicted.

When investors understand the basket-based exchange rate formation mechanism, short selling of the yuan will decline, according to him.

“The yuan’s exchange rate is currently not pegged to the U.S. dollar nor is it allowed to float in an unchecked way,” he said.

“We will introduce a mechanism to properly limit daily yuan/dollar rate fluctuation,” said Ma.

Giving stronger consideration to a basket of currencies will not hurt the Chinese government’s autonomy in making monetary policies, he said, adding that the yuan’s rate will not be strictly pegged to the basket.

Ma’s remarks came after the Chinese yuan, under persistent depreciation pressure, dipped to a five-year low against the greenback last week.  Enditem



China to continue to have abundant labor force: official

BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) — China will have an abundant labor force for decades to come, though its overall quality needs to be improved, said a senior official with the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) on Monday.

Wang Pei’an, deputy head of the NHFPC, said at a press conference that in 2015, China had a labor force of one billion, which is expected to slip slightly to 958 million in 2030.

According to the official, the labor force is estimated at around 827 million for 2050.

Therefore, the challenge for the nation in the next few decades lies not in the size of the labor force but in its quality, said Wang.

Wang highlighted the nation’s need to allow all couples to have two children.

The new family planning law took effect on Jan. 1, ending the one-child policy that had been in place for decades.

He said the timing for the new policy is good, considering the trend of a declining labor force,  and rising demographic dependency ratio, which rose from 34.2 in 2010 to 36.2 in 2014, in addition to the population of child-bearing women, which has dropped from the peak of 380 million in 2011.  Enditem



Beijing to ease entry, residence policy for overseas talent

BEIJING, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) — The Ministry of Public Security (MPS)announced on Tuesday it will ease rules for foreign talents to enter and exit Beijing, and provide favorable terms to acquire permanent residence.

The MPS will run the pilot program in Beijing’s Zhongguancun Science Park to provide convenience for foreign talents such as special offices for permanent residence examination and approval, streamlined approval procedures and more favorable conditions for foreigners with doctorate degrees or above to get a Chinese green card.

The new regulations will also allow short-term internships in Beijing for foreign students and permit them to run their own start-ups in Zhongguancun.

Foreign tech and senior management talents are also encouraged to join China’s creative companies and file application to get permanent residence, the MPS said.

The MPS said it will help the Beijing municipal government launch a “Transit Without Visa” project for certain foreign nationals to stay in Beijing for no more than 144 hours without an entry visa.

The new regulations, scheduled to take effect on March 1, are aimed at promoting Beijing’s soft environment for innovation and start-ups, the MPS said.  Enditem