All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7

En frihet står på spel

Gemensam debattartikel i den 3 maj av Margot Wallström, Sveriges utrikesminister och Timo Soini, utrikesminister i Finland.

Margot Wallström och Timo Soini
Finlands utrikesminister Timo Soini och utrikesminister Margot Wallström.Foto: Regeringskansliet

Mediefriheten hotas alltmer inom EU, dess närområde och runt om i världen. Aktuella exempel därpå omfattar repressiv lagstiftning, våld mot journalister och spridning av statligt kontrollerad propaganda och desinformation. Åtgärder av detta slag innebär inte bara en begränsning av journalisternas arbete och ett hot mot deras liv. De begränsar även medborgarnas delaktighet i samhället, vilket underminerar själva grunden för demokratin.

I år då tryckfrihetsförordningen firar 250 år arbetar Sverige och Finland tillsammans i syfte att öka våra ansträngningar för att försvara yttrande- och pressfriheten inom och utanför Europa.

I Sverige och Finland tryggades pressfriheten för 250 år sedan, i och med att Sveriges riksdag antog den första tryckfrihetsförordningen i världen. Riksdagsledamot Anders Chydenius från Karleby, som idag ligger i Finland, var pådrivande i denna process. Förordningen innebar att censuren för tryckta skrifter avskaffades samt att allmänhetens rätt att få tillgång till allmänna handlingar och delta i politiska debatter tryggades. Utöver att skydda yttrandefriheten har tryckfrihetsförordningen på ett avgörande sätt bidragit till framväxten av våra moderna och nydanande nordiska samhällen.

Vi beklagar att de grundläggande fri- och rättigheterna i allt större utsträckning hotas runt om i världen samtidigt som tryckfrihetsförordningen nu firar 250 år. Demokratin och rättsstatsprincipen undermineras på många håll, samtidigt som man kränker de mänskliga rättigheterna och inte erkänner deras allmängiltighet. Centralt för dessa utmaningar är att medielandskapet är hotat. Repressiv lagstiftning riktas mot journalister och människorättsförsvarare. Vissa stater lägger allt större medel på spridning av ren propaganda och desinformation. Journalister trakasseras, hotas, förföljs och dödas. Gärningsmännen ställs alltför sällan inför rätta. I många fall kan rädslan för repressalier och trakasserier resultera i självcensur bland journalister och mediearbetare.

Denna utveckling gör det nödvändigt att öka ansträngningarna för att främja yttrande- och mediefrihet, bland annat genom främjande av mediekompetens och ökat stöd till fria och oberoende medier runt om i världen.

Många internationella organisationer och frivilligorganisationer har uttryckt oro över den försämrade mediemiljön. OSSE:s representant för mediefrihet, som är ett viktigt organ på området, har vid flera tillfällen uttryckt oro över situationen för mediefriheten i OSSE-området.

EU:s nyligen inrättade grupp för strategisk kommunikation har vid upprepade tillfällen avslöjat rysk propaganda och desinformation som inte enbart handlat om att snedvrida sanningen eller påverka den allmänna opinionen. Den förefaller även syfta till att underminera själva konceptet objektiv information, genom att framställa all information som antingen vinklad eller ett politiskt maktinstrument. Sådan propaganda och desinformation riskerar att underminera förtroendet för medier och institutioner samt främja utbredningen av nätforum som vidareförmedlar konspirationsteorier och halvsanningar riktade mot motståndare och journalister. Därigenom urholkas allmänhetens förtroende för de institutioner som utgör det demokratiska samhällets grundvalar. Därför samarbetar vi med våra grannar i Norden och Östersjöområdet för att utbilda journalister i undersökande journalistik och stödja fria och oberoende medier i områden som är särskilt utsatta för desinformation och propaganda.

Medielandskapet förändras snabbt, vilket skapar både möjligheter och utmaningar i fråga om yttrande- och mediefrihet. Många länder har redan gått över från traditionella tidningar och tv till digitala distributionskanaler. Internet och sociala medier ger människor möjlighet att använda sig av sin yttrande- och åsiktsfrihet samt rätt att få tillgång till information. Tack vare de tekniska framstegen och sociala medierna är vi alla potentiella “journalister” idag. I utövandet av rätten att uttrycka en åsikt går frihet och ansvar hand i hand.

