Category Archives: Indepth

Utländska journalister Besök Xinjiang-serien (14) – Xinjiang Grand Theatre och Kanas Theatre

STOCKHOLM, 30 oktober (Greenpost) – Den 26 augusti och 27 blev utländska journalister inbjudna att titta på professionella föreställningar i Xinjiang Grand Theatre och Kanas Theatre för att visa Xinjiangs kultur och folklore.

Någon som är intresserad av historien har en fascination med västra regionen. “I den stora öknen kan man se solen som ligger mycket runt vattenflödet.” “Du borde inte skratta åt dem som blev berusade och föll i slagfältet. Tänk på det, hur många som kämpade i slagfältet hade kommit tillbaka? ” Den blåsa sanden, den gula sanden har täckt den gamla sidenvägen, men det kan inte dölja drömmen om att gå tillbaka till västra regionen under de senaste tusen åren längs silkesvägen.

Xinjiang Grand Theatre har hållit det stora dramatret Impression of Western Region som var ett av byggprojekten på den internationella kulturturism industriparken. Den totala investeringen var 1,76 miljarder yuan med en yta på 280 mu och en total byggyta på 100 tusen kvadratmeter. Det har listats som ett viktigt projekt under den 12: e femårsplanperioden av Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Xinjiang Grand Theatre har tagit sånger och danser i västra regionen som kärna, mot den strategiska positioneringen av Kina, Västeuropa och resten av världen. Den integrerar olika inhemska och internationella fördelaktiga kulturresurser och utforskar djärvt det nya sättet att driva och hantera den kinesiska teatern. Det högst upptagna konstpalatset har blivit det framträdande skedet av enastående konstnärer från hela världen.

Inredningsstilen för Xinjiang Grand Theatre kombinerar en mängd olika kulturer, med hjälp av rumsliga symboler i den historiska ramen inklusive Indiens Mughal-dynasti, Irans persiska imperium, Turkiets ottomanska imperium och Allawi-dynastin i Marocko. Bland dem koncentrerar sig träskärningstekniken, metallbronskonsten, snigelinsättningen, målningsprocessen, etc., på uttrycksteknikerna i den västerländska arkitekturhistorien.

På den 33 meter höga kupolhallen har dussintals noggranna målningar blivit handmålade i flera månader, vilket symboliserar väckelsen av Silkvägs vackra arkitektoniska kultur och folket omges av vackra och bländande kulturella element och övertygad av det unika hantverket.

Xinjiang Grand Theatre är för närvarande den högsta kupolstilbyggnaden i Kina. Teatern på 30 000 kvadratmeter rymmer 2 100 personer för att titta på föreställningar; Den 27 meter långa centralstationen och det 86 meter breda prestandaområdet är de största inomhusföreställningsstegen i Asien. Det finns 36 tredimensionella riktiga scener installerade i teatern. Arrangemanget är utrustad med världsledande tekniker specialdesign laser, digital vattenridå, kallt dimma vattenfall, fyrverkerier, fontäner och andra stora mekaniska scenutrustning samt multi-kanals ljudsystem och prestanda integrerat styrsystem är i allmänhet jämförbar med Operahuset i Sydney. Även inredningen av toaletten är så magnifik. Det är inte längre tillräckligt att ta bilder. Om du inte tittar på den lilla videon är det svårt att känna lyxen på Xinjiang Grand Theatre. Den är full av chock och charm. Föreställningen är cirka 130 minuter lång och är uppdelad i sex kapitel, nämligen “Big Love”, “Jade Soul”, “Dream Back to Loulan”, “Life”, “Love”, “Love of the Grassland”. ”

Under den rika nationella färgåtergivningen och den magnifika fantasinscen, isbergets fader på den mystiska sidenvägen, historien om den nationella enheten, glädjen och freden och skapandet av ett vackert hem i byggandet av den moderna civilisationen av Yaochi, och historien och kulturen i den antika västerländska musiken och dansen, Silk Road, Xinjiangs olika nationella sång- och dansstilar är organiskt integrerade för att bilda en unik och innovativ rymdutställning. “Vi skapade partiet” Återvänd till västra regionen för tusen gånger “kring det historiska och kulturella sammanhanget av Silk Road, berättar historien om en gammal mystisk Silke Road och återkommer den. De är scenerna för människor från alla etniska grupper i Xinjiang lever i harmoni på detta stora land.

Festen bestod av sex kapitel inklusive “Isbergs Fader” och “Himmelsk Skapelse”. Mer än 360 skådespelare från Georgien, Ryssland, Frankrike, Ukraina och andra länder i Guangdong, Shenzhen och Henan deltog i föreställningen. Zhou Qunsheng, regissören för “Återvänd till västra regionen för tusen gånger”, introducerade att partiet har ordentligt arrangerats i två år. För närvarande är alla aspekter av arbetet redo. Repertoaren är i nedräkningsövningen. Skådespelarna skulpterar och koncentrerar sig på musik och dans. Inomhus storskalig verklig nationell sång och dansshow, som kombinerar Silkes väg och historia med sånger och danser från olika etniska grupper i Xinjiang, har blivit ett världsklassmärke av Xinjiang sång och dans.

Kanas Theatre.

Kanas dansen om jordbruk.

Kärlek i Kanas.

Vacket klänning och scenen.

Bra spel.

These are mongolian dance and music. The costumes are also mongolian.

Beautiful clothes.

On the night of Kanas, hot air balloons are almost every night blown in front of the Grand Theatre. But it doesn’t fly to the sky, it’s just a sailing show, but it’s a real show!

Night scene of Kanas Theatre.

Night life of Kanas.

Beautiful silk jade!

Various stone souvenir!

Xinjiang poplars tree carving art!

Time is treasure, this is a fossil tree!

An unforgetable evening!

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (7) – National unity family, big party lunch with three ethnic groups

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 17(GreenPost)  — On August 26th, over 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Urumqi Qidaowan District Management Committee‘s Emerging Community National Unity Courtyard to participate in the national unity family activities.

The reporters interviewed the community head and people of various ethnic groups, visited the community and ethnic families, and had lunch with the people of all ethnic groups. They witnessed the laughter and customs of the people in the national compound and tasted the delicious food with ethnic characteristics in Xinjiang.

When we got off the bus, the reporter saw the lanterns here, and there were several large tables on the street in the yard. People from all walks of life sat together. The table is full of food, hand-picked rice, fried noodles, watermelon, Honung, grapes and other foods. The watermelon here is really big and sweet.

The tour guide said that there was a true story of Adi Aisha. Adi Aisha was a worker at the Urumqi Chemical Plant, mainly engaged in the transportation of raw materials for the manufacturing of sulfuric acid. No matter it was windy or rainy, rain or snow, all the year round, he was uninterrupted, and the task was overfulfilled every month. He had been appraised as a model worker in the factory many times, and he had become an example for young people in the chemical plant at that time. Before his death, he donated his lifelong savings of 1,000 yuan (estimated to the current 120 US dollars) to the factory to reward good comrades who are active in work and national unity. Adi Aisha was not just an ordinary person, but carrying a kind of spirit. Over the past 32 years since his death, he has become a spiritual symbol for carrying forward the purpose of national unity. He made the “Adi Aisha” national unity flower blossom in Shuimogou area and passed on from generation to generation. This was also the best example set by an old party member to establish a national unity family.

In order to commemorate Adi Aisha, people have erected his statue here.

According to the member of the CPPCC National Committee and the first secretary, Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi, the community was established in the 1980s. Inhabited by three ethnic groups, the Uygur, the Han and the Hui, the party organizations play an important role here, and closely unite the various nationalities. They take the local party organization as the core, engage in various activities or learning, and promote the unity of everyone. They also set up cooperatives. At the cooperative, everyone weave handicrafts together. Through activities, people are closely united. Another important part is the National Unity Courtyard. “We must pass on the spirit of Adi Aisha,” said Tiemuer Niyazi.

