All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7




电梯的加装不仅方便了日常生活,也提升了居住环境的舒适度。 居民可以更轻松地搬运物品、购物、接待客人等,提高了生活质量。电梯的加装可以改善社区居民的交流和互动。















Is United Front a “threat”?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct. 14 (Greenpost) – On Oct.1, TV 4 in Sweden published a news about China in KALLA FAKTA which seemed to have found a big secret about China. That is the United Front Work Department and its relations with overseas Chinese.

Last night I couldn’t sleep, I began to read in English about what is United Front. The study about United Front started in Canterbury University in New Zealand in 2017 and then Australian thinktank continued to publish articles and papers to explain the United Front’s role in the Communist Party of China.

When I read TV4 article, I see the language is like this, whenever they mentioned China, they will mention like China dictatorship as Chinese authorities. I just wonder if China is a dictatorship, why do they have other eight parties and many social organizations and people’s communities, trade union and workers federations and friendship federations for overseas Chinese and many others?

In the articles, it explained that United Fronts is an organization to make friends with overseas Chinese and many others. In other words, I think it shows the Communist Party is not a dictatorship, but rather democratic because they would absorb all the people’s opinions and suggestions for the benefit of all the people in society in their ruling.

It sounds like a secret for many westerners because they have never seriously studied about Communist Party of China. They thought it was the same as the former Soviet or other socialist country. But the fact is CPC is really special. It is the world’s largest party which has nearly 100 million members. Almost among every 13 people, there is one party member. And this party member must abide by the party’s charter and really serve the people. He or she must be very healthy, capable in leading the people for a better life. CPC is a ruling party, but it must serve the people. For example, to get rid of extreme poverty. Now with the overwhelming amount of real estate, you can see it is easy to meet people’s demand. China is not a shortage economy any more. The supply is larger than the demand. The main problem is how to distribute the wealth.

China is dealing with this problem now. For example, if a person got cancer, he or she would have minimium cost in treatment at hospital. This is a good welfare system.

Elderly care is very well in cities. For example the senior citizen who is above 60, there will be no need to pay bus or park fees. It is free for them.

Chinese culture is to pay attention to family relations. And this family can be inside China and can be international. China likes to keep good relations with overseas Chinese. This was a great improvement in China. During the 1960 and 1970s even 1980s, we dare not say that we have overseas relatives. Why? Because then the overseas relative would be treated as a traitor or enemy. But now people feel proud to have an overseas relative because we think western countries living standards are quite high and advanced. We have to learn from them.

About 10 years ago, Sweden was also open to teach the Chinese how to live a better life. The visitors not necessarily bought a lot of gifts but learn more ideas and implemented in reality. Now I find that many ideas were really realized in reality. A lot of new parks and lakes with clean water and green grass have been built. The environment has substantially improved. Now we begin to appreciate the blue sky when we took it for granted in the 1980s and even before that time.

It is true that United Front means to unite all the friends and try to make friends with all the people who love peace and development. But what is wrong with it? Even God said those who have self-discipline will have no problem. Learning from each other and make common progress is not a problem.

 China and Sweden: Who Copies Who?

 By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct. 14(Greenpost) – All advanced human civilization achievements can be learned and spread. When I was in Sweden, I went to Ikea to buy furniture. Then I saw the six small spoons which have different sizes. I was amazed and felt happy and surprised how Swedish people were so clever to give such a good measurement in the kitchen.

Then one day I went to the Far Eastern Museum in Stockholm, on the second floor they had a wonderful exhibition of Chinese antiques dating back to Xia and Shang Dynasty. The exhibition was well deployed with time schedule of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han,,,Tang,Song, Yuan, Ming,Qing sequence. When you come to the Qin Dynasty,except Terra Cotta, you will see a bronze measurement instrument of six small spoons with different sizes. Oh, whose idea came first? Who copied who?

I was also surprised that in China we cannot see this and a lot of the antiques especially in the Xia and Shang dynasties, we can’t see them in China. We have forgotten our ancestors glorious culture and art. When we went to Great Britain Museum, American Museum, Museum in Switzerland and Gothenburg Museum, we saw a prosperous and rich China in many ways. The poverty in the 1950s, 60s and 70s has brainwashed the Chinese about what is a rich life. But people were more spiritual and people felt more equal because most of the people were poor.

