Sweden’s new Government consists the PM and 22 ministers

Stockholm, Jan. 22(Greenpost)–Today, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven presented the Statement of Government Policy in the Riksdag and announced the ministers that make up the Government. The change of government took place at a Council of State at the Royal Palace presided over by His Majesty the King.

Sweden’s new Government consists of the Prime Minister and 22 ministers.

Prime Minister’s Office

Prime Minister
Stefan Löfven

Minister for EU Affairs
Hans Dahlgren

Ministry of Culture

Minister for Culture and Democracy, with responsibility for sport
Amanda Lind

Ministry of Defence

Minister for Defence
Peter Hultqvist

Ministry of Education and Research

Minister for Education
Anna Ekström

Minister for Higher Education and Research
Matilda Ernkrans

Ministry of Employment

Minister for Employment
Ylva Johansson

Minister for Gender Equality, with responsibility for anti-discrimination and anti-segregation
Åsa Lindhagen

Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation

Minister for Enterprise
Ibrahim Baylan

Minister for Rural Affairs
Jennie Nilsson

Ministry of the Environment

Minister for Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister
Isabella Lövin

Ministry of Finance

Minister for Finance
Magdalena Andersson

Minister for Financial Markets and Housing, Deputy Minister for Finance
Per Bolund

Minister for Public Administration
Ardalan Shekarabi

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs
Margot Wallström

Minister for International Development Cooperation
Peter Eriksson

Minister for Foreign Trade, with responsibility for Nordic affairs
Ann Linde

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

Minister for Health and Social Affairs
Lena Hallengren

Minister for Social Security
Annika Strandhäll

Ministry of Infrastructure

Minister for Infrastructure
Tomas Eneroth

Minister for Energy and Digital Development
Anders Ygeman

Ministry of Justice

Minister for Justice and Migration
Morgan Johansson

Minister for Home Affairs
Mikael Damberg


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 第一次见到蜜.卡尔松是在斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心的丝绸展上。当时是苏州的秀娘来瑞典展示真丝刺绣的精湛技艺。














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北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 1月19日下午,在看完斯京春晚彩排后,我又带着一个手提拉杆箱,装了100多份《新疆特刊》,经过火车,705路汽车终于来到胡丁厄冰场来看齐齐哈尔女子冰球队与胡丁厄俱乐部女子冰球队的对阵友谊比赛。











当然,在发放报纸的过程中,北欧绿色邮报也真诚感谢赵威,周民伟,范秀兰,王俞力,Staffan, 孙凯,易名,王惠新,王海琳,Cissi,大中华和香港贸易行,长城饭店,唐,宝岛饭店,熊猫饭店和City Sushi等多人和多家商店对本报的支持和帮助。

Why does the wind of “China Threat” blow often?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 21(Greenpost) — The wind of “China Threat” blows often in recent years. Why?

First,  it shows China has really aroused attention from the outside world.  Ten years ago, China was like a gold harbor, many people went there to get some gold by investment. But the manufacturing and processing industries are saturated and left a lot of pollution to China, thus, China was forced to transform and close a lot of factories and industries.  However, over the past 40 years development, China does accumulate its first barrel of gold and can buy more in the other parts of the world.  This kind of spillover of liquidity has never happened before.  In the past it was always the investment flows into China, but now the investment tends to slowly flows outside from China. Many people are not used to this.

Second, western power like to show their power all the time. They are used to that, and now they see China is getting stronger too. They are very alert. They felt uneasy about this situation. Thus, they exaggerate about China’s power, influence and even the purposes.  In a recent visit to Hans Blix, famous Swedish expert in international affairs and former IAEA Director General said he didn’t think US president Donald Trump likes to launch a war.  But Trump is a businessman and he likes to create tension to threat so that the American weapons companies can sell their weapons to those countries who felt they are “threatened”.

Blix is 90 years old and has very rich international politics experiences. He was the one who told the truth about the situation in Iraq when the US invaded Iraq in March 19, 2003.  I believe his analysis holds a lot of water.  I also like to believe that Trump was making noise although sometimes I felt my heart was put up the throat when they sent the aircraft carrier to the Pacific Ocean.

In 2017, Trump successfully created a scenaria between China and India and immediately the US sold billions of dollars of weapons to India.

And then other countries too. Whoever feels not so certain, they will come over and sell weapons to them.  Thus, China is a big card for them to play.