Why is this unity particularly important? Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi said that Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic area, and the unity of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang is our lifeline. From the history to the present, all ethnic groups must live together and make progress together. Without national unity, there will be no stability in Xinjiang, and national unity is what we must do. Without national unity, there is no harmonious society in Xinjiang. All ethnic groups are equal, living together and united together. It doesn’t mean that Xinjiang was not united before, we have always been united. The July.5 incident in 2009 was such an event that the “three forces” outside the country incited to undermine our unity and peace. This incident was the one that the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang were opposed to.

On August 26th, it was the last day of the National Festival “Kurban festival” in Xinjiang. The folks in the community seemed to be born musical, singing and dancing, old and young, they were all very  happy to celebrate the festival this way.

Not only do they sing traditional songs,  children also dance modern tap dancing.

Mier Guli. Anne sang a beautiful “Singing a Song to the Party”. This song has been sung for decades, and now it is still so beautiful, especially the singing of Mier Guli, very moving.

“Hulunbeier Prairie”, a Mongolian song makes more people feel endless joy, harmony and peace. Singing can convey strong feelings and love. This was the life of the Xinjiang people. They are as free and secure as they can. What the reporter feels here is to uphold the leadership of the party. At the same time, the party members go deep into the grassroots and the masses. The party members  and masses are all very happy. Especially for the elderly, when reporters interviewed them, they all said that life is very happy now. In their later years, they were well cared for by the party and the government.

The lunch food is from every family that brings a dish to eat here. It may also be that everyone can bring a program if possible. In short, this kind of cultural activity in the open-air plaza of the community is actually what has been going on in China since the liberation. It is a cultural entertainment that many people like because it is affordable. You don’t need to go to the theater to experience the culture. As one style of culture activity, this cultural atmosphere is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In fact, in order to strengthen national unity, in recent years, Xinjiang has formulated and implemented a series of new policies to promote national unity. One of them is the policy of national unity and family. For example, regional units have recently sent people to the farmers and herdsmen’s homes in southern Xinjiang to give gifts, such as giving children’s toys, showers, tables and chairs, etc., to visit there five or six times a year. To enhance mutual understanding, just as the eastern region helps the western region, the provincial capitals want to help brothers and sisters in other regions. This kind of participation, communication and exchange is a form of democracy, nationality, and for people’s livelihood. It embodies mutual help, but not mutual dismantling.

Tasting Xinjiang’s hand-picked rice, Hamimelon and large watermelon, you can feel the sunshine here is sweet, the fruit is sweet, and the people live happily.

This interview was a field interview conducted by the Chinese and foreign media organized by the State Council Information Office into the core area of ​​the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt.

It is understood that Xinjiang covers an area of ​​more than 1.66 million square kilometers, with four of Sweden’s land area. The total population living in this area is 22 million, which is equivalent to the total population of two Sweden. There are 56 ethnic groups living in the vast land of Xinjiang. Among them, there are 13 ethnic groups living here for generations. They are Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Xibo, Manchurian, Tajik, Uzbek, Daur, Tatar and Russian.

Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic area and a region of cultural resources. Xinjiang is known as the Western Region. It is a long corridor of ethnic migration and history. It is a holy place for multicultural exchanges, an integral part of Chinese culture, and an all-night place for the ancient Silk Road. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty unified the Western Region and established the Western Regions, which marked the official entry of the Xinjiang region into the Chinese territory. In 1884, the central government established the province in Xinjiang, and took the meaning of newly recovered homeland. Xinjiang officially replaced the ancient name of “Western Region”. For thousands of years, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have worked together on this land to create a splendid civilization. Historical and cultural sites, cultural relics reflect the cultural characteristics of different ethnic groups  and witnessed  the development of Xinjiang’s history and the changes of various national cultures. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodoxism, Taoism and many other religions coexist here. Eastern and Western cultures blend here. The four ancient civilizations converge here. The Chinese national master, Ji Xianlin, said that in the world’s long history and far-reaching influence, there are only four cultural systems: ancient Greece, China, India, and Islam. There is no fifth, and the place where these four cultures meet is only in Xinjiang in China. There is no second. Therefore, Xinjiang is a unique place in the world.

Xinjiang has 18 national first-class ports, not only relying on China’s domestic large market with a population of 1.3 billion, but also facing the large channel of material circulation, personnel exchanges and cultural integration that also has 1.3 billion Central and South-West Asian markets. Xinjiang is the core area of ​​the “Silk Road” economic belt. Through the China-European freight train, it is expected to become a transportation hub connecting Central and South-West Asia and even Europe. The future will play a more important role and continue to write a new era of Silk Road civilization. The foreign media participating in this interview include NHK from Japan,Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency of Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates of Bangladesh, NET TV of Indonesia India, the mainstream media of India and Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan media. They are journalists from countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and come to explore the mysteries of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Photo /text    Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series  (5) Urumqi International Grand Bazaar

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25(Greenpost) – On the evening of the 24th of August, the reporter visited the Grand Bazaar with a friend to see how the night scene of the Grand Bazaar looks. The Grand Bazaar is located in the center of Urumqi. The prominent tower was very beautiful during the night with the beautiful light. Going inside, it’s so lively, it’s already so full. People from all over the city or country  come here to have a Xinjiang snacks type of dinner. In other words, typical local food.

It was really  very crowded. It happened to be Curban Festival. And people are gathering here to enjoy the Grand Bazar Atmosphere. I think it was too busy and suggest more such Barzar should be built!

The next day on Aug. 25, during day time, a sunny afternoon, over 30 Chinese and foreign journalists came here again. There was a Ugyor dance on stage performing and it was still very crowded.

Wushiku.Yunus,executive general manager of Xinjiang International Grand Barzar Culture and Tourism Industry Co. Ltd told journalists that now it is the most prosperous time since its establishment in 2003. Everyday, there are 100 thousand tourists visiting here. Sometimes, it can reach 150 to 200 thousand tourist.  Currently there are 3300 sellors providing jobs for 10 thousand people. Both the economic and social efficiency have been achieved, said Wushiku.Yunus.

Journalists went through the stands of the sellors which are such a beautiful scene. They are selling instruments, Chinese medicine herbs, silk and almost everything. Some products are produced in China and some are imported. It looks as if an international fair.

The Bazar was completed on June 26, 2003, with a total construction area of 100 thousand square meters and an area of 40 thousand square meters. It is a landmark construction conglomeration with important cultural characteristics.

Its rich tourism and cultural industry ranges from singing and dancing city, food city, ethnic group arts crafts city, silk road castle construction and all kinds of folklore customs and cultures, forming the beautiful capital. It enjoys the fame that one can see the whole Xinjiang’s history, humanistic and cultural, commercial and trade industrial park through just this one city. It is also called the meeting room for Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital.

This young Uygor whose name is Zikereya  began to sell musical instrument right after he graduated from middle school. He is 23  years old and has been a seller for six years. He loves playing this hand drum and he likes to work here because he can meet people from all over China. He works together with his brother in law. He said his could earn 20 thousand yuan per year.

This is actually an animation.

This man loves to play so much, so he plays for the tourists while his friend is selling the instruments.

Aimaierjiang.Tuohuti said he began to open his business here since 2003 when the Barzar first opened. Now it is more beautiful than ever, more and more tourists come here now thanks to the construction of the Grand Bazar built by Xinjiang government. Their income also increases along with the increase of the number of tourists. He is very satisfied with the work and life and he is very happy. There were violence before, it was not very good. Some people were brainwashed. This is what the Xinjiang people don’t like. He said the felt the life now is very good and very safe and stable. People can happily live and work.

This is on the sixth floor and a cafée with obvious Xinjiang Ugyor’s characteristics.

Maimaiti has been working here since 2004. He has two children and one is reading for master degree. The other is singing and dancing. He is one of the best sellers in the Bazar.

“The environment here is very good, the leaders are good and the business is very good because more and more tourists come here after the renovation of the walking street. ”

He said his business is getting better and better. With the development of tourism, there are more and more tourists here and his income also increased. He thinks Xinjiang is a good place with many different ethnic groups living together.