When China became opening up, a lot of people went abroad, especially the elite Chinese went abroad despite of all kinds of difficulties because the gap between the west and China was too big.

I have interviewed a famous singer who said he could earn 1000 dollars by washing dishes a month with spare time while in China the formal permanent job would only earn him 20 dollars. With such a gap, people think there are gold in western countries. But now such gap has substantially narrowed down.

Judging from those second hand apartment, you can see how rich some newly-riched Chinese have become. 20 year old 150 or 174 square meters apartment, they don’t want it any more. They want to have new apartments. They want to have lift and live in a cleaner area with better environment and better maintainence in the area where it is almost like a garden.

Meanwhile, the old town is still the same as 20 years ago, not much change.

The young generation enjoy the more resources, but less time for eating and sleeping. Sometimes it can be too much food, sometimes it can be just western fast food. In the past, most Chinese were slim and even in their body. Nowadays we also have a lot of overweight, obesity children. Distorted resting time cause various health problems. The young generation has more eye-sight and teeth problems. Thus to plant tooth is a very popular business now.

While western countries see China as a “threat“, I just wonder how China can threat the west. Isn’t it you who made a Frankistan Giant? Or is it you dislike another country which is more like you? How have you threaten China with your culture? How much Chinese culture has been wiped out? When thinking of these questions we have to think that the global village made us interdependent and influence each other so much. Some people are nolstalgic and didn’t want to accept this globalization trend they started themselves. Sorry the trend is difficult to stop once the global machine or mechanism started.

Since China has learned from the western countries, in fact, both good and bad are included. Many problems western countries have experienced China is experiencing. One obvious problem is the substantial reduction of the population. Many schools in the countryside have to be closed and many hospitals have been replaced by barefoot kind of doctors and drug stores.

Urbanization is still going on in China. Young people move to the city while their parents still live in the countryside where there are only elderly people. While big cities absorbed all the migrant workers, their parents remain to live in small cities. Thus it is easier to see more older people in third level cities such as my hometown Jinzhou. Why are you afraid of China and think China as a threat? Ten years ago when I accompanied a delegation from South China to visit elderly home and small businesses, the leader with the delegation said thanks for your invitation because Today’s Sweden will be tomorrow’s China. In other words, today’s China is western countries yesterday. People are getting old. Senior citizen accounts for more than 20 percent of the population while the younger generation didn’t want to work as hard as the older generation. They relied on their parents more. Why do we have such a trend? Industrialization trend. When all the infrastructure has been improved, other development potential needs to be tapped. What is the future? Mankind must find a better way to go on. Do not live in a bad cycle of dynasties.

Swedish Influence in China

                   By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct.14(Greenpost)—When I was in Sweden, I always missed home China and tried to find Chinese footprint in Sweden, for example, the Chinese Palace in Drottningholm or the Gothenburg Boat in Gothenburg and if you visit the Gothenburg Museum, you even can see the trading paintings in the Qing Dynasty, marking the long history of trade between Sweden and China.

Now I am in China and I begin to think of Sweden and like to see the Swedish footprint in China. While in Beijing, you can’t help thinking of Sanlitun, a must-visit place for foreigners in Beijing. But now it has changed a lot. It is more modern with the constructions and buildings, but fewer people. Taiguli seemed to be a landmark building while Swedish brand H.M is just beside it not far away. I remember I also saw H.M in Xinjiang and Arla production line was there too. China now also has thousands of thousands of people who have problems that they could not eat flour and they have to eat the Chiazi or Linfro which reminds me of my daughter’s breakfast habit to have a smoothie with all kinds of seeds in it.

Oh, we not only live similar, but also sick similar! Thousands of thousands of people, especially young people take it as a hobby to have some starbucks or other coffee. When I was wandering in the new districts in Wanda Square, a famous brand in China, I saw starbucks and many other foreign names, operating prosperously there in Jinzhou city. In China if you buy clothes, you seldom find Chinese names, almost all the clothes have a foreign name, true or not, it sounds very foreign.