Ny teknik kan skapa möjligheter för demokratisk utveckling. Samtidigt kan teknik användas för att sprida propaganda och desinformation. I detta sammanhang är kritiskt tänkande och källkritik av avgörande betydelse. Medierna spelar en nyckelroll när det handlar om att koppla samman information, så att medborgarna själva kan avgöra vad som är sant respektive osant.

De nordiska länderna är ingalunda fredade mot yttrandefrihetshot. Hatpropagandan och radikaliseringen, särskilt på nätet, utgör ett ständigt växande problem även i våra samhällen.

Terroristorganisationer som Daesh använder sig i sociala medier av bilder på extremt våld för att påverka den allmänna opinionen och provocera våra samhällen i syfte att skapa ökad radikalisering och rekrytering. Det vanliga bruket att publicera foton och videor på extremt våld och avrättningar i sociala medier skapar rädsla och ökar polariseringen inom våra samhällen, vilket ger ytterligare näring åt extremisternas sak.

250-årsjubileet för tryckfrihetsförordningen i Sverige och Finland påminner oss om den långa väg vi har vandrat för att främja yttrandefriheten. Utvecklingen i världen i stort visar emellertid tydligt att det inte är läge att stanna upp nu. Sveriges och Finlands regeringar har åtagit sig att, tillsammans med företrädare för media och det civila samhället, arbeta än hårdare för att främja yttrandefriheten i världen.

Margot Wallström
Utrikesminister, Sverige

Timo Soini
Utrikesminister, Finland

Celebration of 250th anniversary of free press in Sweden

Stockholm, Nov. 25(Greenpost)–Dec. 2 marks the 250th anniversary of free press in Sweden.

It’s 250 years since Sweden established the world’s strongest freedom of the press through a ground-breaking new fundamental law, the Freedom of the Press Act.

Freedom of the press, freedom of expression and opposition to censorship are of course well worth celebrating – and continuing to fight for today!

Human rights are unfortunately now being challenged more and more around the world. The democratic space for defenders of human rights, opinion-formers, journalists and bloggers is tending to shrink. It is incredibly important to stop this trend.

It is easy to be inspired by the founding figure, member of the Riksdag Anders Chydenius, who in 1766 championed this historic fundamental law in Sweden, which in fact predates both the United States Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution.

The Freedom of the Press Act was based on principles that were formulated during the Age of Enlightenment in 18th-century Europe. People have intrinsic rights, and the State has a responsibility and an obligation to defend those rights. The purpose of the Act was to strengthen the influence of citizens.

Chydenius sat on the parliamentary committee that prepared the legislative proposal, and his hard work eventually pushed a majority decision through, despite the nobility voting against.

Chydenius was a priest in Gamlakarleby (today called Kokkola), Österbotten, which is now part of Finland. He was an early advocate for free trade, and became famous when he criticised the then prevailing policy of high trade barriers. Some rich people in the big towns and cities became even richer, but life became more difficult for ordinary people, many of whom starved. This was a major problem in remote Österbotten. This is why he was sent to the Riksdag.

There, he argued in the same way for freedom of the press and openness in government administration as he did for free trade. Without these principles, a small power elite in Stockholm holds all the influence and wealth. The periphery will always be brushed aside as long as it does not receive information about what is going on in the corridors of power. State secretiveness benefits a small clique at the expense of the rest of the country.

What made the Freedom of the Press Act so fantastic for its time was the four principles that still today lay the foundation for Sweden’s strong freedom of expression.

  • State censorship was abolished. Previously, all written material required advanced permission prior to publication. It was often difficult to obtain permission if the text was not flattering towards those in power.
  • The principle of public access to official documents was created. The documents of the authorities would no longer be secret, but public. Previously, it was punishable to print and spread state documents. For a long time, even the parliamentary record had been classified as secret.
  • The main principle shifted from prohibited to permitted. Previously, it had been prohibited to print anything without prior special permission. Now, instead, almost everything was permissible until such times as it was prohibited. Every writer was allowed to print and spread their texts until such times as a court found a breach of the law in the publication. All state documents could be read and spread as long as they were not classified as secret.
  • Freedom of the press was guaranteed in a fundamental law. Ordinary laws set boundaries for citizens, but a fundamental law sets boundaries for the State. The State may not breach a fundamental law, even by enacting new legislation, as that legislation would be invalid.