This young man is called Jiawulan. He said he used to work in Beijing. Later he found copper ware from an expo produced in Iran which is also similar to Beijing’s cloisonne.  He felt he could sell it in Xinjiang. So he came back to Xinjiang and rent a place in the Grand Bazar to do business. He also said his goods are all produced along the silk road countries.

Grand Bazar is like a big family hosting many different ethnic groups including Han Chinese, Ugyors and Khazaks living together in the same area. They are enjoying a new round of increasing income as the government has proposed the policy of strengthening tourism industry.  Xinjiang Ugyor Autonomous Region has prioritized tourism and hopes to utilize the local resources and increase the local people’s income. Grand Bazar is a good example.

This has been the first day when the over 30 Chinese and foreign journalists visited Xinjiang. Please stay tuned for Greenpost’s report.

Photo and text, Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (2) – Besök Xinjiang Software Park

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 25 augusti (Greenpost) – En grupp av 21 kinesiska och 14 utländska journalister besökte Xinjiang Software Park den 25 augusti efter att de hade besökt Urumqis Kina Järnväg Express anpassningscentret. Syftet av besöket är en del av reportage om Xinjiang som kärnområde av siden väg ekonomiska bältet som länkar kina och Asien och europa.

Med totalt 410 tusen kvadratmeter byggnad, och ett område på 14 hektar, har Xinjiang Software Park godkänts som en provinsnivåpark. Xinjiang har försökt sitt bästa för att göra parken till ett högt mark inom mjukvaru- och informationsindustrins koncentration, uppstart, innovation och utveckling.

Xinjiang Software Park insisterar på att “odla och utveckla software tjänsten som sitt uppdrag”, vilket ger full uppmärksamhet åt de unika fördelarna med Xinjiangs läge, språk, talanger och kultur och integrerar de industriella fördelarna med Xinjiang. Under ledning av den autonoma regionen och Urumqis partiutskott och regering, kommer software parken att ligga till grund för FoU, produktion och industrialisering av outsourcing av programvara och informationstjänstindustrin, och för att föra full uppspelning av den industriella agglomerationseffekten och fördelar med skalan. Parken använder cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet och Beidou-navigering som de fyra ledande industrier att odla och sträva efter att bygga “Xinjiang” som en software- och informationsservice industripark med Xinjiang-funktioner, förstklassigt i västra område och avancerat Kina .

Två av de mest imponerande sakerna här är 2025-programmet som President Xi Jinping föreslog att Kina skulle flytta från en stor teknologisk nation till en teknologisk kraft. Under ledning av sådana strategiska mål utvecklar alla delar av landet aktivt olika avancerade teknologier som smart teknologi, stora data och cloud computing.

Den andra är språkcentret här. Människor kan välja sitt eget språk med ett tryck på en knapp. Det finns Uyghur-språk, kinesiska, franska, engelska och många andra språk. Varje inmatning eller röst kan översättas. På så sätt kan man fördjupa förståelsen och undvika missförstånd. Språkkunskaper är mycket viktiga i Xinjiang där det finns flera etniska grupper som bor och arbetar där.

Självklart finns det också en smart teknik som imponerar reportern, det vill säga användningen av droner i vården. Om det finns en patient i ett samhälle kan dronen känna av det med fjärranalys och sedan rädda patienten så snart som möjligt.

Viktigt informationsområde för “Fem Centers” på Siden Vägen  Ekonomiska Bältet

Xinjiang Software Park har lockat mer än 200 företag i parken, inklusive mer än 30 företag över utsetts storlek, inklusive Xinjiang Broadcasting och Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information och Puhui Information. Den industriella klustringseffekten börjar dyka upp. I framtiden kommer parken att etablera Beidou-serien av industriella demonstrationsbaser, såsom demonstrationsbasen för navigeringsapplikation, demonstrationsbasen för kultur och teknikintegreringsindustrin, Smart City och Smart Community Demonstration Base, och Dells Internet Application Demonstration Base.

Det kommer att bli förstklassig software park och informationstjänstindustrin högland i västra region. Samtidigt kommer parken aktivt organisera företag att gå ut genom att organisera utställningar och offentliga kampanjer och stärka utbytet och samarbetet mellan företagen genom organisationen av toppmötet och tekniska utbytesmöten och främja uppgraderingen och omvandlingen av hela industrin .


Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqi, huvudstaden i regionen. De utestående talangerna i Xinjiang samlas här. Samtidigt byggs träningsbasen med en yta på 12.000 kvadratmeter i parken. Det passerar genom Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance och Ekonomi, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University och andra länders välkända universitet, såväl som välkända företag i hemlandet och utomlands, som Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., att bygga tillsammans en träningsbas för parken, bygga ett begåvat högland och använda resurserna i högutbildning Park i utvecklingszonen för att bygga ett högland för IT-talenter i västra regionen.

Politiskt stöd på flera nivåer

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i den nationella utvecklingszonen. Det är den enda autonoma programvaruparken i regionen på Xinjiang, som är gemensamt inrättad av den autonoma regionens ekonomiska och informationskommitté och utvecklingszonen (Toutunhe-distriktet). Företagen i parken kan njuta av den nationella, autonoma regionen och Urumqi-stadsnivån och till och med utvecklingsområdet (Toutunhe District) relevant politik. De kan också njuta av vissa preferenspolitiker i Software Park, Technology Business Incubator och Liuchuang Park för de studenter som kom tillbaka från utlanderna  börgar deras startup företagen. 

Bekvämt transport

Xinjiang Software Park ligger intill Wukui Expressway i väst, Suzhou Road i norr, och bara 10 minuters bilresa från Urumqi International Airport i norr. Det ligger 2,5 kilometer från höghastighetstågets transportcentrum i öster. Det har höghastighetståg, linjetrafik, långdistansbuss och järnvägstransitering. Omfattande transporter som stadsbuss och bekvämt transport. 5 km från stadens centrum tar 15 minuter. Ett antal busslinjer passerar genom parken.

Perfekt affärspaket

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqis nya centrum, nära Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone och Urumqi Logistics Hub. Det ligger i kärnområdet av höghastighetståg och Bainiao(Hundra fåglar) Lake New District. Det stöds av 246 tunnland cloud computing industripark och står inför 2,5 kvadratkilometer service outsourcing bas. Intill Wanda, Baoneng avancerade kommersiella komplex, kommer parken att utvecklas harmoniskt med Urumqi västerut nya stadsområde, centrum av den framtida staden.

Intelligent parkförvaltning Parken har kompletta stödmöjligheter, utrustade med dual-loop strömförsörjning, höghastighetsnät och full täckning av WIFI. Det använder cloud computing och Internet of Things teknik för att anta intelligent hantering av kortet. Det har 5A landmärke kontorsbyggnader, affärshotell, expert lägenheter och avancerade affärsmöten. Centret, finanscentret, presentationscentret, 5D-biografen, den västerländska restaurangen, fitnesscentret och andra faciliteter kan förbättra företagets externa image och förbättra kontorets effektivitet.


Xinjiang Software Park sitter på en ekologisk park på 350 000 kvadratmeter stor grön dal, intill det planerade ekologiska bostadsområdet och är omgiven av rika pedagogiska resurser som grundskolor och gymnasieskolor och daghem.

Avancerat tekniskt plattformsstöd

Xinjiang Software Park har blivit en nationell plattform för teknik inkubatorer och nationella programvaror public service plattformar. Den använder den mest avancerade cloud computing-tekniken för att ge företagen en rad professionella tjänster som inkubation, mjukvaruutveckling, testning, applikation och släpp.

One-stop, diverse professionella tjänster

Xinjiang Software Park följer konceptet att skapa värde för företagen. Parken har en one-stop servicehall och förmedlingshallen och har ett professionellt serviceteam för att tillhandahålla engångstjänster som projektdeklaration, patentansökan, projektfinansiering, beskattning och juridiskt samråd. Samtidigt åtar sig parken aktivt programvaran och tjänsten outsourcing verksamhet i den autonoma regionen och även Central- och västra Asien, men prioriterar parkföretagen. Genom att bygga en resursdelningsplattform uppmuntras företagen i parken att genomföra affärskontrakt, och offentliga upphandlingsprojekt ges företrädesrätt till parkföretag.

