Category Archives: China

Dags för att starta igen mot det originellt önskade målet oavsett vilka tillfälliga hinder kan finnas

– Ambassadör Gui Congyous signerade artikel inför det 70:e jubileet av kinesisk-svenska diplomatiska relationer

Stockholm, May 9(Greenpost)–Det var den 9:e maj 1950, då Sverige steg ut först i västvärlden, över hinder och skillnader i politiska system och ideologier, och bildade diplomatiska relationer med det nya Kina.

I de 70 åren har kinesisk-svenska relationer utvecklat mycket och redovisat många goda resultat. Kina blir Sveriges största handelspartner i Asien, där 600-tals svenska företag har verksamheter, medan kinesiska företag i Sverige har skapat fler än 25 000 nya jobb för landet. Länderna utbyter brett och frekvent inom bl.a. vetenskap teknologi utbildning kultur och turism, inom internationella frågor har man också bra kontakter. Den välfungerande kinesisk-svenska relationer har gynnat de två länderna och folken, och bidragit för världens stabilitet och välfärd.

Kinesisk-svenska relationer har löpt i 70 år, i den historien har vänskapliga utbyten och win-win samarbeten alltid varit huvudfåran. Vänskap och samarbete, som var exakt det originella tanke när diplomatiska relationer bildades, har pekat ut en väg för relationer att löpa framåt. Inför det 70:e jubileet av bildande av kinesisk-svenska diplomatiska relationer, ser vi ett behov för att tänka på det originella önskemålet och planera för framtidens väg tillsammans.

Vi måste hålla fast de grundläggande principerna för vår diplomatiska relationer. Grunden för relationers bildning var ömsesidigt respekt till varandras suveränitet och territorium och seriösa löften om att behandla varandra jämlikt och att inte störa varandras interna saker. Här om åren har vi sett avvikelser från de principerna av vissa svenska politiker och personer, som underminerade den politiska grunden för kinesisk-svenska relationers utveckling. Men 70 års historia har bevisat, att så länge vi håller principerna fast, talar och lyssnar varandra väl och tar varandra jämlikt, kunde vi alltid hitta något konstruktivt sätt för att lösa dispyter och förstärka den politiska grunder för relationers långsiktiga och stabila utveckling.

Vi måste vidare gräva den stora potentialen för samarbetet. Anledningen för vår bildande av diplomatiska relationer var att samarbeta för en förbättrade utveckling på grund av jämlikheten och ömsesidigt respekt. I 70 år har Kinas utveckling och samarbetet med Kina tillbringat enormt intresse för Sverige, medan Sverige, genom samarbetet, medverkade mycket i Kinas ekonomiska utveckling till och med reform och öppning, vilket visat att samarbetet varit fördelaktigt och kompletterande för båda sidor. Politiska dialoger, handel och investering, vetenskap och teknologi, kulturella utbyten eller internationella samordning, en mycket bredare samarbetsfront väntar på oss i framtiden. Att samarbeta betyder ju att arbeta tillsammans för något gemensamt, i detta behöver man inte påverka varandra, inte heller att förändra även hota varandra.

Vi måste åka på huvudfåran av folkets opinion. Beslutet om att bilda diplomatiska relationer var från folket och för folket. Det var på grund av våra länders långa historiska vänskap, som skapat ett gemensamt behov och enig uppfattning bland folket. Sedan min ankomst till Sverige har jag besökt de flesta länen av landet, där jag såg och hörde de aktuella längtan och önskan för att veta om Kina och samarbeta med Kina. Vi får respektera denna opinion och försöker förbättra möjligheter och miljöer för folkets vänskapliga utbyte i dessa spår.

I den senaste kampen mot det nya coronaviruset har vi en gång till kunnat bevittna de djupa känslorna som våra folk bär för varandra. I början av året, då Kina var i dess svåraste strid, stod många svenska företag och vänner upp för Kina med generösa donationer, uppmuntrande videoklipp och stöttande brev, som var varmt uppskattade. Efter smittan utbröt i Sverige, blev det kinesers tur att hjälpa. T.ex. Duveholms gymnasium fick en bra överraskning från sin kinesiska vänskola Yunnans Yrkegymnasium, 2000 st. munskydd och Höganäs AB fick genom sin fabrik i Shanghai 165 000 st. munskydd och donerade dessa till Sjukhusen i Örebro. Den kinesiska sidan hjälper svenska sjukhus, bl.a. Karolinska, med att köpa medicinska maskiner från Kina, även vår ambassad har också skickat ut skyddsprodukter som gåvor till olika sjukhus och äldreboende i Sverige. En professor i Lund skrev till mig och berättade om hur skyddsprodukterna från Kina skyddade Region Skånes personaler, han trodde också att hjälpen skulle främja våra länders vänskap. En sjuksköterska på ett äldreboende i Malmö skrev också för att tacka och hävdade att Kinas hjälpmedel ”räddade” deras anställda och patienter.

De fina exemplen om hur kinesiska och svenska folken hjälper varandra talar för sig själv, alltså vår vänskap överlever alla slags svårigheter och blir bara starkare genom tiden. Det är en outtömlig drivkraft för kinesisk-svenska relationer att förbättras. Det övertygs att med våra folks gemensamma engagemang, kan vi säkert köra över de tillfälliga hinder som dyker upp i relationer, och gå ständigt mot det originellt önskade målet, för ett ännu bättre kinesisk-svenska relationer i framtiden.

                                  Gui Congyou

                          Folkrepubliken Kinas Ambassadör

                                   i Stockholm

China mourns Covid-19 victims with three minute silence

A day of remembrance is held in China to honour those who have died in the coronavirus outbreak

I thought if we gave one minute of a national mourning for all those who died during this anti-covid-19 campaign including those victims. But the Chinese government has announced a three minute mourning.

According to BBC report, China has mourned the victims of the coronavirus outbreak by observing a three-minute silence, bringing the nation to a halt.

A day of remembrance was declared in China on Saturday to honour the more than 3,300 people who died of Covid-19.

At 10:00 local time (03:00 GMT), people stood still nationwide for three minutes in tribute to the dead.

Cars, trains and ships then sounded their horns, air raid sirens rang as flags were flown at half-mast.

The first cases of coronavirus were detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei province late last year.

Since then, the virus has swept the globe, infecting more than one million people and killing nearly 60,000 in 181 countries.

In Wuhan, the epicentre of China’s outbreak, all traffic lights in urban areas were turned red at 10:00, ceasing traffic for three minutes.

China’s government said the event was a chance to pay respects to “martyrs”, a reference to the 14 medical workers who died battling the virus. It was reported that more than 3000 Chinese doctors and nurses as well as workers in hospitals were infected during the period. About 50 police and guards died due to the infection while on duty.

People stop and pay their respects in Wuhan, 4 April 2020
Image captionChina came to a standstill during the three-minute silence at 10:00 local time

They include Li Wenliang, a doctor in Wuhan who died of Covid-19 after being talked by police not to talk about the disease.

“I feel a lot of sorrow about our colleagues and patients who died,” a Chinese nurse who treated coronavirus patients told AFP news agency. “I hope they can rest well in heaven.”

Wearing white flowers pinned to their chest, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other government officials paid silent tribute in Beijing.

Saturday’s commemorations coincide with the annual Qingming festival, when millions of Chinese families pay respects to their ancestors.

China first informed the World Health Organization (WHO) about cases of pneumonia with unknown causes on 31 December last year.

By 18 January, the confirmed number of cases had risen to around 60 – but experts estimated the real figure was closer to 1,700.

Police officers and officials stop and pay their respects during a three minutes of silence to mourn those who died in the fight against the pandemic
Image captionChina’s government said the commemoration was held to pay respects to “martyrs”

Just two days later, as millions of people prepared to travel for the lunar new year, the number of cases more than tripled to more than 200 and the virus was detected in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

From that point, the virus began to spread rapidly in Asia and then Europe, eventually reaching every corner of the globe.

Media captionThe BBC met people in Beijing heading out after the lockdown

In the past few weeks, China has started to ease travel and social-distancing restrictions, believing it has brought the health emergency under control.

Last weekend, Wuhan partially re-opened after more than two months of isolation.

On Saturday, China reported 19 new confirmed cases of coronavirus, down from 31 a day earlier. China’s health commission said 18 of those cases involved travellers arriving from abroad.

As it battles to control cases coming from abroad, China temporarily banned all foreign visitors, even if they have visas or residence permits.

What is the latest worldwide?

As the coronavirus crisis in China abates, the rest of the world remains firmly in the grip of the disease.

In the US, now the global epicentre of the outbreak, the number of deaths from the disease jumped to 7,152 on Friday, according to data collated by Johns Hopkins University.

The deaths increased by 1,480 in 24 hours, the highest daily death toll since the pandemic began, AFP news agency reported, citing Johns Hopkins University’s case tracker.


As of Friday, there were 277,953 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US, a rise of more than 32,000 in 24 hours.

Meanwhile, deaths continue to climb in Italy and Spain, the second and third worst-affected countries in the world.

Map showing number of cases in Europe

In Italy, deaths increased by 766 on Friday, bringing the total to 14,681. In Spain, the death toll stood at 10,935, a rise of 932 in the past day.

However, there was a glimmer of hope for both countries, as the downward trend in the rate of new cases continued.

Thanks to BBC’s objective report today.

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Chinese Embassy Spokesperson: Ideological Attacks Only Leads to Self-damage

In his article published in SVD, Johan Lagerkvist denigrated China’s efforts to fight COVID-19, and proceeded from ideological prejudice to attribute the epidemic to China’s political system, which runs against the facts, common sense and basic morality.

We solemnly inform him that the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China and the institutional strengths are China’s most effective weapons to overcome the disease. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have fully leveraged the institutional strengths of the Party’s leadership and the mobilization system, always prioritized people’s safety and health, mobilized resources across the country in a fast and comprehensive manner and formed strong synergy. Thanks to these efforts, China has effectively contained the epidemic, gained valuable time for and made significant contribution to the world. This once again illustrates the strengths of China’s system, which is in line with the fundamental interests of the Chinese people. In fact, many countries are learning China’s successful experience in tackling and containing the virus.

An epidemic may occur at any time in any country or region, and the virus is the common enemy of all mankind. Facing the severe situation, every country, every government, every organization and every individual should proceed from their own condition and shoulder due responsibility, and contribute their part to the fight against the disease. Using an epidemic for political purpose, waging an ideological attack and spreading lies in the name of “freedom of speech” will only lead to self-damage. It is like lifting a rock only to have one’s own toes squashed. Nor will it lend any help to easing the epidemic situation in countries around the world, including Sweden.

Source Chinese Embassy

China’s 10 lessons in Covid-19

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, March 25 (Greenpost) — American late President John F Kennedy was remembered for his famous swearing-in sentence: United We Stand. … Do not ask how much our nation can do for you and ask what you can do for our nation.

Actually China has learnt a lot from America, the American spirit of willing to sacrifice for a good cause.

If you study Kennedy’s sentence carefully, you can see it is also very much a communist idea. He called on people to be united and do more for their country and dare to sacrifice.

It is interesting to see that this idea was perfectly implemented in China.

China was the first one who suffered in large scale of the outbreak of Covid-19. But after two months intensive fighting, China has generally won the battle. Is there any secret for China to win the battle? I like to summarise it in ten lessons or experiences.

  1. Great leadership. Wage a war against Covid-19. Chinese President Xi Jinping is a great leader. He is such a forward looking leader and a leader who has strategic outlook. After about three weeks investigation, research and study, he realised that the attack of the Covid-19 was not an ordinary virus such as SARS, MERS or American Flu but a virus that spread so quickly that if you don’t take collective and coordinated action, mobilise the whole nation to deal with it, you will face the danger that the whole Chinese nation will be paralysed and even more 20 percent of the 1.4 billion lives will be in danger. It would be very hard to imagine that such a number of population will be wiped out. China indeed has a huge population, but even one life loss is too many. China has put the people in the center and it must implement this policy. Thus, President Xi Jinping declared a war, he called it people’s war against Covid-19.
  2. Build up capacity with great coordination capability. Since it is a war against Covid-19 under the leadership of President Xi Jinping himself, he was given the power to mobilise the national resources. As soon as China found that the deaths were caused by the shortage of hospital beds, Xi mobilised all the big corporations and the army to build a temporary Xiaotangshan like hospital. Maybe he learnt from the 2003 SARS lessons, he realised it was such an important issue of life or death, thus he used all the resources he could. The Xiaotangshan hospital was built to deal with SARS patients in 2003 in Beijing suburbs near the Great Wall. In order to combat the bloody virus, the first hospital was called Huoshenshan which means the God of Fire Mountain to burn the virus. The second hospital which was also built within ten days was called Leishenshan meaning the God of Thunder to kill the virus. These two hospitals and the following dozen Noah Ark hospitals exhibited China’s formidable construction capability. This construction itself needs a lot of coordination, unity and voluntary forces. A lot of workers from other provinces came to help build the hospitals.
  3. International assistance and cooperation. Ask for help. When the most devastating Earthquake took place in Tangshan in 1976, China refused to ask any help from the world and China lost 240 thousand lives. Later we think when needed for the lives of the people, leaders should be humble and ask help, to save lives is important. When Wuhan announced to close down on January 23, it was just the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday which usually lasted for 8 days. Almost all the Chinese should go back home and unite with their loved ones and enjoy the longest holiday in China, similar to Christmas in the west. Thus there were no production, almost no one were working. But the doctors and nurses in Wuhan, Hubei and even Zhejiang and other provinces were short of protecting clothes, N95 masks, gloves and the protecting eye glasses. In fact, Dr. Li Wenliang was an eye doctor, but he was infected of Convid-19 by an 85 year old lady when he examined her eyes. So the danger of infection is not just in the emergency sector, or respiratory sector, but in all hospitals because Chinese hospitals are usually much larger and much more open so there are also long queues. Therefore, Chinese government mobilised all the overseas Chinese and other government to ask for help to donate or sell N95 masks, protecting clothes and others. The Chinese all over the world took action immediately and donated money and contacted shops to buy all kinds of goods mainly the masks. Those who couldn’t get masks, bought gloves. I remember that the goods took two weeks to arrive in China with many people’s joint efforts. This was a moving process because all the Chinese people have a kind of feeling that this was such a huge disaster that needed us all to unite and work together to win this battle. Virus was shrewd and spreading so quickly no matter who you are. Four doctors died including two professors who are experts in medical field. But maybe hard work or lack of sleep whatever lower immunity made them collapse when the virus attacked. I summarised it with a timeline, thus I think the international cooperation is very important. With this kind of unity spirit, we encouraged each other.
  4. Exert Chinese system advantage. Chinese political system is not a dictatorship but a centralised power that produced from various provinces and regions and when there is need the provinces are like brothers and sisters to help each other. When I went to Xinjiang to have a reporting trip in August 2018, I was so impressed that each region in Xinjiang has a big brother in the eastern part of China. For example, Beijing will be the brother of Urumqi, Altay will have a brother which is called Heilongjiang province in northeast China. And I saw the bridge built with 2 million yuan donated from Heilongjiang. The same with Tibet Autonomous Region. This time the most moving part was that the young brother in Xinjiang now helped Hubei province with apples and meat which was what they have. Hubei might have helped Xinjiang with money and technology. But now what Hubei needed was basic things such as vegetable and apples because the city was closed down and no trade or normal transportation were going on. When the new hospitals were built, many thousands of patients were moved in, they need new doctors and nurses. How could they manage that? Liaoning Province in northeast China sent 1000 doctors and nurses from Jinzhou and Dalian as well as more from Shenyang. So it is not fairy tale that one province helped one city in Hubei Province, it was absolutely true. Almost every province or autonomous region and municipality had offered help. How could China realise that? That is the system advantage and cultural advantage even though people from the north feel difficult to understand the language in Hubei and difficult to deal with the patients. They immediately formed a vocabulary of the local language online so that they can learn immediately.
  5. Chinese communist party members took the lead in offering the help and work on duty in the most difficult time and place. Chinese communist party members swore that they should put the public interest ahead of their own interest and I bet most of them who offered the help from other provinces are CCP members. It might be dangerous, it might cost life, it might be that you go there and you will not come back, but as a CCP member, you have such an obligation to voluntarily do it. They are all voluntary doctors and nurses. It was not ordered to do so. It was just a call and you can just answer it. It was reported that about 40 thousand doctors and nurses from outside Hubei went to Wuhan and other cities hospitals to help. Thus they need a lot of protecting clothes and masks.
  6. The Heroic Wuhan People, Hubei people and all the Chinese people. During the first week between January 25 and February 2, almost all over China was closed down and isolated. All the villages were closed. No cars were allowed to go through for a week. But by February 2, after a week of fighting against the virus, expert Zhong Nanshan who is 84 years old found that this virus actually has about two weeks potential, in which people could have symptoms after five to seven days. Or they can stay for two weeks and then have cough or fever symptoms. Thus a lot more people might have infected but showed no symtoms yet. Thus it will take at least two weeks to know how many have got infected. So the original closedown of the city for a week was extended for two weeks and then from two weeks extended to four weeks 28 days. With such a long time of closing down, how can Chinese bear it? The slogan was that to stay at home was great, patriotic and that was needed to fight against this virus. Because this virus spreads so quickly when you have close contacts. Thus some families unfortunately disappeared due to the inside family infection and left their orphans.
  7. The sacrifice of the grassroots workers such as neighbourhood committee people and volunteers. They were the ones who tested the people’s temperatures and also helped to guard people from wandering around in the street. Their jobs were not easy and sometimes they could meet irritated people and insulted them.
  8. Five million guards and volunteer made all the isolation possible. It was not admirable, but they should be respected otherwise the society could have been in chaos. But mostly it went well and again we must say Wuhan people were great because there were many kinds of recreational activities which were very innovative. It is very respectful for the Chinese people’s talent and wisdom. I have published an old man’s poem describing his staying at home. The volunteers later shouldered the responsibility of buying food and vegetables for each family who gave an order through the smart phone services.
  9. The postman was praised even during the spring festival TV gala programs but this time, without them, the battle of combating the virus was not complete. It was they who helped transport goods from Shanghai, Guangzhou and many other places to Hubei provinces.
  10. Chinese medicine has played a great role in giving the Chinese confidence in curing patients. The World Health Organization officials said it was good to see China uses whatever they have to cure the patients. In China there were western medicine doctors relying on antibiotics and other western medicines and equipment such as breathing machines and artificial lung machines. There were also Chinese medicine doctors who used Chinese herbs as medicine to alleviate the symptoms of lungs and fever. It was reported that many light symptom patients recovered with Chinese medicine and prevented them from becoming the sever patients. Unfortunately when WHO opened the press conference and made an impression that all the light symptom patients can recover themselves and the severe symptom patients could only wait for breathing machine or vaccines. China drew the lessons from SARS and all the Chinese put on a mask when they go out. Without mask, you can’t go out. It is a way to protect yourself and also protect others. It is a way to isolate. To understand the virus and its symptoms is a long process which lasted a week for 7 patients and then for 45 patients to examine exactly what it is and how harmful it is. Finally by January 23 Wuhan declared closedown. Wuhan Mayor was hesitating even if he declared that, but he said I don’t care what the history will tell this story which was unprecedented. But of course a lot of people thought he should have closed down earlier. So above are my summary of ten lessons or experiences China can offer to the world. Through this disaster, we see a lot of positive aspects of humanity. Many people said this could only be done under the leadership of the CCP, but I like to say that under the leadership of the CCP, there are great Chinese people, without their support, how can CCP itself completed this mission? So the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese government and the Chinese people and the Chinese nation are all together making a great Chinese culture spreading kindness and mercy so that our world becomes a better world.

Overall, it can be summarised as united we stand. That was to unite and do the right thing at the right time and then resume the production. Of course Chinese culture is also a culture that emphasise harmony, cooperation and mutual help. With cooperation and unity, we can overcome all the difficulties. I cannot say China won a great victory or completely defeat the enemy of virus, but at least now it can produce substantially with its capacity and help other parts of the world to recover from the virus disaster.

The following are some pictures during this campaign showing how people help each other.

COVID-19: More than half of the Confirmed cases have been cured

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, March. 2(Greenpost)– According to China News Agency, CNS, Confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection surpassed 80 thousand to 80026 cases.

Suspected cases reduced to 715.

Cured cases increased to 44462 cases. It means more than half of the infected have been cured now. More than 50 percent recovered.

China has traced 663240 people who have close contacts with confirmed cases.

So far the total deaths reached 2803 people.

It was reported that over 3000 Chinese doctors and nurses were infected and about 40 police died during the campaign against the virus.

Latest figures from China

Stockholm, Mar.2(Greenpost) –According to the China News Agency, Beijing, March 2nd. China’s National Health Committee announced on the 2nd of March that on the 1st, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 202 new confirmed cases and 42 new deaths.

As of 24:00 on the 1st, a total of 80026 confirmed cases and 2912 dead cases had been reported.

On the 1st, 196 new cases were confirmed in Hubei. Six new cases were confirmed outside Hubei on that day.

Data from the National Health and Medical Commission showed that from 14:00 to 14:00 on the 1st, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 202 newly confirmed cases, 42 new deaths (42 in Hubei).

There were 141 new suspected cases.

On the same day, 2837 new cases were cured and discharged, 8154 were close contacts of medical observation, and 255 severe cases were reduced.

As of 24:00 on the 1st, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 32,652 confirmed cases (of which 7,110 were severe cases), a total of 44,462 discharged cases were cured, and a total of 2912 death cases were accumulated.

There were 80026 confirmed cases and 715 suspected cases.

A total of 663,240 close contacts were traced, and 46,219 close contacts were still in medical observation.

There were 196 new confirmed cases in Hubei (193 in Wuhan), 2570 new cases cured and discharged in Wuhan (1958), 42 new deaths (32 in Wuhan), and 30,543 confirmed cases (25,903 in Wuhan).

There were 6872 severe cases (6225 cases in Wuhan).

A total of 33,757 discharged patients were cured (21,185 in Wuhan), a total of 2,803 deaths (2,227 in Wuhan), and a total of 67,103 confirmed cases (49,315 in Wuhan).

There were 80 new suspected cases (70 in Wuhan) and 527 suspected cases (340 in Wuhan).

A total of 148 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan: 98 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (36 cases discharged, 2 deaths), 10 cases in Macao Special Administrative Region (8 cases discharged), and 40 cases in Taiwan (12 cases discharged, 1 case died)

6 months to 17 year old children 6.5 percent infection of corona in Beijing

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Mar. 2(Greenpost)– According to China News Agency, as of 24:00 on March 1, a total of 414 confirmed cases were confirmed in Beijing, of which 282 were cured and discharged, and 8 died. 

There are 42 suspected cases. 

A total of 2728 close contacts have been identified, of which 413 are still in isolation medical observation. 

Among the confirmed cases, 200 were male cases, accounting for 48.3%; 214 were female cases, accounting for 51.7%. 

The age range was 6 months to 94 years old, of which 14 cases were under 5 years old, accounting for 3.4%; 13 cases were 6 years old to 17 years old, accounting for 3.1%; 277 cases were 18 years old to 59 years old, accounting for 66.9%; 60 years old and above 110 Cases, accounting for 26.6%. 

Of the 16 confirmed cases in Beijing, there were no cases in Pinggu District, 13 in Dongcheng District, 53 in Xicheng District, 71 in Chaoyang District, 63 in Haidian District, 42 in Fengtai District, 14 in Shijingshan District, and 3 in Mentougou District. 

16 cases in Fangshan District, 19 cases in Tongzhou District, 10 cases in Shunyi District, 29 cases in Changping District, 39 cases in Daxing District, 7 cases in Huairou District, 7 cases in Miyun District, 1 case in Yanqing District。

 25 cases came from outside China, and overseas input 2 patients. 

There are no new confirmed cases in 10 districts in Beijing for more than 14 consecutive days. The specific cases have not been reported in Pinggu District since the epidemic, 38 days in Yanqing District, 28 days in Mentougou District, 24 days in Huairou District, 22 days in Shunyi District, and east. There were no new confirmed cases in the urban area for 19 days, Miyun District, 17 days in Shijingshan District, 17 days in Daxing District, and 14 days in Fangshan District.

Profile: Yuan Longping, Father of Hybrid Rice

Yuan Longping
BornSeptember 7, 1930 (age 89)
Beijing, China
EducationHigh School Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University
Alma materSouthwest Agricultural College
Years active1960-present
OrganizationHunan Agricultural University
Known forHybrid rice
Spouse(s)Deng Zhe (m. 1964)
AwardsState Preeminent Science and Technology Award
Wolf Prize in Agriculture
World Food Prize
Confucius Peace Prize
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese袁隆平
Simplified Chinese袁隆平

Yuan Longping (Chinese: 袁隆平; born September 7, 1930) is a Chinese agronomist, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.

Hybrid rice has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America, and Asia—providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine. For his contributions, Yuan is always called the “Father of Hybrid Rice” by the Chinese media.[1][2]



Yuan was born in Beijing in 1930. His ancestral home is in De’an CountyJiujiangJiangxi Province. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, he moved with his family and attended school in many places, including HunanChongqingHankou and Nanjing.

He graduated from Southwest Agricultural College (now part of Southwest University) in 1953 and began his teaching career at an agriculture school in Anjiang, Hunan Province. He married one of his students, Deng Ze (邓则) in 1964,[3][4] they have two children, Yuan Ding’an (袁定安) and Yuan Dingjiang (袁定江).[5]

He came up with an idea for hybridizing rice in the 1960s when a series of natural disasters and harmful political policies (such as the Great Leap Forward) had plunged China into an unprecedented famine that caused the deaths of millions of Chinese citizens.

Since then, Yuan has devoted himself to the research and development of a better rice breed. In 1964, he happened to find a natural rice plant for use in his hybridization experiments that had obvious advantages over other species. Greatly encouraged, he began to study the elements of this particular breed.

The biggest problem by then was having no known method to reproduce hybrid rice in mass quantities, and that was the problem that Yuan set out to solve. In 1964, Yuan created his theory of using a hypothetical naturally-mutated male-sterile strain of rice that he predicted most probably existed for the creation of a new reproductive hybrid rice species, and in two years’ time he managed to successfully find a few individuals of such a mutated male-sterile rice that he could use for his research. Subsequent experiments proved his original theory feasible, making that theory his most important contribution to hybrid rice.

Yuan Longping in 1953 in Southwest University. Yuan in the back row, left three.

Yuan went on to solve more problems than followed from the first. The first experimental hybrid rice species that were cultivated didn’t show any significant advantage over commonly grown species, so Yuan suggested crossbreeding rice with a more distant relative: the wild rice. In 1970, he found a particularly important species of wild rice that he ended up using for the creation of a high-yield hybrid rice species.[citation needed] In 1973, in cooperation with others, he was finally able to establish a complete process for creating and reproducing this high-yield hybrid rice species.

The next year they successfully cultivated a hybrid rice species which had great advantages over conventionally grown rice. It yielded 20 percent more per unit than that of common rice breeds, putting China in the lead worldwide in rice production. For this achievement, Yuan Longping was dubbed the “Father of Hybrid Rice.”[6]

At present, as much as 50 percent of China’s total number of rice paddies grow Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice species and these hybrid rice paddies yield 60 percent of the total rice production in China.[6] Due to Yuan’s hard work, China’s total rice output rose from 56.9 million tons in 1950 to 194.7 million tons in 2017; about 300 billion kilograms of rice has been produced over the last twenty years, compared to the estimated amount that would have been produced without the hybrid rice species. The annual yield increase is enough to feed 60 million additional people.[7]

The “Super Rice” Yuan is currently working on improving has shown a 30 percent higher yield, compared to common rice, with a record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare being registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan Province in 1999.[7]

In January 2014, Yuan said in an interview that genetically modified food is the future direction of food and that he had been working on genetic modification of rice.[8]

Early stages of hybrid rice experiments


As recently as the 1950s, two separate theories of heredity were taught in China. One theory was from Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan and was based on the concept of genes and alleles. The other theory was from Soviet Union scientists Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin and Trofim Lysenko which stated that organisms would change over the course of their lives to adapt to environmental changes they experienced and their offspring would then inherit the changes. At the time, China was a communist country, and the government’s official stance on scientific theories was one of “leaning towards the Soviet side”, and any ideology from the Soviet Union was deemed to be the only truth while everything else would be seen as being invalid. Yuan, as an agricultural student at Southwest University, remained skeptical on both theories and started his own experiments to try and come up with his own conclusions.

His first experiment was on the sweet potato. Following Michurin’s theory, he grafted Ipomoea alba (a kind of flower with high Photosynthesis rate and high efficiency in starch production) on to sweet potatoes. Those sweet potatoes grew a lot bigger than the sweet potatoes he hadn’t grafted the alba on to, with the biggest one reaching almost 8kg. However, when he bred these grafted sweet potatoes and planted them for the second generation, the sweet potatoes produced were still normal sweet potatoes with their original leaves, and the alba flower produced by the seeds of the grafted alba/potato hybrid did not grow sweet potatoes. He continued with similar grafting experiments on other plants, but none of the hybridized plants produced offspring with any of the beneficial traits that had been grafted into their parents, which was a complete contradiction of Michurin’s theory. In Yuan’s conclusions to his experiments, he wrote; “I had learned some background of Mendel and Morgan’s theory, and I knew from journal papers that it was proven by experiments and real agricultural applications, such as seedless watermelon. I desired to read more and learn more, but I can only do it secretly.”[9]


In 1959 China experienced the Great Chinese Famine. Yuan as an agricultural scientist could do little to greatly help people around him in Hunan province. “There was nothing in the field because hungry people took away all the edible things they can find. They eat grass, seeds, Fern roots, or even white clay. At the very extreme.”[citation] Yuan considered applying the inheritance rules onto sweet potatoes and wheat since their fast rate of growth made them the practical solutions for the famine. However, he realized that in Southern China sweet potato was never a part of the daily diet and wheat didn’t grow well in that area. Therefore, he turned his mind to rice.


Back in 1906, geneticist George Harrison Shull did experiments on the hybrid maize. He observed that inbreeding reduced vigor and production among the offspring but crossbreeding did the opposite. Those experiments proved the concept of Heterosis.[10] In the 1950s, geneticist J. C. Stephens and few others utilized the hybrid of two breeds found in Africa and created the high production seeds for sorghum.[11] Those results were inspiring for Yuan. However, maize and sorghum achieve pollination mainly through cross-pollination, while rice is a self-pollinating plant, which would make any crossbreeding attempts difficult, for obvious reasons. In Edmund Ware Sinnott‘s book Principles of Genetics[12], it clearly stated that self-pollinating plants, like wheat and rice, experienced long-term selection both by nature and by human. Therefore, the traits that were inferior were all excluded, and the remaining traits are all superior. He speculated that there would be no advantage in doing cross-breeding for rice. And the nature of self-pollinating make it hard to do cross breed experiments on rice on a large scale.[12]


In 1979, his technique for hybrid rice was introduced into the United States, making it the first case of intellectual property rights transfer in the history of the People’s Republic of China.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world’s rice output came from 10 percent of the world’s rice fields that grow hybrid rice.

Honors and awards

Four asteroids and a college in China have been named after him.

Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000, the Wolf Prize in Agriculture and the World Food Prize in 2004[6]

He is currently the Director-General of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha.[13] He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.[13]

Yuan worked as the chief consultant for the FAO in 1991.[13]

source, wikipedia.

Two new $1-million food prizes for innovation and sustainability announced in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM. The world’s largest prize in the food arena has been established by the new Curt Bergfors Foundation in Sweden.  

The foundation will award two $1-million prizes –  the Food Planet Prize awards – annually. One prize will be awarded to an existing scalable solution for sustainable foods. The second will be awarded for innovative initiatives that could transform the global food sector.  

“These are challenges that we all need to engage in,” says Curt Bergfors, a renowned hospitality entrepreneur in Sweden. “Our food system is broken, and the planet is ailing. We are all part of the problem, and we must all try to be part of the solution. I want to contribute through the foundation and these awards”. 

Nominations for The Food Planet Prize are now open. The first prizes will be awarded later in 2020.  

The nominations will be evaluated by an international jury of leading scientists, policymakers, and entrepreneurs. The jury is chaired by Johan Rockström, executive director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Line Gordon, director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.  

“We need a food-system revolution or risk destabilizing our planet. The new Food Planet Prize is designed to contribute to this goal,” says Johan Rockström.  

“It is possible to feed 10 billion people a healthy diet, while maintaining a thriving biosphere. We want the Food Planet Prize to recognize the most important solutions that can scale rapidly,” says Line Gordon.  

The Curt Bergfors Foundation was established in 2019 to highlight the challenges in today’s food system and find new ways to redesign it for the future.  

“Food has to be partly reinvented all across the chain – from primary sourcing to food and waste management in homes and restaurants,” says Lars Peder Hedberg, Executive Board Director. 

 Background information on the food planet challenge: 

 • The world’s population is 7.8 billion. In 2030 it will be 8.5 billion and by 2050 close to 10 billion. With today’s food system, the world will not be able to feed a population this size without further compromising Earth’s climate and biodiversity.  

• Eradicating hunger by 2030 is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Over 800 million people suffer from hunger and malnutrition. In recent years this has been rising after decades of progress. 

• The food system contributes to about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions.  • The world uses about half of the available land on Earth for food production and about 70% of our use of freshwater is directed to agriculture.   

• The food system is the main driver of a mass extinction of life on Earth.  

The nomination process is now available for submissions at In addition to the Food Planet Prize, the foundation will also fund a professorship with a focus on transformation to a sustainable food system. The intention is for the professorship to be based at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. 

The founding capital of 500 Million SEK is sourced from Mr. Bergfors’ private assets. Additional funding, up to a total of one billion SEK, is under consideration.    

For further information:   

Johan Rockström, Jury Chairman, spokesperson for the Food Planet Prize   

Lars Peder Hedberg, Executive Board Director, spokesperson for the Curt Bergfors Foundation 
+46 709 7559910

Ambassador Gui Introduces the Positive Results of China’s Epidemic Containment and Mitigation Measures to the Diplomatic Missions in Sweden

Stockholm, Feb. 24(Greenpost)– On 20 February, Dr. Andrea Ammon, Director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), held a briefing for the diplomatic missions in Sweden at the Center to introduce the new developments of COVID-19 and the close exchange and cooperation between the ECDC and the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. She also recommended that the missions keep in contact with the ECDC and obtain objective information from the Center’s website. Ambassador Gui Congyou attended the briefing together with diplomatic envoys of more than 30 Embassies in Sweden, including Italian, Croatian, Austrian, Lebanese, and Bulgarian Embassies.

Ambassador Gui expressed his appreciation for the ECDC and Dr. Andrea Ammon for their professionalism in presenting the developments of COVID-19 in an objective way, which helps prevent spread of rumor and panic.

Ambassador Gui said that after the outbreak of COVID-19, our Embassy was instructed by the Chinese Government to maintain close communication with relevant departments of the Swedish Government and experts and provide updates in a timely manner. Some Swedish experts told me that there is no need to panic since an epidemic can occur in any country or region, and what is crucial is to make all-out efforts to prevent and control it. The Communist Party of China and Chinese Government have taken stringent measures above what is required by WHO standards and the International Health Regulations, and implemented the national joint prevention and control mechanism, which have generated positive results. The number of newly confirmed cases in areas other than Hubei Province dropped from more than 800 cases on 3 February to 45 yesterday, decreasing for 16 consecutive days. The daily number of new cases in Hubei Province decreased from more than 2000 to less than 1000. Since 1 February, the number of cured cases has exceeded the number of deaths. These positive changes indicate that China’s prevention and control measures are effective, and that the epidemic is preventable, controllable and curable.

Ambassador Gui said that as experts from various countries are yet to fully figure out the pathogens and modes of transmission of this new type of corona virus, it will still take some time to develop effective medicine and vaccines. The Chinese Government will continue to take stringent containment and mitigation measures. By doing so, we shoulder the responsibility not only for the Chinese people, but also for people around the world.

Ambassador Gui said that China has been maintaining close communication and cooperation with relevant countries and the major disease prevention and control centers all over the world, including the ECDC, in the principle of openness and transparency. The epidemic is a challenge not only to China’s public health security, but also to the international public health security. We hope that all countries will strengthen solidarity, follow WHO recommendations, avoid overreactions and maintain normal people-to-people and trade exchanges, to jointly overcome the epidemic.

The diplomatic envoys gave their thanks to Ambassador Gui for his introduction, applauded China’s great efforts and sacrifices to contain and mitigate the epidemic, and expressed the confidence that China can overcome the epidemic at an early time.

Turning point against COVID-19 has not come yet, says China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Feb. 22(Greenpost) — Today a news was spreading around the wechat circle. That was Academician Zhong Nanshan smiled. Dr. Zhong was considered as a hero in anti-SARS campaign in 2003 because he was one of the first who declared this was a serious epidemic and caused attention from the government.

Dr. Zhong Nanshan Smiles

Donations from Swedish Chinese and Chinese business to send out

This time Dr. Zhong was also the most authoritative voice saying that the corona virus could spread from person to person and at a faster speed.

When he was interviewed before, he was very serious and looked a bit tired and stressed. He almost cried when he was interviewed for the first time when he mentioned that Wuhan people sang the national song through the windows in the evening after the order was issued that Wuhan city was closed and all the people should stay at home.

Donations from Sweden received.

It was indeed very moving and respectful for Wuhan people because in front of the sudden attack of the virus and the determined order of closing a city which has a population of 14 million. It was not an easy decision because even after the decision, Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xingwang was still saying that this was historic and if anything wrong with it, he would like to shoulder the responsibility.

Some people thought he should have closed Wuhan even earlier, but it is indeed understandable that the decision needed scientific evaluation which took time and efforts.

Dr. Li Wenliang was infected.

Dr. Zhong was 84 years old and he was very respectful. Both leaders and people really listen to him and thus a lot of notices were issued or advised with his name. But when mentioned Dr. Li Wenliang who first issued the news in his Wechat circle among friends and colleagues but got infected and died at age of 34, Dr. Zhong said Li was a hero and he should be respected too. At that moment, tears also sheded from his eyes.

But yesterday at a press conference in Guangzhou, he took off his mask and smiled. This smile implied a relief that the COVID-19 had been under control. The newly infected cases have decreased for a consecutive 16 days outside Hubei province. He did not say the turning point has come. He said Wuhan is still the heavily infected area. But the trend is in positive direction.

According to news from CDC China the newly diagnosed cases reached to 397 while the new death cases reached to 109 with accumulated cases reaching to 76288 and death toll 2345 and recovered cases 20659. Recovered number goes beyond 20 thousand.

Yesterday they also lifted observation for 26441 people. Accumulated close contacts were 618915 people and 113564 of them are still on observation.

Hubei has 366 newly diagnosed infected cases while 1767 cases were recovered yesterday. 106 people including 90 from Wuhan died. Total death accumulated to 2345 people.

47647 people in Hubei have been identified as infected and Hubei’s beds in hospital also almost reached 40 thousand. Thus those who are in need can possibly get a bed. 10892 people are severely infected. 13557 people have recovered and left hospital so far in Hubei province.

During the campaign against the COVID-19, Chinese medicine exerted a great role. Dr. Zhong Nanshan said Chinese medicine can exert a role in alleviating the symptom.

Many Chinese medicine doctors used many kinds of herbal medicine to clear the lung and improve the immune system so that the patients can have more strength to fight against the virus.

The theory is that Chinese medicine is used to improve patients’ immune systems while the western medicine theory is to combat the virus and reduce infections but the side effect is very serious.

Chinese medicine doctors even teach the patients to play Baduanjin, a kind of Taiji exercise. They treat each patient with personal treatment and the result was quite good. The Chinese medicine is used to treat the light infected patients and prevented them from getting worse.

China’s control of the COVID-19 is seen as effective because it avoided large scale infection around the world. By closing down the big city and controlling spread of virus, many people believe this could only be done in China under the leadership of the CPC. Chinese government under the leadership of President Xi and CPC have taken stronger measures to control the spreading with the leading role played by respected doctors and nurses and party members.

China has exerted its advantage and tradition of helping each other among all provinces, for example 16 provinces provided help with their capacity to Hubei province and overseas Chinese also gave donations of masks from the beginning to Hubei provinces hospitals. Two years ago when I was in Xinjiang, they said they were grateful for 19 brotherly provinces to support them. Now when Hubei suffers from COVID-19, sister areas in Xinjiang donated a lot of apples to Hubei showing the Chinese culture of helping each other when in need.

It is worthwhile to mention that there was one city in Hubei province closed its city a week earlier and the infection was substantially reduced. Sichuan province and Henan Province were also very strict in preventing the virus from spreading and very effective.

Zhejiang province got second most infections since it has close relations with Hubei province. But Zhejiang province took even more strict measures in controlling the spreading of the virus and put it under control sooner.

Zhang Jixian who found 7 cases and reported to CDC first.

So far, many provinces have resumed production and workers in western China were sent back to eastern regions with chartered airplanes or chartered fast trains since the traffic became rare during the Chinese Spring Festival.

Many Chinese said this spring festival was very special, but it was also normal because this year all the families must stay at home and children don’t need to go back to school so soon.

Many feel panic and worried while many others use the chance to study or do something more interesting in addition to dance and exercise at home.

With Wechat, people can share information and encourage each other or help each other.

Chinese humor also appeared during the anti virus campaign. For example love was sent through the message and the answer can be “lets not meet now.”

One of humor was very interesting and here I translated it as the following:

Wuhan has made eight contributions to the world:

  1. Hong Kong demonstrators stopped demonstration.
  2. Macaos casino was closed for the first time in history.
  3. 60 weeks demonstration in France stopped due to a woman from Wuhan arriving there.
  4. Middle East war fairs are somewhat decreasing.
  5. All the outside school courses have stopped. Education ministry could not stop it, but Wuhan did it.
  6. The large scale eating and drinking life style stopped overnight. Even Chinese disciplinary committee could not stop it before.
  7. Most of the Chinese families became united and harmonious because the husband and wife have to be at home day and night.
  8. During these days, even the thieves stopped stealing because if they go to the street, there are no people and if they visit homes, all family members are there.

In addition, writers, artists and educators are also working at home. Many teachers began online teaching or live broadcast. Many home business started and many innovative ideas came out and actions taken at home with internet.

During the campaign, postmen were very busy and they job quardruppled. Many restaurants were severely affected, but the fast food somewhat better survived.

During the first week people relied on their stored food for the week long spring festival. But after two weeks, people have to go out to buy food and in some area, the practice was that every three days one family can send out one person to buy all the groceries.

The market supply is still there and many provinces donated things they have such as vegetables, apples, cabbage and rice. At beginning, Wuhan gave the vegetables to the market, but after the donor questioned about it, people stopped that action, but it also appeared that the vegetables got rotten because short of personnel to deliver it. Thus, I think it is not a bad idea to send these vegetables to the market sellers either donate or with low cost. Because it is hard for the Red Cross to redistribute these vegetables to every family or hospital or other units. Let market function is not a bad idea.

During the first week, it was somewhat panic because all over the world, the overseas Chinese said they donated goods, but due to the closedown of traffic and many countries stopped airlines, it took longer time for the good to arrive in Wuhan or Hubei, some took two or three weeks.

Due to the panic mentality, there have been some episodes of the news or communication driven by social media to lead to people’s sadness such as Dr. Li Wenliang’s death, the poetic and friendship words on donation packages from Japan aroused a big discussion. Some people said the Japanese are more educated than Chinese who only know to say Cheer up Hubei, Wuhan, or God Bless China. But as more patients were cured and more hospitals were built, the desperate mentality has been cured.

Huoshenshan Hospital was built with 10 days showing Chinese speed.

At the very beginning, China also stunned the world by building a Huoshenshan hospital and a Leishenshan hospital by about ten days. Huoshenshan means God of fire mountain and Leishenshan means God of thunder mountain. The hope is that the fire and thunder will definitely kill the virus with their power or magic working like holy spirits.

In addition to two new hospitals, many Noah Ark like hospitals were also built to host more than 40 thousand patients infected by COVID-19.

It seemed to me that in China, with the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and its 89 million party members, the government gives orders, the enterprises cooperate in keeping supply lines and the society echoed all the calls. So the government, enterprises and society united much better than normal times in front of the disasters.

In this sense, I would like to give the credit to the party members because while in dangerous situation, it was always the party members should step forward and face the danger first.

For example, during this anti virus campaign, over 30 thousand doctors and nurses voluntarily answered the call and went to Wuhan to work in those new hospitals. Most of them are party members and many of them who are not would like to join the party on site. This spirit was really moving.

According to reports, due to the uncertainty before the closedown of Wuhan and later with overload of work and stress, by February 11, 3019 doctors and nurses were infected by COVID-19 virus and 1716 cases were confirmed. Among them, 1502 cases were from Hubei province.

During this campaign, nine doctors including two professor doctors, one hospital president died at work. They have become a martyr for us all.

Yesterday I watched the Oct. 18 201 event simulation meeting organized by Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, World Economic Forum and Bill and Melanda Gates Foundation which discussed a lot about how to deal with such kind of serious virus epidemic or pandemic. This show actually caused a lot of conspiracy views which thought America has known this. But I think the discussion mainly focuses on a scenario that the government and business are difficult to form a partnership and the individualism ideas make people difficult to follow the information or guidance.

Indeed there were many rumours and fake news coming out mainly from anti China chinese in America. For example they smear the Wuhan P4 lab for leaking the virus. But as I interviewed Professor Duan from Karolinska Hospital, it is impossible to a P4 lab to leak anything out. It is a very scientifically built lab which has negative pressure which guarantee for the security. As for the scientists, it is also impossible for scientists to have such a low level ethics or break their ethical bottom line.

Some Chinese in America who suffered a setback during Chinas anti corruption campaign or Falungong related people, they only spread their hatrad, presumptions or fabrications plus their imaginations.

It is not difficult to imagine that Chinese hospitals would be extremely busy even during the normal time, let alone under the current situation.

In my opinion, Chinese system is actually functioning well because it is more centralized and the government answered the call of the people quickly and whole heartedly. Under the principle of putting the people’s lives in the center, Chinese economy is definitely affected.

But I think just because it is Spring Festival time, many production stopped anyway, the most damaged industry is tourism and restaurants and hotels. Thus, this effect is felt not only in China, but also many other countries including nordic countries such as Sweden and Finland.

Now since the virus is somewhat under control, it was reported that about 95 percent of production business began to resume.

For example, workers from Xinjiang were sent to Hunan by chartered airplanes with preventive measures. Slowly workers are on the working places now. So far only the students are still at home to enjoy their holidays.

Nowadays schools open earlier than 30 years ago when I was at university. Then the opening of schools was on March first. Nowadays it was usually after the Spring Festival holiday. Due to COVID-19, students can relax a little bit.

Finally about the COVID-19, it is a new kind of virus which was similar to SARS or MERs but not as deadly as those, but it spread faster. It can also spread to other people before you really have symptoms such as coughing, fever and fatigue. Those who are over 80 years old, the infection rate is 14.8%. The younger people are less likely infected. Those who died are mostly having other diseases such as cardiological problems, diabetes and high blood pressure.

The main prevention method is to isolate yourself, often wash your hand, don’t touch your face. It can spread by sneeze or spit. So Dr. Zhong adviced people to even pay attention to your shoes. Try to avoid stepping on any spit.

Where in the world comes the virus from?

So far it is still not clear where the virus comes from. According to early first seven cases, four persons came from a seafood and wildlife trading market, but three others didn’t come from there. The latest research from Yunnan branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that the virus does not come from that market because their samples show that it is the same as the other three.

Some people suspect that this virus might be the same as the American flu, or another version of the American flu.

But to be honest, no one knows where and when exactly it came from. It can be estimated that the very first spreading of the virus can be on November 27th. Someone said it might start on mid October, but due to the favorable climate, it didn’t break then. Due to the shrewdness of the virus, it can have longer incubation period of 24 days.

Maybe the cold and wet weather in Wuhan just provides the bed for the virus, it is hard to say. We have to wait and see how the scientists and researchers find out through autopsy and sample studies.

Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson. Photos from web.

短评:诬蔑抹黑中国新疆反恐工作当休矣 Comment: Stop Slandering and Smearing China

据中新社北京2月20日电 题:诬蔑抹黑中国新疆反恐工作当休矣
  中新社记者 陈小愿

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said yesterday that some organizations and media attempted to slander and smear Xinjiang’s anti terrorism action and that attempt will be doomed to failure.

He said it was the same trick as what happened with New York Times last November. It is not difficult to see that a new wave of anti China and anti Xinjiang reports have been published.

But when China published two English TV documentary about Xinjiang, the western media immediately became silent.

Geng Shuang said Xinjiang’s anti terrorism education was necessary and the work was done very effectively. Facts show that since the beginning of the education, there has been no terrorist attack or bombing any more for three consecutive years.

Xinjiang now enjoys peace and development. Tourism has replaced terrorism and people’s wellbeing have been substantially improved. Greenpost reporter has been invited to visit Xinjiang in August 2018 and a series of reports have been published. If you click Xinjiang, you will find my story. (translated and edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson)

疫情下的中国民间丧事:从简、安静、“疫”后再别 Funerals to be held after the end of the Coronavirus

据中新社昆明2月18日电 题:疫情下的中国民间丧事:从简、安静、“疫”后再别
  作者 缪超

Writer Miao Chao Kunming, China News Agency. Translator and Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Wangke’s mother’s mother died recently at the age of 80 years old in Kunming Yunnan province. With such a senior age, it was considered a good thing. So children usually gave her a grand celebration of a week by providing over 400 people including relatives, villagers, neighbours, friends and many others. This was called decent funeral.

But currently due to the campaign against the coronavirus, people are not recommended to gather together. The elderly got liver problem and stormack cancer. Without any good solution, they decided to take her back to die at home so that relatives can see her before and after her death.

So her four sons and daughters decided to say goodbye with traditional way later after the end of the virus. Now the ceremony is very simple just asking the truck from cremation place to carry the kofin to the destination. This decision was in discussion with the old lady and she understood that her children will hold the ceremony after the end of the virus.

This story shows that in rural China a lot of traditions are still kept and practiced. Good or bad, sometimes the funerals can become too much for the living people.


抗疫不误农时 新疆大棚蔬菜“错峰”生产 Xinjiang begins to grow vegetables

据中新社乌鲁木齐2月18日电 题:抗疫不误农时  新疆大棚蔬菜“错峰”生产
  作者 孙亭文 马晶 王燕杰

Xinjiang is an important agricultural region and hometown of melons and fruits. As the spring season is coming, Xinjiang farmers have began to grow vegetables in the green houses and grow water melons and honey melons in the field while being careful in fighting against the new virus.

Turdi. Ahemaiti said he has about one acre land and he will try to grow three times of vegetables such as tomatoes, Pepper, Lotus White and potatoes. In 2019, his pepper and tomatoes earned 8000 yuan or about 1200 US dollars. He said the virus that broke out in Wuhan didn’t affect him to grow vegetables. “The villige head taught us how to protect ourselves by arranging different times to work in the green house to avoid working together. It is hopeful that the vegetables can go to the market by mid May. I hope this year the income will be a little bit higher. “


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅在柏林接受路透社专访,就抗疫,中美关系,中欧关系,气候变化等多个问题回答了记者的提问。可以说,王毅外长的回答就是中国外交政策的宣言。下面是访谈实录:

王毅:这场疫情突如其来,确实给中国和世界带来了一次严峻挑战。但在习近平主席领导下,中国政府和人民经受住了考验,用自己的努力甚至牺牲赢得了国际社会的尊重和认可。This sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP, or COVID-19) is a severe challenge to China and the world at large. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government and people have withstood the test and won the respect and recognition of the international community with their efforts and even sacrifice.
疫情发生后,中国政府第一时间建立举国体制,汇集全国资源,采取了最全面、最严格、最彻底的措施迎击疫情,其中很多措施都超出了国际卫生条例的要求和世界卫生组织的建议。After the outbreak, the Chinese government immediately set up a nationwide mechanism to mobilize resources from across the country. We have taken the most comprehensive, stringent and thorough prevention and control measures, many of which are well beyond what is required by the International Health Regulations and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).
我们以中国速度日以继夜抢救每一位患者的生命,用中国力量众志成城阻止疫情的进一步蔓延。经过艰苦努力,疫情总体上得到了控制。湖北以外地区确诊病例数量连续11天下降,下降幅度超过50%,治愈人数快速上升,已经有近7000位患者康复出院,全国病亡率控制在2.2%左右,如果不算湖北则在0.49%。With the Chinese speed, we are working day and night to save the life of every patient. With the Chinese strength, we are united as one to contain the further spread of the epidemic. Through these arduous efforts, the epidemic is generally under control. For example, outside Hubei, the number of confirmed cases has been declining for 11 consecutive days across China. That is a cumulative drop of over 50 percent. There is a rapid increase in the cure rate, and nearly 7,000 people have recovered and been discharged from hospital. The case fatality rate is about 2.2 percent nationwide and just 0.49 percent outside Hubei.
这些事实和数据充分说明,中国采取的果断措施是正确和有效的,这次疫情总体上也是可控和可治的。正如习近平主席指出,我们完全有信心、有能力、也有把握早日战胜疫情。These facts and data show that China’s decisive response is both right and effective, and that by and large, the outbreak is controllable and the disease curable. As President Xi Jinping points out, we have the confidence, capability and determination to prevail over the virus at an early date.
作为一个负责任大国,中国从一开始就采取公开、透明的态度,及时向国际社会通报疫情信息,开展国际合作,努力阻止疫情在全球扩散。截止到现在,在中国境外的确诊病例数量不到总数的1%。中国不仅全力维护了本国人民的生命安全和身体健康,也为全球公共卫生安全做出了贡献,付出了牺牲。世卫组织多次高度赞赏中国的负责任态度,充分肯定中国采取的果断措施,对中国战胜疫情充满信心。As a responsible major country, China has from the start acted in an open and transparent manner in releasing relevant information to the world and seeking international cooperation to prevent the spread of the epidemic worldwide. To date, the number of confirmed cases outside China is less than one percent of the total. We are not only doing our very best to ensure the life, safety and health of the Chinese people, but also making contribution and sacrifice for global public health. WHO has on multiple occasions commended China for its responsible actions, speaking highly of China’s decisive response and expressing confidence that China will overcome this epidemic.

Virus respects no borders. It requires a collective response from the international community. To date, leaders of over 160 countries and international organizations have expressed their sympathy and support through telegrams or letters. The governments and peoples of several dozen countries are lending a helping hand, and we are truly grateful for these acts of kindness.
一些国家采取了加强检测的措施,有其合理之处。但也有一些国家反应过度,引发不必要的恐慌,也不符合世卫组织的建议。我相信,随着疫情得到进一步控制,这些国家也会思考放宽限制。毕竟国与国之间需要开展正常的交往与合作。In our view, the enhanced inspection measures taken by some countries are reasonable but some other countries have overreacted. Their overreaction has caused unnecessary panic and is not consistent with the WHO recommendations. I believe as the epidemic is gradually brought under control, these countries may consider relaxing the restrictions. At the end of the day, normal exchanges and cooperation among countries must be maintained.
中国有句话,“烈火炼真金”。我们相信,经过这场疫情考验,中国人民将会更加坚强团结,中国经济将更加稳健可持续,全体中国人民会以更坚实步伐,实现全面小康,迈向现代化进程。There is a Chinese saying: True gold can stand the test of fire. I’m sure that emerging from this test, the Chinese people will become more resilient and united and the Chinese economy will achieve more solid and sustainable growth. The Chinese people will continue to march confidently toward the goal of establishing a society of moderate prosperity in all respects and embark on a new journey of modernization.
中国还有一句话叫做“患难见真情”。在共同抗击疫情的斗争中,中国同各国之间的友谊和信任将得到加强和深化。各国都会意识到,我们身处一个地球村,国与国的命运已经紧密地联系在一起。There’s another Chinese saying, “Adversity reveals true friendship.” As China battles the disease together with the world, its friendship and trust with other countries will be strengthened and deepened. Countries will realize that they live in a global village, with their future interconnected like never before.

王毅:这次疫情是由一个新型病毒导致的,自然有一个认识和鉴定的过程。实际上每次世界上发生疫情,各国政府作出最终决定前,都必须经过认真和反复论证,这是一种负责任的态度。Well, this is a new virus. So naturally it takes time for people to gain more understanding and knowledge about it. The same has happened in other countries. If we look at past epidemics, we will see that the government will eventually make decisions based on serious and repeated tests and study. That is how a responsible government deals with it.
中国政府发现病例后,在第一时间采取措施,并向世卫组织作了通报。同时经过认真评估,在很短时间内确定这是新型病毒疫情,迅速建立起覆盖全国的联防联控机制。我们这次采取的措施非常及时,动作非常迅速。这也是世卫组织总干事到中国考察后得出的结论。After individual cases emerged, the Chinese government took prompt actions and informed the WHO at the first opportunity. At the same time, we have made rigorous assessments. In a short period of time, we identified and decided that this is a new virus. Once that decision was made, a nationwide inter-agency task force was quickly put in place. The measures taken by China are timely and swift. This is also the conclusion of the WHO Director-General after his visit to China.

王毅:我并不想列举这些国家的名字,各国都有其自己的考虑和理由。我想大家都看得见,一些国家采取的措施远远超出了世界卫生组织的建议,比如全面关闭人员往来,又如不仅从武汉撤出人员,而且还要从疫情并不严重、只有个别病例的地区撤出人员。我们不会干涉别国的决定,但这些措施是否有利于各国共同应对这场疫情,要划一个大大的问号。I don’t want to single out individual countries. They have their own judgments and reasons. Everybody can see that the measures taken by those countries go far beyond the recommendations of the WHO. For example, measures have been taken to comprehensively stop people-to-people exchanges. And not only people in Wuhan are evacuated, people in regions where there are only isolated cases or where the epidemic is not severe are also pulled out. We do not interfere with the decisions of other countries. However, when these measures are taken, we must see whether they are truly beneficial to a joint response to the epidemic. There is a question mark on it.

王毅:这场疫情防控阻击战,是一场总体战,也是人民战争,每个人都做出努力,每个人都发挥作用。在习近平主席亲自指挥部署下,我们迅速建立了覆盖全国的联防联控机制。在中国960万平方公里土地上,14亿人民团结一致,把疫情防控做得如此彻底、如此全面,这是史无前例的,在很多国家也是难以想像的,但是,中国做到了。This is a comprehensive battle and a people’s war, with every person pitching in and playing a role. President Xi is personally overseeing and guiding the response to the epidemic. We quickly set up a national framework of epidemic control on this land of 9.6 million square kilometers and with 1.4 billion people. We are doing everything we can, leaving no stone unturned, in our efforts to contain and mitigate this epidemic. This is an unprecedented endeavor, which is probably unimaginable in many countries. But China pulled this off.
可能仍会有个别人提出质疑,但绝大多数国家都对此表示了高度赞赏,指出只有在中国,只有在习近平主席领导下,才得以有效管控住这场突如其来而且传播速度相当快的疫情,中国不仅有力维护了本国人民的生命健康,也阻止了疫情向世界的快速扩散。There may be certain questions or challenges to China. Yet the overwhelming majority of countries have expressed their appreciation for what China has been doing. They clearly recognized that only in China and only under the leadership of President Xi can there be such effective measures to put this sudden and fast spreading epidemic under control. What we’re doing is protecting the health of the Chinese people and preventing this epidemic from further spreading to other parts of the world.

我举个例子。中国每年最重要的节日就是春节。习近平主席就是在中国农历新年的第一天,亲自主持召开中共中央政治局常务委员会会议,就应对疫情作出全面部署和动员,由此展开了全国范围内疫情防控阻击战。农历新年第一天召开中央政治局常委会会议,在中国历史上前所未有,这恰恰体现了习近平主席本人对这场疫情的敏锐洞察力和卓越领导力,彰显了一声令下中国强大的动员力。I can give you an example. The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays in China. On the very first day of the Spring Festival holiday, President Xi convened the highest level meeting of the governing body, which is the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Party Committee, to draw up a comprehensive plan on responding to this epidemic, which initiated this nationwide battle against the epidemic. It has never happened before in Chinese history to have the highest level meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau on the first day of the Spring Festival. It shows President Xi’s penetrating grasp of the situation, his outstanding leadership and China’s strong mobilization capability.

王毅:特朗普总统多次公开表态,支持中国抗击疫情,对中国取得胜利展现信心。他还主动给习近平主席打电话,转达他本人对中国的支持。美国社会各界和民间行动起来,向中国捐款、捐物。这些物资正在陆续运到中国武汉。President Trump has, on many occasions, publicly expressed his support to China’s battle against the epidemic and his confidence that China will win the final victory. He called President Xi to convey his personal support to China. And all sectors in the US and the American people have acted to provide assistance to China, including cash and supplies. Those assistance is being delivered to Wuhan in different batches.
我们近日也听到美国政府宣布准备出资1亿美元帮助中国和其他有需要的国家,我们对此表示赞赏。建议美方尽快将这笔资金用在他们认为需要的地方。The latest news is that the US government is prepared to offer US$100 million to help China and other countries in need. We appreciate this goodwill gesture. We suggest that the assistance provided by the US be channeled and delivered as soon as possible to where the US believes are most in need.

王毅:中国是一个重信守诺的国家,只要我们同意的事情,都会说到做到。中美第一阶段经贸协议,是在平等和相互尊重基础上达成的。中方愿同美方共同努力,把这个协议落实好,使其真正有利于中国,有利于美国,有利于整个世界。We the Chinese people always honor our commitments. For whatever promise we have made, we will deliver on that. The phase one trade agreement has been reached between the two sides based on equality and mutual respect. We stand ready to work with the US to implement this agreement, which is good for China, good for the US and good for the world at large.
中国已经准备好。我们的市场足够大,尽管疫情对中国经济带来一些暂时的影响,但是疫情过后,积累的消费需求会快速释放,中国经济的动能会强力反弹,市场规模也会持续扩大。我们正在按照自己的时间表和路线图,深入推进改革,扩大开放,实现协议中达成的其他共识,也不存在问题。China is ready for that. The Chinese market is big enough to withstand the impact of the epidemic, which is temporary. When the epidemic is over, the subdued consumer demand will be released rapidly, the dynamism of China’s economy will rebound strongly, and the market will continue to grow. We are advancing reform and opening up according to our own timetable and roadmap. There is no problem on the implementation of other aspects of the agreement.
现在出现的一个新情况是,由于美方全面限制中美人员往来,客观上会对履行协议带来一些困难。我希望美方能思考这个问题,怎么在继续防范疫情的前提下,尊重世卫组织提出的建议,不采取不必要的贸易和人员限制,克服可能会对履行协议带来的不便。双方应共同努力,把协议执行好。中国会履行我们做出的承诺,美方也应履行好他们在第一阶段协议中对中方做出的承诺。I do see one issue that is happening. Given the US’ highest-level travel advisory against China, practically that will bring about some challenges to the implementation of the agreement. We hope the US could think about this. While fighting the epidemic, what it could do to respect WHO’s professional advice and refrain from taking unnecessary trade and travel restrictions in order to overcome the challenges to the implementation of this agreement. As long as the two sides are working together, I am sure that the implementation will be good. China will keep up its end of the bargain. We hope the US will do the same.

王毅:已经达成的协议为什么要做出调整?第一阶段协议不仅涉及贸易,还包括很多其他领域,比如知识产权、汇率和金融等等。这是一个内容很丰富的协议。Since we have this phase one agreement, I don’t see any need to adjust it. The phase one trade agreement is not only about trade, but also concerns other aspects including IPR protection, exchange rates and financial services. So this is a wide-ranging agreement.
现在应当集中精力把第一阶段协议落实到位,看到实实在在的成果,不仅推动中美两国贸易走向正常和健康轨道,同时也促进全球经济的增长。在此过程中双方可以不断积累和总结经验,之后再考虑第二阶段的问题。我认为这是合情合理的处理办法。What we hope to do at the moment is to concentrate on the implementation of phase one agreement. We want to see real tangible results, and that will not only help bring China-US trade onto the track of sound and healthy development, but also help with global economic growth. While we implement the phase one agreement, we will accumulate experience, look back at the experience, and then we can proceed to see how we will enter into phase two trade talks. That would be a workable approach.

王毅:我们不知道美国这个超级大国为什么要动员国家力量,甚至调动其所有盟友来无端打压一家中国企业。华为是百分之百的民营企业,是靠自己的汗水、智慧,凭借市场竞争发展起来的。美国如此打压恐怕只有一个理由,就是华为发展得太好了。但美国企业可以发展得很好,为什么中国企业就不能凭借自身努力发展得好一些?美国为何不能接受别的国家的企业也能够在经济、科技方面崭露头角?We cannot understand why the United States, a superpower, is employing its state power and mobilizing its allies to attack Huawei, which is a private company. Huawei is a one-hundred-percent private business. It has developed itself in market competition, relying on its own diligence, hard work and wisdom. The only reason that the United States is doing that is maybe Huawei is doing too well. The US companies can excel and succeed, but why can’t a Chinese company succeed by relying on its own efforts? Why can’t the United States accept other countries’ businesses to excel and perform well in their economy and technology?
恐怕内心有一种阴暗的心理,就是不希望看到别的国家发展起来,不希望看到别国的企业也能够做大做强。美方甚至通过编造谣言来诋毁别国企业,总是说华为有后门,损害了美国安全,但是到现在为止,也没有拿出任何实实在在的证据。I’m afraid that the United States has its own dark intentions sometimes. It doesn’t want to see other countries develop. It doesn’t want to see other countries’ businesses grow and succeed. It has been spreading rumors to smear other countries’ businesses. The United States has been claiming that Huawei products have the backdoor that will undermine US national security. But so far it hasn’t produced any credible evidence.
从维基解密和斯诺登事件可以看出,反而是其他通讯企业在做这些事情。华为已经正式、公开地向世界宣示,愿意同任何国家和组织签署无后门协议,通过法律约束力来证明自己的清白和透明。这难道还不够吗?还要继续打压华为吗?这种做法不仅没有道理,甚至是不道德的。As we can see from Wikileaks and the Snowden incident, it is other telecom companies that are doing these things. Huawei has publicly pledged that they could sign no-backdoor agreement with any government and organization if they so wish. Huawei wants to clear its name and show its transparency in this legal form. Isn’t that enough? Why is there still the attempt to attack this company? It doesn’t make sense. And it is immoral.

Fortunately, many countries, including the UK and Germany, have not been misled by this rumor. While they are doing their best to ensure the security of their telecommunication infrastructure, they are trying to provide a level playing field for businesses of other countries, including Huawei. I believe this is a practice consistent with market rules. These countries are making the sensible and right decision as independent sovereign states.

王毅:所谓文明冲突的说法是一个伪命题。人类社会已经进入21世纪,人类文明也已经发展到很高程度,如果现在还鼓吹甚至制造文明冲突,就是开历史的倒车。The so-called clash of civilizations is a false argument. We are already in the 21st century and the human civilization is quite advanced. If anyone is trying to clamor for or even to create the clash of civilizations, he is trying to reverse the wheels of history.
中国历来主张,文明没有高低优劣之分,各种文明都建立在自身深厚的历史人文积淀中,都有其独特的价值。这个世界本来就是丰富多彩的,不同文明应该相互尊重、互学互鉴,共同推动人类进步和发展。We advocate that all civilizations are equal and no one is superior to others. All civilizations are grounded in the unique history and culture of that particular country, and each civilization has its own unique values. The world is a diverse and colorful place. What we call for is mutual respect and mutual learning among different civilizations and joint efforts to seek common progress.
鼓吹“文明冲突论”的人,心灵深处恐怕残留着某种西方文明优越论的潜意识。他们看来没有准备好,也不想接受任何一个非西方国家的发展和振兴。但这是不公平的。任何国家都是平等的,都有发展的权利。西方国家已经先发展起来了,其他国家也要加快发展,这是我们应有的权利。只有所有国家都发展起来,我们这个世界才能够实现繁荣稳定,我们才能共同建设好人类共同居住的这个地球村。For those who clamored for clash of civilizations, subconsciously they still believe in the superiority of Western civilizations. They are not prepared to accept the development and revitalization of non-Western civilizations. This is not fair, because all countries are equal and all countries are entitled to develop. Western countries have developed already and other countries also need faster development. This is our integral right. We believe that only when all countries enjoy development, can our world be a prosperous and stable one, and can we live in peace in this global village and on this planet that we call home.

王毅:美国的制度和模式,是美国人民的选择,我们从不干涉美国的内政。同时,中国特色社会主义制度,是中国人民的选择,并且已经在中国大地上取得巨大成功,美方也应尊重中国人民的这一选择。The US system and model are the choices of the American people. We do not intervene in the internal affairs of the US. By the same token, socialism with Chinese characteristics is the choice of the Chinese people, and it has already been proved hugely successful in China. The United States should also respect this choice made by the Chinese people.

For countries with different systems, as long as they observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, particularly the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, and respect countries’ sovereignty, there won’t be any threat to anyone. For China, we stand ready to work with the United States on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to build and grow this long-term and stable relationship of peace and friendship. That is our set policy. However, the United States is doing the opposite. It has been upping its pressure on China, and it has been blaming and bashing China, and the facts are clear for everyone to see.

For example, China’s National People’s Congress has never introduced any bill on the internal affairs of the United States. However, the US Congress has reviewed and adopted one bill after another that blatantly interferes in China’s internal affairs. China has never sent its military vessels and aircraft to the neighborhood of the United States to flex muscles, yet the US naval ships and airplanes have been flexing muscles at China’s doorsteps. China has never sanctioned any US businesses. On the contrary, we welcome US businesses to invest in China, and we have provided them with a sound business environment. However, the United States has tried every opportunity and means to suppress Chinese companies. It has introduced unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies by exercising long-arm jurisdiction, and tried to limit China’s development rights. So talking about threat, it is not that China is threatening the US, but the US is threatening China. And the issue is how to address the US threat to China.


王毅:如果说美国为中国以及其他国家依赖美国在中东提供安全保障,我想很多中东国家都不会认可这种说法。Well I’m afraid that many countries in the Middle East would not agree that the United States is providing security guarantee for China and countries in the region.

Think about this: In the past decades, how many wars has the US started in the Middle East? How much damage and devastation has it brought to the people of the region? Is the US providing security guarantee in the Middle East? What the US has been doing is not bringing stability and development to the Middle East, but rather endless turbulence and persistent poverty. In addition, the United States is taking actions out of its own interests, which has not benefited countries in the Middle East.
我认为,国与国之间建立起相互信任,同时通过互利合作形成利益融合,这才是长久也是可靠的安全保障,而不是仅仅依靠军事力量的威慑。In our view, the most enduring and reliable security guarantee would be for countries to build mutual trust and align their interests through mutually beneficial cooperation. Security guarantee just cannot be achieved only with military power.
就地区安全而言,中方根据联合国决议以及中东地区国家愿望,一直在努力为中东的安全稳定作出贡献。比如,中方向中东派出了1800位维和人员,遍布地区各国;中方已经坚持十多年在亚丁湾护航,保护所有过往亚丁湾的各国船舶;我们还同中东国家举办中东安全论坛,提议摆脱陈旧的冷战思维,探讨打造共同、综合、合作、可持续的新安全框架。中方将会继续为促进中东的和平、安全与发展发挥建设性作用。Responding to the call of the United Nations and based on the will of countries in the region, China has been working to contribute to the security in the Middle East. For example, we have sent over 1,800 peacekeepers to the Middle East in every corner of the region. Our naval vessels have been conducting escort missions in the Gulf of Aden for over a decade, protecting ships of all countries passing that body of water. We have also initiated a Middle East Security Forum with regional countries, calling on countries to reject the old-fashioned cold-war mentality and put in place a new security architecture that underpins common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. Going forward, we will continue to play a constructive role in promoting peace, security and development in the Middle East.

王毅:中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,我们的工业化进程还没有完成,需要加快发展进程,让中国人民也能够过上更加美好的生活。同时,我们意识到中国作为一个大国,应该承担应尽的国际责任和义务。China is the world’s largest developing country, and our industrialization process is still ongoing. We need to develop faster to make life even better for the Chinese people. At the same time, we do realize that as a major country, we must shoulder our due international responsibilities and obligations.
因此,中国积极参与了巴黎协定谈判,在谈判最关键的时候,为促成最终达成巴黎协定发挥了重要作用。中方既然签署了,就一定会履行承诺,百分之百地完成我们向世界宣布的减排目标。Therefore, China took an active part in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement, and played a major role in securing the final agreement at the most critical moment of the negotiation. About the Paris Agreement, since we have signed it, we will implement it 100 percent. We have announced to the whole world our emission reduction targets, and we intend to meet these targets.
同时,我们已经确定了新的发展理念,追求绿色、环保、可持续的发展,也就是说改变过去只追求GDP的增长速度,而是寻求实现更高质量的发展。For China’s own development, we have been shifting to a new philosophy. We want to seek green, environmentally-friendly and sustainable development. In the past, the attention was paid to high GDP growth, but now we focus on achieving high-quality development.
中方愿同国际社会一道,排除各种困难干扰,继续推进落实巴黎协定。今年,中方将主办生物多样性公约缔约方大会。我们愿为会议成功作出自己的贡献。同时我们也将同法国等志同道合的国家一道,为推进全球应对气候变化发挥作用。China will continue to work with the international community to overcome all challenges and difficulties to ensure that the Paris Agreement will be implemented. This year, China is going to host the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and we will make our own contributions to ensure its success. We will also work with other like-minded countries like France to contribute to the global fight against climate change.

王毅:中国是一个负责任的国家,既然说了,就会做到。我们不会像有些国家那样,说得好听,但实际上做不到。比如应对气候变化基金,发达国家承诺每年向发展中国家提供1000亿美元,但是到现在还没有实现。China is a responsible country; we will match our words with concrete deeds. Unlike other countries, they may talk a lot but they don’t deliver. For example, in terms of climate change fund, for developed countries, they pledged to provide US$100 billion annually to developing countries. But so far they haven’t done that.
中方不需要说很多大话,去赢得所谓赞誉。我们准备踏实实地把承诺的事情做好。如果一个14亿人口的大国履行好减排承诺,那本身就是对世界的最大贡献,也是对人类发展的最大贡献。Rather than talking big and fishing for praise, we will take concrete measures to deliver our commitments. China has 1.4 billion people. If we can meet our target in emissions reduction, that in itself would be the biggest contribution to the world and to the development of humanity.

To give you some examples, in terms of the emission intensity of China’s GDP, we have met the target every year ahead of schedule. In terms of new energy vehicles, we have over 50 percent of the world’s total. And China has about one third of installed capacity of the world’s renewable energy. So China has taken solid steps to fight climate change. We are not making big statements, but we are making a big difference with concrete measures. And we are contributing our share to the international response to climate change.

王毅:这是一个很具体的问题。昨天我同德国外长马斯专门就此进行了讨论。我们注意到新一届欧盟机构提出“绿色新政”,雄心勃勃,要赶超时代发展潮流。欧盟国家都是发达国家,有必要也有能力在全球绿色发展上发挥更加重要的示范作用。This is a specific issue. I discussed it with German Foreign Minister Maas yesterday. We have noticed that the new EU institution has introduced this ambitious green deal. Indeed, this is what we need given the current trend of the world. The EU is mainly composed of developed countries, so it must and can play a more important exemplary role in implementing green development in the world.

At the same time, China is promoting green and sustainable development at home. We have made it a state policy. For example, the BRI is designed to pursue green development and we have introduced a lot of policies and measures for this purpose.

今年预定举行的中欧峰会议题很多,我们首先要共同发出维护多边主义、维护自由贸易、维护国际法权威和国际公平正义的声音,共同应对当前国际社会面临的各种风险挑战。同时中方也愿意同欧盟探讨在绿色经济方面加强互利合作。在这一问题上,中欧优势互补。欧盟有绿色发展的技术,中国有巨大的绿色产品市场,欧洲设备可以在中国市场上发挥应有作用。我们还可以探讨建立中欧绿色伙伴关系。我认为这会得到大多数欧洲国家的支持。There will be a packed agenda during this year’s summit. China and the EU should send out a joint message to support multilateralism, free trade, the authority of international law, international fairness and justice, and work together to address the risks and challenges confronting the international community. Meanwhile, we are ready to work with the EU to explore mutually beneficial cooperation on green economy. In this area, we each have our comparative advantages. The EU has the technologies and know-how on green development, while China has a huge market for green products. We believe that European equipment can play its role in China. We can also explore the possibility of a China-EU green partnership. I believe most countries in Europe will support this initiative.



Well, there is a long list of evidence. Anyone who sees what is happening on the streets of Hong Kong will arrive at the right conclusion.比如,一些西方国家的外交人员,包括一些非政府组织,频繁跟那些街头暴力分子会见,给他们撑腰打气。再比如,一些西方势力不仅不批评那些严重违法犯罪分子,反而指责依法执法的香港警察,企图摧毁香港的法治。还有些国家的议会甚至通过了干涉香港内部事务的法案。这些不都是事实吗?不容抵赖。As we have seen, diplomatic personnel and NGOs of some Western countries have had many meetings with the rioters to embolden them. And instead of criticizing the law-breaking activities of some radicals, they are criticizing the police in Hong Kong for performing their duties according to law, with the aim of compromising the rule of law in Hong Kong. The legislatures of some countries have even introduced bills that interfere in Hong Kong’s internal affairs. These are all clear facts that cannot be denied.
这些以双重标准干涉中国香港内部事务的做法实际上并没有得逞。香港形势目前正在逐渐恢复稳定,香港的法治也在重新走上正轨,“一国两制”方针将会继续坚定贯彻执行。香港绝大多数同胞都会意识到,“一国两制”才是香港长期繁荣稳定的最重要保障。Such double standards and practices trying to interfere in the internal affairs of China’s Hong Kong have not succeeded. The situation in Hong Kong is gradually improved and law and order is being restored. And “one country, two systems” will continue to be implemented resolutely. The majority of people in Hong Kong have realized that “one country, two systems” is the most important guarantee for Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability.


Hong Kong is part of China. The “one country, two systems” is established by the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR. So everything must be done in accordance with the law. Some young people in Hong Kong have been misled. They have even waved the flags of foreign countries, imagining themselves as citizens of certain countries and hoping that foreign countries will come and rescue them. By doing that, they have completely betrayed their own roots and forgotten the identity of themselves as Chinese. This is disgraceful. They do not represent the majority of people in Hong Kong.

王毅:这恰恰再次证明有一些外部势力唯恐香港不乱。他们千方百计想搞乱香港,进而影响甚至干扰中国的整体发展。为此无所不用其极,频繁制造街头暴力,导致香港法治受到严重损害。但这一现象是暂时的,不可能长久。在香港同胞自身努力下,在中国中央政府支持下,香港会很快恢复稳定和法治,大陆和香港之间的经济联系也会更加紧密。It once again shows that some foreign elements are trying whatever they can to stir up trouble in Hong Kong. They want to destabilize Hong Kong in order to hold back and even disrupt the overall development in China. They have exploited every opportunity to bring violence to the streets, which seriously undermines the rule of law in Hong Kong. But these situations are temporary and will not last long. With the effort of the people of Hong Kong and the support from the central government, stability and law and order will soon be restored in Hong Kong. The economic ties between the mainland and Hong Kong will only grow closer and stronger.

The central government has introduced an ambitious economic development initiative, the Greater Bay Area of Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong. With that, we will build another important engine for China’s development. It will provide sustained impetus to Hong Kong’s development and it will also contribute to China’s economy in the long run. Many countries including the UK and the US have major interests in Hong Kong. It therefore serves everyone’s interests to uphold prosperity, stability and the rule of law in Hong Kong.


The issue is not about China’s patience, but about the sincerity of the US and the DPRK to reach out and meet each other halfway.

China’s position has been consistent and clear-cut. We have called for dialogue to achieve denuclearization, and peace and stability of the Peninsula. And in that process, the reasonable and legitimate concerns of the DPRK need to be addressed.
特朗普总统同金正恩委员长在新加坡达成了一个很好的协议。其中有两条重要共识:一是要在半岛建立永久和平机制;二是要实现半岛的完全无核化。中方对此表示支持,因为这两条恰恰是我们多年来希望达成的目标。President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un reached a good agreement during their Singapore meeting, which includes two important common understandings: first, to establish a permanent peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula and second, to achieve full denuclearization. China supports both of them. They are exactly what China has been working for over these many years.
如何实现这两个目标?需要一个切实可行的路线图。中方提出了我们的建议,就是按照“分阶段,同步走”的思路,并行推进并最终同时加以实现。这是中方总结20多年来经验提出的建议,是合情合理的。To achieve these two objectives requires a practicable roadmap. That is why China has put forth a dual-track approach, that is, the US and the DPRK will take phased and synchronized steps to proceed and advance these two processes together, so that the two objectives can be achieved in parallel. This is a reasonable proposal that is based on our experience of dealing with the issue for the past two decades and more.
俄罗斯同中方持有同样立场,韩国也接受了这一建议。据我们了解,美国不少人士,包括处理半岛核问题的一些关键人物,也开始认为要“分阶段,同步走”,但目前美国内似乎还没有形成真正的共识。Russia is on the same page with China and the ROK has come on board as well. We also know that inside the US, many people, including some key figures who have been dealing with the nuclear issue, also see the value of this phased and synchronized approach. However, there is yet to be a real consensus within the US.
我们希望美朝之间能够就路线图尽快达成一致。中方愿为此继续发挥积极作用。我们不能让来之不易的缓和局面再次失去,也不能够让和平的窗口再度关闭。We hope that the US and the DPRK can come to an agreement on the roadmap as early as possible. China is ready to continue to play a positive role for that to be realized. We just cannot afford to let the de-escalation that has been so hard to achieve slip away. We cannot afford to let the window of opportunity for peace be closed again.

王毅:人类社会就是在同各种疾病进行抗争的过程中不断发展起来的。任何国家都会有这样一个过程,中国也不例外。Human society has evolved in the fight against various epidemics. That is the case for all countries and also for China.
病毒今天可能发生在这个国家,明天也许发生在另一个国家,因此,公共卫生安全是国际社会的共同挑战。应该说,中国在这方面已经做得很好了。疫情之后,中方当然会认真总结经验,进一步提高公共卫生水平,包括这方面的能力建设。The epidemic may happen in one country today and it may happen in any other country tomorrow. Public health security is therefore a common challenge for the world. But to be fair, China has done a good job so far in responding to the epidemic. When the epidemic is over, we will of course look back and summarize experiences to see what can be done to improve the public health services in China, including our capacity.
同时,我们也会帮助世界上其他卫生系统脆弱的国家提升能力。中国同非洲正在开展八大合作计划,其中就有公共卫生合作计划。中方将继续同非洲国家开展卫生领域合作,就像当年我们挺身而出帮助非洲国家抗击埃博拉疫情一样。As we improve ourselves, we will also help with the capacity building of other countries that are still weak in public health system. For example, we have introduced the eight major initiatives for China’s cooperation with Africa, one of which focuses exactly on public health. So we will continue to promote public health cooperation with countries in Africa, just like what we did to help during the Ebola outbreak.
其他国家同样如此。美国2009年发生的甲型H1N1流感造成了很大损害,影响到214个国家和地区。美方也需要认真总结经验,吸取教训。总之,公共卫生是个国际社会共同面对的课题,需要各国加强合作,形成合力。Other countries also have a part to play in this regard. When the H1N1 flu started in the United States in 2009, the virus also caused serious damage, affecting 214 countries and regions in the world. The US also needs to look back and learn from the experiences and lessons. All in all, public health is a common subject for the entire world. We need to work together to combine our strengths.

来源中国外交部网站, 中国日报网站。 编辑陈雪霏