Tag Archives: 文化信息


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 8月29日到9月3日重要文化信息一览:


斯德哥尔摩艺穗节(Stockholm Fringe Festival) 于8月29日开幕,9月2日闭幕。https://stockholmfringe.com/


#STOFF2023 offers over 120 events created by over 60 acts involving 159 creatives from over 20 countries 

The FRINGE is a multidisciplinary smörgåsboard of live events in traditional and unconventional settings. #STOFF2023 will be presented across the city and region of Stockholm, with over 17 venues hosting local and global talent! On the menu: Dance / Installations/ Music / Performance / Site-Specific / Spoken-Word / Stand-Up / Theatre