Category Archives: News




sy3 sy5 sy sy9 sy11 这场云集了政界、文化界、艺术界众多嘉宾的盛会,精彩纷呈,好戏连连,彩虹绚丽,颂歌嘹亮。本次活动大大地彰显了华人华侨的爱国热情,增进了中英之间的文化交流,在当地引起了强烈轰动。中国驻英国大使馆沈蓓莉公使专门发来贺词祝本次活动圆满成功,领事处总领事费明星参赞也发来音频赞扬组织单位为中英文化的交流所做出的贡献,中国和平统一促进会会长单声博士和英国中华传统文化单桂秋林女士也为活动送来了美好的祝福。朴茨茅斯副市长Councillor David Fuller与夫人Mrs Leza Tremorin应邀莅临现场并致辞,他高度评价此次盛会对促进中英文化交流、搭建更广阔的国际艺术平台做出的重要贡献。朴茨茅斯华人协会蔡润泉会长也亲切致词并指出牢记历史、珍惜和平在当今社会的重要性。sy10本次文艺演出是英国首场欢迎习主席访英的大型活动,得到了北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会王柏华董事长的大力支持。瑞典华人工商联合总会会长、欧华联大18大主席王建荣先生;旅英文化学会主席、英国东北同乡会会长黎丽女士;中国著名文化学者、理论家、文艺批评家旅英文化学会永久名誉主席胡东放先生;英中舞蹈和文化艺术联会会长和伦敦中国舞蹈学校校长张玉霞女士;河南文化商贸协会会长张寒冰女士和常务副会长王秋惠女士;郑州金水区教育体育局党委书记李正先生;剑桥华人协会会长孙伟先生;伯恩茅斯妇女会会长钟桂兰女士;毛德顶执行会长;英国浙江联谊会副会长王宏伟博士以及来自朴茨茅斯市委会、朴茨茅斯中文学校和朴茨茅斯大学的嘉宾受邀莅临本次文艺演出并全程观看了演出。sy16