Volvo cars, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Volksvagen, you name it, almost all the foreign brands are in China and new cars are full of streets and roads. Electric motorcycle replaced precious brandname of the kingdom of bikes except in Beijing and Hainan you still can use your mobilephone to scan the code and got a bike to ride. Private bikes have almost disappeared.

From outside, you even see a lot of western style buildings which are newly built. In Chaoyang District in Beijing, you have many buildings which looked like Gothe style, Holland village, Nordic Towns, Greenvillage, Hammarbysjostad-inspired Xiong’an and Zhangjiakou, Caofeidian are everywhere. Nowadays even the European especially the Nordic simple style has swept in the newly bought apartments in domestic decoration. I saw many kitchens almost the same as my own kitchen in Stockholm. The only difference in Jinzhou is that all the cooking device have been moved to the balcony and all the food should be cooked in balcony. Who comes out with this idea? But the other arrangements are very similar to the western style, Danmark or Sweden? Mine was Danmark.

Even the street art also reflects the similarity in our thinking. I don’t say that there are two Swedish art work in Yuquan Park in Western Beijing, even in Shuangjing area in eastern Beijing, I see a street art that was made on the wall similar to that street band in Malmo in Sweden. The figures even wear blue and yellow clothes with instruments in their hands. This is how Chinese think of Sweden I guess.

This also reminded me of the Chinese Palace in Drottningholm. Inside that building you see all the art decoration seem to be Chinese, you have ancient poet standing on a boat in a river and some characters look like Chinese but you can’t read it out at all. This symbolized how ancient Swedish artists or builders thought of China.

True we are in different world, we are different countries, but if you think Ericssion has come to Shanghai more than 100 years ago, Swedish prince was in Nanjing in 1926 and bought a lot of Chinese antiques later donated to Far East Asian Museum in Stockholm, a solid evidence of the exchange between Sweden and China.

Sometimes I visit you more often and you visit me less, sometimes you visit me less and I visit you more. Sometimes maybe this generation visited you more and next generation visited less. History showed that the exchange was not well balanced, but in general even with a gap of time and space, I can see the fact that we can’t stop exchange and mutual visits.

What I mentioned today is just a small sign of mutual exchange and cooperation, if you read the Chinese Ambassador Cui Aimin’s article in his embassy website, you will know even more detailed deepened cooperation between the two sides.  (More stories to be continued)

                 China and Sweden who copies who?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct. 14(Greenpost) – All advanced human civilization achievements can be learned and spread. When I was in Sweden, I went to Ikea to buy furniture. Then I saw the six small spoons which have different sizes. I was amazed and felt happy and surprised how Swedish people were so clever to give such a good measurement in the kitchen.

Then one day I went to the Far Eastern Museum in Stockholm, on the second floor they had a wonderful exhibition of Chinese antiques dating back to Xia and Shang Dynasty. The exhibition was well deployed with time schedule of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han,,,Tang,Song, Yuan, Ming,Qing sequence. When you come to the Qin Dynasty,except Terra Cotta, you will see a bronze measurement instrument of six small spoons with different sizes. Oh, whose idea came first? Who copied who?

I was also surprised that in China we cannot see this and a lot of the antiques especially in the Xia and Shang dynasties, we can’t see them in China. We have forgotten our ancestors glorious culture and art. When we went to Great Britain Museum, American Museum, Museum in Switzerland and Gothenburg Museum, we saw a prosperous and rich China in many ways. The poverty in the 1950s, 60s and 70s has brainwashed the Chinese about what is a rich life. But people were more spiritual and people felt more equal because most of the people were poor.

When China became opening up, a lot of people went abroad, especially the elite Chinese went abroad despite of all kinds of difficulties because the gap between the west and China was too big.

I have interviewed a famous singer who said he could earn 1000 dollars by washing dishes a month with spare time while in China the formal permanent job would only earn him 20 dollars. With such a gap, people think there are gold in western countries. But now such gap has substantially narrowed down.