Third, spreading misleading sensational news about China can attracts some people’s interest.  In Europe there is a strong pessimistic view about the world situation because EU itself is not so united. A good example is Brexit.  Some people said it is also the US who are behind the scene. That is to say the US wants to keep its supreme position to divid the EU.  But if you tell the EU this news, they wouldn’t believe it because they think US will not be that bad.

At the beginning of this year, China held a meeting talking about peaceful reunification of Taiwan with the mainland following the Hong Kong SAR and Macao footstep.

China seriously talks about it and likes to initiate negotiation with all peaceful means.  This decision was supported by all the Chinese home and abroad.

But immediately some media such as the nationalinterest.org said the next threat is China’s invasion of Taiwan. This was open splitting China remarks which should be condemned.  This was openly to treat Taiwan as independent. This was completely unacceptable.

It is only exaggeratedly distorting information and making a plot to scare people. By doing so, they can continue to sell weapons to small countries.  Everybody knows that if there is really a war, it will be the time that mankind will be wiped out of the earth.

Thus no one wants a war. But weapons producers want to sell weapons, thus they often spread out the scaring news to scare people and take the chance to sell weapons.

In 1995 and 1996, many people bet that China would attack Taiwan. But history showed that China was very patient with Taiwan province and tried all means to melt the heart of the people.

Jin Chanrong, Professor of International Politics and Vice dean of International Politics School at Renmin University said it is very hard for westerners to understand Chinese culture. For example in the three kingdoms time, why did Zhuge Liang Chief of Staff arrested Meng Huo for seven times but didn’t kill him for the first or second time? Jin said Chinese idea is to win your heart but not your body or land.

Thus, when Xi Jinping proposed Belt and Road Initiative, it is also proposing to develop together and help each other to realise peace and development.  Xi wants to avoid the geopolitics caused war.

The basic reason for war and conflict is poverty, less education and lack of culture.  Thus to focus more on development will solve these problems.

With the efforts of the United Nations, the World Bank and other organisations,  the world has become better than before if you think of the development in Africa and Asia.  The conflict in the middle east involves in the US and the situation in Afghanistan also involves the US.

Hans Blix said the experiences in Afghanistan, Iraq and even Syria show that the intervention strategy didn’t work.

He said the United Nations should still be a vital organisation for the world and all the countries.

He said it is a good thing that China participated in multinational projects and the UN peace keeping missions.

China didn’t have the intention to threat anyone or really threat anyone. China has done everything on the basis of negotiation.

Sometimes it was the arrogance or the humbleness of the other that caused the meeting cannot be held. But time will solve the problems.

China is a peace loving country and it will not threat anyone else.  Please do not misunderstand China.

Of course, one issue has caused a lot of attention from outside world, that is the death penalty.  This issue is really a Chinese domestic issue. It will take some time for people really to be willing to get rid of it.  Maybe after China really gets rid of poverty and really becomes a good welfare country, then people will naturally be much more tolerant.

Right now, for those criminals who cheat people so much, or purposely kill someone else, it is still difficult to tolerate that much.



北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2019斯德哥尔摩中国学生学者春节联欢会俗称斯京春晚20日在斯德哥尔摩著名的诺贝尔医学奖大讲堂成功举办。中国驻瑞典大使桂从友和夫人宋景丽出席联欢会。






















北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 代表中国女子冰球队最高水平的中国齐齐哈尔女子冰球队1月19日在斯德哥尔摩Huddinge的Bjorkangshallen冰场与胡定厄俱乐部冰球队举行友谊赛,以6比1赢得比赛。

此前,她们与瑞典Scania女子冰球队进行比赛,成绩为5:1. 但面对瑞典国家队Djurgarden队却以0:5输了。他们来瑞典之前还在芬兰进行了训练比赛,今天他们将奔赴捷克斯洛伐克进行训练比赛。






北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏、陈方杰)– 1月19日,中瑞创新产业合作论坛暨中瑞创新产业中心揭牌活动在杭州未来科技城隆重举行。











北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 1月18日,瑞典议会举行第二轮选举,各个政党投票表决结果是斯蒂芬.勒文连任新一届首相。他获得115票赞成,153票反对,77票弃权。根据瑞典议会法律规定,只要不获得175票的反对,就算通过。











                    瑞典人眼中的中国“ 图片展


“瑞典人眼中的中国”图片展是由北欧绿色邮报网(Green Post)和瑞典照相机与图片杂志(Kamera & Bild)联合举办的。我们联合举办此次展览的目的就是要展示中国的文化和自然景观是那么的丰富多彩。希望我们的展览能给您留下更深刻的印象。



瑞典照相机与图片杂志(Kamera & Bild)和Zoom旅游局一起安排了到世界各地进行摄影旅游的项目。今年11月,瑞典著名景观摄影师克拉斯.基石(Claes Grundsten)和杂志摄影记者约翰.维塞尔率领15人组成的摄影爱好者旅游团到中国去摄影旅游。他们去了北京的长城、著名的景点虎跳峡,张家界国家公园和素有“桂林山水甲天下”之美誉的桂林漓江等令人瞠目的著名景点。


展览时间:12月15日-1月31日 13:00-17:00   0708261336


Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2, Stockholm.


陈雪霏   克拉斯.基石   约翰.维塞尔       查理.马尔姆奎斯特   莱纳.魏兰徳

帕特里克.布鲁林   基替.爱德.拉尔松   安娜.波恩斯特伦    爱娃.彼德松

汉斯-欧克.乌尔松   丽姿.勒夫斯特兰      安德斯.彼德松     雷夫.伦丁

Huawei is private company

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

 Huawei is a private company and mainly relies on the market economic regulations from the beginning and that might be its secret of success.
Huawei's founder breaks years of silence to protest U.S. attacks. Photo: Bloomberg
Huawei’s founder breaks years of silence to protest U.S. attacks. Photo: Bloomberg

Ren Zhengfei, the billionaire founder of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., broke years of public silence to dismiss U.S. accusations the telecoms giant helps Beijing spy on Western governments.

While praising Donald Trump for his tax cuts, Ren also implicitly criticized the U.S. move in asking Canada to arrest his daughter for “scaring off potential investors.”

Ren denied suggestions that Huawei aids the Chinese government in espionage, saying it has no regular contact with Beijing, as his technology empire faces its biggest crisis in its three decades of existence. He said he’ll take a wait-and-see approach as to whether Trump will intervene on behalf of Huawei finance chief Meng Wanzhou. Meng — Ren’s eldest daughter — is in Canada facing extradition to the U.S. on allegations of helping defraud banks to avoid sanctions on Iran.

The emergence of the reclusive Ren, who last spoke with foreign media in 2015, underscores the depth of the attacks on Huawei, the largest symbol of China’s growing technological might. Meng’s arrest helped crystallize fears about its growing clout in areas from cutting-edge wireless infrastructure and semiconductors to consumer gadgets. Washington has since convinced a growing list of allies to blacklist Huawei networking equipment.

“I love my country, I support the Communist Party. But I will not do anything to harm the world,” the 74-year-old said in a roundtable briefing, only his third formal chat with foreign reporters. “I don’t see a close connection between my personal political beliefs and the businesses of Huawei.”

Ren said he would decline any request from Beijing for sensitive information on its clients and stressed the potential for cooperation with the U.S. and Trump’s administration. He said there is no law in China that requires a company to install a back door. “Huawei and I have not received any government requests to provide illicit information,” Ren said.

“Huawei is only a sesame seed in the trade conflict between China and the U.S.,” Ren said from the company’s campus in Shenzhen. “Trump is a great president. He dares to massively cut taxes, which will benefit business. But you have to treat well the companies and countries so that they are willing to invest in the U.S. and the government will be able to collect enough tax.”

However, he also pointed out the downside of the U.S. move in asking Canada to help arrest his daughter and extradite her.

“However, if a country or a company gets frightened, for example, if [you] detain some people, those potential investors will be scared away, and the positive [business] environment created by the tax cut will not bring expected results,” Ren said.

Ren, a legendary figure in Chinese business circles, is a uniquely placed voice in a conflict that will help define the global landscape in coming years.

A string of Huawei executives — all the way up to rotating chairman Ken Hu — have taken to media in recent weeks to deny allegations of espionage and challenge its accusers to provide proof of shady dealings. But the arrest in Poland last week of a sales executive accused of spying may have helped prompt the reclusive CEO to personally marshal Huawei’s global response. The employee in Poland was fired over the weekend.

Despite the potential impact on his business, Ren said he was confident Huawei’s revenue would grow to $125 billion in 2019 from more than $100 billion last year.

“Huawei is not a public company, we don’t need a beautiful earnings report,” Ren said. “If they don’t want Huawei to be in some markets, we can scale down a bit. As long as we can survive and feed our employees, there’s a future for us.”

Ren built a company that generates more sales than Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. combined. In 2018, Huawei overtook Apple Inc. in smartphone sales, a triumph that only served to burnish his tech credentials. His quotes adorn the walls of the food court at Huawei’s sprawling campus on the outskirts of the southern metropolis of Shenzhen, and employees still speak of him in reverent tones.