下午2点,市政厅内座无虚席,夕阳秀”大型文艺演出在朴茨茅斯华人协会舞蹈团的舞蹈“踏歌起舞”中拉开了帷幕。据演出的副导演、英国浙江联谊会媒体技术部部长赵琴女士向华商报记者透露,在这次大型文艺演出的节目中,精彩节目层出不穷,由河南省郑州纬三路小学轻舞飞扬舞蹈社倾情出演的少儿舞蹈”奶奶的老花镜“曾获得全国少儿比赛一等奖,赢得了现场观众的阵阵掌声。朴茨茅斯华人协会众多佳丽菁英的群舞“茉莉花”,令人感受到了霓裳律动,云袖翩翩的优美画面。瑞典皇家音乐学院双焱博士的”春江花月夜”钢琴曲,更是让人体会了春江水暖岂为天籁之音,月夜琴声尽是绕梁不绝的美好享受。山东济南歌舞协会的舞蹈演员演绎了“长城峰火”,表现了中国人民抗日战争的岁月记忆。“荷塘月色”以优美的舞蹈,唯美典雅、时尚浪漫,让观众如痴如醉。而北京俏的姐歌舞团的“小苹果”节奏轻快,充满活力动感的舞姿立刻带动了全场气氛。来自朴茨茅斯华人协会歌舞团的张艺琼演唱的“映山红”柔美嗓音动人心怀,把这首经典红歌演绎得淋漓尽致。“黄水谣”“黄河颂”在山东省歌舞剧院首席钢琴演奏家吕康康的伴奏下,让观众在高亢的歌声中,领会了中华文明与炎黄精神的源远流长。张妹恩、刘文军、何晓华、孔繁昌、ALEC等演员的激情演绎也是精彩不断,赢得了阵阵掌声。在中华传统音乐和舞蹈的烘托下,由王柏华女士指挥的”歌唱祖国”全体大合唱将整台节目推向高潮!sy11伴随着“难忘今宵”的歌声,晚会圆满结束。参演的十几支中外艺术团队,获得了组委会颁发的奖状。北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会理事长王柏华女士、朴茨茅斯华人协会会长蔡润泉先生、朴茨茅斯副市长Councillor David Fuller、瑞典华人工商联合总会会长,全欧洲商会会长王建荣先生、朴茨茅斯华人协会首席副会长杨明河女士、朴茨茅斯华人协会副会长赖坚贞女士、朴茨茅斯华人协会副会长叶锦鸿先生、全英妇女联合总会副会长,朴茨茅斯歌舞团团长,本次演出的总导演张昭女士为获奖的团队和个人颁奖。sy14晚会结束以后,演出的总导演、全英妇女联合总会副会长、朴茨茅斯歌舞团团长张昭女士对华商报记者表示,此次活动准备历时好几个月,考虑周密,非常注重细节。吕淑妍、林育威、 张妹恩、刘文军四位主持人采用中文、英文和广东话三种语言报幕,让所有在场观众同享盛事、分享喜悦。张昭导演还表示,历时近3个小时的演出,融汇了多种艺术形式,非常令人耳目一新: 群舞、歌伴舞、合唱、独唱、钢琴独奏、小吉他、旗袍秀等,可谓丰富多彩,为观众们带来一场别开生面的视听盛筵。sy15此次活动得到华商报、华闻周刊等多家媒体的报道,并得到多家协会、社团和个人的积极参与与支持。在此特别鸣谢:中国北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会,中国和平统一促进会,英国中华传统文化研究院,英国东北同乡会,山东济南歌舞协会,北京俏的姐舞蹈团,英中舞蹈和文化艺术联会,伦敦中国舞蹈学校,河南省郑州纬三路小学轻舞飞扬舞蹈社,河南文化商贸协会,剑桥华人协会,瑞典皇家音乐学院,南威尔士华人协会,伯恩茅斯大学中国学联,伯恩茅斯多瑟特中国文化艺术团,伯恩茅斯华人妇女联会,伯恩茅斯中文学校,Portsmouth City Council,Portsmouth Culture Trust,Portsmouth English Language School,Gunwharf Quays,朴茨茅斯华人协会歌舞团,朴茨茅斯华人协会中文学校,朴茨茅斯大学,朴茨茅斯中国学联,叙福楼中国餐馆 Noble House,“仁和”餐馆 YanWoo Restaurant ,S2 Snooker Club等。sy172015年是首个中英文化交流年,本次文艺演出恰好在中国国家主席习近平偕夫人彭丽媛启程对英国进行国事访问的前一天,充分地切合文化交流年的主题并有幸成为最早的一场大型欢迎活动。伴随习主席访英,中英两国在经济文化各个领域的合作将进一步加深,在这样特别的时刻,更令在英华人华侨感动无比欣喜与亲切。真是乡音乡情,颂国泰家和;家国情怀,唱盛世安康。中英两国和平友谊的旋律将永远飘荡在英伦的美丽天空。


编辑:赵琴 周笠枫


摄影:张明 李凯伦 毛埴成

第三届世界浙商大会在杭州隆重开幕 夏宝龙寄语天下浙商把根留住


download 省委书记、省人大常委会主任夏宝龙在开幕式上致辞。省委副书记、省长李强作主旨演讲。乔传秀、茅临生、梁黎明、孙文友等出席,王辉忠主持开幕式。





download (1)李强在讲话时说,适应和引领新常态,是浙江经济和浙商转型发展的重大课题。适应经济新常态,浙江实施新举措、呈现了新态势。这些年,我省大力加强制度供给,优化政务生态;大力加快创新驱动,优化创业生态;大力加强环境治理,优化自然生态,保持了经济平稳增长和社会和谐稳定。浙江经济转型的背后是浙商的转型与贡献。广大浙商抓住开放机遇,海外发展有了新布局;勇于化危为机,转型发展有了新气象;响应家乡号召,回归发展有了新高潮。引领经济新常态,浙江必须打开新空间、激发新动能。要加快战略融入,积极对接“一带一路”、长江经济带等重大国家战略;强化创新驱动,大力推进“大众创业、万众创新”、“互联网+”和“中国制造2025”,加快发展信息、环保、健康等七大产业,打造一批新型众创空间,着力改造提升传统产业;加速资本融合,打通创业创新与人力资本、金融资本、产业资本融通的渠道;不断深化改革,充分激发民间与市场的活力,加快打造浙江经济升级版。适应和引领经济新常态,浙商要有新作为、实现新突破。希望广大浙商按照“干在实处永无止境、走在前列要谋新篇”的要求,把准“变革求胜、创新致胜”的时代脉搏,大力加强有效供给,着力培养新生代浙商,积极投身家乡建设,为推动浙江发展继续走在前列作出新贡献。