Judging from those second hand apartment, you can see how rich some newly-riched Chinese have become. 20 year old 150 or 174 square meters apartment, they don’t want it any more. They want to have new apartments. They want to have lift and live in a cleaner area with better environment and better maintainence in the area where it is almost like a garden.

Meanwhile, the old town is still the same as 20 years ago, not much change.

The young generation enjoy the more resources, but less time for eating and sleeping. Sometimes it can be too much food, sometimes it can be just western fast food. In the past, most Chinese were slim and even in their body. Nowadays we also have a lot of overweight, obesity children. Distorted resting time cause various health problems. The young generation has more eye-sight and teeth problems. Thus to plant tooth is a very popular business now.

While western countries see China as a “threat“, I just wonder how China can threat the west. Isn’t it you who made a Frankistan Giant? Or is it you dislike another country which is more like you? How have you threaten China with your culture? How much Chinese culture has been wiped out? When thinking of these questions we have to think that the global village made us interdependent and influence each other so much. Some people are nolstalgic and didn’t want to accept this globalization trend they started themselves. Sorry the trend is difficult to stop once the global machine or mechanism started.

Since China has learned from the western countries, in fact, both good and bad are included. Many problems western countries have experienced China is experiencing. One obvious problem is the substantial reduction of the population. Many schools in the countryside have to be closed and many hospitals have been replaced by barefoot kind of doctors and drug stores.

Urbanization is still going on in China. Young people move to the city while their parents still live in the countryside where there are only elderly people. While big cities absorbed all the migrant workers, their parents remain to live in small cities. Thus it is easier to see more older people in third level cities such as my hometown Jinzhou.

Why are you afraid of China and think China as a threat? Ten years ago when I accompanied a delegation from South China to visit elderly home and small businesses, the leader with the delegation said thanks for your invitation because Today’s Sweden will be tomorrow’s China. In other words, today’s China is western countries yesterday. People are getting old. Senior citizen accounts for more than 20 percent of the population while the younger generation didn’t want to work as hard as the older generation. They relied on their parents more. Why do we have such a trend? Industrialization trend. When all the infrastructure has been improved, other development potential needs to be tapped. What is the future? Mankind must find a better way to go on. Do not live in a bad cycle of dynasties.

                      Is United Front a “threat”?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct. 14 (Greenpost) – On Oct.1, TV 4 in Sweden published a news about China in KALLA FAKTA which seemed to have found a big secret about China. That is the United Front Work Department and its relations with overseas Chinese.

Last night I couldn’t sleep, I began to read in English about what is United Front. The study about United Front started in Canterbury University in New Zealand in 2017 and then Australian thinktank continued to publish articles and papers to explain the United Front’s role in the Communist Party of China.

When I read TV4 article, I see the language is like this, whenever they mentioned China, they will mention like China dictatorship as Chinese authorities. I just wonder if China is a dictatorship, why do they have other eight parties and many social organizations and people’s communities, trade union and workers federations and friendship federations for overseas Chinese and many others?

In the articles, it explained that United Fronts is an organization to make friends with overseas Chinese and many others. In other words, I think it shows the Communist Party is not a dictatorship, but rather democratic because they would absorb all the people’s opinions and suggestions for the benefit of all the people in society in their ruling.

It sounds like a secret for many westerners because they have never seriously studied about Communist Party of China. They thought it was the same as the former Soviet or other socialist country. But the fact is CPC is really special. It is the world’s largest party which has nearly 100 million members. Almost among every 13 people, there is one party member. And this party member must abide by the party’s charter and really serve the people. He or she must be very healthy, capable in leading the people for a better life. CPC is a ruling party, but it must serve the people. For example, to get rid of extreme poverty. Now with the overwhelming amount of real estate, you can see it is easy to meet people’s demand. China is not a shortage economy any more. The supply is larger than the demand. The main problem is how to distribute the wealth.

China is dealing with this problem now. For example, if a person got cancer, he or she would have minimium cost in treatment at hospital. This is a good welfare system.

Elderly care is very well in cities. For example the senior citizen who is above 60, there will be no need to pay bus or park fees. It is free for them.

Chinese culture is to pay attention to family relations. And this family can be inside China and can be international. China likes to keep good relations with overseas Chinese. This was a great improvement in China. During the 1960 and 1970s even 1980s, we dare not say that we have overseas relatives. Why? Because then the overseas relative would be treated as a traitor or enemy. But now people feel proud to have an overseas relative because we think western countries living standards are quite high and advanced. We have to learn from them.

About 10 years ago, Sweden was also open to teach the Chinese how to live a better life. The visitors not necessarily bought a lot of gifts but learn more ideas and implemented in reality. Now I find that many ideas were really realized in reality. A lot of new parks and lakes with clean water and green grass have been built. The environment has substantially improved. Now we begin to appreciate the blue sky when we took it for granted in the 1980s and even before that time. It is true that United Front means to unite all the friends and try to make friends with all the people who love peace and development. But what is wrong with it? Even God said those who have self-discipline will have no problem. Learning from each other and make common progress is not a problem.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 10月9日,中国 (陕西)–瑞典企业经贸合作洽谈会在斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心举行。


来自瑞典的有Sweden-China Business Council刘芳钰会长,GH法律咨询公司法律顾问裴蓉女士,更多商业国际公司创始人彼得先生,厄兰民宿旅游公司创始人詹妮佛.恩马克女士等多家企业或协会负责人。

刘芳钰会长介绍了Sweden-China Business Council成立的过程,以及疫情之前的工作。她说,他们曾举办多次一带一路研讨会,中瑞企业商贸洽谈会,她曾带领瑞典企业和科技人员到武汉参加华创会,接待深圳科技代表团等多家代表团来访。疫情结束后,今年到目前为止,他们已经接待了三家中国代表团来访。他们还准备带领瑞典代表团到中国上海福建等地去访问。她希望这样的访问交流能够真正给双方带来实惠,真正实现对接。











北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 10月9日,瑞典皇家科学院宣布瑞典央行纪念诺贝尔经济学奖授予美国哈佛大学经济学教授克劳迪娅.戈尔丁为增加我们对妇女劳动力市场结果的深度理解。


妇女的教育程度也大幅度提高,在很多发达国家妇女的教育程度甚至超过男性。这可能跟避孕套的使用有很大关系,就是说避孕套发挥了很大作用。为妇女的就业计划提供很多机会。 很多时候,她也发现年轻女性的职业发展规划和母亲有很大关系。







2022年诺贝尔经济学奖得主是Bernanke, Diamond, Dybvig因为他们在银行和金融危机方面的研究(Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022 was awarded jointly to Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig “for research on banks and financial crises”)。


Esther Duflo最年轻的获奖者是法国人Esther Duflo, 1972 年 10月 25日出生在法国巴黎。获奖时隶属美国麻省理工学院。她获奖的理由是在脱贫方面的试验措施。

另一名女性经济学获奖者是美国经济学家Elinor Ostrom, 因为她在经济治理,尤其是老百姓经济治理方面的分析。事实上,她的经济学理论很多时候也是建立在脱贫试验方面。她在亚非拉都有调研。


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 10月8日,中国驻瑞典大使崔爱民在瑞典《聚焦中国》杂志2023年秋季刊发表题为《见证半个世纪中瑞经贸互利友好合作》的署名文章,全文如下:


在可可扎1961年在林雪平创办的Inter Agenturer公司的展示厅里,陈列着他通过广交会从中国进口的4000多种商品,文具、玩具、家居用品、陶瓷、玻璃制品……样式精美,琳琅满目。可可扎以意大利人式的热情,娓娓讲述他的人生故事。可可扎今年84岁,1939年出生于意大利罗马附近的一个村庄。二战后意大利一片萧条,为了生存他17岁时独自来到瑞典,20岁时开始工作,在一个物流公司当搬运工。22岁时可可扎成立了Inter Agenturer贸易公司。1966年,27岁的他在报纸上读到了广交会的消息,萌生了去中国参加广交会的决心,之后便开启了长逾半个世纪的广交会之旅,当起了采购中国商品出口瑞典的“搬运工”。

