All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7

French Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly to visit Finland–French Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly will make an official visit to Finland on 23 August 2018. The visit will be hosted by Minister of Defence Jussi Niinistö.

The ministers will discuss bilateral relations between the two countries, the security situation in the Baltic Sea region, materiel cooperation and current matters related to international cooperation. The agenda will also include the Finnish conscription system and crisis management cooperation, in particular the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

An inspection of the guard of honour and a wreath-laying ceremony at the Hietaniemi cemetery are also included in minister Parly’s programme. The FDrench minister is also to visit the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (HybridCoE).

During her visit, minister Parly is also scheduled to meet the President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö.

Statement of the Chinese Embassy on the Faked Twitter Account in the Name of Ambassador Cui Tiankai

STOCKHOLM, Aug.20(Greenpost)– Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai has never opened an account with Twitter. Any current Twitter accounts opened in the Ambassador’s name or with his photo are fake. The Chinese Embassy in the United States retains the right to pursue legal actions against the counterfeiters. According to the Chinese Embassy in the United States.




经过两小时的飞行终于抵达成都市,眼下成都的气温并非是我想象中的那般湿热。前来迎接我们的钟先生是一位地地道道的川哥哥,诙谐健谈,擅长“摆龙门阵”(指擅长聊天)。他操着那浓浓的方言骄傲地告诉我,四川人就像他们四川话一样“巴适”(就是很好、牢靠的意思)的很,天府之国的子民们,幸福指数很高,很会玩耍(即玩的意思),并说我的幺儿很“称头”(指帅气的男孩),这东西很乡音(指卖的很便宜),要得(好的)、啥子(什么)、鞋子(孩子)…… 四川人说话尾音拖得很长,很多词语在语言表达上与普通话有天壤之别,如果不用普通话来解释的话我想我肯定会曲解意思。我感到四川方言诙谐雅致,古朴而不低俗,蕴含着浓厚的民族文化气息。











高跟鞋可以说是女孩子成长途中的水晶梦,是一种追美情结。从那一瞬间开始,那份自信,那份执着,那份来自心灵深处的冲动,点燃了Linda创业的激情,萌发了自己做鞋的梦想,并开始了她“鞋” 的传奇一生,开启了她与高跟鞋那缠绵不断的情缘。








Linda不满足于现状,带领她的团队,拎着鞋包再次闯世界,她不停地穿梭于全球各大行业展览会,把她的鞋子卖到了全球40多个国家,每当她看到自己鞋厂生产出来的鞋底上打印着Made in China的字眼,感到无比幸福和骄傲。













北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典每日新闻最新民调显示:瑞典社民党依然是最大的党支持率是24.9%。


第四大党是中间党,支持率是10.1%。 左翼党是第五大党9.5%支持率。



从这个预测看,两大阵营均不可获得多数。红绿联盟,社民党,环境党和左翼党总席位是146.   温和党,中间党,自由党和基督教民主党加一起是135个席位。















北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国驻瑞典大使桂从友说,中国在瑞留学生已经达到8000人。这个数字说明什么?

斯德哥尔摩学术论坛CEO玛丽亚.佛格尔斯特罗姆.徐尔贝在接受北欧绿色邮报网Greenpost.se采访时说,中国留学生的申请人数已经位居世界第二,仅次于德国, 在欧盟以外当属第一。



袁璐瑶说,校方规定8月1日,8月18日和19日三天抵达,都有学生到机场去迎接,有大巴免费接送。其他航班抵达时,只有几个学生过来。但是当中国国航Air China抵达的时候,出来的中国学生是一大帮,十多个人或几十个。



“他们告诉我他们要国际化,他们要吸引全世界的留学生。” 徐尔贝说。这正是她所擅长的。从2014年起,每年开学,一年两次,他们都要派人都机场去欢迎新生。不但有大牌子和学哥学姐的热情,实实在在,从机场到校园就不用花车票钱了,免费大巴。














斯德哥尔摩大区本身到其他国家的交换生有4975人。比上一年下降了8%。 原来,最多去的国家是美国和英国。但是,这两个国家现在的知名度都在下降,分别下降了11% 和14%。分析认为这和美国川普总统上台和英国脱欧有关。当然,这种情况可能会让加拿大,澳大利亚这样的国家捡便宜。近年来,波兰成了瑞典学生追逐的地方。第三大留学国。斯德哥尔摩学生主要去波兰, 拉脱维亚,罗马尼亚和匈牙利去学医。






图:陈雪霏,袁璐瑶,Jenny Haler. 文:陈雪霏


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 了解瑞典大选的过程也是了解瑞典政治生态的时候,因此,借此机会多了解了解。人们可以听收音机,因为不同的领导人要在广播中阐明他们的观点。





13–22 aug: Sveriges Radios partiledarutfrågningar i P1 Morgon.

14–31 aug: Partiledarintervjuer i Sveriges Radios Morgonpasset i P3.

19 aug: Miljöpartiet i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

21 aug: Socialdemokraterna i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

23 aug: Vänsterpartiet i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

26 aug: Centerpartiet i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

27 aug: Aftonbladets partiledardebatt.

28 aug: Liberalerna i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

29 aug: Slutdebatt med samtliga åtta riksdagspartier Sveriges Radios P1.

30 aug: Moderaterna i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

31 aug: Duell mellan Löfven och Kristersson i SVT.

2 sep: Sverigedemokraterna i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning.

2 sep: Slutduell mellan statsminister och oppositionsledare i Sveriges Radios P1.

3 sep: Partiledarutfrågning med S, M, KD och MP i TV4.

4 sep: Partiledarutfrågning med C, SD, V och L i TV4.

6 sep: Partiledardebatt i TV4.

7 sep: Slutdebatt i SVT.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国驻瑞典大使桂从友17日在使馆会见瑞典晚报资深时政记者主编安德斯.林德贝、瑞典专业外国记者协会会长北欧绿色邮报网主编陈雪霏和墨西哥驻瑞典资深时政记者侯海.纳瓦鲁及夫人墨西哥使馆副馆长奥拉,一起讨论瑞典大选情况。
























Ambassador Gui Congyou has a written interview with Green Post

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug.18(Greenpost)– Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou has accepted a written interview with the Chinese-English language media in Sweden Green Post or upon his one year anniversary of working in Sweden. The following is the full text of the interview.

Ambassador Gui Congyou (left) and Swedish Parliament Speaker Alin(Right).

Q: Dear Mr. Ambassador Gui Congyou, August 18 is the first anniversary of your work in Sweden. Over the past year, it is well-known that you have paid a visit to the Swedish king, met the parliament speaker and many Swedish government officials, you even went to the Swedish countryside and farms, from south to north, from east to west, you have visited many places and visited many people. In summary, what is your impression of Sweden?

Ambassador Gui: Sweden has beautiful environment, developed economy and Swedish people are highly educated. Sweden is a world leader especially in the field of technological innovation and green development. The Swedish people are very friendly and they are friendly to China too. This has impressed me very much. Sweden’s development achievements are driven by innovation, green and sustainable development, and open to competition. In the process of economic globalisation, the spirit of innovation and openness has enabled Sweden to absorb enormous energy and play a key role in promoting national economic and social development.
The current international situation is undergoing a complex evolution, and economic globalization is advancing in twists and turns. Sweden, like many countries, faces some challenges including helping immigrants integrate into society, responding to terrorist threats and combating organized crime. I believe that the Swedish government and people have the wisdom and ability to solve these problems and achieve better economic and social development.

Q: Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sweden in 1950, bilateral relations have made great progress in all aspects. Based on that, in your opinion, which areas should see further cooperation between China and Sweden?

Ambassador Gui: Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 68 years ago, Sino-Swedish relations have developed smoothly and achieved a series of results. In recent years, there have been frequent exchanges at various levels and in various fields between the two countries, and pragmatic cooperation in areas such as technological innovation, energy conservation and environmental protection, clean energy, smart cities, food safety, and life sciences has continued to deepen.

In 2017, Sino-Swedish trade increased by 35% to a record high of 15 billion US dollars; the cultural exchanges between the two countries have become increasingly close, and the total number of Chinese students in Sweden has exceeded 8,000. The majority of the Swedish people are friendly to China, and the government and business community are hoping to expand cooperation with China.

At today’s new starting point, the two countries have greater potential for cooperation. The development concepts of China and Sweden are compatible. It was in Sweden that the concept of sustainable development was proposed to the world in 1972, and is a world leading player in the fields of innovation, green development and environmental protection. China is also vigorously practicing innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing new development concepts. Sweden is a world leader in innovation and sustainable development, and Sweden’s successful development experience contributes to China’s high quality development. China and Sweden have identical positions in supporting free trade, opposing protectionism, and tackling climate change.

Both China and Sweden love peace and resolutely oppose war and the use of force or threat to use force in international relations. Both have made important contributions to the international peacekeeping cause. We can also carry out in-depth cooperation in safeguarding world peace and promoting political solutions to hot issues in international arena.
Overall, I believe China and Sweden have a good foundation and broad prospect for further cooperation. The expansion of cooperation between the two countries can fully achieve the effect of “1+1>2”.

Q: Next year will be the 70th anniversary of the founding of China. The following year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sweden. What are you going to do in the process?

Ambassador Gui: In the next two years, we shall usher the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sweden. This will bring new historic opportunities for Sino-Swedish friendly exchanges and cooperation. We look forward to working with our Swedish friends to consolidate the traditional friendship between the two countries through a series of celebrations, actively promote dialogue and exchanges between the two sides in various fields, and transform the potential of cooperation into real new achievements based on the existing cooperation results. It will benefit the people of both countries and promote the common development and prosperity of the two countries. In the past year, I have had extensive contacts with friends from all walks of life in Sweden and found that they all want to know about China. But after all, the two countries are far away from each other and exchanges are not enough. Some Swedish friends and media people still don’t know much about China, and have never been to China. Very few Swedish media have also pointed out their opinions on China, and even looked at China now with their preoccupied view point formed 40 or 50 years ago. My task is to introduce an objective, true and comprehensive Sweden to the Chinese people, introduce an objective, true and comprehensive China to the Swedish people, promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between our two countries, and build friendly exchange and cooperation bridges between the two peoples. My colleagues and I did exactly that and achieved good results. We hope that with the 70th National Day and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sweden, more Swedish friends are welcome to visit China, especially to expand the exchanges between the two sides, and to enhance mutual understanding, friendship and trust. Promote further development of China-Sweden relations and cooperation in various fields to create a positive and favorable atmosphere.

Q: Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the “Belt and Road Initiative”. In your opinion, between China and Sweden and even between China and the Nordic countries, how can we find a match in the “Belt and Road” initiative? What are the Chinese needs for Sweden? What needs or supplies can China provide? Is there any other cooperation framework?

Ambassador Gui: The “Belt and Road” is an important international cooperation initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. The core of the project is to interconnect the infrastructure and provides complementary advantages, promote mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve common development. The “Belt and Road” is not a unilateral imposition of China’s cooperation plan on other countries. It is not something too special. It is linked to the development strategy of the participants and is jointly discussed with other countries to formulate a cooperative construction plan. The “Belt and Road” is not a Marshall Plan. It is not China’s unilateral funding to assist other countries, but China’s joint ventures with other countries.

The results of the “Belt and Road” are not exclusive to the Chinese, but shared with the participating and partner countries. The “Belt and Road” is not a geopolitical tool, because the basic principle of China’s foreign policy is not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and not to engage in spheres of influence. The “Belt and Road” is not just a bilateral cooperation between China and other countries. China has carried out relevant cooperation with other countries and welcomes third parties and even more parties to participate. The “Belt and Road” is not just a one-way cooperation between China and other countries outside China. It also welcomes foreign governments and enterprises to carry out, expand and deepen cooperation with China inside China.

The “Belt and Road” is not far from northern Europe. As early as 1739, Sweden’s famous “Götheborg” voyage to China, opening the voyage between China and Sweden and the Nordic Maritime Silk Road. In November last year, the first Sino-European train between Nordic region of Kovala, Finland, and Xi’an began operation to connect the Nordic and Asian continents.
As the first Western country to establish diplomatic relations with China and the largest economy in Northern Europe, Sweden has unique advantages and broad prospects for participating in the “Belt and Road”. Sweden has always supported free trade, advocated open development, and advocated green innovation, which is highly compatible with the concept of “Belt and Road”. Swedish companies are internationally leading in infrastructure, equipment manufacturing, smart cities and green transportation. It is hoped that the Swedish friends will seize the important opportunities brought about by China’s opening up to the outside world and use the “Belt and Road” as a platform to push the pragmatic cooperation between China and Sweden to a new level.

Q: You have showned great care about overseas Chinese in the past year. In the future, what are your hopes for overseas Chinese in Sweden?

Ambassador Gui: Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the Chinese people are united and actively strive for the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Overseas Chinese are an important force in achieving this great goal. Over the past year, I have worked with all the staff of the Embassy to resolutely implement the policies of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on overseas Chinese and Chinese living in Sweden, and implement the overseas Huiqiao project so that the motherland can develop and strengthen the dividends to benefit every overseas Chinese. For a long time, the overseas Chinese in Sweden have actively integrated into the local society and made important contributions to the economic and social development of Sweden. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my cordial greetings and best wishes to the overseas Chinese.

China’s development is at a new historical starting point. China is gradually approaching the center of the world stage, and is approaching the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and has the unprecedented ability and confidence to achieve this goal. It is hoped that the overseas Chinese will continue to firmly support the great cause of the motherland’s reunification, maintaining social stability, firmly support the country’s strong development and China-Sweden friendly cooperation, and resolutely oppose any people engaged in anti-China separatist activities in any form or in any way to split our country and contribute to the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of our nation.

Meanwhile, I hope that the overseas Chinese in Sweden will continue to actively participate in the economic and social development in Sweden and closely follow the steps of innovation and development, and better integrate personal development with Swedish development. It is also hoped that the overseas Chinese in Sweden will actively cooperate in the fields of Sino-Swedish innovation and environmental protection, put up forward your suggestions and proposals, and vigorously promote the non-governmental and cultural exchanges between the two countries, and make greater contributions to consolidating the social and public diplomacy of Sino-Swedish friendly relations and cooperation.

My colleagues and I are willing to continue to maintain close ties with the vast number of overseas Chinese and listen to their opinions and suggestions on how to further promote the development of China-Sweden friendly and cooperative relations.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 今天8月18日是中国驻瑞典大使桂从友履职一周年纪念日。在此北欧绿色邮报网主编陈雪霏对桂大使进行了书面专访。全文如下:

























 北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 8月11日,桂从友大使应邀出席使馆与韦斯特罗斯市华人协会举办的文体联谊活动。使馆各部门代表、韦斯特罗斯市华人协会会长刘荣生、协会创始会长周刚、潮州同乡会创始会长杨龙及当地侨胞等约百人参加。





2012 Top 10 Successful Solar Companies


10. JA Solar

With increasing margins, JA Solar has a large number of outstanding shares and a strong ability to turn its equity into net income. According to a recent Paragon Report, the company’s stocks are on the upswing as the industry rallies behind 2012.


9. Canadian Solar Inc.

With manufacturing based in China, Canadian Solar ranks as the sixth largest producer in the world by PVinsights and seventh by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The company produced 803 MW of PV panels in 2010 and is working on a plant in Canada with a capacity of 200 MW per year. Despite recent share drops, the company is ramping up production in reaction to a spike in European demand.


8. SunPower

High-efficiency crystalline silicon PV cells, roof tiles and panels invented at Stanford University earned SunPower’s stronghold on the market as one of the top U.S. solar companies. In April, Total S.A. agreed to buy 60 percent of the company for $1.38 billion and the company has announced plans to compete with retail electric rates by cutting costs in half in 2012.


7. Yingli Green

As one of the world’s first fully vertically integrated photovoltaic manufactures, Yingli Green Energy has installed over 2 GW of modules around the globe. The solar energy firm also recently signed an agreement with IBC Solar to supply another 180 MW of multi-crystalline and mono-crystalline PV modules in 2012 as it expands through parts of Europe.


6. RenaSola

As a leading manufacturer of solar products, ReneSola recently completed a 20 MW solar power plant in China, including grid connection. By capitalizing on proprietary technologies, economies of scale and low-cost production capabilities, the company continues to be a part of China’s transformation from a manufacturing hub into an important end-user of solar products.


5. Jinko Solar

Employing over 10,000 professionals across over 165 acres of factories in China, Jinko Solar reached a capacity of 600 MW in ingot, wafer, cell and module production. In its short history, the company has become one of the largest manufacturing bases for solar products, and has established a global R&D center with universities from all over to engage in continuous innovation in the sector.


4. Trina Solar

Trina Solar’s abilities in mounting PV modules are among some of the fastest, easiest and least expensive in the marketplace. By offering 10-year product warranties and 25-year linear performance warranties, its panels make for sound investments with proven energy performance from tests conducted by states from around the world.


3. GT Advanced Technologies (GTAT)

Displaying some of the sector’s strongest financial health, GTAT has grown its revenue by 1,000 percent in the past five or six years. Despite taking debt in 2010, the company expects to see tremendous growth in equity value, offering a type of growth not often seen in the industry with products and technologies that lower the cost of polysilicon.

2. Suntech Power Co.

Chinese super giant Suntech Power is the world’s largest producer of solar panels, pulling in around 1,800 MW of production capacity annually. The company has delivered over 13,000,000 solar panels to thousands of companies in over 80 countries. According to the company, China may add 4 GW or more of panels, which will help curb the 2012 glut of materials on market.

1. First Solar

Living up to its name, Firs Solar has been leading the industry for quite some time. Using cadmium telluride in its manufacturing process has allowed for the production of thin film PV modules at some of the cheapest rates on the market as low as $0.74 per watt. It was the first to reduce manufacturing cost to $1 in 2009, ranked sixth in Fast Company’s 2010 list of the world’s 50 most innovative companies and first on Forbe’s list of America’s 25 fastest-growing technology companies in 2011.


In an effort to survive in a Darwinian market, due to a glut of supplies on the market coming from China, the company has made moves to consolidate certain research and development activities to avoid a similar fate of Solyndra. Today, the world’s biggest maker of thin-film solar panels is working on a number of large-scale projects in the western U.S., and has installed over 3.8 GW of modules in both rooftop and ground-mount applications worldwide.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 提名川普为2018诺贝尔和平奖候选人的新闻是假新闻。瑞典和平研究所主任亨利在他写的名单新闻中提到。但如果提名是为2019年,那现在就没有公布。




Nobel Peace Prize 2018: PRIO Director’s Shortlist

Based on independent assessments, PRIO Directors have offered their personal shortlists for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2002. Current Director is Henrik Urdal.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee   bases its decision on valid nominations received by the 31 January deadline.  Anyone can be nominated (and history indeed shows a few rather dubious nominees, including Hitler), but only a number of people have the right to nominate  , including members of national assemblies and governments, current and former members of the Committee, Peace Prize laureates, professors of certain disciplines, directors of peace research and foreign policy institutes, and members of international courts. The five committee members have until their first meeting after the deadline to add nominations of their own. The Director of PRIO holds the right to nominate, but refrains, given his active role as a commentator. He has no form of association with the Nobel Institute or the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Read more here.

The laureate will be announced, as per usual, on the Friday of the first full week of October.

Following the shortlist, you will also find a list of known nominations.

For questions, requests for further information or interviews,
please contact the Director’s Adviser  or the Director directly .


Henrik Urdal’s 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Shortlist

  1. Dr. Denis Mukwege & Nadia Murad
  2. World Food Programme
  3. Oby Ezekwesili & EITI
  4. International Memorial
  5. Can Dündar & Cumhuriyet

Dr. Denis Mukwege & Nadia Murad

The early frontrunners for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize should be Denis Mukwege and NadiaMurad, two people who have been leading figures in bringing attention to sexual violence in conflict. Although their experiences and practices differ greatly, there can be no doubt about the potency of their global advocacy work against sexual violence in conflict. Denis Mukwege has provided treatment for thousands of women and is a world-renowned expert on repairing the physical damage from rape and sexual violence. Through the work done at his Panzi Hospital in Bakuvu, Democratic Republic of Congo, he has been instrumental in drawing the world’s attention to these kinds of crimes. In addition to Mukwege, who has featured on both mine and my predecessor’s shortlist earlier, the work of Nadia Murad as an international advocate against sexual violence in conflict deserves recognition. Murad, one of the thousands of Yazidi women and girls who were abducted and held by the Islamic State as slaves, has worked relentlessly to bring attention to victims of sexual violence in wars. While there is increased focus and criminal prosecution of sexual violence in armed conflicts, we see that groups use it in new and systematic ways. Therefore, the highlighting of Murad’s case takes on a new dimension of importance. However, she’s not only a spokesperson for victims of sexual violence in conflict, but also for her people – and, alongside her attorney Amal Clooney, she’s working the international system for Islamic State members to be prosecuted, taking her case all the way to the UN for justice. Murad has won the Sakharov human rights prize along with fellow Yazidi Lamiya Aji Bashir, who would also be a worthy candidate for recognition in a year celebrating the 10-year anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1820, which explicitly recognizes the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war and a war crime.

[For the sake of transparency, it should be noted that PRIO researchers have collaborated with Mukwege and the Panzi Hospital for a research project on female empowerment.]

World Food Programme

Hunger is once more one of the big humanitarian challenges of our times, with various hunger crises emerging in the wake of armed conflicts. The World Food Programme is the leading humanitarian organization tackling the hunger issue worldwide. Whether food insecurity follows due to armed conflicts such as in Syria and Yemen (where over 17 million people depend on the WFP for survival, according to their own statistics) or internal displacement and ethnic tensions such as in Myanmar, the WFP is ever-present.

While the evidence for an impact of food security on violent conflict remains tenuous, it is well established that armed conflict severely affects food security. Indeed, the final report of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals rightfully identifies armed conflict as the main reason for failures to meet the MDG target of increased food security. Hence, while reducing food insecurity in itself might not be the most important peacebuilding measure, conflict prevention and food security remain intrinsically linked.

A Nobel Peace Prize to the WFP would highlight the crucial work the organization is doing for populations fleeing from conflict, while also ensuring continued commitment from its funders to keep up their endeavors to make sure victims of conflict, displacement and natural disasters are fed and cared for. Hopefully this will also pave the way for further conflict prevention measures. Hunger crises might not get the headlines that wars and armed conflicts do, but they are just as – if not more – deadly.

Oby Ezekwesili & EITI

Corruption is a main driver of social upheavals around the globe, underpinning recent major developments like the Arab Spring. Corruption also thrives during and after war, and many conflict-affected countries are among the most corrupt in the world. Oby Ezekwesili, former Minister of Education in Nigeria and Vice President for Africa in the World Bank and one of the founders of Transparency International, has been an international champion in the fight against corruption. Ezekwesili was also the Federal Minister of Solid Minerals and the Chairperson of the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), leading the first ever national implementation of the global EITI standards.

Ezekwesili and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) are worthy candidates because of their efforts in making the world more transparent and less corrupt. The link between armed conflict and high-value natural resources is strong: EITI was established in 2003 as a direct response to the mounting evidence showing that poor governance of natural resources may lead to an economic ‘resource curse’ and increased conflict. Increased transparency over extraction processes and financial results has led to a more sober and nuanced debate about the extractive industries and their output, and has the potential to help defuse conflicts and reducing tensions before they even happen. EITI’s efforts to create multi-stakeholder groups in which civil society is involved is a model case for inclusiveness in such a politically and economically important issue.

Anti-corruption and transparency champions have not traditionally been considered as obvious candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, natural resources, transparency, corruption and conflict are intrinsically linked. This important work by individuals and organizations like Ezekwesili and EITI is deserving of attention, and a Nobel Peace Prize to the field of anti-corruption and transparency would be a welcome boost now that key actors such as the U.S. have abandoned the EITI by the wayside.

International Memorial

Russian civil society organization International Memorial monitors human rights in Russia and works to put Russia and the Soviet Union’s totalitarian past on the record. In an ever more repressive environment, Memorial defends and upholds its ideals with quiet dignity, and provides a welcome shining light for democracy, civil society, and human rights in Russia. In 2016 Memorial was listed as a “foreign agent” by the Russian government, a tactic Human Rights Watch say is used to “demonize” dissenting voices. The organization and its members have also suffered arrests, abuse, and attempted murder, as well as the arson of offices in Chechnya and the Northern Caucasus.

With the upcoming presidential election likely to see Vladimir Putin reelected without any notable change to his platform, Memorial is needed more than ever to remind Russians and the world that the spread of authoritarianism has to be countered and fought against.

One of Memorial’s founding members, Svetlana Gannushkina, has been listed on the PRIO Director’s Nobel shortlist earlier – for her efforts helping migrants and refugees in Russia. However, every man and woman who contributes to make Memorial the great organization it is deserves credit and recognition. A Nobel Peace Prize to Memorial would be an acknowledgement of the peaceful efforts made by Russian civil society to oppose authoritarianism and advocate freedom, democracy, and human rights in Russia.

Can Dündar & Cumhuriyet

Exiled Cumhuriyet editor Can Dündar and his erstwhile paper remain symbols of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s crackdown on the freedom of the press in Turkey. Dündar has faced charges of disclosing state secrets and aiding a terrorist group, and later fled to Germany where he still resides. Similar charges have been filed against several of Cumhuriyet staff, and many of the court cases are still ongoing. The acts for which they are indicted amount to no more than doing their jobs as journalists by pursuing independent and critical reporting. Dündar himself was awarded the International Press Freedom Award by The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in 2016.

Dündar and the newspaper where he served as a columnist and later editor-in-chief, Cumhuriyet, are disheartening examples of how far freedom of the press has declined in Turkey. One of Turkey’s oldest newspapers and a steadfast secular and republican-leaning publication, Cumhuriyet has been renowned for its independent reporting and fearlessness in criticizing the authorities – underscored by it being awarded the 2015 Freedom of the Press Prize by Reporters without Borders for its stand against mounting government pressure.

A Nobel Peace Prize to Can Dündar and Cumhuriyet would be a welcome boost for press freedom and civil society in a country where such liberties are becoming rarer. It would also underline Erdogan’s unacceptable dismantling of Turkey’s democracy.


Nominations for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

The below list is based on available information in the press, on the web or provided to us directly. It is surely far from exhaustive, as the Nobel Committee each year receives more than 200 nominations, and the listings are far from certain. Nominators are asked not to disclose their nominations, and the committee’s proceedings are kept secret for 50 years. Consequently, we cannot guarantee that the committee indeed has received a specific nomination, nor, in some cases, whether the nominator is eligible. As long as the nominator fulfils the criteria, any one person or organization may be nominated regardless of objective standing (the nominations of Hitler and Stalin being cases in point). The committee may also add names to the list, themselves, before their first meeting after the deadline. The committee base their final selection on specifications in Alfred Nobel’s will , their interpretation of which is disputed by the Nobel Peace Prize Watch . The NPPW usually keep their own list of worthy and qualified nominations according to their reading of the will.

  • Edward Snowden has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • The White Helmets are nominated  by Norwegian MP Arne Nævra
  • The Committee Against Torture and
  • Olga Sadovskaja have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • Novaja Gazeta and
  • Elena Milasjina have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • Svetlana Gannusjkina has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been nominated by Norwegian MP Lars Haltbrekken
  • The European Court of Human Rights has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Petter Eide
  • Denis Mukwege and 
  • Yanar Mohammed have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Karin Andersen
  • The Iraqi-kurdish Peshmerga forces have been nominated  by Norwegian MP Himanshu Gulati for helping defeating the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
  • Joshua Wong Chi-fung,
  • Nathan Law Kwun-chung and
  • Alex Chow Yong-kang, front persons for the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, have been nominated  by Marco Rubio and a bipartisan group of US congressmen.
  • The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights has been nominated  by Norwegian MP Bjørnar Moxnes
  • The Humanitarian Law Centre and
  • Nataša Kandić has been nominated  by US Senator Roger Wicker and US Representative Eliot Engel.
  • Dr. Daisaku Ikeda is nominated by 1976 Nobel laureate Betty Williams (confirmed by Williams).
  • Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has most likely been nominated  by Indonesian MP.
  • George Soros has most likely been nominated  by Hungarian group of academics and clergy.
  • Yussouf Shaheen is allegedly nominated by Pakistani nominators, but no actual nomination or names of nominators have been reported in media or submitted to PRIO.
  • The Giulio Andreotti Institute and Secret Archives and
  • Patrizia Chilelli, Director of the Giulio Andreotti Institute and Secret Archives are confirmed nominations by an American Professor of Philosophy. We are unable to verify the existence of an institution by this name, but there does exist an Andreotti Archive at the Sturzo Institute.
  • Peacebuilding organisation Search for Common Ground is nominated  by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
  • Jaha Mapenzi Dukureh, Gambian anti-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) activist, is nominated  by Norwegian MP Jette Christensen (Labour Party).
  • Ilham Tohti, Uighur intellectual and activist, currently serving life imprisonment in China, is nominated  by Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Bulgarian politican and Member of the European Parliament.
  • Enzo Cursio, Italian journalist is nominated  for his work for peace, human rights and disarmament, by Nobel laureate of 1976, Mairead C. Maguire.
  • Soheil Farah of Lebanon, and
  • Yuri Yakovets of Russia, are reportedly nominated  for their work for a sustainable and peaceful global future, by a group of Russian academics including Professor Alexei Gromyko at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Archbishop Louis Raphaël I Sako, head of the Iraqi Chaldean Church community, is reportedly nominated .
  • The Arctic Council is nominated  by a group of international academics including Lassi Heininen, Professor of Arctic politics at University of Lapland (FI).
Do you have additional (confirmed) nominations to add to the list? Let us know! And just to be clear: if you mean to actually nominate someone, we are not the correct addressee.

The nomination of President Donald J. Trump was reported to us earlier and consequently figured on the above list for some time until it was revealed that the nomination was forged. See e.g. this NY Times article  for more info on the issue.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(荷兰特约记者张卓辉)  仲夏连续艳阳天。一位中国姑娘肩扛一面五星红旗迎风招展,昂首阔步向前,汇集于浩荡的行进队伍中,正在跨越荷兰东中部克伊克(Cuijk)市郊沸腾的马斯河舟桥。


此情景再现今年第102届荷兰欧洲国际“奈梅亨四日步行节(Nijmegen  Vierdaagse, 7月14日至20日)”精彩镜头:正在司令船附近现场采访的笔者喜出望外地赶往舟桥中段,马上截住那个姑娘,“您从那儿来?”“北京!”俩人异邦遇乡亲,无比兴奋地攀谈起来。原来,他们(还有一位正在路上)是来自中国北京体育大学在校大学生毛杰(女)、王康宁,经过4天不懈努力,分别完成了40公里/日和50公里/日的两组别行程,改写了荷兰奈梅根四日步行节没有中国大陆人员完成的历史。他们由北京市民间组织国际交流协会委派、北京万昆体育文化发展有限公司(北京国际山地徒步大会的运营机构)全程赞助。










誉为“欧洲后花园”的奈梅亨地区于1904年7月中下旬举办有荷兰与周边邻国军民群众参加的“4日开步走运动会(VierdaagseFeest)”为全球最古老的徒步活动,最初主要是针对军人而设立的一项活动。第一届徒步行共有306人参加,其中只有10名平民。同年,荷兰女王威廉明娜对“四日行十字徽章”的认可表明荷兰政府对人们在此活动中作出的优秀表现及其重要性进行了认可,以后数年中,参与者人数不断增加。到了1919年,终于有第一名女性N.van Stockum-Metelerkamp 成功走完全程。1928年在首都阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)举行的奥运会,导致此活动冲出荷兰,当年的四日徒步行节中,出现了首批应邀来自德国、法国、挪威和英国的步行者参与行走。于是它成为迄今世界上最大的远程徒步行活动,荷兰远足(徒步)运动协会成为世界徒步(远足)运动创始会。之后每年7月14日至20日在该市地区举行一届,历年不断,长盛不衰。进入廿世纪六、七十年代,每届都吸引了数以万计的欧洲诸国军民参加这和平盛典四日大游行。而且每届都有欧盟、荷兰国家、地方政府政要官员,各军兵种首长将领,荣誉军人代表、社会团体代表应邀出席开、闭幕式;诸国平面、立体媒体均临现场直击报道。90年代以来,尤其是21世纪后,均届都有逾三万人, 今年为第102届,参加者已突破44000人。他们来自世界的82个国家,非荷兰人占14%。厄立特里亚、冈比亚、阿曼、坦桑尼亚是第一次来参加此项活动。



令人瞩目的是,步行者沿途附近会看到一座著名Henk Sneevliet(中文名为“马林”)的立交桥,典故祝本溯源:一部描述荷兰人Henk Maring(马林)长达一个小时的文献纪录片于2011年7月初,庆祝中国共产党成立90周年期间,在荷兰电视第二台播放。凸显当年这位共产国际代表协助中国共产党成立的背景与活动,见证中共一大召开唯一的西方人。2008年4月18日上海市历史博物馆代表团抵达荷兰,前往荷兰共产党人马林曾经居住过的VOLK寻找马林的足迹。马林是这名荷兰共产主义者当时使用的化名(Henk Maring),现以他原名 Henk Sneevliet 命名的立交桥已座落荷兰东部作永恒纪念。而这座宣示中荷友谊见证桥屹立于荷兰东部海尔德兰省境内……







然而,“盼了许多年总算真正看到第一面五星红旗通过此地!”于2013年第97届荷兰国际步行节,一面鲜艳的五星红旗插上背囊顶端的一位中国姑娘与队友并肩阔步行进向在队伍中,儜立在马斯河舟桥中的笔者,情不自禁从夹道欢迎民众里冲出,截住这对中国姑娘。交谈中方晓得她们是留学荷兰奈梅亨大学毕业后在奈梅亨市就业的原广州大学生。她们手腕戴着参加者标志胶圈显露出“50 x”,表示挑战自我能量极限,特地选择全会最长路程50公里身体力行。“享醒世欧洲运动会上宣扬我们国旗是大家共同愿望!”她们不谋而合地开心笑道。笔者和她们与围观军民一起展开国旗合影留念。小歇聚会话别后,她们又精神抖擞,健步跟上接踵而来的队伍继续前进,踏上对岸滩头,穿过两座充气式蓝、红色彩凯旋门“Welkom in Limburg(欢迎进入林堡省区)”,迈向新征程,五星红旗依然肩上迎风飘扬耀眼夺目。

 后来参加2016年第100届此节活动也有几位来自上海市的中国选手。参赛者之一罗昊告诉来访者,他们受“奈梅亨四日行节”赛事主﹑官方赞助商知名运动和户外Hi-Tec运动鞋品牌集团公司的邀请,作为嘉宾来参加这个全球最酷最大的徒步活动。Hi-Tec运动鞋老板Frank van Wezel接待了他们,希望今后随着品牌进入中国,也能够将更多更有趣的国际活动与中国户外爱好者一起分享。罗昊身披五星红旗率领中国队昂首阔步,冒雨挺进。

值得骄傲的是2013年5月8日,在法国尚托奈举行的国际徒步联盟(International Matching Leage)大会上,国际徒步联盟成员国代表表决通过了北京作为国际徒步城市的申请,北京申办国际徒步城市获得成功!北京成为国际徒步爱好者向往的城市,让世界了解中国,让中国的徒步爱好者走出国门,参加全世界各地的徒步活动,领略深厚的徒步文化,让中国融入世界。