Lars Johan Hierta, pioneer of a free press

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 25(Greenpost)–The statue of Swedish newspaper publisher Lars Johan Hierta watches over Riddarhustorget in Stockholm’s Old Town. 

Lars Johan Hierta founded the evening newspaper Aftonbladet − currently Sweden’s largest newspaper − as early as in1830.

Aftonbladet was not Sweden’s first newspaper but it is now one of the oldest daily newspapers in Sweden. Its predecessors were uncritical and indulgent of King Karl XIV Johan, who ruled with the help of the nobility. One of Hierta’s primary aims was to attack what was referred to as the ‘bedchamber rule’ of the King. This meant that the King had his favourites, who had special access to the royal bedchamber. The most favoured of all, Count Magnus Brahe, was one of Sweden’s most powerful men, despite not having any political position.Ahead of the first edition, he promised that the newspaper would “seek quick information about strange measures within the administration”. For Hierta, it was self-evident that the newspaper would be independent.

This, of course, bothered Lars Johan Hierta, who through his newspaper was fighting for freedom of expression, free trade (including lower import tariffs) and democratic development towards a two-chamber parliament of elected representatives.

Criticism from the ruling classes was devastating. During its first four years, Aftonbladetwas prosecuted five times.

As much as the newspaper was hated by the powers that be, it was loved and lauded in equal measure by the people. In particular, the section called ‘Kaleidoscope’, written in a light-hearted and satirical tone, met with great acclaim. This was the birth of the modern newspaper column. And Wendela Hebbe, Sweden’s first woman journalist to be employed full-time, began at Hierta’s newspaper.

The King eventually tried to close down the paper. But Hierta, who was both clever and prepared, had already issued new publishing authorisations to other publishers. He changed the paper’s name to The new Aftonbladet, The second…, The third… and so forth. When he sold Aftonbladet in 1851, he had changed the name twenty-six times.

So free speech survived, albeit under threat.

As we now celebrate the 250th anniversary of Sweden’s Freedom of the Press Act, regarded as the strongest in the world, we should all send a thought of gratitude to Lars Johan Hierta.

Source: Foreign Policy News

250th anniversary of free speech celebrated in Sweden

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 25(Greenpost)–Sweden, a small country located at the northernest corner of the world, was almost the first in the world that guaranteed the free speech and transparency 250 years ago.

Margot Wallström, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs issued 250 words on free speech as saying that free speech and transparency were guaranteed on 2 December 1766, when the Swedish Parliament passed the Freedom of the Press Act, the first legislation of its kind anywhere in the world.

This is an important landmark to celebrate-250 years of media freedom!

The ACT has served Sweden well. Free speech and transparency are prerequisites not only for democracy, but also for innovation, feeding ideas through critique, debate and scrutiny. Transparency is also an important tool in combating corruption.

However, as the 250th anniversary approaches, it is disturbing to see that the fundamental rights and freedoms it sets out to defend are increasingly under threat around the world. In many places, democracy and the rule of law are being underminded, human rights violated and their universal nature denied.

These developments call for redoubled efforts to promote freedom of expression, tansparency and media freedom, including promotion of media literacy and increased support to free and independent media around the world.

In the second half of 2016, the Swedish MFA is running a campaign in defence of freedom of expression where we hope to contribute to the global discussion on this important topic.

Please join us in this important conversation. Let the 250th anniversary become the starting point for a new era of freedom of expression, said Margot Wallström.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)--昨天看到一部电影的名字叫《我不是潘金莲》。心里突然想说,我不是潘金莲,我是谁?同时,又闪出另一部电影的名字《我不是杀人犯》。该片是在斯德哥尔摩国际电影节中放映过的。 可惜我没看。


同时我又想到另外两个名字,一个就是电影节期间的《凯渧说再见》Katty says Goodbye. 另一个是海明威的小说《永别了,武器》Farewell to Arms.  Farewell也是说再见的意思,但是是永远都不要见了。象津巴布韦总统穆加贝在津巴布韦被开除出英联邦时,他主动说,Farewell, 永别了。给人印象十分深刻。





《北欧绿色邮报网》以注重原创,注重稿件质量著称。本网稿件99%是原创。 主要是绿色新闻和华人的红色文化新闻。逐渐也引起华人的注意。渐渐的,华人朋友开始评头论足,有的人说,绿色邮报听起来没有欧洲时报名气大。






微信: chenxuefei7





2016年11月25日 | 没有评论

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2016年11月25日 | 没有评论


The 2016 Audience Award goes to I, Daniel Blake by Ken Loach

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 21,(Greenpost)–The 27th Stockholm International Film Festival ended on Sunday and the 2016 Stockholm Audience Award goes to I, Daniel Blake by British director Ken Loach. I, Daniel Blake also attracted the largest audience during the festival, according to a press release from the Festival Organizing committee.

Every year, the audience selects the winner of one of the festival’s most prestigious prizes. This year’s Audience Award goes to director Ken Loach for his film I, Daniel Blake. On a very close second and third place respectively came Manchester by the Sea by Kenneth Lonergan and Adult Life Skills by Rachel Tunnard.

The Stockholm Audience Award was established in 2009 and was awarded to Louie Psihoyos’ The Cove. Among previous winners are Steve McQueen’s12 Years a Slave and Xavier Dolan’s Mommy. The audience have cast their votes at the festival’s website and smartphone app during the festival period November 9-20.

– A big thank you to the audiences at the Stockholm International Film Festival. The warmth of the reception was very moving. It shows that we understand and share each others’ struggles – they make us smile as well as touch us deeply. Thanks again to the Festival and all who came to see the film, Ken Loach says in a statement.

I Daniel Blake by the two time Palme d’Or winner Ken Loach was also the most visited screening – over 1100 people saw his depiction about the dismantling of the British welfare system.

The most watched films during the festival were:

  1. Jag Daniel Blake by Ken Loach
  2. Your Name by Mankoto Shinkai
  3. Manchester by the Sea by Kenneth Lonergan
  4. Arrival by Denis Villeneuve
  5. Nocturnal Animals by Tom Ford

Stockholm Impact Award goes to Wayne Roberts

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 21(Greenpost)–Ms Karin Wanngård, Mayor of Stockholm, has announced that Wayne Roberts, director of Katie Says Goodbye, as winner of Stockholm Impact Award.

During the Stockholm International Film Festival Award Ceremony, Roberts received the prize designed by Ai Weiwei and was given 1 million SEK in support to upcoming film projects.

The jury including the directors Sofia Exarchou (Park), Alankrita Shrivastava (Lipstick Under My Burkha) and Mohammed Hammad (Withered Green) – all of them with films of their own in the festival program – has announced Wayne Roberts as winner of the film award Stockholm Impact Award.

Motivation: Katie Says Goodbye is a sensitive, layered and complex, coming of age story of a young American girl.  The film displays a clearly female sensitive gaze, without sensationalizing Katie’s heart breaking story. It shows us the complexity of human nature and people and relationships, be they women or men, without judgment. The cinematic style of the film is fresh and subtle, and the performance of Olivia Cooke as Katie is compelling.   It leaves you experiencing the innocence, the darkness, the vulnerability and the strength of the lovable Katie. It is a startlingly brave portrayal of  a young woman. Through its sensitive handling of the politics of what it means for a woman to have agency over her own body, it challenges age old stereotypes of women.

– I am very glad that Stockholm and Stockholm Film Festival for the second year hands out Stockholm Impact Award. The purpose of the prize is to highlight film that reflects our society and film that does not shy away from sensitive topics. Film has the ability to reflect our modern society, and films like this one are contributions in the shaping and development of our society, says Karin Wanngård (s), Mayor of Stockholm.

Wayne Roberts received the film award designed by Ai Weiwei during the Stockholm Film Festival Award Ceremony on Friday 18th of November.

The section Stockholm Impact Award is a collaboration between the Stockholm International Film Festival and the City of Stockholm with the purpose to highlight the possibility of film to create change and debate through the depiction of contemporary subjects. The prize amount of 1 million SEK will help the winner in the development of new film projects.

Nominated for Stockholm Impact Award:

500M800M by Yao Tian (Hong Kong, China),

The Citizen by Roland Vranik (Hungary),

The Dark Wind by Hussein Hassan (Iraq, Germany, Qatar),

The Fixer by Adrian Sitaru (Romania, France),

Katie Says Goodbye by Wayne Roberts (USA, France),

Play the Devil by Maria Govan (Trinidad& Tobago, Bahamas, USA).

 The purpose of the prize is to highlight the possibility of film to create change and debate through the depiction of contemporary subjects. The prize amount of 1 million SEK will help the winner in the development of new film projects. The winner will also receive an award designed by the acclaimed artist and filmmaker Ai Weiwei.

– I am very glad that Stockholm and Stockholm Film Festival for the second year hands out Stockholm Impact Award. The prize strengthens Stockholm as an attractive film city. My clear ambition is that more filmmakers use Stockholm as their film location. That creates jobs, provides income to the city and business and markets Stockholm’s place in the world, said Karin Wanngård (s), Mayor of Stockholm earlier.

Stockholm International Film Festival and The City of Stockholm instituted the prize Stockholm Impact Award last year and 2015’s winner was the Indian director Leena Yadav for her film Parched.

Stockholm International Film Festival also arranged an Impact Seminar where the Politics of Storytelling was debated. People have discuss how, by highlighting issues such as class, religion, civil rights, freedom of speech, immigration and war crime, a film impacts the society it portrays.











img_1997王楠福(音译)的《Hooligan Sparrow》获最佳纪录片奖。


img_1992王楠福的《Hooligan Sparrow》讲述的是海南省有六个学生被老师绑架,施暴,当局企图平静该事件。王楠福冒着个人的危险揭露当地政府的腐败,激发人们的讨论和思考。影片批判妇联没有发挥好维护妇女权利的作用。


最佳首部电影获得者是《沙尘暴》(Sand Storm).最佳电影艺术奖《狗们》。

最佳女演员是保加利亚电影《无神》的女演员伊万诺娃(Irena Ivannova)。






FIPRESCI best film: American Honey by Andrea Arnold,《美国宝贝》获得FIPRESCI最佳电影。

Stockholm Lifetime Achievement Award: Francis Ford Coppola


Stockholm Visionary Award: François Ozon 斯德哥尔摩远见奖颁给了Ozon.







James Newton Howard visits Stockholm International Film Festival

Film score composer James Newton Howard will hold a Master Class on November 18 during the Stockholm Industry Days.

电影作曲家詹姆斯. 牛顿. 霍华德11月18日给研究生讲课。

Howard, one of Hollywood’s most versatile film music composers, has been scoring films for over 30 years, producing music for over 120 movies and several tv series. He has scored some of the most legendary films in history, including ‘Pretty Woman’, ‘The Sixth Sense’ and ‘King Kong’. He collaborated with Hans Zimmer on the Grammy-winning score for ‘The Dark Knight’ and composed all scores for ‘The Hunger Games’-series, which included a chart-topping single featuring Jennifer Lawrence. Howard has won an Emmy Award, been nominated for a Golden Globe and for an Academy Award a whopping eight times.


This year he was the recipient of the BMI Lifetime Achievement Award. He is currently composing music for ‘Fantastic Beasts and where to find them’, the highly- anticipated spin-off to the ‘Harry Potter’-series.





dsc_5159 中国驻瑞典使馆教育处窦春祥参赞在致词中说,当前,中瑞教育合作稳步发展,两国高校往来日益频繁,中国在瑞留学生人数保持较大幅度增长,已成为欧盟之后瑞典最大的国际学生来源国。



















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2016远程培训报名人数来自46所华校共122位老师。截至目前,远程项目共开课27个国家, 1050所华校参与。

文/陈雪霏, 图/吴明拍摄