和其他客商不同的是,可可扎每次参加完广交会之后,都会再抽上至少半个月的时间拜访合作伙伴,寻找新客户,顺便在各地游览。经历过55年与中国的亲密接触,可可扎的足迹踏遍中国各地。可可扎十多年前出版的《Mitt Livs Resa》(我的旅游生涯)一书,详细记录了他几十年来在中国的经历和见闻,包括数十张他历年在中国各地拍的照片,从1972年在插满红旗的广州宾馆的留影,到2005年在拉萨八廊街与朝圣少年的合影,以及在第90届、100届和110届广交会上与朱镕基总理和温家宝总理的大合照。对于广交会、对于中国,他最大的感受就是“改革开放给中国带来了翻天覆地的变化。改革开放改变了广交会,改变了中国。这一切都要感谢邓小平提出的改革开放政策。”












北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 前联合国伊拉克核查小组组长汉斯.布利克斯说,俄罗斯总统普京并不可怕,更可怕的是毒品和气候威胁。




北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 当地时间10月6日上午11点在挪威首都奥斯陆市政厅,挪威诺贝尔和平奖委员会宣布2023年诺贝尔和平奖被授予伊朗妇女Nargars Mohammadi, 穆哈马迪, 因为她反抗对妇女的压迫,她为所有人争取人权和自由而奋斗。



2022年,挪威诺贝尔和平奖被授予白俄罗斯人权卫士Bialiatski(依然在狱中), 俄罗斯人权组织纪念组织和乌克兰人权组织民权自由中心。



北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)10月5日,瑞典文学院常务秘书马茨.马尔姆斯宣布挪威戏剧散文作家琼.福瑟(Jon Fosse)获得2023年诺贝尔文学奖,获奖原因是因为他的创新性戏剧和散文给那些难以言表的以声音。



在新挪威文学Tarjei Vesaas里,福瑟加进了强烈的地方联系,语言和地理方面都有,与现代主义艺术技术相结合。



北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 我为什么为瑞典文学院点赞呢?因为他们终于重新布置了新闻发布厅。以前也许是因为人多,他们在后面摆很多长椅却不用。让记者和来宾都站着。前面一个围栏,所有人都在围栏后边挤着,里三层,到外三层时就什么都看不到了。现在他们摆了长椅,让所有的记者和来宾可以坐着出席发布会,给人一点尊严!




北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 10月4日星期三,瑞典皇家科学院秘书长汉斯.爱乐格伦在科学院新闻发布厅宣布,2023年诺贝尔化学奖将被授予三位美国科学家因为他们发现并合成了量子点点。这是对纳米技术的一个巨大贡献。他们分别是来自麻省理工学院的巴温迪,哥伦比亚大学的布鲁斯,美国纳米水晶技术学院的爱基姆卫。







瑞典皇家科学院教授Pernilla Wittung Stafshede形象地介绍了玻璃球的大小决定了它们的颜色。



诺贝尔物理学奖于10月3日宣布,美国科学家Agostini, 德国科学家Krausz和瑞典科学家Anne L’Huillier三位科学家分享这一奖项。获奖理由是他们在阿秒脉冲光方面的试验。












北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 诺贝尔化学奖2023即将在今天上午11:45揭晓。届时瑞典皇家科学院秘书长爱乐格伦将宣布获奖者名单。

昨天是诺贝尔物理学奖宣布。德国科学家Agostini, 美国科学家Krausz,和瑞典科学家L’Huillier可能是法国人但在瑞典隆德大学任教。他们三人分享诺贝尔物理学奖。获奖理由是他们在最短时间内研究分子原子内部电子的活动,阿秒光脉冲试验。




























北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 10月2日,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖被诺奖大会授予匈牙利科学家Kariko和美国科学家外斯曼Weissman. 因为他们发现了核苷碱基修饰技术使开发有效抗击新冠肺炎疫情的疫苗成为可能。那么这个发现有多重要,为什么颁发给他们呢?瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院临床免疫学教授,也是该学院两名华人教授之一为我们解释了为什么这个发现如此重要。请看视频专访: