Tag Archives: 瑞典电视台,瑞典天津人联合会

瑞典天津人联合会抗议书要求瑞典电视台真诚道歉(Swedish Tianjin People Federation demands formal apology from SVT)



瑞典电视台SVT在《瑞典新闻》栏目中,9月21日播出辱华视频,极大伤害了瑞典华人和13亿中国人民的情感,进而,瑞典电视台节目负责人赫尔(Thomas Hall)和主持人罗恩达尔(Jesper Rönndahl)通过媒体分别在9月26日和9月28日对辱华视频事件进行了避重就轻、毫无诚意的“道歉”。并且,使用中国地图缺少台湾省及西藏部分地区的行为,严重侵犯了中国主权和领土完整。对此,瑞典天津人向瑞典电视台提出强烈抗议。




A letter of protest
Swedish TV station SVT in the "Swedish News" column, broadcasted a video of insults on September 21, which greatly hurt the feelings of Swedish Chinese and 1.3 billion Chinese people, and then, the head of Swedish TV program Thomas Hall and host Jesper Rönndahl passed the media on September 26th and September 28th to evade the humiliation and insincere apologies they did. Moreover, the use of a Chinese map lacks the Taiwan Province and parts of Tibet Autonomous Region, which seriously violates China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In this regard, the Tianjin people in Sweden made a strong protest to the Swedish TV station.

We hope that the Swedish TV station will formally apologize to the Chinese people and the Swedish Chinese for their insulting incidents and the smearing of the Chinese image, especially the violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. 
Swedish Tianjin People Federation 2018/10/03