But it’s perhaps Huawei’s newest and splashiest campus in neighboring Dongguan that better encapsulates its ambitions. Overseen by Ren himself, the Chinese company has built a clutch of faux European towns modeled after the likes of Paris and Verona, complete with a lake, castles and bell towers. The complex is so massive employees have to get around by train — and it’s still expanding.

Yet Huawei has now become a target of scrutiny around the world. While the company is owned by its employees, the founder’s earlier career with the People’s Liberation Army has constantly bred suspicion that it poses a security threat, an accusation it has always denied. Still, several carriers are shunning its equipment over concerns the products may leave a backdoor for Chinese intelligence agencies.

Within China, the U.S.-led effort to exclude Huawei as the world prepares to adopt revolutionary fifth-generation wireless is tantamount to a national affront. The company remains a linchpin in Beijing’s effort to dominate future technologies by 2025 and a 2018 document from the Department of the Treasury showed that Huawei had about a 10th of the essential patents for 5G wireless networks. That would put it in a prime position to capitalize on the billions that will be spent rolling out the technology.

“I’m a strong supporter of the world building a unified technology standard,” Ren said.

Ren, who survived the great famine to found Huawei with four partners in 1987 with 21,000 yuan, said Huawei will continue to engage with governments so they can better understand his business.

He stepped back from daily operations in 2011 by introducing a unique rotation system that allows younger executives to run the company for about six months at a time. But he remained the face of the company on major occasions, such as when he accompanied President Xi Jinping to a Huawei office in the U.K. in 2015.

The company’s 2017 report shows he has a 1.4% stake, giving him a net worth of $2 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Over the past year the accusations have intensified, compounded by his daughter’s arrest as well as the blocking or limiting of Huawei gear in the U.S., AustraliaNew Zealand and other countries.

“Huawei firmly stands on the side of customers when it comes to cybersecurity and privacy,” Ren said.

Source: Bloomberg – Caixin

Ambassador Gui visits China’s friends Hans Blix and Dr. Magna Andreen

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 16(Greenpost) — Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou visited China’s friends- former  Swedish Foreign Minister Hans Blix and Dr. Andrea  Andreen’s niece Dr. Magna respectively on january 16th and 15th.
“On behalf of the Chinese government, upon Chinese Spring Festival, I like to pay a visit to you as an old friend of China  and thank you for your outstanding contribution in promoting Sino-Swedish relations over the past decades and China’s development,” said Ambassador Gui to Hans Blix in the latter’s home.

Hans Blix gave Ambassador Gui a photo which showed his meeting with former vice premier Geng Biao. 

Ambassador Gui said Chinese people have always remembered Swedish friendship both during the early years of  the founding of the People’s Republic of China and after reform and opening up.  Currently, China has entered a new important development era and Sino-Swedish relations face great opportunities. China is willing to inherit and enhance Sino-Swedish traditional friendship and make joint efforts to promote common development between the two sides.

Mr. Blix said he went to China in 1964 for the first time and then after he became Foreign Minister in 1978, he visited China many times and saw China’s rapid development.  In 1979, he also received then Chinese Vice Premier Geng Biao. He commended China’s achievement in lifting over a billion people to live a better life which is a great contribution to the world’s development.

Hans Blix shows Ambassador Gui about his meeting with Gengbiao, then Chinese  Vice Premier.  By Xuefei Chen Axelsson on Jan. 16, 2018.

“I’m glad to see that China actively takes part in the United Nations peace keeping missions and exert a bigger role in the international  and multinational affairs, “said 90 year old Blix who is  writing a new book.

He hopes that China and Sweden can continue to cooperate in jointly promoting world peace and development.

Hans Blix is also famous for his mission as former UN inspector for Iraq Nuclear Issue and has been engaged in peace and development as well as nuclear energy all his life.

On Jan. 15, Ambassador Gui also met former Swedish Doctor Andrea Andreen’s niece Dr. Magna  Andreen Sachs and her son at the Chinese Embassy.  Dr. Magna showed some precious historical photos in her family files symbolising Sino-Swedish traditional friendship.

Dr. Magna Andreen Sachs  recalled the circumstances when her aunt, Doctor Andrea Andreen (1888-1972)  visited China in 1952 and felt proud that she had done something good to China and they would like to visit China again and continue to enhance Sino-Swedish friendship.

Ambassador Gui said China will never forget her old friends and likes to extend  festival greetings to them on behalf of the Chinese government.

Photos from Chinese Embassy Website