Xinjiang har 1.66 million kvarkilometer och 21 million folk med rika resurer  i rytum, råvaru och energi. Det är kommunikation centrum mellan kina inland och Asien och Europa.  En bra framtid väntar.

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (1) -Kina-Europe Express Länkar Dig och Mig

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 19. Okt(Greenpost) — Tro det eller inte, det är mycket troligt att en flaska tomatketchep på bordet av en Neapel-familj transporteras av Kina-Europe Express via Urumqi-anpassningscentret, huvudstaden i Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Som journalist från Greenpost from Sweden, tillsammans med 14 journalister från 14 länder i Asien och Europa, har jag varit i Urumqi-inriktningscentralen och bevittnat att Harmony Freight Train sätter sig härifrån till Horgos Port och går vidare till Europa med full frakt i 41 europeiska standardhytter. Det var den 25, augusti, 2018.

Nan Jun, vice generaldirektör för Xinjiang Järnvägs internationella transport Co Ltd sa att “tåget som ska börja nu är 1486-tåget sedan 26 maj 2016 och 654: e sedan 1 januari 2018”.

-Sedan Kinas Järnväg Express började har vi blivit välkomna av våra kunder eftersom vi har ökat vår transportkapacitet väsentligt från en gång i veckan till en gång om dagen och nu tre gånger om dagen. Så våra järnvägslinjer ökar också från 4 linjer till 19 linjer som täcker 23 platser. Hastigheten ökar ytterligare genom att optimera den inhemska transporttiden och genom aktivt samarbete med våra partners utomlands. Vi har förkortat tiden från 66 timmar till 44 timmar och nu tar det bara 40 timmar att anlända till Almaty. Tiden till Tyskland har också förkortats från 16 dagar till 13,5 dagar. Kostnaden minskar också. -sade Nan.

Nan Jun sade att tåget kan nå så långt som Neapel i Italien via Ryssland, Belorus, Polen, Tyskland och Italien. När tåget kom tillbaka kom det med massa från Finland och transporterades till Korla i Xinjiang för att producera gröna produkter. Samtidigt transporterades även andra europeiska produkter tillbaka.

Han sa att årets mål är att nå 1400 gånger och 80 procent av dem kommer att vara från punkt till punkt. De produkter som de skickade ut är inte bara att vara Xinjiang Products, utan även containrar från Yiwu, östra Kinas Zhejiang-provins. Det tar bara en dag att komma hit. Och då kommer det att transporteras till London. Tåget är i internationell standard eftersom tåget som går till Storbritannien, kommer att ändra spåret eftersom det använder olika spår. Urumqi-omgruppering centret gör att de brådskande produkterna går först och andra produkter går efter. Det är här att de kommer att byta spår och byta container först. Kostnaden minskade och effektiviteten ökade.

Kina Railway Express i Urumqi gör Xinjiang till ett kommunikationscentrum för bält- och väg initiativ som förbinder Kina och Centralasien och Europa och blir kärnzonen när det gäller att främja ekonomi och handel med relevanta länder. Detta har varit Xinjiangs bidrag, vilket till och med väsentligt bidrar till världshandeln. Hittills har det funnits 19 järnvägslinjer som förbinder Kina och omvärlden och ungefär hälften av dem via Xinjiang Uygor Autonom Region Nordvästra Kina och hälften av dem via Heilongjiang-provinsen, Nordöstra Kina.

Vissa människor i västvärlden tvivlar på Kinas syfte att bältet och väginitiativet, men för att göra lasttransporter lättare, göra världsaffären lättare att göra och gynna alla involverade, viktigare att tillhandahålla goda varor till alla kunder är det verkliga syftet och detta är bara ett bra exempel på bältet och väginitiativet.

Detta var det första stoppet som kinesiska och utländska journalister har stoppat. Det andra stoppet kommer att vara Xinjiang Software Park. Vänligen håll dig stillad. Följa oss!

Bild och Text  av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.

Acupuncture Science Association Sweden(ASAS) doctors participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 18(Greenpost)– Three  representatives of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden  participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum October 13-14, 2018, co-sponsored by China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine International TCM Minimally Invasive Community, the Chinese Medicine Research Promotion Association Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Professional Committee, the Henan Provincial Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Pain Society, and the Henan Soft Tissue Disease Research Association.

The International Forum on Minimally Invasive Pain Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in Zhengzhou City. President of ASAS, Yang Chungui, Vice President Zhang Dongqing, and  Dr. Li Jian attended the forum. On the eve of the formal convening of the forum, Chinese  Academician Shi Xuemin and Master Tang Zuxuan arrived successively too. Both experts are honorary presidents of ASAS. Under the leadership of Master Wu Hanqing (Master Wu is also the honorary president of the ASAS), Doctor Yang, Zhang and Li got the chance to meet the academicians.

The latter three reported to  Academicians Shi, Tang and Master Wu about the development of ASAS, and witnessed the process of Master Tang receiving students.

On October 13, when the forum officially opened, President Yang, as the vice chairman of the International Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Community of the Chinese Medicine Association, sat in the first row of the rostrum.

Vice President Zhang and Li Jian sat in the first row of VIP seats.

Vice President Zhang and Li Lizhi were also employed as executive directors of the International Chinese Medicine Mini-invasion Community of the Chinese Medicine Association.

Experts such as Academician Shi Xuemin, Master Tang Zuxuan and Master Wu Hanqing gave wonderful lectures at the forum. The theme of this forum is acupuncture treatment for pain. Acupuncture in Sweden’s legislation needs to elaborate the mechanism of acupuncture treatment of pain, Yang, Zhang and Li listened carefully to the lectures of the experts, and were deeply inspired to deepen the understanding of acupuncture treatment of pain and to strengthen the confidence of acupuncture in Swedish legislation. Afterwards, President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Li Jian also participated in the “Three-dimensional Anatomical Class of Water Needle Knife”. Through field anatomy, they intuitively and deeply understood the water needle knife such as the “three-way positioning of the fourteen meridian muscle fascia zone”. The advanced technology and safety points of acupuncture operation will lay the foundation for a new acupuncture technical lecture on acupuncture safety technology lectures and acupuncture and needle technology to solve the problem of myofascial problems. President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Director Li obtained the certificates of study after completing the anatomy class.

Under the recommendation of Prof. Wu Hanqing, Chairman of the International Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Mini-invasive Community of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honorary President of ASAS, accompanied by Dean Zhou Youlong, School of International Education, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Doctor Li Jian visited the Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With that, three representatives of ASAS concluded their academic exchange during the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum.

Edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Seminarium om Kinas medier Hölls i Stockholm

Av Jan Peter Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 3(Greenpost) — En Seminarium om Kinas medier : propaganda, kontrol och konkurrens hölls av SNS den 3 oktober i Stockholm.

Ett 50-tal personer med stort intresse för Kina samlade vid lunchtid i SNS, Studie­förbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle, lokaler i centrala Stockholm.

Professor David Strömberg och journalist och författare Ola Wong var inbjudna att tala över temat: Kinas medier: propa­ganda, kontroll och konkurrens. Davids bidrag finns också som SNS analys rapport nr: 51, se

Några av de frågeställningar David Strömberg tog upp:

  1. Hur har tidningar och sociala media utvecklats i Kina de senaste decennierna?
  2. Vilken grad av regimtrogenhet ser vi i kinesiska tidningar och varför ser vi avvikelser?
  3. Vilken roll har sociala medier i Kina och vilken betydelse har regimens censur?

Den metod David och hans forskargrupp använder är en automatiserad teknik att med hjälp av datorer gå igenom stora textmängder och mäta frekvens av väl valda nyckelord och ur detta bygga upp en förståelse. Textmaterialet har hämtats från:

  • Tidningsartiklar 1999-2010 från 117 tidningar lagrade digitalt WiseNews
  • Samtliga blogginlägg 2009-2013 på Weibu ca 13,2 miljarder.

Vad är då resultaten av de här studierna? 

Först och främst hade vi under åren 1990-2010 en stark utveckling av kinesiska media och antalet dagliga tidningar ökade från ca 200 till 1000 i hela landet.  Detta ska jämföras med att i västvärlden haft en nedgång i antalet tidningar.

Under den studerade perioden kunde man se en ökad nivå av kritiskt granskande journalistik. Ett skäl till detta är att kineser i allmänhet, precis som vi i väst, är intresserad av att läsa granskande artiklar. Ur den analys av tidningsartiklar som gjorts kunde man ganska klart se ett samband mellan kritiskt granskande innehåll och bättre ekonomi för aktuell tidning. Alla tidningar är knutna på något sätt till kommunistpartiet och värnar förstås om parti-lojalitet men man har också ett behov av att tidningarna ska läsas av många och att tid­nings­­utgivning ska generera vinst. Dessa delvis motstridiga mål och hur de hanteras är något som intres­serade Davids forskargrupp speciellt. Mer finns att läsa i SNS rapporten tidigare nämnd.

Vidare skapades det sociala mediat Weibu 2009 som har likheter med Twitter och fick på några få år ett par hundra miljoner kineser att skriva bloggar. De första åren var det möjligt att ha blogg-konton helt anonymt vilket bidrog till populariteten. För några år sedan började myndigheterna inskränka möjligheterna att vara anonym på internet, men detta är inte infört i speciellt stor omfattning, så uppfattar David det.

Faktum är att sociala media har haft (och verkar fortfarande ha) en viktig funktion för att kanalisera viktig konstruktiv kritik för samhällsfunktioner trots utbredd censur.  Ett skäl är att censuren sker på nationell nivå. På nationell politisk nivå är där ett intresse att få information om brister på regional och lokal nivå. Därför uppfattar man att sociala media kan fortsätta.

Tidningarna ägs och kontrolleras på regional och lokal nivå och där finns betydligt mindre intresse att sprida kritiska nyheter och därför är censuren här mycket starkare.

Ola Wong som bott och verkat i Kina under många år, men nu stationerad i Sverige, uppfattar att Davids beskrivning säkert väl speglar den tid som varit. Han har sett framväxten av allt bättre journalistik och många nya viktiga tidningar. Men där fanns också brister och flertal journalister avslöjades som korrupta och allmänhetens förtroende sjönk för tidningar under en period innan Xi Jiping kom till makten, enligt Ola.

På senare år har kinesiska medias möjligheter till kritisk journalistik begränsats väsentligt, enligt Ola Wong.  Detta uppfattar han gäller både inhemska journalister och utrikes­korres­pondenter. Ett mått på detta är ett index som Freedom House ställer samman för varje år över världens länder, se SNS rapport 51 tidigare nämnd. Pressfriheten i Kina bedöms nu vara tillbaka på samma nivåer som gällde 1990.

Seminariet avslutades med en längre frågestund och här ett axplock:

Det är inte planerat någon uppföljande studie av förändringarna i Kinas mediaklimat de senaste åren av David och hans forskargrupp.

Däremot jobbar de med att studera hur kritik av läkemedel i Kina kanaliseras i sociala medier och vilken betydelse det har för att förbättra situationen.  Kina brottas med problem med undermåliga läkemedel och här är ett stort intresse både för den enskilde personen och för myndigheter på olika nivåer att komma till rätta med detta.

Flera frågor kretsade kring Kinas omfattande projekt kring ”medborgarbetyg”. Detta kan liknas vid vårt system kring kreditvärdighet som våra banker använder, men är betydligt mer omfattande. Detta system är fortfarande i sin linda men tester görs redan idag i större skala i vissa regioner.

Hur ställer sig då kineser till att bli ”övervakade” på det här sättet? En norsk studie visar att på en arbetsplats är kineser minst lika avogt inställda till övervakning, om inte mer, än vi i väst. Samtidigt är det så att den allmänna uppfattningen är att det är lätt att bli lurad i olika sam­man­hang, inte minst i affärer. Det publika medborgarbetyget ger då möjlighet till större transparens och ökat förtroende människor emellan.

Vi ser i hanteringen av privat information en stor skillnad där vi i Europa nyligen infört GDPR med stark betoning på den personliga integriteten.

En frågeställning som vi bara nuddade vid är att i väst har vi en växande medvetenhet om medias fokus på det “exceptionella” som ofta är negativa nyheter medan förståelse för de “långsamma positiva skeenden” i världen inte rapporteras på samma sätt. En namnkunnig kritiker är den framlidne professorn Hans Rossling med sin bok Factfullness, se

Slutsatsningen är att det finns stor skillnader mellan kinesiska och sveriges medier, men i kina ny media spelade mycket större roll i samhälle och ibland det hjälper ordinarie människör så att deras röstar kan höras.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国驻瑞典大使桂从友9月28日出席第二届一带一路峰会和一带一路执行小组成立大会并发表重要讲话。请看视频实况:

桂从友大使讲话。 Ambassador Gui spoke at BRI summit.

Stephen Brawer spoke about BRI at the BRI summit and  BRIX establishment ceremony.

Kitty Smith spoke at BRIX and BRI summit in Stockholm.

Ali Kammandeh spoke at the BRIX establishment ceremony.

Liu Ying shared her experience in helping Swedish company to enter China successfully.

Host Hussein, Askary.


Background of Nobel Prize history

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 98 times to 131 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2017, 104 individuals and 27 organizations. Since the International Committee of the Red Cross has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize three times (in 1917, 1944 and 1963), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize two times (in 1954 and 1981), there are 24 individual organizations which have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Click on the links to get more information.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2018

The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has not been awarded yet. It will be announced on Friday 5 October, 11:00 a.m.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2017

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) “for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2016

Juan Manuel Santos “for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2015

National Dialogue Quartet “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2013

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) “for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2012

European Union (EU) “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2011

Ellen Johnson SirleafLeymah Gbowee and Tawakkol Karman “for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2010

Liu Xiaobo “for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009

Barack H. Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2008

Martti Ahtisaari “for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2007

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2006

Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2005

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Mohamed ElBaradei “for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2004

Wangari Muta Maathai “for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2003

Shirin Ebadi “for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2002

Jimmy Carter “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2001

United Nations (U.N.) and Kofi Annan “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2000

Kim Dae-jung “for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1999

Médecins Sans Frontières “in recognition of the organization’s pioneering humanitarian work on several continents”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1998

John Hume and David Trimble “for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1997

International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and Jody Williams “for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1996

Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta “for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1995

Joseph Rotblat and Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs “for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and, in the longer run, to eliminate such arms”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1994

Yasser ArafatShimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin “for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1993

Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk “for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1992

Rigoberta Menchú Tum “in recognition of her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1991

Aung San Suu Kyi “for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights”.


Video: China likes to attract more Swedish buyers and sellors to “Canton Fair” and Shanghai CIIE Fair

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 14(Greenpost) — China Import&Export Trade Fair and China International Import Expo promotion conference has been held in Stockholm.


Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and focal person in Nordic Innovation Center made a welcome remark.

“Over the past 61 years, Canton Fair has been a grand international fair growing up along with New China and a witness for China’s reform and opening up.  ”

Zhang Qiaozhen said over the past decade, Canton Fair has strengthened China and the World’s Trade relations and become the first promotion platform for foreign trade.

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association is an organization that serves as a bridge between Nordic enterprises and enterprises and government in information exchange, mutual help and cooperation and win-win.  “We shall help those companies that are suitable to develop in China to find partners in China and even help them find funding and provide marketing solutions.  Canton Fair is a good platform for you to go to China and Asian market.”


Han Xiaodong, counselor at the Chinese Embassay in Sweden said Sweden has seen surplus in trade with China. This implies that Chinese people have a strong demand of Swedish goods. He welcomes Swedish enterprises to attend the Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair.


Elisabet Söderstrom, Secretary of Sweden-China Trade Council said at the conference that although there are many media in the society, there is still the need to meet face to face.  Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair. She said that Huawei and Volvo are actually also their members.


Fredrik Uddenfeldt, Director of Asia Region in Invest Sweden said trade between China and Sweden has increased a lot. Sweden has exported more products to China than to America. Sweden’s enterprises in China also see increases in a number of over 100. China’s manufacturing industry are the best and some products are even better than that in Europe.  So he encouraged enterprises to go to China to attend the two fairs.


Lena Miranda, Chairman of Sweden Incubater and CEO of Jönköping Incubater said that it is time for both Sweden and China to do real businesses, it is not just a visit, but do real business.  Canton Fair and CIIE are good platform for businesses.


Ye Jijiang, Vice Chairman of China Foreign Trade Center finally made a promotion about Canton Fair and CIIE.

“China is melting into the world and the world also needs China. Over the past 61 years, one can see that Canton Fair is one of the most professional trade fair platform. ”

With the 123 fairs over 61 years, China has become the largest export freight trade country.  Canton fair has become the largest fair in the world. During the Spring Fair, a total of 667 Swedish attended the fair among 203346 people.

The 124 fair will be held in Canton between Mid October and Nov. 4.  Ye Jijiang welcome all the Swedish entrepreneurs to attend the fairs.

Moreover, Nov. 5-10, China International Import Expo  will be held in Shanghai, with 2800 enterprises from 130 countries and regions being registered.

The CIIE will be a great platform for bilateral trade.

The two sides also held a small scale close door meeting before the conference.

Over 100 Swedish entrepreneurs and Swedish-Chinese entrepreneurs attended the conference to exchange ideas and shared information。

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 在瑞中企业家协会和北欧创新中心协调组织下,中国进出口商品交易会和中国国际进口博览会推介会14日上午在斯德哥尔摩斯喜来登大饭店成功举办。

瑞中企业家协会会长、北欧创新中心负责人张巧珍首先致欢迎辞。她说,广交会从1957年成立,已经走过了 61个年头,可以说,广交会,是伴随着新中国成长的 国际贸易盛会,也是见证中国改革开放的 国际贸易盛会。

几十年来,广交会加强了中国与世界的贸易往来,已成为中国外贸 第一促进平台。瑞中企业家协会、北欧创新中心,作为北欧企业与企业之间,企业与政府之间的信息交流、互帮互助、共赢发展的友谊桥梁与北欧创新孵化平台,我们非常荣幸,能够参与举办这次广交会推介活动。我们致力于优选并帮助适应中国资本和产业定位的北欧企业走进中国,愿意为寻求中国资金和中国市场的北欧项目,提供 产业政策解读、落地融资、市场化运营等的解决方案。广交会 一定是一个能够让您的企业和产品走进中国及亚洲市场最好、最便捷的平台。



瑞典投资促进署亚太区负责人佛雷德里克. 乌登费尔德 (Fredrik Uddenfeldt)也在推介会上致辞。他说,中瑞贸易非常强劲。瑞典向中国的出口已经超过对美国的出口。瑞典在中国的企业也增加了100多家,达到600多家。中国成为制造业的最佳选择,有些产品质量甚至超过了欧洲国家。广交会是个很有名气的品牌,希望大家能够抓住机会参加。

瑞典国家孵化器主席和银雪平孵化中心的CEO莱纳.米兰德( Lena Miranda)说,现在是中瑞之间真正做生意的时候了,人们不愿意到中国去只是学习考察,中国人来瑞典也不想只是考察,而是想真正做生意。因此,广交会和中国进口博览会,就是真正做生意的平台和机会,希望大家能去参加。












English version.

China likes to attract more Swedish buyers and sellors to “Canton Fair” and Shanghai CIIE Fair

Gui Congyou: Kina och Sverige bör samarbeta inom BRI

Stockholm, Aug. 21, (Greenpost)–Kinesiska Ambassador Gui Congyou sa att Kina och Sverige bor samarbeta inom Belt and Road Initiative pa arkikel i Svenska Dagbladet.


Med avseende på debattartikeln i Svenska Dagbladet den 6 augusti, “Sverige bör få EU att ställa tydliga krav på Kina”, vill jag poängtera att en del av debattartikeln innehåller förvriden information om Kinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) samt grundlösa misstankar och anklagelser mot så kallade kinesiska strategiska intentioner, till och med Kinas näringspolitik. Innehållet är i hög grad missledande och skadligt mot det framtida svensk-kinesiska samarbetet inom BRI. Därför hoppas jag att kunna passa på att presentera BRI för SvD och dess läsare, så att missförstånd kan rättas och samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige även Europa främjas för förstärkt välstånd för våra folk.

BRI, som framställdes av Kinas president Xi Jinping, är ett viktigt initiativ för internationellt samarbete. Kärnan i initiativet är att man ska bygga vinn-vinn-samarbeten runt den infrastrukturella anslutbarheten med samlade fördelar och krafter från olika håll. Under de fem åren sedan BRI lanserades har man kunnat redovisa många framgångar. Handelsvolymen mellan Kina och BRI-länderna uppnådde 5 000 miljarder dollar, fler än 80 ekonomiska samarbetszoner har byggts upp längs de nya sidenvägarna, som skapade 244 000 nya jobb i länderna.

Trots att BRI kommer ifrån Kina, tillhör detta dock hela världen, eftersom man alltid tillämpar principer av omfattande samråd, gemensamma konstruktioner och delade vinster. BRI betyder aldrig att Kina skulle tvinga något annat land, utan Kina vill genom överläggningar ansluta alla parters utvecklingsstrategier, för en gemensam planering av olika projekt. BRI är inte heller någon “kinesisk Marshallplan”. Kina skulle inte ensidigt finansiera andra länder med bistånd, utan alla parter inklusive Kina och BRI-länder och organisationer skulle bygga tillsammans med samlade resurser. Kina monopoliserar inte BRI, i stället kommer alla deltagare att få del av resultaten tillsammans. BRI är inte något geopolitiskt verktyg för Kina, därför att Kinas utrikespolitik aldrig söker inblandning i andra länders interna politik eller någon form av influensområde. BRI betyder inte att bara Kina ska utföra projekt utomlands, alla parter som vill är lika välkomna att starta eller vidga samarbeten i Kina. BRI är öppet, ur det kinesiska perspektivet vill man hjärtligt samarbeta med alla aktörer, inte bara bilaterala utan även multilaterala samarbeten är också aktuella.

BRI är ett genomskinligt initiativ som följer internationella regler. BRI som ett storskaligt globalinitiativ kan inte lyckas utan regler. I den gemensamma kommunikén från det första BRI-forumet för internationella samarbeten utfärdades tydliga löften om transparens och regelstiftning, där man lyfte fram projektens ekonomiska, sociala och hållbara egenskaper samt goda samordningar i ekonomisk tillväxt, samhälleliga framsteg och miljöförvaltning. På grund av dessa kan världen ha förtroende för BRI:s framtid. I det Internationella Finansforumets (IFF) Kina-rapport 2018 finner man en enkät om BRI, där 92 procent av de intervjuade centralbankerna räknade med att BRI skulle kunna stötta upp ländernas ekonomi och en majoritet trodde även att BRI kan lyfta landets BNP-tillväxt med 1 procent.

Kina stöttar ständigt den europeiska integrationen samt Europas solidaritet, stabilitet och välstånd. BRI bjuder Kina och Europa på en ny plattform för att göra jämlika och ömsesidigt gynnsamma samarbeten. Hittills har Kina och 11 EU-länder undertecknat mellanstatliga BRI-avtal. Frakttåg mellan Kina och Europa har gjort sammanlagt 10 000 resor med räckvidd till 42 städer i 14 europeiska länder. Sverige har alltid stått för frihandel, öppen utveckling, grön och innovationsdriven tillväxt, som är mycket förenliga med BRI-värderingarna. Svenska företag är världsledande inom bland annat infrastrukturteknik, avancerade utrustningar, smart city och grön transport, som erbjuder Sverige stora möjligheter att vara med i BRI-samarbetet, och Sverige bör inte ligga efter när det gäller BRI-deltagande.
Med glädje har vi upptäckt ett ökande intresse för BRI från Sveriges olika sektorer. Vi välkomnar Sverige att studera och även aktivt delta i BRI. Vi välkomnar också det svenska Utrikespolitiska Institutet att starta Stockholm Belt and Road Observatory. Vi hoppas att den nya plattformen kommer att verkligen främja BRI-kunskap och den kinesisk-svenska vänskapen. Ambassaden är förberedd för kontakt och utbyte med observatoriet. Vi är angelägna att få konstruktiva förslag om hur Kina och Sverige kan samarbeta inom BRI, dock vill vi inte få grundlösa misstankar och anklagelser av vissa svenska personer med färgade glasögon. Kina och Sverige bör samarbeta inom BRI, tillfällen finns redan i dag!

Gui Congyou
Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige

Nobel Peace Prize 2018: PRIO Director’s Shortlist

Based on independent assessments, PRIO Directors have offered their personal shortlists for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2002. Current Director is Henrik Urdal.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee   bases its decision on valid nominations received by the 31 January deadline.  Anyone can be nominated (and history indeed shows a few rather dubious nominees, including Hitler), but only a number of people have the right to nominate  , including members of national assemblies and governments, current and former members of the Committee, Peace Prize laureates, professors of certain disciplines, directors of peace research and foreign policy institutes, and members of international courts. The five committee members have until their first meeting after the deadline to add nominations of their own. The Director of PRIO holds the right to nominate, but refrains, given his active role as a commentator. He has no form of association with the Nobel Institute or the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Read more here.

The laureate will be announced, as per usual, on the Friday of the first full week of October.

Following the shortlist, you will also find a list of known nominations.

For questions, requests for further information or interviews,
please contact the Director’s Adviser  or the Director directly .


Henrik Urdal’s 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Shortlist

  1. Dr. Denis Mukwege & Nadia Murad
  2. World Food Programme
  3. Oby Ezekwesili & EITI
  4. International Memorial
  5. Can Dündar & Cumhuriyet

Dr. Denis Mukwege & Nadia Murad

The early frontrunners for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize should be Denis Mukwege and NadiaMurad, two people who have been leading figures in bringing attention to sexual violence in conflict. Although their experiences and practices differ greatly, there can be no doubt about the potency of their global advocacy work against sexual violence in conflict. Denis Mukwege has provided treatment for thousands of women and is a world-renowned expert on repairing the physical damage from rape and sexual violence. Through the work done at his Panzi Hospital in Bakuvu, Democratic Republic of Congo, he has been instrumental in drawing the world’s attention to these kinds of crimes. In addition to Mukwege, who has featured on both mine and my predecessor’s shortlist earlier, the work of Nadia Murad as an international advocate against sexual violence in conflict deserves recognition. Murad, one of the thousands of Yazidi women and girls who were abducted and held by the Islamic State as slaves, has worked relentlessly to bring attention to victims of sexual violence in wars. While there is increased focus and criminal prosecution of sexual violence in armed conflicts, we see that groups use it in new and systematic ways. Therefore, the highlighting of Murad’s case takes on a new dimension of importance. However, she’s not only a spokesperson for victims of sexual violence in conflict, but also for her people – and, alongside her attorney Amal Clooney, she’s working the international system for Islamic State members to be prosecuted, taking her case all the way to the UN for justice. Murad has won the Sakharov human rights prize along with fellow Yazidi Lamiya Aji Bashir, who would also be a worthy candidate for recognition in a year celebrating the 10-year anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1820, which explicitly recognizes the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war and a war crime.

[For the sake of transparency, it should be noted that PRIO researchers have collaborated with Mukwege and the Panzi Hospital for a research project on female empowerment.]

World Food Programme

Hunger is once more one of the big humanitarian challenges of our times, with various hunger crises emerging in the wake of armed conflicts. The World Food Programme is the leading humanitarian organization tackling the hunger issue worldwide. Whether food insecurity follows due to armed conflicts such as in Syria and Yemen (where over 17 million people depend on the WFP for survival, according to their own statistics) or internal displacement and ethnic tensions such as in Myanmar, the WFP is ever-present.

While the evidence for an impact of food security on violent conflict remains tenuous, it is well established that armed conflict severely affects food security. Indeed, the final report of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals rightfully identifies armed conflict as the main reason for failures to meet the MDG target of increased food security. Hence, while reducing food insecurity in itself might not be the most important peacebuilding measure, conflict prevention and food security remain intrinsically linked.

A Nobel Peace Prize to the WFP would highlight the crucial work the organization is doing for populations fleeing from conflict, while also ensuring continued commitment from its funders to keep up their endeavors to make sure victims of conflict, displacement and natural disasters are fed and cared for. Hopefully this will also pave the way for further conflict prevention measures. Hunger crises might not get the headlines that wars and armed conflicts do, but they are just as – if not more – deadly.

Oby Ezekwesili & EITI

Corruption is a main driver of social upheavals around the globe, underpinning recent major developments like the Arab Spring. Corruption also thrives during and after war, and many conflict-affected countries are among the most corrupt in the world. Oby Ezekwesili, former Minister of Education in Nigeria and Vice President for Africa in the World Bank and one of the founders of Transparency International, has been an international champion in the fight against corruption. Ezekwesili was also the Federal Minister of Solid Minerals and the Chairperson of the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), leading the first ever national implementation of the global EITI standards.

Ezekwesili and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) are worthy candidates because of their efforts in making the world more transparent and less corrupt. The link between armed conflict and high-value natural resources is strong: EITI was established in 2003 as a direct response to the mounting evidence showing that poor governance of natural resources may lead to an economic ‘resource curse’ and increased conflict. Increased transparency over extraction processes and financial results has led to a more sober and nuanced debate about the extractive industries and their output, and has the potential to help defuse conflicts and reducing tensions before they even happen. EITI’s efforts to create multi-stakeholder groups in which civil society is involved is a model case for inclusiveness in such a politically and economically important issue.

Anti-corruption and transparency champions have not traditionally been considered as obvious candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, natural resources, transparency, corruption and conflict are intrinsically linked. This important work by individuals and organizations like Ezekwesili and EITI is deserving of attention, and a Nobel Peace Prize to the field of anti-corruption and transparency would be a welcome boost now that key actors such as the U.S. have abandoned the EITI by the wayside.

International Memorial

Russian civil society organization International Memorial monitors human rights in Russia and works to put Russia and the Soviet Union’s totalitarian past on the record. In an ever more repressive environment, Memorial defends and upholds its ideals with quiet dignity, and provides a welcome shining light for democracy, civil society, and human rights in Russia. In 2016 Memorial was listed as a “foreign agent” by the Russian government, a tactic Human Rights Watch say is used to “demonize” dissenting voices. The organization and its members have also suffered arrests, abuse, and attempted murder, as well as the arson of offices in Chechnya and the Northern Caucasus.

With the upcoming presidential election likely to see Vladimir Putin reelected without any notable change to his platform, Memorial is needed more than ever to remind Russians and the world that the spread of authoritarianism has to be countered and fought against.

One of Memorial’s founding members, Svetlana Gannushkina, has been listed on the PRIO Director’s Nobel shortlist earlier – for her efforts helping migrants and refugees in Russia. However, every man and woman who contributes to make Memorial the great organization it is deserves credit and recognition. A Nobel Peace Prize to Memorial would be an acknowledgement of the peaceful efforts made by Russian civil society to oppose authoritarianism and advocate freedom, democracy, and human rights in Russia.

Can Dündar & Cumhuriyet

Exiled Cumhuriyet editor Can Dündar and his erstwhile paper remain symbols of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s crackdown on the freedom of the press in Turkey. Dündar has faced charges of disclosing state secrets and aiding a terrorist group, and later fled to Germany where he still resides. Similar charges have been filed against several of Cumhuriyet staff, and many of the court cases are still ongoing. The acts for which they are indicted amount to no more than doing their jobs as journalists by pursuing independent and critical reporting. Dündar himself was awarded the International Press Freedom Award by The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in 2016.

Dündar and the newspaper where he served as a columnist and later editor-in-chief, Cumhuriyet, are disheartening examples of how far freedom of the press has declined in Turkey. One of Turkey’s oldest newspapers and a steadfast secular and republican-leaning publication, Cumhuriyet has been renowned for its independent reporting and fearlessness in criticizing the authorities – underscored by it being awarded the 2015 Freedom of the Press Prize by Reporters without Borders for its stand against mounting government pressure.

A Nobel Peace Prize to Can Dündar and Cumhuriyet would be a welcome boost for press freedom and civil society in a country where such liberties are becoming rarer. It would also underline Erdogan’s unacceptable dismantling of Turkey’s democracy.


Nominations for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

The below list is based on available information in the press, on the web or provided to us directly. It is surely far from exhaustive, as the Nobel Committee each year receives more than 200 nominations, and the listings are far from certain. Nominators are asked not to disclose their nominations, and the committee’s proceedings are kept secret for 50 years. Consequently, we cannot guarantee that the committee indeed has received a specific nomination, nor, in some cases, whether the nominator is eligible. As long as the nominator fulfils the criteria, any one person or organization may be nominated regardless of objective standing (the nominations of Hitler and Stalin being cases in point). The committee may also add names to the list, themselves, before their first meeting after the deadline. The committee base their final selection on specifications in Alfred Nobel’s will , their interpretation of which is disputed by the Nobel Peace Prize Watch . The NPPW usually keep their own list of worthy and qualified nominations according to their reading of the will.

  • Edward Snowden has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • The White Helmets are nominated  by Norwegian MP Arne Nævra
  • The Committee Against Torture and
  • Olga Sadovskaja have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • Novaja Gazeta and
  • Elena Milasjina have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • Svetlana Gannusjkina has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been nominated by Norwegian MP Lars Haltbrekken
  • The European Court of Human Rights has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • Denis Mukwege and 
  • Yanar Mohammed have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Karin Andersen
  • The Iraqi-kurdish Peshmerga forces have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Himanshu Gulati for helping defeating the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
  • Joshua Wong Chi-fung,
  • Nathan Law Kwun-chung and
  • Alex Chow Yong-kang, front persons for the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, have been nominated  by Marco Rubio and a bipartisan group of US congressmen.
  • The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Bjørnar Moxnes
  • The Humanitarian Law Centre and
  • Nataša Kandić has been nominated  by US Senator Roger Wicker and US Representative Eliot Engel.
  • Dr. Daisaku Ikeda is nominated by 1976 Nobel laureate Betty Williams (confirmed by Williams).
  • Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has most likely been nominated  by Indonesian MP.
  • George Soros has most likely been nominated  by Hungarian group of academics and clergy.
  • Yussouf Shaheen is allegedly nominated by Pakistani nominators, but no actual nomination or names of nominators have been reported in media or submitted to PRIO.
  • The Giulio Andreotti Institute and Secret Archives and
  • Patrizia Chilelli, Director of the Giulio Andreotti Institute and Secret Archives are confirmed nominations by an American Professor of Philosophy. We are unable to verify the existence of an institution by this name, but there does exist an Andreotti Archive at the Sturzo Institute.
  • Peacebuilding organisation Search for Common Ground is nominated  by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
  • Jaha Mapenzi Dukureh, Gambian anti-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) activist, is nominated  by Norwegian MP Jette Christensen (Labour Party).
  • Ilham Tohti, Uighur intellectual and activist, currently serving life imprisonment in China, is nominated  by Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Bulgarian politican and Member of the European Parliament.
  • Enzo Cursio, Italian journalist is nominated  for his work for peace, human rights and disarmament, by Nobel laureate of 1976, Mairead C. Maguire.
  • Soheil Farah of Lebanon, and
  • Yuri Yakovets of Russia, are reportedly nominated  for their work for a sustainable and peaceful global future, by a group of Russian academics including Professor Alexei Gromyko at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Archbishop Louis Raphaël I Sako, head of the Iraqi Chaldean Church community, is reportedly nominated .
  • The Arctic Council is nominated  by a group of international academics including Lassi Heininen, Professor of Arctic politics at University of Lapland (FI).
Do you have additional (confirmed) nominations to add to the list? Let us know! And just to be clear: if you mean to actually nominate someone, we are not the correct addressee.

The nomination of President Donald J. Trump was reported to us earlier and consequently figured on the above list for some time until it was revealed that the nomination was forged. See e.g. this NY Times article  for more info on the issue.

Sweden has been fighting the most severe fire in history

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Aug. 1(Greenpost)– Sweden has faced the prolonged heat and drought in most of the areas in the country.

The prolonged heat and drought have had significant consequences for society. At present, forest fires are raging around the country and agriculture has been seriously affected by the drought. The high temperatures can also have an impact on people’s health, particularly the sick and elderly. The Government is following developments carefully and has continuous contact with the responsible authorities to manage the situation.

In view of the forest fires around the country, the widespread drought and the ongoing heatwave, intensive efforts are under way among rescue services, government agencies and municipalities.

Efforts to stop the forest fires

At present, several forest fires are raging around the country and the rescue services are making tremendous efforts to protect people, property, forests and the functioning of society.

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency is coordinating relevant agencies and supporting municipal rescue services, together with the Swedish Armed Forces and the county administrative boards, by providing reinforcements in terms of equipment, staff and expertise.

Via the EU, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency has requested assistance in the form of firefighting aircraft from other European countries.

The work of the authorities is crucial to combating the fires. But everyone also carries a personal responsibility. In many parts of the country, fire bans are in place. Remember to check whether a fire ban is in place where you are.

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Information about the forest fires at

Information about the forest fires on the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency website

Efforts to support agriculture

The Government is closely following developments in the agriculture sector and continues alongside government agencies and other actors to seek solutions to the challenges emerging so as to alleviate the situation for farmers. For example, the Government will provide national funds to strengthen the liquidity of our farmers. Sweden is in an active dialogue with the EU about exemptions and other solutions to alleviate the situation for Swedish farmers.

The Swedish Board of Agriculture is working actively to find solutions to alleviate the situation for the farmers affected. These include exemptions from regulations, higher advance payments from support funds to help liquidity, and more. For example, the Swedish Board of Agriculture has granted an exemption allowing farmers to take feed from grassland that otherwise must not be harvested.

Heatwave and health

The heatwave can cause problems for people’s health. Exposure to heat carries with it different risks for different individuals. Risk groups are above all elderly people, the chronically ill, people with disabilities, young children, pregnant women and people on medication.

The Government has ongoing contact with the relevant government agencies and local authorities. The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs holds weekly meetings with the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. These meetings bring the Government up to date on what the government agencies are doing to help older people and others cope with the heat. The meetings will continue as long as the current situation persists.

Private individuals can contact their county council and 1177 Vårdguiden for information and advice about various heatwave-related health risks.

Advice about the heatwave (in Swedish) on the 1177 Vårdguidens website

The Public Health Agency of Sweden provides advice for different target groups that can be used by municipalities, county councils, regions and private actors in health and medical care services.

High temperatures can influence the growth of bacteria in drinking water and food. The National Food Agency website has information and advice.

Water levels and water supply

The Government is closely following developments in groundwater levels and water supply and has continuous contact with the responsible agencies. Municipalities are responsible for the public supply of drinking water.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency provides general information about water shortages, drought and what measures people can take themselves.

Information about water shortages (in Swedish) on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency website

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the Geological Survey of Sweden collaborate and provide continuous updates about the risk of water shortages in their ‘water shortage risk’ service.