稿源:合作媒体《浙江日报》记者 应建勇 王国锋

本网编辑 陈雪霏

Sweden to seek UN Security Membership

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 24(Greenpost)–Saturday marks the United Nations Day. Sweden is seeking a membership in the United Nations according to a statement from the Swedish government.

“We are celebrating the UN Day because we are doing so in a world that is more uncertain than for many years and in which the United Nations is needed more than ever. Global crises and challenges require common solutions.” the statement said.

Minister for International Development Co-operation, Ms Isabella Lövin, Prime Minister Mr Stefan Löfven, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms Margot Wallström
Minister for International Development Co-operation, Ms Isabella Lövin, Prime Minister Mr Stefan Löfven, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms Margot WallströmFoto: Martina Huber/Regeringskansliet

The statement explained that Sweden is ready to assume its share of responsibility. This is why Sweden is strengthening its engagement in the UN and why we are seeking a seat on the Security Council for 2017–2018.

The reason Sweden seeks the membership is that Sweden’s UN policy contributes to peace, security, sustainable development and gender equality. It is part of a solidarity-based foreign policy and a means for responding to crises that affect us.

Sweden is one of the top contributors to the UN. “We contribute personnel to peace operations, aid, climate financing and humanitarian assistance. Our contributions also include engagement, resources and ideas.” said the statement.

“We also set clear requirements for a modern, effective, transparent and legitimate United Nations that is equipped to meet future challenges and take advantage of future opportunities.” according to the statement.

China’s grid-connected wind power capacity to reach 120 TW by end-2015

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) — China’s installed capacity of wind power generation facilities that are connected to the power grid had reached 105 TW by the end of June and is estimated to reach 120 TW by the end of this year, according to Zhu Ming, vice deputy of the Department of New Energy and Renewable Energy of the National Energy Administration (NEA).
The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) will be a key period for China’s adjustment of the energy supply mix and the development of renewable energy, said Zhu.
The Chinese government has set a target to boost the share of non-fossil fuels in the country’s primary energy consumption to 15 percent by the end of 2020.







En femtedel av dansk fjärrvärme kommer från sol år 2020

I en ny prognos från Dansk Fjernvarme håller solenergi på att ersätta naturgas som stor energikälla. Det rapporterar branschtidningen Ingeniøren. Fram till 2020 väntas solenergi växa till att omfatta en femtedel av den danska fjärrvärmeproduktionen.

Från början av 2015 till slutet av 2016 väntas den samlade arealen med solfångare ha ökat med 85 procent till 580 000 kvadratmeter. En orsak till den snabba tillväxten är de bidrag som utgår för anläggningar som blir klara fram till 2016.

Under de senaste fyra åren har kostnaderna för solenergi halverats. Det har lett till att Danmark kan storsatsa på ytterligare en grön energikälla utöver vindkraft och som väntas fortsätta växa även när de statliga bidragen försvinner.



IMG_0951 (1)中国驻瑞典文化处参赞浦正东在接受北欧绿色邮报网电话采访时表示,本次中国电影展是中国广电总局和瑞典文化部的一次交流合作。中国电影展将在瑞典电影学院举办。


电影大厦Filmhuset坐落在 Borgvägen 1-5。Gärdet大草坪边上。欢迎华人华侨来看中国电影。

具体时间:11月4日 15:30-17:30放映《大圣归来》,凭请柬入场。

11月5日 18:30-21:00 《破风》

11月7日 17:00-19:00 《洋妞到我家》

11月8日 17:00-19:00《大圣归来》


The 26th Stockholm Film Festival focuses on migration

Stockholm, Oct. 22(Greenpost)–The 26th Stockholm Film Festival will focus on migration, said Git Scheynius, Director of the Stockholm Film Festival.

Git Scheynius, director of Stockholm Film Festival was interviewed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson on Oct. 20, 2015. Filmed by Anneli Larsson.

In an interview with Green Post, Scheynius said that this year attracts 190 films from 70 countries and regions in the world.

“We have a section called spotlight, this section focuses on migration. The reason for that is a question that is touching us all in the society.” said Scheynius.

China becomes 1st largest industrial robot market worldwide

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) — China sold 57,000 sets of industrial robots in 2014, up 55 percent year on year, said Xu Xiaolan, the executive member of China Economic and Social Council on Friday.
The number accounted for one quarter of the total sales number in the world, indicating that China has become the first largest industrial robot market globally for two consecutive years. Enditem

Better care with 6-hour workday in Gothenburg

 Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 19 (Greenpost)--Six-hour workday has so far proved to be a good policy for Svartedalen elder care home in Gothenburg, according to a press release from Gothenburg.

Fewer sick leaves, improved continuity and less stressed employees are the effects of 6-hour workday in Gothenburg. These are the findings in the first partial research report of the 6-hour workday project at Svartedalen elder care home.

Even the elders at Svartedalen feel like they get a better care and more time with the staff. In interviews they describe the staff as more alert and happier. They also feel that they have more time for activities and greater autonomy. Councillor Daniel Bernmar (Left Party) is not surprised about the positive results.

– Already in the spring, we could meet a happier and less stressed group of staff. They talked about how they gave a better care to the elders and got more time for their families, he says.

Bernmar also argues that the project shows that Gothenburg is open to innovations in working life and dare to try new approaches.

– We run this project to show that it is possible to reduce the working hours with good results and to share best practices, he says.

Stockholm växer snabbast i Europa

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, OCT. 18(Greenpost)– Nya siffror visar att Stockholms stad förväntas växa snabbast i hela Europa de kommande fem åren. säger Stockholms Handelskammare.

Stockholms diversifierade ekonomi med snabbt växande teknikföretag och många internationella huvudkontor drar till sig talang.– Stockholms stad är en internationell tillväxtregion. Befolkningsökningen är starkast i Europa och vi har många fördelar som internationella företag börjar få upp ögonen för, men vi har också ett antal utmaningar.När befolkningen växer med två bussar varje dag ökar kraven på investeringar i infrastruktur, bostäder och tunnelbana.

Det säger Maria Rankka, VD Stockholms Handelskammare, i en kommentar till siffrorna.

– Företagsklimatet i Stockholm är bra, men även solen har sina fläckar. Den tillväxtskadliga värnskatten borde tas bort och optionsskatten sänkas, avslutar Maria Rankka.

Underlaget har tagits fram av Peter Stein på konsultbolaget Stein Brothers.

De tio snabbast växande städerna i Europa:

1. Stockholm förväntas öka sin befolkning med 11 procent till 2020. En ökning till 1 012 488 människor år 2020.

2. Köpenhamn förväntas öka sin befolkning med 10,3 procent de kommande fem åren.

3. Oslo förväntas öka sin befolkning med 7,9 procent fram till 2020.

4. London förväntas öka sin befolkning med 5,80 procent de kommande fem

5. Helsingfors förväntas öka sin befolkning med 5,70 procent de kommande fem åren.

6. Wien förväntas öka sin befolkning med 5,50 procent de kommande fem åren.

7. Berlin förväntas öka sin befolkning med 4,30 procent de kommande fem åren.

8. Dublin förväntas öka sin befolkning med 3,90 procent de kommande fem åren.

9. Bryssel förväntas öka sin befolkning med 3,60 procent de kommande fem åren.

10. Bratislava förväntas öka sin befolkning med 3,30 procent de kommande fem åren.

China expects broader education cooperation with Britain

 Stockholm, Oct. 18 (Greenpost) — China’s Minister of Education Yuan Guiren on Friday praised the progress of education cooperation with Britain and called for more.
Britain is a major destination for Chinese students studying abroad and the number of British students who come to China has increased steadily, said Yuan, in an interview with Xinhua ahead of President Xi Jinping’s visit to Britain next week.
Last year, Chinese government sponsored 2,400 students studying in Britain and 224 British students in China. By the end of 2014, a total of 150,000 Chinese had studied in Britain. In 2014, more than 6,000 British students came to China, a notable increase from previous years.
“Increasing exchanges between young people of China and Britain not only open more opportunities for their personal development but also inject energy into the relationship in the long run,” he said.
Cooperation between universities has also picked up, with Chinese and British universities jointly setting up 17 institutions and 240 programs in China.
In September, the Beijing Normal University and Cardiff University opened a college for Chinese studies in Cardiff. Britain also has the largest number of Confucius Institutes in Europe. Since 2004, education ministers of the two countries have met regularly.  Enditem

Source Xinhua.

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China, Britain to achieve rich results in Xi’s visit

 Stockholm, Oct. 18 ( — China and Britain are expected to make progress on trade and economic cooperation during President Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit, including deals on energy, finance, real estate, medical treatment and automobiles.
“The deals between governments, financial institutes and companies, demonstrated the character of trade cooperation and its future direction,” said Assistant Minister of Commerce Zhang Ji at a press briefing on Tuesday afternoon.
Britain is China’s second largest trading partner, second largest origin of actual investment and investment destination within the European Union, while China ranks as Britain’s fourth largest trading partner.
Trade in 2014 reached 80.9 billion U.S. dollars, up 15.3 percent year on year. Britain is also the EU country with fastest-growing Chinese investment. More than 500 Chinese companies have invested in Britain.
“Better trade relations between China and Britain are important for our relations,” Zhang said.
He said the two countries should consolidate traditional trade and look for new opportunities, strengthening cooperation on investment and big projects, such as high-speed rail and nuclear power.
The two countries could make full use of their respective advantages, such as China’s equipment manufacturing and funds, and Britain’s technology, management and financial services, to explore markets in third countries and build a long-term cooperation mechanism, Zhang added.
Xi‘s state visit from Oct. 19 to 23, the first by a Chinese president for ten years, will include stays in London and Manchester.
According to Vice Foreign Minister Wang Chao, Xi will be welcomed  by the Queen Elizabeth II, review the royal horse guards, attend an unofficial luncheon and a welcoming banquet, hold talks with Prime Minister David Cameron, meet leaders of opposition parties, and address a banquet hosted by Lord Mayor of the City of London. He will meet and talk with members of the royal family during stay in London.
In Manchester, he will attend a banquet and visit research projects and local businesses.
Facing the complicated international situation and prominent global challenges, corporation between China, Britain and the rest of the EU will help maintain world economic growth, cope with challenges, and promote reforms on international economic and political governance systems.
“China maintains good relations with both Britain and the EU. China supports EU integration and is willing to see Europe play a bigger role in international affairs as a unit,” Wang said.
Zhang said China hoped Britain could continue to play a positive role in the EU to promote export of high-tech products to China, and restraint of use of trade remedy measures.
He also called for an early signing of the China-EU investment agreement and an early start of feasibility research on a China-EU free trade area.  Enditem
 Source   Xinhua        Editor  Xuefei Chen Axlesson

City of London expects Xi’s visit to boost Chinese-British financial cooperation

Stockholm, Oct. 18 (Greenpost) — Chinese President Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit to Britain will consolidate the basis for long term development of Chinese-British ties, said Mark Boleat, chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Policy and Resources Committee on Monday.
Thanks to support from both governments, China and Britain have witnessed strengthened cooperation in financial services in recent years, said Boleat.
Noting that internationalization of the renminbi, the Chinese currency, marks a key part in financial cooperation between China and Britain, Boleat said the City of London Corporation will do more to push forward cooperation with China in this regard.
He hoped Chinese and British leaders could hammer out deals to boost two-way trade and investment cooperation.
Lord Mayor of the City of London Alan Yarrow has also expressed welcome for Xi‘s visit, saying that she hoped for further strengthening of the relations between the two countries.
Yarrow last month said Britain will support the renminbi to become part of the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket currencies.
“We think the world needs another reserve currency, and we think we need renminbi,” Yarrow told reporters before his trip to China.
Yarrow tuned positively on China’s renminbi pricing mechanism improvement and other financial market reforms. He stressed that the currency fluctuation is one of the features of a marketized currency.
Yarrow led a business delegation to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong on Sept. 16-25, helping to make sure London and Britain remain the global partner of choice for China when it comes to financial and professional services.
Figures from the London market for 2014 showed persistent strong growth in RMB forex trading, according to a report by the City of London Corporation.
Overall forex-related RMB businesses trading volumes in 2014 were up 143 percent from 2013 figures, with average daily volumes reaching 61.5 billion U.S. dollars, nearly six times as large as those reported in 2011, the report said.
Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to the United Kingdom at the invitation of British Queen Elizabeth II next week.  Enditem
Source Xinhua                  Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Spotlight: Xi’s visit to open new chapter for China-UK relations, sets example for int’l cooperation

Stockholm, Oct. 18 (Greenpost) — As the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Britain enters its second decade, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first state visit to the country, scheduled between Oct. 19 and 23 at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II, will open a new chapter for bilateral ties.
   President Xi‘s visit to Britain will further revitalize the forty-year-old China-Europe partnerships as the two sides embark on a new journey based on the consensus of peace, growth, reform and civilization.
At a time when China’s sweeping reforms are entering a decisive year, and as China is drafting its 13th five-year plan, China’s top leader will take this significant visit as an opportunity to continue declaring China’s peaceful development and its determination of reform and opening-up.OPENING NEW CHAPTER FOR CHINA-BRITAIN RELATIONS
British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in New York in late September that Britain is looking forward to Xi‘s visit and will speed up efforts to make good preparations.
Prince William handed Xi Queen Elizabeth II’s invitation letter when he visited China in March, and the Queen made a formal announcement of Xi‘s visit at the opening ceremony of a new parliament held in late May.
Now as the visit approaches, the royal family, the government and the people of Britain are all eagerly awaiting Xi‘s coming and are fully prepared to welcome him.
During the visit, the Queen will hold a welcoming ceremony for Xi and invite him for both an informal lunch and a formal dinner. Together, the two leaders will review the Royal Horseguards. Several members of the royal family will attend Xi‘s activities during the visit — a high standard of reception that showcases the high level of ties.
Xi will also hold talks with Prime Minister David Cameron and make joint plans for the future development of China-Britain relations. In addition, Xi will also meet with leaders of opposition parties and parliamentary leaders to hear their appeals and expectations for relations between the two nations.
Zhou Hong from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences thinks that Xi‘s upcoming trip, during which he will visit a single European nation, is very rare in Sino-European history, and that it in some way indicates China attaches great importance to its relations with Britain, which is a major country at the core of the European Union.
As the world’s two major countries , China and Britain share comprehensive common interests while shouldering the important responsibility of promoting world peace and stability,Xi said when meeting with Prince William in March in the Great Hall of the People.
Acting as permanent members of the United Nations’ Security Council, China and Britain have maintained good long-term communication on regional and global affairs.
The relationship between China and Britain is becoming increasingly stable and mature, which not only brings concrete benefits to the two peoples, but also actively contributes to world peace and development, Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming said.ENHANCING COOPERATION FOR WIN-WIN RESULTS
During his visitXi is scheduled to deliver an important speech in the City of London, where he will systematically expound China’s domestic and foreign policies, charting the future course for China-Britain and China-Europe economic and trade cooperation.
Xi‘s visit offers Britain an opportunity to better understand him and his thoughts, said Stephen Perry, chairman of the 48 Group Club.
In the bilateral talks on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit held in The Hague last March, Xi and Prime Minister Cameron agreed to push forward cooperative programs in such areas as nuclear power, high-speed rails, high technology and finance, among others.
Since 2012, London has been seeking to become the key Western hub for trading the Chinese yuan. Among the 53 agreements made in the UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue this September, three are focused on bilateral financial cooperation.
In his state visit to China this September, British Finance Minister George Osborne said Britain welcomes China to participate in the construction of its new nuclear programs. Making special reference to the construction and operation of Hinkley Point C, he said that Britain wants to make it a cooperation platform for Chinese capital, French technology and the British market. If carried out, it would be the first time for China to invest in a Western nuclear industry.
This April, Britain has encouraged enterprises and financial institutes both at home and in China to participate in Britain’s HS2 railway project.
During his upcoming visit to Britain, Xi will attend a banquet and visit research projects and local businesses in Manchester, a major industrial city the British government wants to revitalize. Britain is committed to work with China on the Belt and Road initiative and plans to attract Chinese capital to help with the revitalization program.

During his first state visit to the EU countries, the Chinese president said in his keynote speech at the College of Europe in Belgium’s Bruges that China and Europe need to build four “bridges” of peace, growth, reform and progress of civilization to step up friendship and cooperation.
On the bridge of common cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations of China and Europe, Xi said China represents the Eastern civilization in an important way, while Europe is the birthplace of the Western civilization.
During his upcoming visitXi will take part in cultural activities to deepen the China-Britain friendship and promote bilateral exchanges. In recent years, the people-to-people exchanges, which play an important role in the China-Britain relationship, have been further enhanced.
This year marks the first “China-UK Cultural Exchange Year”, with both sides holding various activities in the other country, forming a bigger platform for the cultural creative industries in both countries as well as providing opportunities for people from both countries to enjoy literature and art works and communicate with each other.
While there are around 150,000 Chinese students studying in Britain, there are 6,000 British students studying in China. According to a British report, China has become the largest source of overseas students in Britain.
In the meantime, Britain is experiencing a “Mandarin fever,” with over 20 Confucius Institutes being established in 10 years, ranking the first among EU countries.  Enditem

Source Xinhua      Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson 

A forward-looking of President Xi’s forth-coming visit to UK

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 18(Greenpost)–Chinese President Xi Jinping will start to pay his first state visit to Britain on Monday.

As the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Britain enters its second decade, the visit is expected to open a new chapter for bilateral ties.

During his five-day visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron. The two leaders will map out the blueprint for the future development of bilateral ties.

Xi will also meet with leaders of opposition parties and top MPs.

The two countries are also expected to make progress on trade and economic cooperation during the Chinese president’s visit. A number of deals on energy, finance, real estate, medical treatment and automobiles are likely to be inked.

Cultural exchange will also be highlighted. This year marks the first “China-UK Cultural Exchange Year”. Both sides have held various activities, providing opportunities for the two peoples to communicate with each other.

Alan MacFarlane, anthropologist and a Professor Emeritus of King’s College of the University of Cambridge, says he expects the upcoming Chinese president’s visit to further boost cultural exchanges.

“There are going to be big culture exchanges between China and Britain. For example, British museum is sending objects to China, so does Victoria Albert museum and other museums. The Shakespear Global Company is going to go to China… This is the year of culture exchange between Britain and China, so much more is beginning to happen.”Professor MacFarlane first visited China in 1996. And since 2002, he’s traveled to China every year.

The professor says huge changes have been taken place in China.

“There is immense progress in every field of China, and most of it, it is what I would think was the right direction, it is a very difficult place to keep together, and no other political system that I know of, for example, western democratic system, which was designed for a few million people on this island of England, and then take it to America else where, it is very difficult how that to know how that could hold together 1.3 billion people in a satisfactory way, So China is doing extremely well.”

Yet China remains a mystery to many in the western world, says the professor, who’s also a historian.

“As a historian, I’ve studied my own civilization, Europe. And our history is a terrible story of empirical attacks on the rest of the world, my own nation of Britain is not the worst, but it has its empire, and there are other empires and missionary efforts, to try to conquer the rest of the world. Either into ask or to take their wealth, and make ourselves wealthy with it. China has a different model, which is gradual expansion of the Han people, into empty or half field area surrounds them. But China does not on the whole try to conquer them, so China is one of the few civilizations on earth which when it is very powerful has not tried to build up a huge overseas expanded empire, so we do not need to fear China.”

 Source Xinhua      Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson